nindë adj. "slender" (NIN-DI, pointing to a stem-form nindi-). Not to be confused with *nindë as the likely pa.t. of the verb nir-, q.v.
ninquanéron ("q") adj. "white shining" (MC:220; this is "Qenya")
ninquë adj. "white, chill, cold, palid" (WJ:417, SA:nim, PE17:168, NIK-W - spelt "ninqe" in Etym and in LT1:266, MC:213, MC:220, GL:60), pl. ninqui in Markirya. Compounded in Ninquelótë noun *"White-Flower" (SA:nim), = Sindarin Nimloth, the White Tree of Númenor; ninqueruvissë ("q") "white-horse-on" (MC:216; this is "Qenya", read *ninqueroccossë or *ninquiroccossë in LotR-style Quenya). Normally ninquë would be expected to have the stem-form ninqui-, given the primitive form ¤ninkwi; Ninquelótë rather than *Ninquilótë must be seen as an analogical form.
ninquissë ("q") noun "whiteness" (NIK-W)
ninquiraitë (“kw”) noun ?”pallor” (PE17:55). The word is cited as the cognate of Sindarin niphred “pallor, fear”. The spelling in the source is “ninkwiraite”, but the word cannot be intended as Old Sindarin (since kw had already become p in that language).
ninquita- ("q") vb. "shine white" (NIK-W)
ninquitá- ("q") vb. "whiten" (NIK-W)
ninwa adj. "blue" (LT1:262)
ninya possessive pron occurring in Fíriel's Song, evidently meaning "my"; see indo-ninya. It may be derived from the dative form nin "for me" by adding the adjectival ending -ya. Compare menya, q.v.
nion noun "bee" (GL:60)
nípa adj. "small; small & frail". The word is said to mean "small" with "connotation of weakness". Also *nimpë (VT48:18)
niquë (1) vb. "it is cold, it freezes; it snows or freezes" (WJ:417, PE17:168), 3rd sg. of nicu-, q.v.
niquë (2) ("q") noun "snow" (NIK-W)
níquetil noun “snow peak” (PE17:168), stem probably *níquetild-, cf. Taniquetil, q.v.
niquetil ("q") noun "snowcap" (LT1:266). Compare níquetil in much later material.
niquis noun "frost-patterns; ice-flake or snowflake – also petal (loose) of a white flower" (stem niquits- or niquiss-), also niquessë by association with quessë "feather" (WJ:417, PE17:168). In early "Qenya", the gloss was simply "snow" (LT1:266).
nir- vb. "press, thrust, force (in a given direction)" ("Though applicable to the pressure of a person on others, by mind and 'will' as well as by physical strength, [this verb] could also be used of physical pressures exerted by inanimates.") Given as a 1st person aorist nirin (VT41:17). Pa.t. probably *nindë since the R of nir- was originally D (the base is given as NID; compare rer- pa.t. rendë from RED concerning the past tense)
níra noun "will" (as a potential or faculty) (VT39:30, VT41:6, 17, PE17:168)
nírë noun "tear" (NEI)
nirmë noun "an act of will, exercise of will" (VT39:30, VT41:6, PE17:168), "the act or action of níra" (VT41:17)
nirwa (1) noun "bolster, cushion" (NID)
[nirwa (2) adj. "scarred" (VT46:4)]
[nirwë noun "scar" (VT46:4)]
nís (niss-, as in pl. nissi) noun "woman" (MR:213. The Etymologies gives nis (or nissë), pl. nissi: see the stems NDIS-SĒ/SĀ, NI1, NIS (NĒR), VT46:4; compare VT47:33. In Tolkien's Quenya rendering of Hail Mary, the plural nísi occurs instead of nissi; this form is curious, since nísi would be expected to turn into *nízi, *níri (VT43:31). VT47:33 suggests that Tolkien at one point considered niþ- as the older form of the stem, which etymology would solve this problem (since s from older þ does not become z > r). Even so, the MR forms, nís with stem niss-, may be preferred. - Compare †ní, #nína, nisto, Lindissë.
