paca ("k") noun "paved floor, court" (GL:63)
pahta (1) adj. "closed, shut, private" (VT39:23, VT41:6, PE17:171)
pahta (2) noun “speech”, i.e. language (PE17:126); accompanied by the intransitive verb pakta- “speak, talk”, which would be *pahta- in Quenya, of which the transitive equivalent is quet-, q.v. The intransitive verb “speak” is also given as carpa-, q.v.
paimë noun "punishment" (QL:72)
paimeta- “exact or inflict a penalty; punish” (QL:72)
paimesta "chastisement" (QL:72)
paitya- vb. "repay, requite" (QL:72)
pal- (1) vb. “shake”, pa.t. pallë given (PE16:143).
[pal- (2) vb. "beat", also in an alternative (extended?) form palap-, VT46:8. See palpa-.]
palan adv.? “afar” (PE17:86), "far, distant, wide, to a great extent" (PAL), "wide, over a wide space, to a distance" (VT45:21), "far and wide" in palantír (pl. palantíri) "Far-gazer", the magical far-seeing stones made by the Noldor in the First Age (SA:palan, PAL, PE17:86). For etymology, see Letters:427. The spelling “pálan-tìr” in PE17:86 may seem to indicate an unusual stress pattern with primary stress on the initial syllable and a secondary stress on the final one (normally a Quenya word of this shape would be stressed on ant); it is unclear if this source describes the Quenya accents or some older pattern. – Also Palantir masc. name, "Far-sighted" (Appendix A, SA:palan, PAL, TIR); assimilated palar- in Palarran "Far-Wanderer", name of a ship (palan + ran) (UT:179)
palantír noun *"Far-seer", used = "Seeing Stone" (pl. palantíri is attested); see palan-. The form palantir (with a short i) appears in Letters:110.
[palap-, see palpa-]
palar noun "flat field, 'wang', plain" (the editors indicate that the last gloss may also be read as "place", but "plain" seems more likely in light of the other glosses, VT46:8)
Palarran ship-name “Far-wanderer”; see palan
palis noun "sward, lawn" (LT1:264)
palla adj. "wide, expansive" (PAL)
palmë noun "surface" (PAL)
palpa- vb. "to beat, batter" (PALAP). The alternative form pal-, evidently with an extended form palap-, was struck out by Tolkien (VT46:8)
palta (1) noun "the flat of the hand, the hand held upwards or forwards, flat and tensed" (with fingers and thumb closed or spread) (VT47:8, 9)
palta- (2) vb. "feel with the hand, stroke" etc. (basic meaning: "pass the sensitive palm [palta] over a surface") (VT47:9)
palu- vb. "open wide, spread, expand, extend" (PAL). Compare palu- intransitive “swell”, pa.t. púlë, in Tolkien's early material (QL:75)
palúrë noun "surface, bosom, bosom of Earth" (= Old English folde) (PAL); cf. Palúrien.
Palúrien noun, surname of Yavanna (PAL)
Palurin place-name "the wide world" (LT1:264)
palya- vb. "open wide, spread, expand, extend" (PAL)
pan adv. “since” (in the sense of because) (VT49:17, 18). The word comes from a text that was later struck out; we cannot know whether Tolkien rejected the word as such.
panda noun "enclosure" (PAD)
pano (1) noun "piece of shaped wood" (PAN)
pano (2) noun “plan, arrangement” (QL:72)
panta adj. "open" (PAT)
panta- vb. "to unfurl, spread out, open" (PAT).
pantië noun "unfolding, opening, revealing" (abstract formation or gerund formed from panta "open", adjective and noun) (QL:72)
panya- vb. "fix, set" (PAN). The verb napan- (q.v.), “add” or literally *”to-set”, may argue the existence of a shorter stem #pan- as well.
