Quenya Reverse Wordlist a a (1) vocative particle "O" in a vanimar

Tarcil ("k") masc. name, *"High-man", also used to mean Númenórean (Appendix A, TUR, KHIL) tauq quat

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Tarcil ("k") masc. name, *"High-man", also used to mean Númenórean (Appendix A, TUR, KHIL)

tauq quat- "fill" (WJ:392), future #quantuva "shall fill" (enquantuva "shall refill") (Nam, RGEO:67)

tay yat (yaht-) "neck" (YAK)

te et "out" (+ ablative: "out of"); Also prefix et- "forth, out" (ET); ettuler *"are coming forth" (ettul- = et + tul-). (SD:290; read probably *ettulir or continuative *ettúlar in mature Quenya).

tece ecet ("k") "short broad-bladed sword" (UT:284)

telempë "silver" (LT1:268; in mature Quenya telpë, also found in early "Qenya")

telen nelet pl. nelci ("k") "tooth" (NÉL-EK)

teleuq quelet ("q") (quelets-, as in pl. queletsi) "corpse" (KWEL)

tem met "us (two)", including the dual ending -t. Me (LR:56) evidently means "we".

temorO Oromet place-name of obscure meaning (Silm)

teret teret "auger, gimlet" (LT1:255)

tesseuq quesset ("q") "pillow"; probably *quessec- since the Sindarin cognate pesseg points to a primitive form *kwessek- (compare filit, filic-) (KWES)

teuq quet- "say, speak" (SA:quen-/quet-, LT2:348), pa.t. quentë in PM:401, 404. Cf. also #maquet-

teuqadlE Eldaquet ("q") apparently another name of Qenya (LT2:348)

teuqam #maquet- *"ask", only attested in the past tense: maquentë (PM:403)

teuqáv váquet- (1. pers. aorist váquetin and 1. pers. past tense váquenten are given) "to say no" (not denying that something is true, but denying to do or to allow something: "to say I will not/do not"; "to refuse", "to forbid" (WJ:370, 371)

teuqava avaquet- ("q") "refuse, forbid" (KWET)

thay yaht- see yat (YAK)

tilif filit (filic- ("k"), as in pl. filici) "small bird" (PHILIK)

tiril lirit "poem" (LT1:258)

tn -nt ending for dual dative (Plotz)

tneuq quent ("q") "word" (LT2:348; in mature Quenya quetta)

tolegniV Vingelot, Vingilot, Vingilótë "Foam-flower", name of Eärendil's ship (SA:wing, Silm)

tolegniW Wingelot, Wingelótë "foam-flower", name of Earendel's [sic] boat (WIG, LOT(H) )

toligniV Vingilot, Vingelot, Vingilótë "Foam-flower", name of Eärendil's ship (SA:wing, Silm)

toligniw wingilot "foamflower, Eärendel's boat" (LT1:273; in mature Quenya Wingelot, Wingelóte)

tollemúf fúmellot "poppy" (also fúmella) (LT1:253)

ton not- "reckon" (NOT); past participle nótina "counted, *reckoned" (FS).

tono onot- "count up" (NOT)

toraváN Návarot "Nogrod" (< Novrod), Hollowbold, a dwelling of the Dwarves (WJ:389)

tram mart "a piece of luck" (LT2:348; in mature Quenya, no word can end in -rt. Read marto, as in LT2:348?)

tram mart- "it happens" (impersonal) (LT2:348 - read marta-?)

tsala alast- "marble" (GL:39). Some final vowel would obviously be required - read *alasta? Or *alas, becoming alast- before an ending?

tsuar raust "hunting, preying" (LT1:260; in mature Quenya *roimë [misreading "raime" in LR:384]. No word can end in -st in mature Quenya.)

tun nut- "tie" (1. pers. aorist nutin "I tie") (NUT)

Turambar masc. name, "Master of Doom/Fate", name taken in pride by Túrin (Appendix A, SA:tur, TUR, MBARAT)

u u- "not do, not be" (1. pers. aorist uin "I do not, am not"), pa.t. úmë (UGU/UMU)

ú ú- (prefix) "not-, un-, in-", denying presence or possession of thing or quality (VT39:14, UGU/UMU, GÛ, LT1:272)

ua au- (1) a verbal prefix "off, *away", as in auciri ("k") "cut off" (so as to get rid of or lose a portion); contrast hóciri (WJ:365, 368)

ua au- (2) privative prefix, = "without" (AWA)

ual lau "no indeed not, on the contrary" ("also used for asking incredulous questions") (LA)

uaqlaf falqua ("q") "cleft, mountain pass, ravine" (LT2:341)

uar rau (pl. rávi) "lion" (LT1:260; the pl. is valid in mature Quenya, but the sg. has become )

úc ("k") "arch, crescent" (KU3); "crescent Moon" (LT1:271; the long vowel was denoted by a circumflex rather than an accent in the early "Qenya" lexicon)

uc cu, cua ("k") "dove" (KÛ)

ucarat taracu- ("k") "ox" (LT2:347, GL:69)

ucin nicu- ("k") "be chill, cold (of weather)" (WJ:417)

udnam mandu "abyss" (MC:214; this is "Qenya" - mature Quenya has undumë)

udnamagnA Angamandu see Andamando (LT1:249)

udnamerE Eremandu "Hells of Iron", a name of Angband (LT1:249)

udneuq quendu *"Elvish man", pl. quendur given (MR:229; changed from quendo pl. quendor)

udnu undu "down, under, beneath" (UNU), prefix undu- "down", in undulávë "down-licked" = covered. Lumbulë undulávë ilyë tier "(heavy) shadow down-licked all paths", lyrical translation "all paths are drowned deep in shadow"

udnuc cundu ("k") "prince" (KUNDÛ)

udru urdu "death" (LT2:342; rather nuru in mature Quenya)

uep peu "the two lips, the mouth-opening" (VT39:9).

