Quettaparma Quenyallo

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coron (2) ("k") (corn-, as in dat. sg. cornen) noun "globe, ball" (KOR)

Cosmoco ("k") masc. name "Gothmog" (LT2:344)

cos (cost-) noun “the quarrel, dispute, the matter discussed, legal action” (QL:48). Cf. costa-.

costa- ("k") vb. "quarrel" (KOT > KOTH)

#cotto (“k”) noun “enemy”, isolated from Moricotto “Dark Enemy”, a Quenya form of Morgoth (VT49:25). Compare cotumo, *notto.

cotumo ("k") noun "enemy" (KOT > KOTH)

cotya ("k") adj. "hostile" (KOT > KOTH)

("k") noun "arch, crescent" (KU3); "crescent Moon" (LT1:271; the long vowel was denoted by a circumflex rather than an accent in the early "Qenya" lexicon). In Sindarin, the same word can be used for a “bow” as used to shoot arrows (but possibly this is only quinga in Quenya).

cua, see cucua

cucua ("k") noun "dove" (KŪ; in the Etymologies as printed in LR, Tolkien's manuscript was misread as two distinct words **cu and **cua; see VT45:24. According to the same source, an ephemeral word for "dove" was indeed cua, but Tolkien changed it to cucua.)

cuilë ("k") noun "life, being alive" (KUY)

culusta (“k”) “a gold-coin” (QL:49)

cuina ("k") adj. "alive" (KUY). See coina.

*cuiva, see coiva

cuivë ("k") noun "awakening" (KUY)

cuivëa ("k") adj. "wakening" (KUY).

cuivië noun "awakening" (early "Qenya" coivië, q.v., but this word Tolkien later used = *“life”). In Cuiviénen, "Water of Awakening" (SA:cuivië, SA:nen, KUY; spelt with a k in the Etymologies). Somewhat surprisingly, cuivië is used to mean "life" in cuivie-lancassë ("k"), literally 'on the brink of life' ("of a perilous situation in which one is likely to fall into death") (VT42:8) The form coivië is used for “life” elsewhere.

culda ("k") adj. "flame-coloured, golden-red" (KUL); maybe it can also be translated “scarlet”, since this gloss was listed for the possible “Noldorin”/Sindarin cognate coll (VT45:24), though it was struck out

culina ("k") adj. "flame-coloured, golden-red" (KUL; cullina ("k") in VT45:24 would seem to be a variant)

cullo ("k") noun "red gold" (KUL, VT45:24)

[culo, culu ("k") noun "gold" (substance)] (KUL, VT49:47; the word culu also occurred in early "Qenya" [LT1:258], but in the Etymologies it was struck out; the regular Quenya word for "gold" is apparently malta. In another version, culo meant "flame" [VT45:24], but this is apparently also a word Tolkien abandoned.)

culucalmalínen ("k") noun in instrumental case: "with golden lights" (MC:220; this is "Qenya")

culuina ("k") (1) adj. "orange" (colour not fruit) (KUL)

[culuina ("k") (2) (misread as **culuinn in the Etymologies as printed in LR; see VT45:24)] adj. "of gold" (KUL; this word was struck out, and culuina became the adjective "orange" instead.)

culuma ("k") noun "orange" (fruit not colour) (KUL)

culumalda noun: a kind of tree (evidently orange-tree, culuma + alda) (SA:mal-)

Culúrien another name of Laurelin; apparently derived from the stem KUL- "golden-red" (Silm; LR:365)

culuvai ("k") ??? (Narqelion)

cúma ("k") noun "the Void" (KUM, (GAS) )

cumbë ("k") noun "mound, heap" (KUB)

cumna ("k") adj. "empty" (KUM)

cúna ("k") 1) adj. "bent, curved", from which is derived 2) cúna- vb. "bend", occurring with a- prefix (changed by Tolkien from a na-prefix) in Markirya. Here cúna- is intransitive; we do not know whether it can also be transitive "bend".

cundo noun "guardian" (PM:260), “lord” (PE17:117)

cundu ("k") noun "prince" (KUNDŪ; the "" indicating that this word is poetic or archaic was omitted in the Etymologies as printed in LR; see VT45:24). Cf. condo.

cúnë ("k") noun "crescent, bow" (LT1:271). Cf. .

cunta, also cunya, vb. (or less likely noun) “rule” (PE17:117)

curo (curu-) noun "a skillful [?device ­- Tolkien's handwriting was illegible]". (VT41:10)

curu noun "skill" in names like Curufinwë (q.v.) and Sindarin Curufin, Curunir. (SA; possibly the same as curo, curu- above – but there was a word curu ["k"] in Tolkien's early "Qenya", glossed "magic, wizardry" [LT1:269]).

