by the governor at Kufa. Hazrat Sa’d was the governor whom Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) recalled to Medina on some minor complaint. But at his death bed Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) desired reinstatement of Hazrat Sa’d (Rad.A) Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) fulfilled his desire and appointed Hazrat Sa’d as the governor of Iraq in the year 26 A.H. There arose a dispute between Hazrat Sa’d and Ibn Mas’ud (Rad.A) who was the treasury officer of Kufa. Ibn Mas’ud complained to the Khalifah. Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) enquired into the matter and found that Hazrat Sa’d was not right, therefore Hazrat Sa’d was again deprived of the governorship and Hazrat Walid bin Uqbah was appointed as the new governor in 30 A.H.,. Hazrat Walicl bin Uqbah was accused of drinking liquor for which he was not only dismissed but was also whipped in accordance with Islamic law. According to some historians. Hazrat Walid bin Uqbah was wrongly accused by seme conspirators but Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) had to punish him because of the evidence given against him. Then Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) appointed Hazrat Sa’d bin al A’s as the governor of Kufa. Again rowdy elements of Kufa plotted against their governor in the year 34 A.H. When Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) received a number of complaints against Sa’d bin al A’s he replaced him by Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari (Rad.A)