#nísima adj. "fragrant", isolated from Nísimaldar, q.v.
Nísimaldar noun "Fragrant trees", a region in Númenor (UT:167; evidently #nísima "fragrant", attested here only, + aldar "trees").
Nísinen noun *"Fragrance-water", a lake in Númenor (UT:168)
nissë noun "woman" (NDIS-SĒ/SĀ, NI1, NIS, VT47:33); see nís. Note: nissë could apparently also mean "in me", the locative form of the 1st person pronoun ni, q.v.
nisto noun "large woman" (compare nís) (VT45:33)
nítë (stem *níti-, given the primitive form ¤neiti) adj. "moist, dewy" (NEI, VT45:38)
#nitya adj. "small" (VT48:15, PM:365)
[nityë noun, ephemeral word for "little finger", changed to nícë (VT48:15)
nívë adj."pale" (MC:213; this is "Qenya" – Tolkien's later Quenya has néca)
nixë noun "frost" (WJ:417); previously described as a synonym of niquis “ice-flake or snowflake”, q.v. (PE17:168)
-nna "to, at, upon", allative ending, originating from -na “to” with fortified n, VT49:14. Attested in cilyanna, coraryanna, Endorenna, Elendilenna, númenórenna, parma-restalyanna, rénna, senna, tielyanna, q.v. If a noun ends in -n already, the ending -nna merges with it, as in Amanna, formenna, Elenna, númenna, rómenna as the allative forms of Aman, formen, elen, númen, rómen (q.v.). Plural -nnar in mannar, valannar, q.v.
no prep. "under" (NŪ; all other sources give nu instead. In early "Qenya", no meant "upon"; MC:214)
nó (1) (stem nów- as in pl. nówi) noun "conception" (= idea) (NOWO). In an earlier version, later deleted, nó represented earlier ñó (ngó), glossed "idea, thought" (VT46:6).
nó (2) conj. "but" (VT41:13)
nó (3) prep. “before” (of time, compare nóvo), “at back” (of spatial relationships). In other conceptual phases, Tolkien also let the word have the opposite meaning “after” (of time) or “in front” (of space). (VT49:32).
noa (1) noun "conception" (= idea) (NOWO)
noa (2) adj. “former”, also adv. (and noun?) “yesterday”, shortened from the full phrase noa ré “former day” (VT49:34). In other conceptual phases, Tolkien used noa for “tomorrow” (VT49:20). Compare enwa.
[noa (3) noun "thigh" (VT46:4)]
Nócoirë noun alternative name of March (PM:135)
noi noun "lament" (NAY)
#noirë noun "tomb", isolated from Noirinan, q.v. This compound may suggest that noirë has the stem-form noiri-, unless the compound is supposed to contain a plural form "tombs".
Noirinan noun the "Valley of the Tombs" in Númenor (evidently *noirë, *noiri- "tomb" + nan "valley") (UT:166)
ñol- noun "smell" (VT45:5); strengthened aññol, q.v. Possibly ñol- should be regarded as simply the root underlying olmë, q.v.
nóla ("ñ") (1) adj. "wise, learned" (ÑGOL) (note that this and the next nóla would be spelt differently in Tengwar writing, and originally they were also pronounced differently, since nóla "wise, learned" was ñóla in First Age Quenya).
nóla (2) noun "round head, knoll" (NDOL)
Nólairë noun alternative name of July (PM:135)
†ñolda adj. “dark-haired” (PE17:125), associated with Noldor and hence not much used. Cf. nolya.
noldarë noun "mole"; also nolpa (GL:30)
noldo (ñ) noun "one of the people of the Noldor", "one of the wise folk, Gnome". Cf. the gloss "Gnome" in early "Qenya" (LT1:262). Also name of tengwa #19, that is used for the initial n of noldo in Tengwar spelling. Originally pronounced ngoldo (also spelt ñoldo by Tolkien, ÑGOLOD); initial ng had become n in Third Age pronunciation (Appendix E). Pl. Noldor ("Ñoldor"), "the Wise", name of the second clan of the Eldar (WJ:380, 381); gen. pl. Noldoron "of the Noldor" is attested (VT39:16)
Noldolantë (ñ) noun "the Fall of the Noldor" (name of a song) (Silm)
Noldomar (ñ) noun "Gnomeland" (LT1:262).