paptalasselindeën inflected noun "like music of falling leaves" (MC:216; this is "Qenya")
#par- vb. “learn” (acquire information, not by experience or observation, but by communication, by the instruction, or by written accounts, of others). Paranyë (apárien) parmanen, “I am learning (have learnt) by means of a book” (PE17:180). – It may be that Tolkien at some point intended the root par- to mean “write”, cf. loiparë.
parca (1) ("k") adj. "dry" (PÁRAK)
parca (2) (“k”) adj. “naked”, of persons (PE17:86)
parma noun "book", also name of tengwa #2 (PAR, Appendix E). In early "Qenya", the gloss was "skin, bark, parchment, book, writings" (LT2:346); Tolkien later revisited the idea that parma basically is a noun “peel” and refers to bark or skin (as primitive writing materials, PE17:86): “’peel’, applied to bark or skin, hence “book”, ‘bark (literally skinning, peeling off), parchment, book’; ‘a book (or written document of some size”)’” (PE17:123). In the meantimeTolkien had associated the word with a root PAR meaning “compose, put together” (LR:380); the word loiparë “mistake in writing” (q.v.) may also suggest that the root PAR at one point was to mean “write”, so that a parma was a *“written thing”. – Instrumental form parmanen “with a book” or “by means of a book” (PE17:91, 180), parmastanna “on your book” (with the endings -sta dual “your”, -nna allative) (VT49:47), parmahentië noun “book reading” (PE17:77). Other compounds: parmalambë noun "book-language" = Q[u]enya (PAR), #parma-resta noun *“book-fair”, attested with the endings -lya “thy” and the allative ending -nna (parma-restalyanna *”upon your book-fair”) (VT49:38, 39). Parma as the name of the tengwa letter for P occurs compunded in parmatéma noun "p-series", labials, the second column of the Tengwar system (Appendix E).
parna adj. “bare” (PE17:86), also with variant form parnë (PE17:171)
passa adj. “smooth, glabrous” (PE17:171)
pasta- vb. “to smooth, iron” (PE17:171)
pasta (2) adj. "smooth" (PATH), variant of passa
pata- vb. “walk” (PE17:34)
#pataca noun "consonant" (only pl. patacar ["k"] is attested) (VT39:8)
páva noun "mouth" (including tongue, lips and teeth). Apparently changed by Tolkien to náva, q.v. (VT39:19)
pávatengwi, pávëar, words Tolkien apperently changed to návatengwi, návëar (q.v.) (VT39:19)
pé noun "lip", dual peu "the two lips, the mouth-opening" (VT39:9; VT47:12, 35). In an earlier source, the Etymologies, pé was glossed "mouth" (PEG), whereas in PE17:126 it is more specifically “the closed mouth”.
pëanta- vb. “give instructions to” (QL:72)
pel- vb. "go round, revolve, return" (PEL), apparently also transitive “encircle” (mentioned in the Silmarillion Appendix as a meaning of the root), cf. also “Qenya” pele- “surround, fence in, pen in” (pa.t. pellë given, QL:73)
pelecco ("k") noun "axe" (LT2:346)
pelecta- ("k") vb. "hew" (this "Qenya" word may be adapted to LotR-style Quenya as *pelehta-) (LT2:346)
*pelehta- see pelecta-
Pelendur, *"Fence-servant"??? (Appendix A)
peler noun "fenced field" (Old English tún) (PEL(ES) )
pella "beyond", apparently a postposition rather than a preposition: Andúnë pella "beyond the West", elenillor pella "from beyond the stars" (Nam, RGEO:66, Markirya) In one version of the Quenya Lord's Prayer, Tolkien used pell' (evidently an elided form of pella) as a preposition, but this version was abandoned (VT43:13)
pelo noun “a boundary (fence)” (PE17:92)
Pelóri place-name "Fencing Heights", the mountains raised by the Valar to protect Aman (SA:pel, WJ:403)
peltas (peltax-, as in pl. peltaxi ["ks"]) noun "pivot" (PEL, TAK)
#pempë noun ”lip” (attested only in pl. pempi, PE17:126); cf. pé.
