793 Science and Medicine Under Shah Abbas Safavid period was, the period of scientific development and new inventions of scientific instrument in many physiological changes and disease and their treatment was recovered the status of physicians during the Safavid period stood as high as ever. In Safavid time, the Hakim Bashi as chief physician was an important official at court. Ibn Sina’s text book of medicine was the complete encyclopedia of medicine. Physiology was still based on medieval and ancient principle of medicine. A wide variety of surgical procedure was performed but pre-operated care was unknown. So emphasis was laid on need for the s’-.rgeon, protect himself against the fiction of all the Islamic sciences of medicine, pharmacy, chemistry, physics, botany were survived. Ibn Tirmuz was a great physician. Hospitals were maintained and prior dispensaries existed for patient. Astrology was major sciences because King, consulted the astrologers for the major decisions. Maulana Muhammad Tahir Yazdi was a great astrologer of Shah Abbas.