úl "a time, occasion" (LU)

ulap palu- "open wide, spread, expand, extend" (PAL)

ulec celu ("k") "stream" (LT1:257; rather celumë in mature Quenya)

ulI Ilu "(the) world" (FS, LR:47, 56), "universe" (IL); ilu "everything, all, the whole" (of the universe also including God and all souls and spirits, which are not properly included in the term ; see VT39:20)

ulu ulu- "pour" (transitive?) (LT1:270; in mature Quenya ulya- pa.t. ulyanë)

uluc [culo, culu ("k") "gold" (substance)] (KUL; the word culu also occurred in early "Qenya" [LT1:258], but in the Etymologies it was struck out. Use malta.)

ulut tulu- "fetch, bring, bear; move, come" (LT1:270; probably obsoleted by tulta- in mature Quenya)

uluy yulu- "carry" (GL:38)

uma amu- "raise" (LT2:335; mature Quenya has orta-)

uma amu "up, upwards" (LT2:335; in mature Quenya amba)

un nu "under" (LR:56, Markirya, Nam, RGEO:66, MC:214; the Etymologies alone gives no [q.v.] instead)

unah hanu "a male (of Men or Elves), male animal" (3AN)

unal lanu "lead" (LT1:268)

unam manu "departed spirit" (MAN)

unE Enu "the Almighty Creator who dwells without the world" (LT2:343 - in mature Quenya Eru)

unel lenu- "stretch" (LT2:341)

unén nénu "yellow water-lily" (LT1:248)

uniA Ainu "holy one, angelic spirit"; fem. Aini (AYAN, LT1:248); "one of the 'order' of the Valar and Maiar, made before Eä"; pl. Ainur attested. Adopted and adapted from Valarin (WJ:399). In the early "Qenya lexicon", ainu was glossed "a pagan god", and aini was similarly "a pagan goddess", but as Christopher Tolkien notes, "Of course no one within the context of the mythology can call the Ainur 'pagan' " (LT1:248). Ainulindalë "Music of the Ainur" (SA:lin #2), the First History (WJ:406), the Song of Creation (AYAN)

uniaf fainu- "release" (LT1:250)

upalh hlapu- "blow; fly or stream in the wind", participle hlápula "blowing" in Markirya

úR "Drûg", Rúatan pl. Rúatani "Drúedain" (UT:385)

urat taru "horn" (LT2:337, 347; mature Quenya tarca)

uray yaru "gloom, blight" (GL:37)

urE Eru "the One", God, a name reserved for the most solemn occasions (WJ:402), genitive Eruo (MR:329).

ureh heru- "to rule" (LT1:272; rather tur- in mature Quenya)

ureh heru (hér-) "lord, master" (PM:210, KHER, LT1:272); Letters:283 gives hér (heru); heruion evidently a gen.pl. of heru "lord": *"of the lords" (SD:290);

urev veru "husband and wife, married pair" (BES)

urífif fifíru- is evidently the frequentative (see sisíla-) form of fir-; according to MC:223 it means "slowly fade away"; participle fifírula in Markirya (translated "fading")

urom moru- "to hide" (LT1:261)

urrun nurru- "murmur, grumble" (cf. "Qenya" núru-); participle nurrula in Markirya, changed to nurrua, perhaps a kind of verbal adjective of the same meaning (translated "mumbling" in MC:215)

uru uru "fire" (LT1:271)

uruc curu "skill" in Curufin, Curufinwë, Curunir (SA:curu). In early "Qenya", this word (spelt kuru) was glossed "magic, wizardry" (LT1:269)

uruf furu "a lie" (LT2:340, GL:36)

urum muru- "to slumber" (LT1:261)

urún núru- "growl (of dogs), grumble" (LT1:263). Perhaps replaced by nurru- (q.v.) in mature Quenya.

urun nuru, Nuru "death, Death" (ÑGUR). This would represent earlier *ñuru and should be spelt accordingly in Tengwar writing. When personalized, Nuru refers to Mandos. Cf. Nurufantur.

urús súru "wind" (MC:213, 216, 220; this is "Qenya"; mature Quenya has súrë)

urut turu- "kindle" (LT1:270; rather tinta- in mature Quenya)

urut turu "wood" (properly firewood, but used of wood in general) (LT1:270)

uruyt tyuru- "to 'turn' milk, make cheese" (QL:50, cf. GL:28)

ús "noise of wind" (LT1:266; "Qenya" spelling )

utul lutu- "flow, float" (LT1:249)

uvul luvu- "lower, brood" (LT1:259)

uvut tuvu- "receive" (GL:71)

uynataf fatanyu "hell" (GL:51)

val lav- (1) "lick", pa.t. #lávë in undulávë, see undu (Nam); 1. person aorist lavin "I lick" in the Etymologies (LAB)

val lav- (2) "yield, allow, grant" (DAB)

vayt tyav- "taste" (1. pers. aorist tyavin "I taste") (KYAB)

vut #tuv- "find", perfect utúvië "has found" in Aragorn's exclamation when he found the sapling of the White Tree: utúvienyes "I have found it" (utúvie-nye-s "have found-I-it") (LotR3:VI ch. 5)

wac caw- "bow" ("k") (1. pers aorist cawin "I bow") (LT1:257; cf. cauka, cauko)
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