Meterrívënoun alternative name of January (PM:135)
métimaadj. "last" (Markirya), in Markirya also twice métim', since the following words (auressë, andúnë) begin in an a.
mettanoun "end"; Ambar-metta "world-end, the end of the world" (EO); mettarë *"end-day" = New Years' Eve in the Númenórean calendar and the Steward's Reckoning, not belonging to any month (Appendix D). – The word Mettanyë, heading the final part of the poem The Trees of Kortirion, would seem to be related (LT1:43)
metya- vb. "put an end to" (MET)
miprep. "in, within" (MI, VT27:20, VT44:18, 34, VT43:30; the latter source also mentions the variant imi); mí "in the" (Nam, RGEO:66; CO gives mi; the correct forms should evidently be mi = "in" and mí = mi i "in the"; VT49:35 also has míwith a long vowel, though the gloss is simply “in”). Used in PE17:71 (cf. 70) of people clad “in” various colours, e.g. mi mísë “in grey”. Allative minna "to the inside, into" (MI), also mina(VT43:30). The forms mimmë and mingwë seem to incorporate pronominal suffixes for "us", hence ?"in us", inclusive and exclusive respectively. The pronoun -mmë denoted plural inclusive "we" when this was written, though Tolkien would later make it dual instead (see -mmë). Second person forms are also given: mil or milyë *"in you" (sg.), millë "in you" (pl.) (VT43:36). A special use of mi appears in the phrase Wendë mi Wenderon "Virgin of Virgins" (VT44:18); here mi appears superfluous to achieve the desired meaning, but this combination of singular noun + mi + plural genitive noun may be seen as a fixed idiom expressing that the initial noun represents the most prominent member of a class.