Noldomírë (ñ) lit. noun *"Noldo-jewel", another word for Silmaril (ÑGOLOD).
Noldo-quentasta ("Ñoldo-") noun "Noldo-history", History of the Noldor (VT39:16)
Noldóran ("ñ") noun "King of the Noldor" (PM:343; evidently noldo + aran).
Noldorinwa (ñ) adj. *"Gnomish", "Noldorin", "of the Noldor" (LT1:262, VT39:16); lower-case noldorinwa in Narqelion.
nólë (ñ) noun "long study (of any subject), lore, knowledge" (SA:gûl, also WJ:383 and MR:350, there spelt ñóle, the earlier pronunciation. In the Etymologies, stem ÑGOL, the gloss is "wisdom".) Compare Nólion. At one point, Tolkien was dissatisfied with ÑGOL as the stem for “wisdom” and introduced the form núlë (q.v.) of slightly dissimilar meaning (PE17:125).
nólemë (ñ) noun "deep lore, wisdom" (LT1:263). Perhaps replaced by Nolmë in Tolkien's later Quenya.
Nólion (ñ?), second name of Vardamir Nólion (UT:210). Perhaps "son of knowledge", nólë (q.v.) + -ion "son", which ending displaces a final -ë (compare Aranwion "son of Aranwë", UT:50 cf. 32)
Nolmë ("ñ") noun "knowledge, Philosophy (including Science)" (PM:360 cf. 344)
nolmo ("ñ") noun "wise person" (PM:360)
Nolofinwë ("ñ") masc. name "Fingolfin" (PM:344)
Nolondil (ñ?) masc. name, perhaps "friend of lore/knowledge", the initial element nolo- reflecting the root ÑGOL having to do with knowledge (cf. nolo- in Nolofinwë) + -ndil "friend" (UT:210)
nolpa "mole"; also noldarë (GL:30)
nolwë ("ñ") noun "wisdom, secret lore" (ÑGOL)
nolya (“ñ”) adj. “dark-haired” (PE17:125), i.e. very dark brown
#nómë noun "place", isolated from Nómesseron, q.v. Cf. also sinomë.
Nómesseron pl. noun in genitive: a compound "of place-names", apparently an inflected compound consisting of #nómë "place" + a genitive plural #esseron "of names" (VT42:17; we might have expected *ession, since essi rather than ?esser as the nominative plural of essë "name" is attested both in PM:339 and MR:470)
[ñon, noun "groan" (gloss changed by Tolkien from "growl") (VT46:6)]
[ñona- vb. "groan" (VT46:6)]
nonda noun "hand, especially in [?clutching]" (VT47:23; Tolkien's gloss was not certainly legible)
Nóquellë noun alternative name of October (PM:135); otherwise called Narquelië
nor- vb. “run (or leap: of animals, men etc.)”, pa.t. nornë (PE17:58, 168); cf. nórima, nornoro-
nór noun "land" (stem nor-, PE17:106) – this is land as opposed to water and sea (nor in Letters:308). Cf. nórë.
[ñor noun? prefix? “fear” (PE17:172)]
nordo noun “oak” (PE17:25), possibly replacing norno (q.v.) in a pre-LotR source.
nórë noun "land" (associated with a particular people) (WJ:413), "country, land, dwelling-place, region where certain people live, race, clan" (NŌ, NDOR, BAL), also used = "race, tribe, people" (SA:dôr, PE17:169; however, the normal word for "people" is lië). Early "Qenya" has nórë "native land, nation, family, country" (in compounds -nor) (LT1:272)
norië, also normë, noun “race, running“ (PE17:169)
#nórië noun "country", in sindanórië (see sinda) (Nam, RGEO:67)
nórima adj. “strong/swift at running” (VT49:29); see nor-
normë = norië, q.v.
