Q. & A. 711 to 1707 with solved Papers css 1971 to date

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Harun’s visit to Rayy
Harun accompanied by his son Ma’mun paid a state visit to Rayy in 189/805 and called for an explanation for cruelties perpetrated by Ali ibn Isa the governor of Persia who, however rendered his position secure by explaining the position and offering a splendid gift to the caliph and the courtiers. There he settled the position by receiving homage in person from the chiefs of the North. He also settled the affairs of Tabaristan and Daylam before returning to Raqqah via Baghdad. Rebellion of Rafi
Layth a grandson of Nasr ibn Sayyar, married in Samarqand a rich lady whose previous husband complained to the caliph. The caliph forced him to divorce, her and after parading him in the street sent him to prison. Later he escaped and raised a rebellion in

190/805-6, slew the governor of Samarqand and occupied all the country beyond the Oxus after the quitting of Marw by Ali ibn Isa. Ostensibly with the help of the Tibetans. Harthimah who had returned from North Africa was deputed to suppress the rebellion and supersede the governor. Harthimah received Ali at Merv graciously but arrested him and confiscated his belongings which loaded on 1500 camels, were sent to Raqqah along with Ali, next Harthimah launched campaigns against Rafi b. Layth in 192/808 and besieged him in Samarqand drove the Tibetans and quelled the disturbance in 195/October 810-11.

On his expedition to eastern province of Persia against the Kharijis Harun got as far as Tus in Khurasan there he sickened and died at the age of forty-seven at Tus after a glorious reign of twenty three years in Sha’ban 193/24th March 809. He had twelve sons and fourteen daughters from various wives while he was 19 years old he married Zubaydah of royal birth, grand daughter of Mansur, from whom he had one son named Muhammad Amin. Amin was nominated as second heir apparent while he was five years of age in

175/May 791-2. He had an elder son named Abdullah known as Ma’mun from a Persian slave girl. Seven years after he was nominated as second heir apparent at the age of twelve in

182/February 798-9. He got the second nomination because he was

542 Political and Cultural History of Islam

born of a slave girl. The two documents in favour of Amin and Ma’mun were hung up in the Ka’bah in 186/802. Three years later in

189/805 Harun willed that army and treasury should fall to the lot of Ma’mun at his death. He gave third nomination of his youngest son al-Qasim to succeed to the sovereignty of Mesopotamia and the Greek frontier provided Ma’mun agree to this limitation of his hold on the eastern provinces the seed of contention was thus sown by Harun himself. ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHARACTER

Harun was very successful administrator and one of the best rulers of his dynasty. He was popular both at home and abroad. Ruler of distant countries quoted his friendship. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) of France, the enemy of the Umayyads of Spain, cultivated friendship with Harun against the Byzantines who were also not friends of Harun by sending an embassy of three members two Christians and a Jew to his court and sought facilities for pilgrimage to the Holy land of Jerusalem in return Harun sent splendid gifts of an elephant, rare ornaments, fabrics aromatics and an intricate water clock to the Prankish Emperor at Aix-la-Chapelle. Culturally Harun was far superior to his western contemporary Charlemagne. It however, did not produce any tangible results. To counter this Umayyad and Byzantines entered into diplomatic and commercial relations against their common enemies, the Abbasids. Harun also established friendly relations with the Chinese emperor and exchange of embassies took place to maintain friendly and peaceful relations on the Trans-Oxus border although not mentioned by Muslim annalists. He also received an Indian delegation from the king of India which brought rich presents.
Of the two Harun and Ma’mun whose reign constituted the most glorious period of the Abbasid dynasty the former was more luxurious and maintained a unique pomp and grandeur at court. Harun lived an ostentatious life in splendid courtly surroundings and sent lavishly on public works, art and culture. Still his treasury contained 900 million dinars at the time of his death which speaks of the prosperity of the empire and development of economic resources of the lands. He lived a religious life as well and loved knowledge and patronized learned men. He loved the company of the famous theologian Sufyan al-Thauri pious Fudayl b. Ayyaz and Ibn Sarmak. He lived a martial life and often led the army particularly against the Greeks and forced them to purchase peace. He excelled his predecessors and successors in both civil administration and military activities.

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