Curufinwë (so spelt in Silm; "Kurufinwë" in PM), masc. name *"Skillful Finwë", a name of Fëanor (PM:343); also the origin of the Sindarin name Curufin; Fëanor named his favourite son after himself. Short Quenya name Curvo. (PM:352)

Curumo masc. name *"Cunning One", "Saruman" (UT:401)

curuni ("k") noun "witch" (of the good magic) (LT1:269)

curuvar ("k") noun "wizard" (LT1:269 – but Gandalf, Saruman etc. were istari)

Curvo, see Curufinwë

curwë ("k") noun "craft" (KUR), "skill of the hand" (VT41:10), Curwë ("K") "technical skill and invention" (PM:360 cf. 344)

-da suffix used to derive nouns denoting the result of an action, like yulda “draught, the amount drunk” (the stem YUL is here given the meaning “drink”). (PE17:68) Cf. also carda “deed” (q.v.) vs. the verb car- “do”.

-dil, -ndil, ending that Tolkien likened to Old English "-wine", sc. "-friend" as part of names, e.g. Elendil, Eärendil (NIL/NDIL); see the entry -ndil. Also long -dildo (VT46:4), and possibly -(n)dilmë as the corresponding feminine form (see Vardilmë).

-duinë, see nuinë, Nunduinë

-dur see -ndur

é adverbial particle "indeed" that may be prefixed to a sentence (VT45:11). Short e in the sentence e man antaváro? "what will he give indeed?" (LR:63).

ëa (1) (sometimes "eä") vb. "is" (CO), in a more absolute sense ("exists", VT39:7/VT49:28-29) than the copula . "it is" (VT39:6) or "let it be". The verb is also used in connection with prepositional phrases denoting a position, as in the relative sentences i or ilyë mahalmar ëa “who is above all thrones” (CO) and i ëa han ëa *“who is beyond [the universe of] Eä” (VT43:14). is said to the be “pres[ent] & aorist” tense (VT49:29). The past tense of ëa is engë (VT43:38, VT49:29; Tolkien struck out the form ëanë, VT49:30), the historically correct perfect should be éyë, but the analogical form engië was more common; the future tense is euva (VT49:29). See also ëala. – is also used as a noun denoting "All Creation", the universe (WJ:402; Letters:284, footnote), but this term for the universe "was not held to include [souls?] and spirits" (VT39:20); contrast ilu. One version of Tolkien's Quenya Lord's Prayer includes the words i ëa han ëa, taken to mean "who is beyond Eä" (VT43:14). Tolkien noted that ëa “properly cannot be used of God since ëa refers only to all things created by Eru directly or mediately”, hence he deleted the example Eru ëa *”God exists” (VT49:28, 36). However, ëa is indeed used of Eru in CO (i Eru i or ilyë mahalmar ëa “the One who is above all thrones”) as well as in various Átaremma versions (see VT49:36), so such a distinction may belong to the refined language of the “loremasters” rather than to everyday useage.

(2) noun “the universe”, so called because Ilúvatar used the command “Eä! Let these things be!” when he gave independent being to the Music of the Ainur (Ainulindalë). See ëa #1 for references.

ëa (3) "eagle" (LT1:251, LT2:338), a “Qenya” word apparently superseded by soron, sornë in Tolkien's later forms of Quenya.

ëala noun "being, spirit" (pl. ëalar is attested), spirits whose natural state it is to exist without a physical body, like Balrogs (MR:165). The word apparently originates from the participle of ëa, q.v.