norna adj. "stiff, tough; hard, firm, resistant" (WJ:413, PE17:106), “thrawn, tough, obdurate”, mainly applied to persons (PE17:181)
norno (1) noun "oak" (DÓRON); a later source has nordo (PE17:25)
Norno (2) noun "dwarf"; a personalized form of the adjective norna (WJ:413); Nornalië (not *Nornolië) the "Dwarf-people" as a whole (WJ:388)
nornoro- vb. "run on, run smoothly" (LT1:263). Compare nor-.
norolinda adj. “lightly tripping” (PE16:96), compare “Qenya” norolindë with similar meaning (MC:215)
norollë noun "cart" (GL:31)
Norrívë noun alternative name of December (PM:135), otherwise called Ringarë.
norsa (þ) noun "giant" (NOROTH)
norta- vb. (1) “make run, specially used of riding horses or other animals”, onortanen rocco “I rode a horse”, nortanen “I rode” (with ellipsis of object; the prefix o- must apparently be included if the animal one rides on is mentioned as a direct object) (PE17:168)
ñorthus, ñorsus (-þus), (stem ñorsúr-) noun Quenya equivalent of Sindarin Gorthu “Mist of Fear”, a name of Sauron (PE17:183). The word is not capitalized as a name in the source.
norta (ñ) (2) adj. "horrible" (VT46:4. In Tengwar writing, the initial N would be represented by the letter noldo, not númen.)
nortil (probably *nortill-) noun "a cape (of land), only used of the ends of promontories or other seaward projections that were relatively sharp and spike-like" (VT47:28)
norto (ñ) noun "a horror" (VT46:4. In Tengwar writing, the initial N would be represented by the letter noldo, not númen.)
nossë noun "clan, family, 'house' " (NŌ), "kindred, family" (PM:320), "kin, people" (LT1:250, LT1:272, LT2:338)
nosta noun "birth, birthday" (LT1:272; maybe not a valid word in Tolkien’s later Quenya because the meaning of the corresponding verb was changed from "give birth" to "beget")
nosta- vb., variously glossed "beget" (SD:73) or passive “be begotten” (PE17:170); in earlier "Qenya" the gloss was "give birth" (LT1:272)
nostalë noun "species, kind" (LT1:272)
nostari pl. noun "parents", pl. of *nostar or *nostaro "parent" (LotR3:VI ch. 6, translated in Letters:308)
not- vb. "reckon" (NOT); compare onot-. Passive participle nótina "counted, *reckoned" (FS), nótima “countable” (PE17:68), #notië *"counting, reckoning" in maquanotië "decimal system" (VT47:10), variant #nótië in caistanótië of similar meaning (VT48:11).
nótë noun "number" (NOT)
#notessë noun "numeral" (VT47:14, there in plural form notessi) Also #nótessë pl. nótessi with a long ó (VT48:14)
#nótië "counting", isolated from caistanótië, q.v.
nótima adj. “countable” (PE17:68, 172), negated únótima “uncountable”, q.v.
*notto (ñ) noun “enemy”, reconstructed simplex form of the second element of the Moringotto “Dark Enemy”, a Quenya form of Morgoth (VT49:25). Compare #cotto.
nóvo adv. “previously, before” (?) (PE15:35). Compare nó #3.
Nótuilë noun alternative name of May (PM:135)
-nt ending for dual dative (Plotz)
-nta (1) ending for dual allative (Plotz); see -nna
-nta (2) possessive 3rd person pl. pronominal ending: “their” (VT49:17). Lintienta “their speed” (PE17:58), nassentar “their true-being[s]” (PE17:175). This ending corresponds to -ntë “they” (other versions of Quenya uses -ltë for “they” and hence -lta for “their”). Also -ntya, q.v. According to VT49:17, the ending -nta appears as -inta following a consonant (other sources point to -e- rather than -i- as the connecting vowel in such cases).
