ninyapossessive pron occurring in Fíriel's Song, evidently meaning "my"; see indo-ninya. It may be derived from the dative form nin "for me" by adding the adjectival ending -ya. Compare menya, q.v.
nionnoun "bee" (GL:60)
nípaadj. "small; small & frail". The word is said to mean "small" with "connotation of weakness". Also *nimpë(VT48:18)
niquë (1) vb. "it is cold, it freezes; it snows or freezes" (WJ:417, PE17:168), 3rd sg. of nicu-, q.v.
niquetil("q") noun "snowcap" (LT1:266). Compare níquetil in much later material.
niquisnoun "frost-patterns; ice-flake or snowflake – also petal (loose) of a white flower" (stem niquits- or niquiss-), also niquessë by association with quessë "feather" (WJ:417, PE17:168). In early "Qenya", the gloss was simply "snow" (LT1:266).
nir- vb. "press, thrust, force (in a given direction)" ("Though applicable to the pressure of a person on others, by mind and 'will' as well as by physical strength, [this verb] could also be used of physical pressures exerted by inanimates.") Given as a 1st person aorist nirin(VT41:17). Pa.t. probably *nindë since the R of nir- was originally D (the base is given as NID; compare rer- pa.t. rendë from RED concerning the past tense)
níranoun "will" (as a potential or faculty) (VT39:30, VT41:6, 17, PE17:168)