ala- (3), also al-, a prefix expressing “good” or “well” (PE17:146), as in alaquenta (q.v.) Whether Tolkien imagined this ending to coexist with the negative prefix of the same form (#2 above) is unclear and perhaps dubious.
ala- (4) vb. “plant, grow” (the first gloss would suggest that the following one is transitive: to “grow” plants) (PE17:100). Compare al- “thrive, *grow” (which however seems intransitive).
ala (5) prep. "after, beyond" (MC:221, 214; however, LotR-style Quenya has han and pella "beyond" and apa "after")
[ala (6) (also alar! or alla!) interjection "hail, blessed be (thou)". (VT45:5,14)]
[ala (7) noun "day", also alan "daytime". The forms allen, alanen listed after these words could be inflected forms of them, genitive "of daytime", constracted (allen = al'nen) and uncontracted. However, Tolkien struck out all of this (VT45:13).]
alaco ("k") noun "rush, rushing flight, wild wind" (VT45:5 cf. ÁLAK)
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