-ntë “they”, pronomimal ending, inflexion of 3rd person plural when no subject is previously mentioned (CO; see also VT49:49). This ending competes with -ltë (q.v.) in Tolkien’s conception (VT49:57; for “they do”, both carintë and cariltë are attested, VT49:16 vs. 17). The corresponding pronominal possessive suffix appears as -ntya or -nta in various sources.
-nten ending for dual instrumental (Plotz)
[-ntyë “you”, abandonded pronominal ending for 2nd person pl. familiar (VT49:49)]
-ntya, possessive 3rd person pl. pronominal ending: “their” (VT49:17), corresponding to -ntë as the ending for “they”. Besides -ntya the form -nta is also attested, but the latter clashes with the ending for dual allative. (Other variants of Quenya uses -lta for “their”, corresponding to -ltë as the ending for “they”.) According to VT49:17, the ending -ntya appears as -intya following a consonant (other sources point to -e- rather than -i- as the connecting vowel in such cases).
nu prep. "under" (LR:56, Markirya, Nam, RGEO:66, MC:214; the Etymologies alone gives no [q.v.] instead). In Mar-nu-Falmar, nuhuinenna, q.v. Prefix nú- in nútil, q.v.
Núaran noun *"West-king"; Núaran Númenoren *"West-king of Númenor"; changed (according to LR:71) to Núraran Númenen, *"West-king of the West" (all of this is "Qenya" with genitive in -n instead of -o, as in Tolkien's later Quenya) (LR:60)
nucumna ("k") adj. (or passive participle) "humbled" (SD:246). This probably contains a verbal stem #nucum- "to humble, humiliate"; compare naham- with passive participle nahamna (q.v.)
nuhta- vb. "stunt, prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue" (WJ:413)
nuhuinenna adj. "under shadow" (allativic: nu-huinë-nna "under-shadow-to") (SD:246); see huinë.
nuinë noun "river (of large volume, and liable to flooding)". The word is said to be archaic, surviving chiefly in topographical names. It comes from earlier duine, hence appearing in that form in a name like Nunduinë (VT48:30-31), apparently also Anduinë (q.v.) Tolkien struck out the paragraph where nuinë occurs, but the names Nunduinë/Anduinë would suggest that the word as such is conceptually valid.
núla (“ñ”) adj. “dark, occult, mysterious” (PE17:125)
nulda adj. "secret" (DUL)
núlë (“ñ”) noun “black arts, secrecy” (PE17:125)
nulla adj. "dark, dusky, obscure" (NDUL), "secret" (DUL). See also VT45:11.
numba adj. “bent, humped” (PE17:168)
[numbë noun "root, foundation", also núvë (VT45:38)]
númë noun "going down, occident" (Letters:361), “the West” (PE17:18), núme- "west" (VT45:38, LT1:263), “the West” In númeheruen and numeheruvi, q.v.
númëa adj. "in the West" (actually an adjective *"western", in Tolkien's later Quenya also númenya) (LT1:263)
#númeheru noun "Lord of the West" (númë + heru), attested in these inflected forms: 1) númeheruen *"of [the] Lord of the West" (Manwë) (SD:290); this is "Qenya" with genitive in -en instead of -o as in LotR-style Quenya; 2) pl. númeheruvi "Lords-of-West" (*"West-lords" = Valar) in SD:246.
númen noun "west, the way of the sunset" (SA:andúnë, cf. NDŪ, MEN; capitalized Númen under SA:men and in CO), "going down, occudent" (Letters:361), also name of tengwa #17 (Appendix E). According to VT45:38, the word is actually cited as "nú-men" in Tolkien's Etymologies manuscript. Allative númenna "Westward" (LR:47, SD:310, VT49:20, capitalized Númenna, VT49:22; numenna with a short u, VT49:23); adj. númenquerna “turned westward” (VT49:18, 20). See also númenyaron, númessier. - In the pre-classical Tengwar system presupposed in the Etymologies, "nú-men" was intended as the name of tengwa #21, to which letter Tolkien at this stage assigned the value n (VT45:38). However, this tengwa was later given the Quenya value r instead and was renamed órë.
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