amya (1) noun “my mother”, form used in address (PE17:170), cf. emya
amya- (2) evidently a prefix corresponding to mai- (q.v.) in meaning (PE17:163, 172)
an (1) conj. and prep. "for" (Nam, RGEO:66), an cé mo quernë… “for if one turned…” (VT49:8), also used adverbially in the formula an + a noun to express “one more” (of the thing concerned: an quetta “a word more”, PE17:91). The an of the phrase es sorni heruion an! "the Eagles of the Lords are at hand" (SD:290) however seems to denote motion towards (the speaker): the Eagles are coming. Etym has an, ana "to, towards" (NĀ1).The phrase an i falmalī (PE17:127) is not clearly translated but seems to be a paraphrase of the word falmalinnar “upon the foaming waves” (Nam), suggesting that an can be used as a paraphrase of the allative ending (and if falmalī is seen as a Book Quenya accusative form because of the long final vowel, this is evidence that an governs the accusative case). In the "Arctic" sentence, an is translated "until". Regarding an as used in Namárië, various sources indicate that it means an “moreover, further(more), to proceed” (VT49:18-19) or (“properly”) “further, plus, in addition” (PE17:69, 90). According to one late source (ca. 1966 or later), an “is very frequently used after a ‘full stop’, when an account or description is confirmed after a pause. So in Galadriel’s Elvish lament […]: An sí Tintallë, etc. [= For now the Kindler, etc…] This is translated by me ‘for’, side an is (as here) often in fact used when the additional matter provides an explanation of or reason for what has already been said”. Related is the use of an + noun to express “one more”; here anis presumably accented, something the word would not normally be when used as a conjunction or preposition.