Like Salah, Fasting ordained upon previous Ummahs of every prophet from Sayyidina Adam to the last Prophet (saw).
Psychologically Comforting – if any inconvenience is faced by a large # of people it becomes easier to bear.
Changes made in Fasting
Prophet (saw) fasted 3 days in a month & 10th Muharram
Either fast (preferred) or pay ransom (fidyah)
Eating, drinking, sexual intercourse valid after iftar as long as you don't sleep, if you sleep it counts as the beginning of next fast
When Is It Acceptable To NOT Observe Fast?
Sick – unbearable hardship or fear of illness getting worst due to fasting (qada required); permanent illness with no hope of recovery
Traveling (ala safarin) – on a journey for a longer duration, not just going out of the house 5-10 miles away (qada required); staying somewhere for 15 days – not ala safarin, must fast
Very old age
Women – menstruation or child bed (qada required)
One missed fast = half sa of wheat or its cost ~ 1.632 kg given to a poor person, making sure that it's not part of wage for those engaged in service of mosque of madrasa
Better not to give fidyah of more than one missed fast to one person on a single date
If you can't pay fidyah, should seek Allah(swt)'s forgiveness with intention to pay it back when you can