[pen prep. “without, not having” (PE17:171). Cf. Ú #1.]
pen- vb. negative of #sam- “to have” (q.v.), used as a negative answer to inquires on ownership: penin “no / I haven't” (PE17:173)
penda adj. "sloping down, inclined" (PEN/PÉNED), “steeply inclined, sloping down” (PE17:24)
penda- vb. “slope, incline” (PE17:171, 173)
pendë noun "slope, downslope, declivity" (PEN/PÉNED), “steep incline, hill side” (PE17:24)
penga- vb. "pout" (VT39:11)
#penna noun "vowel" (only pl. pennar is attested) (VT39:16)
penquanta ("peñ"-) adj. "full to the brim, with mouth full" (VT39:11)
pentë, see #pet-
penya adj. "lacking, inadequate"; pl. penyë in penyë tengwi "lacking signs", "inadequate signs"; in early Elvish analysis of Quenya the term for vowels with no preceding consonant, held (in many cases incorrectly) to have lost such a consonant (VT39:6, 8)
Pereldar pl. noun "Half-elven" (= Sindarin Peredhil) (Letters:282), in the Etymologies used of the Danas or Nandor (PER). Sg. #Perelda.
peresta fraction "one half" (1/2), also perta (VT48:11)
#Perian noun "Hobbit" (#Periand-), gen. pl. Periandion *"of Hobbits" in the Elaine inscription. VT49:40 gives the erroneous reading Periondion.
perina adj.? *"divided in middle, halved" (PER) The word is not glossed, but seems to connect with the verb perya- "halve". If the relationship is the same as between the verb lerya- "to free" and the adj. lerina "free", then perina is most likely an adjective "halved"d.
perper- vb, “suffer great anguish”, “endure to end”, pa.t. perpérë (QL:73)
perta fraction "one half" (1/2), also peresta (VT48:11)
perya- vb. "divide in middle, halve" (PER)
#pet- vb. "knock, strike" (cited as "pete", perhaps with a suffixed stem-vowel); pa.t. pentë given. (QL:73)
peu dual noun "the two lips, the mouth-opening" (VT39:9); the dual of pé, q.v.
phin- noun “a single hair, filament” (PE17:17); this is may be seen as an “element” rather than a regular word; the spelling ph rather than f is unusual for Quenya. See fine.
phindelë noun “mass of long hair” (PE17:17; the normal Quenya spelling should be findelë, cf. findilë
pia adj. “little” (PE17:115); variants picina (“k”), pincë (“k”), pitya
pí noun "small insect, fly" (VT47:35)
pica (1) ("k") noun "small spot, dot" (PIK)
píca- (2) ("k") vb. "lessen, dwindle, waning"; participle pícala "waning" (with locative ending: pícalassë) in Markirya
pícë ("k") prep.? "upon" (???) (MC:214; this is "Qenya")
picina, see pia
Picinaucor ("k") pl. noun "Petty-dwarves" (sg. #Picinauco, cf. nauco). Also Pitya-naucor (WJ:389). A distinct term nuxo is listed in PE17:45.
pië noun “berry” (PE16:143)
#pil- “steal” (cited in form “pili-”, apparently the aorist stem), pa.t. píle (QL:74)%
pilin (pilind-, as in pl. pilindi) noun "arrow" (PÍLIM)
pilinehtar noun unidentified plant, some kind of rush, or rush in general (J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator p. 199, note 34)
piliningevë ??? (Narqelion)
pilu noun "thief, robber" (QL:73)
pilwë noun “robbery, theft” (QL:73)
*pimpë noun “tail”. A possible adaptation of the word pint, pimp- from Tolkien’s early “Qenya” (QL:74), if the word is to be used in the context of LotR-style Quenya.
pinilya adj. "small" (MC:220; this is "Qenya")
pincë (“k”), see pia
pinquë ("q") ??? (Nabrqelion)
pior ??? (Narqelion)
pir- "spin, turn" (apparently intransitive). Actually cited in the form piri-, perhaps with the connecting vowel of the aorist included. "Qenya" pa.t. pírë. (QL:74)
pirnë, variant of pirindë, q.v.
