narmo("ñ") noun "wolf" (ÑGAR(A)M; both the old form ñarmo = *ngarmo and the Third Age form narmo are given). Another word for “wolf” is ráca.
Narqueliënoun tenth month of the year, "October" (Appendix D); the word seems to mean "Fire-waning", "Sun-waning". Compare narquelion("q"), q.v.
Narquelion("q") noun "fire-fading, autumn" (FS, Narqelion, KWEL, (LAS1), "nar-qelion", VT45:24); simply translated "Fading" in LR:72. The word also heads a section of the poem The Trees of Kortirion (LT1:41).
Narsil (Þ) noun the sword of Elendil, compound of the stems seen in Anar "Sun" and Isil "Moon"; see Letters:425 for etymology
Narsilion (Þ) noun "(the song) of the Sun and Moon"; actually the stems of the words for Sun and Moon compounded (see Narsil above) and a plural genitive ending added (Silm)