Eämbar noun ”dispositions and will of Eru, with regard to Creation as a whole” (PE17:105)

ëar noun "sea" (AYAR/AIR [gives also dat. sg. ëaren], WJ:413; see Letters:386 for etymology). Not to be confused with the pl. form of the verb ëa “be, exist”. Pl. ëari "seas" (FS, LR:47); Eär "the Great Sea" (cf. ëaron “ocean”), ablative Eärello "from the Great Sea", et Eärello "out of the Great Sea" (EO). Eärë noun "the open sea" (SD:305). Compound ëaruilë noun "seaweed" (UY). Found in proper names like Eärendil "Sea-friend", Eärendur masc. name, *"Sea-servant"; in effect a variant of Eärendil (Appendix A). Eärendur was also used ="(professional) mariner" (Letters:386). Fem. name Eärwen "Sea-maiden" (Silm); Eärrámë "Sea-wing", "Wings of the Sea", name of Tuor's ship (RAM, AYAR/AIR, SA)

ëaren noun "eagle" or "eyrie" (LT1:251; this early "Qenya" word is evidently no more valid than ëa "eagle" in LotR-style Quenya.)

Eärendil, masc. name; see ëar. Eärendilyon noun "son of Eärendel" ("used of any mariner") (LT1:251)

Eärnil masc. name, contraction of Eärendil (Appendix A)

Eärnur masc.name, contraction of Eärendur (Appendix A)

ëaron noun “ocean” (PE17:27), also airon. Cf. ëar.

ec- (“k”) verb denoting an opportunity, with the one having the opportunity in dative: ecë nin carë sa “I can do it” (it-is-open for-me to-do it), ecë nin? “please, may I?”, ecuva nin care sa noa “I may do [have a chance of doing] do that tomorrow”. This construction is said to denote “have chance, opportunity or permission” (VT49:20, 34)

ecca (“k”) noun “hole”, apparently associated with Sindarin torech “secret hole, lair” (PE17:188)

eccaira ("k") adj. "remote, far" (KHAYA)

ecces- (“k”) (þ) vb. “to find out, bring out by examining, or eyeing[?]” (PE17:156). Pa.t. probably *eccensë; compare ces-.

eces, see exa

ecco ("k") noun "spine". (In the Etymologies as printed in LR, entry EK/EKTE, the gloss is given as "spear", but according to VT45:12 this is a misreading of Tolkien's manuscript.)

#eccoita- vb. "awake" (VT27:10)

ecet ("k") noun "short broad-bladed sword" (UT:284)

ectelë ("k") noun "fountain", also cectelë ("k") (LT1:257, LT2:338; in LotR-style Quenya ehtelë)

#ecya adj. "sharp" in Ecyanáro ("k") "Sharp Flame", masc. name, Sindarin Aegnor (VT41:14, 19). The Quenya form of Aegnor is elsewhere given as Aicanáro instead.

#effírië noun "death" (isolated from effíriemmo "of our death"). A verbal stem *effir- "expire, die" seems to be implied. (VT43:34)

[ehtar] noun "spearman" (EK/EKTE, VT45:12)]

ehtë (stem *ehti-, given the primitive form ekti) noun "spear" (EK/EKTE). Another word for “spear” is hatal.

ehtelë noun "issue of water, spring" (SA:kel-, KEL, ET). Compare “Qenya” ectelë ("k") "fountain" (LT1:257, LT2:338; in LotR-style Quenya ehtelë).

ehtyar noun "spearman" (EK/EKTE). According to VT45:12, Tolkien at one point also meant ehtyar to be the name of Tengwa #15 with overposed dots to indicate a palatal sound; the letter would thus have the value hty. However, according to the classical Tengwar spelling of Quenya as outlined in LotR Appendix E, such a letter would rather have the value **ncy (since #15 is there assigned the value nc in Quenya), but since **ncy is not a possible Quenya combination, a palatal variant of #15 would not occur in the classical Quenya mode.

