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Political and Cultural History of Islam
Muslims Contribution in the European Renaissance
\sorld. especially the Europeans, in imiltifaiioiis ways. The broad fact remains that the Arabs of Spain were the principal source of the new learning for Western Europe. ”
Under the administration of the Arabs, and at its highest point of prosperity. Cordova became a beautiful citv of palaces and gardens. After sunset a man might walk through its solidly paved streets, in a straight line, for ten miles in the light of the public lamps. AI-Maqqari savs that with its one hundred and thirteen thousand homes, twenty one suburbs, seventy libraries and numerous book shops, mosques and palaces, it acquired international fame and inspired awe and admiration in the hearts of travellers. It enjoyed miles of paved streets illuminated bv lights from the bordering houses, whereas, according to John W. Draper. ”Seven hundred years after this time there was not so much as one public lamp in London, and in Paris, centuries subsequently, whoever stepped over his threshold on a rainy day stepped up to his ankles in mud”. Other cities as Granada, Se\ille and Toledo considered themselves rivals of Cordova. The palaces of the Caliphs were magnificently decorated. They stood forth against the clear, blue sky or were embossed in wood. They had overhanging orange gardens and courts with cascades of water. The walls were adorned with arabesques. Huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling ; the apartments of the Sultans were sometimes incrusted with lapislazuli.
The Alhamra, the world-renowned castle made of red stucco is still counted as one of the wonders of the world. worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as the faj of Agra, The furniture was of sandal and citron wood, inlaid with mother of pearl, ivory, silver or relieved with gold, such was Cordova. And now. a word about the influence of the Spanish Muslims on European literature, philosophy and science. The refined society of Cordova pride itself on its politeness. A gay contagion spread from the beautiful. Moorish miscreants to their sisters beyond the mountains. The south of France became full of witcheries of female fascinations and dancing to the lute and mandolin. Even in Italy and Sicily the love song became the favourite composition : and out of these genial but not orthodox beginnings the romantic literature of modern Europe arose. Muslim Spain inaugurated the age of chivalry and her influence passed
hncvclopedia of Viuhamnml (PBUI1). Vol in. P 571
through Province into the other countries of Europe, bringing into birth a new poetry and a new culture. Channels of Influence
The chief media through which Muslim civilization was transmitted to Europe vveie Spanish teachers and traders and the Muslims of Sicil} and Africa. There were also other channels through which the Muslim influence infiltrated into Europe. The material and cultural improvements that the Muslims made were very necessary for the happiness and well-being of Spain. The Christians reoccupied their country and eventually turned Muslims out of Europe but Muslim culture and civilization continued to influence every aspect of European life. This influence was not only due to proximity, but also to the common interests of Christians and Muslims, especially to the Christian slaves, who, escaping and on’ their return home, nearly always retained their Arab names and culture.
Between the Christians and the Muslims, visits were frequently exchanged and mutual succour given in time of civil war. Throughout the later wars the combatants on both sides were apparently a combination of Muslims and the Christians. European Muslims traded with Christian countries both by land and sea. Their goods were purchased by Christian customers in every large town in Europe. In their daily contacts Muslim and Jewish merchants taught the Arab manners and customs to their Christian customers. They intermarried not only in the lower but also in the higher strata of society. ”Spanish ladies of the highest rank, among them the sister of Pelagius and the daughter of Roderick, contracted marriages with the ”infidels”, as th_e orthodox Jean Mariana calls the Muslims.”
The Muslims in Spain, like their counterparts in Sicily, were destined to play a vital role in the transfer of the new ideas and institutions to the contemporary Europe. The Moors produced men of ultra-intellectual forbearings in almost every discipline of learning. This galaxy of intellectuals and inventors included Christian as well as Jewish scholars who used Arabic as a medium of expression in their works, along with Latin and Hebrew. But stil! Arabic remained the lingua franca of the time for all the talents. Influence on English Literature
Across the Pyrenees, literary, philosophic and military adventurers were perpetually passing, and thus the luxury, the taste and above all the chivalrous gallantry and elegant courtesies of


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