pirë noun “toe”, dual piru (PE16:96). Compare taltil.
pirindë noun “a flower that opened and shut quickly with any change of light at [?some ?not] even a pansy closed” (PE17:146; reading uncertain and meaning obscure; read perhaps “…at [which] not even a pansy closed”) Also pirnë.
pirucendëa adj. “on the points of her toes” (PE16:96); see pirë, cendë. In earlier “Qenya”, the word had a wholly different meaning: adj. "whirling lightly" (MC:215). Compare pirucenda ("k") "pirouetting" in QL:74.
pirya noun "juice, syrup" (PIS)
#pitya adj. "little" in Pityafinwë, Pitya-naucor
Pityafinwë masc. name "Little Finwë"; he was called Amrod in Sindarin. Short Quenya name Pityo (PM:353)
Pitya-naucor pl. noun "Petty-dwarves" (sg. #Pitya-nauco, cf. nauco) Also Picinaucor (WJ:389)
Pityo see Pityafinwë
piucca noun "blackberry" (PE16:143)
piuta vb.? and noun? "spit" (PIW)
po, pó prep. “before, in front of” (of spatial relationships) "after" (of time), also opo or pono, poto- (VT49:12, 32, VT44:36; evidently a variant of apa)
poa noun "beard" (GL:63). Rather fanga in Tolkien's later Quenya
poica ("k") adj. "clean, pure" (POY)
poita- vb. "cleanse", pa.t. poinë (QL:75, VT48:13)
pol- (1) vb. "can" = have physical power and ability, as in polin quetë "I can speak (because mouth and tongue are free)". Cf. ista-, lerta- as verbs "can" with somewhat different shades of meaning. (VT41:6, PE17:181)
pol (2) adj. “large, big (strong)”. Since this would be the sole example of a monosyllabic Quenya adjective, it may be that Tolkien is here citing the root POL rather than a complete word. Cf. polda.
polca ("k") noun "pig" (QL:75)
polda adj. “big” (PE17:115), "strong, burly" (POL/POLOD)
poldorë noun? (not glossed, derived from polda "strong, burly": possibly "strength" as an abstract) (POL/POLOD)
Poldor, Poldomo noun “breaker up of the hard / tough”, Poldor- “land-breaker?”, variant forms of Poldórëa, q.v., introduced at a time when Tolkien did not want the root POL to refer to strength or mightiness (PE17:181), cf. polda from an earlier source.
Poldórëa adj. "Valiant"; as title of Tulkas replaced by Astaldo (POL/POLOD, MR:146, 149. In GL:64, poldórëa is glossed "mighty", in QL:75, "muscular".)
[polë (stem poli-) noun ”meal, grist” (PE17:115, 181), a word Tolkien decided to replace by mulë; perhaps polë was a variant of porë.]
pono, see po, pó
póna adv. “forward” (VT49:12), also ompa
pontë (ponti-) noun "back, rear" (QL:75)
porë (stem *pori-, given the primitive form ¤pori) noun "flour, meal" (POR). See polë.
porocë ("k") noun “hen; barn fowl” (PE16:132)
pota-, see po, pó
potai adv. “therefore”. Tolkien seems uncertain whether to use this form or etta (VT49:12). Cf. also epetai.
puhta noun "coitus" (PE13:163, gloss specified to refer to "one act"; a more general word for "sex" could perhaps be derived by adding an abstract or generalizing ending like -lë)
punta noun "stopped consonant" (PUT, see PUS; according to VT46:33, this does not refer to a "stop" or plosive consonant, but to a letter with a subscript dot indicating that it is not followed by a vowel. Compare putta.)
púrëa adj. "smeared, discoloured" (Markirya)
pusta (1) noun "stop", in punctuation full stop (PUS). Compare putta.