Ekkaia place-name, denoting the outer ocean: for *et-gaya "out-sea"? (Silm)

él noun "star", pl. éli given (WJ:362, EL)

ela! interjection "behold!" (directing sight to an actually visible object) (WJ:362)

Elatan, masc. name *"Star-man", cf. atan (UT:210)

elda 1. originally adj. "of the stars", but wholly replaced (WJ:362) by: 2. noun (Elda) = one of the people of the Stars, (high-)elf, an Elf (SA:êl, elen, Letters:281, ELED, ÉLED; notice that Tolkien abandoned a former etymology with "depart"), chiefly in the pl. Eldar (WJ:362, cf. GAT(H), TELES). The primitive form Tolkien variously cited as ¤eledā / elenā (Letters:281, PE17:152) and ¤eldā (WJ:360). Partitive pl. Eldali (VT49:8), gen. pl. Eldaron (WJ:368, PM:395, 402); dative pl. eldain "for elves", for Eldar (FS); possessive sg. Eldava "Elf's" (WJ:407); possessive pl. Eldaiva (WJ:368), Eldaivë governing a plural word (WJ:369). The word Eldar properly refers to the non-Avari Elves only, but since Eldar rarely had any contact with the Avari, it could be used for "elves" in general (in LT1:251, Elda is simply glossed "Elf"). See also Eldo. – The plural form Eldar should not require any article when the reference is to the entire people; i Eldar refers to a limited group, “(all) the Elves previously named”; nevertheless, Tolkien in some sources does use the article even where the reference seems to be generic (i Eldar or i-Eldar, VT49:8).

Eldacan ("k") masc. name "Ælfnoth", Elf-bold (KAN)

Eldacar masc. name, *"Elfhelm". Compare carma "helmet". (Appendix A)

Elda-lambë noun "the language of the Eldar" (WJ:368)

Eldalië noun "the Elven-folk" (often used vaguely to mean all the race of Elves, though it properly did not include the Avari) (WJ:374, ÉLED; possessive Eldaliéva in the name Mindon Eldaliéva, q.v.) “Qenya” genitive in -n in Eldalien as part of the title Quenta Eldalien “History of the Elves” (SD:303).

Eldamar place-name "Elvenhome" (ÉLED; found already in Narqelion), according to MR:176 another name of Tirion (see tir-).

Eldameldor noun "Elf-lovers" (WJ:412), sg. #Eldameldo

Eldandil (pl. Eldandili in WJ:412) noun "Elf-friend" (by the Edain confused with Elendil, properly "Star-friend") (WJ:410)

Eldanor place-name "Elvenland", regions of Valinor where the Elves dwelt and the stars could be seen (MR:176)

Eldanyárë noun "History of the Elves" (LR:199, there with the definite article: I·Eldanyárë). See nyárë.

Eldarin adj. derived from Elda: "Eldarin, Elvish" (Silm, ÉLED). Also in the longer form Eldarinwa (pl. Eldarinwë in VT47:14, in the title Eldarinwë leperi ar notessi, "The Eldarin fingers and numerals")

Eldarissa, Eldaquet ("q") noun, apparently other names of Qenya (LT2:348)

Eldavehtë noun *”Elf-haunt”, description of Beleriand as “a habitation, haunt or place occupied by Eldar. See vehtë. (PE17:189)

Eldo noun, archaic variant of Elda, properly one of the "Marchers" from Cuiviénen, but the word went out of use (WJ:363, 374)

élë noun "flashing of [?starry] light" (VT45:12; Tolkien's gloss was not certainly legible)

Elemmírë noun *"Star-jewel" (elen + míre, notice assimilation nm > mm), name of a star/planet (possibly Mercury, MR:435, where the spelling used is Elemmirë); also name of an Elf. (SA:mîr)

elen noun "star" (SA:êl, elen, EL, VT49:39); pl. eleni (occasionally in verse: eldi) (WJ:362, PE17:127); partitive pl. elelli for *elenli (PE17:127), gen. pl. elenion in the phrase Elenion Ancalima "brightest of stars" (LotR2:IV ch. 9; see Letters:385 for translation); elen atta “two stars” (VT49:44), genitive elen atto “of two stars” (VT49:45), eleni neldë “three stars”, archaic elenion neldë = *“of stars three”. Genitive “of 3 stars” = elenion neldë (for archaic elenion neldëo) (VT49:45). Allative elenna "starwards" used as name of Númenor (Silm; see Elenna); ablative pl. elenillor "from stars" in Markirya. Nai elen siluva *”may a star shine”, VT49:38.

elena adj. "of the stars" (SA:êl, elen); also elenya

Elenarda place-name "Star-kingdom", upper sky (3AR). Deleted material in the Etymologies defined elenarda as "star-realm", "upper air or sky" (VT45:16). Compare elen, (h)arda.

