Baitul-Mal (Public Treasury) and Administration of Revenue He took care of Bait-ul-Maal in the same way as was done by Hazrat Umar (Rad.A). Or.~c his cousin Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Rad.A) took ten thousand Dirhams from Bait-ul-Maal. When he knew about it. He immediately wrote to Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas to return it and warned him for future. He never allowed his family members to take from the ”Bait-ul-Maal’’ more than what they deserved. Once hazrat Amr Ibn Salamah brought some fat and honey from Isphahan in ”Kharaj” (Land Tax). Hazrat Umm-iKulthum, daughter of Hazrat Ali (Rad.A) took some honey and fat from that. When Hazrat Ali (Rad.A) counted the barrels of hone> and fat the next day he found that one barrel of each was missing. Then he was told that his daughter^ook them. He immediately paid the price of the honey and fat used by his daughter. Hazrat Abu Rafi. the salve of the Holy Prophet, once took a pearl from the Bait-ulMaal for his daughter. When Hazrat Ali (Rad.A) knew about it he not only took it back but also «’arned him not to do that ever again in future.16
Hazrat Ali (Rad.A) was very strict in the matter of public revenues and its adniinistration. Whenever there was delay in receiving the tax he immediately wrote to the officers. Once Yazid Ibn Qais was very late in sending the revenue tax, Hazrat Ali (Rad.A) wrote him: ”Explain the delay in sending the Kharaj. I advise you to fear Allah and warn you not to repeat it in future, otherwise your virtues would be lost and your Jihad (Holy War) for the sake of Allah would be spoiled. Fear Allah, and keep awa> from unlawful wealth. Don’t give me a chance again to warn you for your
mistakes ” Hazrat Ali (Rad.A) improved the taxation system. He
imposed land tax on forests the produce of which was not being contributed meet military expenditure or was being marketed. Stipends from the Bait-ul-Maal to the Poor Hazrat Ali (Rad.A) gave stipends to the needy persons and helped the poor from the Bait-ul-Maal. He was very generous in this respect. Even though Persians had revolted against him one time he treated them so generously that they were highly pleased with him and remembered him for a long time, and named him ”Arabi Noshairwan” (the Just Arab).
’ For Detail, See, The Arabs Adtr inistrajion in S. A. (.’ f lus^anr