pusta- (2) vb. "to stop, put a stop to"; also intr. "cease, stop" (PUS)
pustanë participle? "blowing" (MC:213; this is "Qenya")
putta noun "stop" (in punctuation) (PUT; see PUS). According to VT46:10, a dot under a letter is intended, possibly indicating that the consonant is not followed by a vowel; cf. VT46:33 and see VT49:38, 40 regarding an actual example of such punctuation in a Tengwar sample.
quácë ("k") noun "frog"; this replaced coacë ("koake"), a form rejected by Tolkien (VT47:36)
quáco ("q") noun "crow" (WJ:395; Etym also has corco, q.v.)
quain cardinal "ten" (also quëan); quainëa ordinal "tenth" (VT48:6, 20; VT42:25). Quain or quëan replaced the form cainen in Tolkien’s conception.
quainë ("q") adj.? or participle? "wailing (pl.)" (MC:213; this is "Qenya")
quaican, cardinal "fourteen" (but *canaquë may be preferred) (VT48:21)
quailepen, cardinal "fifteen" (but lepenquë may be preferred) (VT48:21)
quainel, cardinal "thirteen" (but yunquentë may be preferred) (VT48:21)
quainquë, cardinal "sixteen" (but enenquë may be preferred) (VT48:21)
*quaista, reconstructed/updated fraction "one tenth"; see caista.
qual- vb. “to die”, pa.t. quallë (PE16:143)
qualin ("q") adj. "dead" (KWAL, LT1:264)
qualmë ("q") noun "agony, death" (KWAL, LT1:264)
qualumë ("q") participle? "heaving" (MC:214; this is "Qenya")
quama- (“q”) verb “vomit; be sick”, pa.t. quámë (QL:76)
quámë ("q") noun "sickness" (KWAM), “sickness, nausea” (QL:76). Earlier material also gives quámë as the past tense of the related verb quama- “vomit, be sick”.
quámëa (“q”) adj. “sick” (evidently = nauseous, cf. quámë and the verb quama-) (QL:76)
quanda ("q") adj: i quanda "all the, the whole" (apparently to be followed by a noun). The article i should perhaps not be included when the following noun is already determined by being a proper name (*quanda Endor "the whole [of] Middle-earth") or a pronominal suffix (*quanda hroanya, "my whole body"), though we cannot be certain. (QL:70)
quanta (1) ("q") adj. "full" (KWAT, Narqelion, VT39:8, VT43:28), “filled, full” (PE17:68); the gloss “filled” would suggest that quanta can be regarded as a passive participle of quat- (q.v.) In these phrases: quanta sarmë "full writing", writing with separate letters for vowels (VT39:8); #quanta tengwë "full sign" (only pl. quantë tengwi is attested), in early Elvish analysis of Quenya the term for a consonant + a vowel (then analyzed as a kind of unitary phoneme rather than two phonemes); hence a stem like mata- "eat" was analyzed as two quantë tengwi, namely ma + ta. (VT39:5)
quanta- (2) vb. “fill” (PE17:68), cf. enquantuva “will refill” in Namárië. This verb seems to spring from a secondary use of the adjective quanta “full” as a verbal stem, whereas the synonym quat- (q.v.) is the original primary verb representing the basic root KWAT.
Quantarië noun "Day of Completion, Oldyear's Day" (PM:127) (= the quantien of the Etymologies)
quanta emma, quantemma noun “facsimile”, a complete detailed visual reproduction (by any means) of a visible thing” (PE17:179), literally *”full picture”, cf. emma, q.v.
quantien ("q") noun "last day of year" (YEN) or "full year" (VT46:23). The latter gloss also turns up in PM: quantien "full year" = yén, a period of 144 solar years (PM:126; pl. quantiéni, PM:127). Since the latter meaning comes from drafts for the LotR Appendices that did not make it into the published LotR, it is difficult to tell whether it is canonical.
quapta- vb. “exchange” (QL:76); quaptalë noun “exchange”
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