Elendë (1) place-name "Elvenhome", regions of Valinor where the Elves dwelt and the stars could be seen (MR:176, ÉLED). Plural ablative elendellor in the phrase et elendellor, evidently *"out of the elf-lands" (VT45:13).

elendë (2), pa.t. of lelya- #1

Elendil masc. name "Star-friend", "Lover or student of stars", applied to those devoted to astronomical lore. However, when the Edain used this name they intended it to mean "Elf-friend", confusing elen "star" and elda "elf" (WJ:410). (This idea that the name was misapplied seems to be late; Tolken earlier interpreted the name as an ancient compound Eled + ndil so that the meaning really was "Elf-friend"; see Letters:386. See also NIL/NDIL in the Etymologies, where Elendil is equated with "Ælfwine", Elf-friend.) Allative Elendilenna "to Elendil" (PM:401); Elendil Vorondo genitive of Elendil Voronda "Elendil the Steadfast" (CO) Pl. Elendili the Númenórean Elf-friends (Silm); the variant Elendilli in SD:403 would seem to presuppose a stem-form Elendill- not attested elsewhere. Tar-Elendil a Númenorean king, UT:210.

Elendur masc. name, *"Star-servant", probably intended to mean *"Elf-servant"; in effect a variant of Elendil (Appendix A). The name was also used in Númenor (UT:210).

Elenna place-name "Starwards", a name of Númenor: Elenna-nórë *"Starwards-land", "the land named Starwards", genitive Elenna-nórëo in CO.

Elentári noun "Star-queen", title of Varda (EL, SA:tar)

Elenwë fem. name *"Star-person" (Silm)

elenya adj. *"stellar" (only defined as an adjective referring to stars by Tolkien) (WJ:362). Cf. Elenya, name of the first day of the Eldarin six-day week, dedicated to the stars (Appendix D).

Elerína adj. used as noun:"star-crowned", a name of Taniquetil (EL, RIG), spelt Elerrína in Silm

*Elerondo masc. name “Star-vault”, Sindarin Elrond. Extrapolated from Elerondiel "daughter of Elrond“, patronym of Arwen (PE17:56); cf. Elerossë, rondo.

Elerossë masc. name, "star foam", starlit foam, Sindarin Elros (PM:348)

Elerrína adj. used as noun: "Crowned with Stars" (elen + rína), a name of Taniquetil (Silm); spelt Elerína in the Etymologies (EL, RIG).

Elessar masc. name "Elf-stone" (Elen + sar, actually *"Star-stone", cf. Elendil concerning elen "star" being used to mean "Elf") (LotR3:V ch. 8). Genitive Elesarno (VT49:28, read *Elessarno?) indicates that the stem is -sarn-. As a common noun, elessar or “elf-stone” may signify “beryl” (in the chapter Flight to the Ford in the LotR, Aragorn finds “a single pale-green jewel” and declares: “It is a beryl, an elf-stone”). Elessar as a name may also be seen as a pun or variant of Elesser "Elf-friend".

Elesser masc. name, = Old English Ælfwine, Elf-friend. (SER)

Ellairë alternative name of June (PM:135); evidently incorporating lairë "summer"; the el- part is probably an assimilated form of er-, an element meaning one or first, June being the first summer month.

ellë vb. "came", pl. eller with a plural subject (MC:215; this is "Qenya"; in later Quenya, ellë could be the emphatic pronoun "you", pl., corresponding to singular elyë "thou" – at least in the conceptual phase where -llë was the ending for plural "you".)

-ello ablative ending (VT45:28); see -llo

[ello] noun "call, shout of triumph" (GYEL (< GEL) )

*elmë, see emmë #2

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