System of Education Under the Abbasid Caliphs the system of education divided into two groups
1. Elementary Education
2. Secondary Education
The elementary school was opened in the mosque or the houses of the people. Its curriculum centered upon the Qur’an and Hadith. Deserving pupils in the elementary schools of Baghdad were often rewarded by being paraded through the streets on camels whilst almonds were thrown at them. In certain cases the scholars were granted a whole or partial holiday whenever one of them had finally mastered a section of Qur’an. Through the whole curriculum memory work was especially emphasized. Senior students studied Qur’anic exegesis, Qur’anic criticism, the science of apostolic tradition, jurisprudence, scholastic theology, lexicography rhetoric and literature. Advanced scholars engaged themselves in the duty of astronomy, spherical geometry philosophy, geometry, music and medicine.”
’ Hitti, P 408