PRACTICE EXAM 4 ....................................................................................................... 19
TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 1.......................................................................................... 36
1-TREE OF LIFE ................................................................................... 46
2-A COUNTRY WALK ........................................................................ 48
3-A LONG WAY FROM HOME ...........................................................50
4- HOW BORING IS FAKENHAM? .................................................... 52
5-THE DANGER OF HEIGHT ............................................................. 54
TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 2 ......................................................................................... 56
1-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
hen Fred was in Thailand, he couldn't understand the alphabet, so whenever he got on a bus, he was never sure of its ........ and just went wherever it took him.
A) consequence B) fare
C) destination D) environment
E) arrival
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are two of the most ....... acts in recent history, which, even today, are still being debated.
A) accidental B) alternative
C) coincidental D) accessible
E) controversial
It was obvious from the bored look on her face that she was helping her mother with the cleaning ........ .
A) reluctantly B) hastily
C) ordinarily D) eventually
E) systematically
We all agreed to ....... the situation logically before coming to a decision.
A) think B) postpone
C) reckon D) analyse
E) withdraw
There are so many things to discuss that we should ....... a meeting as soon as possible.
A) command B) interrupt
C)call D) direct
E) impose
If this rain keeps ....... like this, we will never get home without getting soaked.
A) getting off B) pouring down
C) going out D) breaking into
E) bringing up
James ....... at the same company since he ....... from university.
A) was working/has graduated
B) works/was graduating
C) worked/had graduated
D) is working/would graduate
E) has worked/graduated
If you ....... your glasses, you ....... that I'm standing next to a bull in this photograph, not a cow!
A) are wearing/have seen
B) would wear/were going to see
C) will be wearing/might have seen
D) were wearing/would be able to see
E) might wear/could see
My grandfather went to sea at the age of ten, and by the age of fifteen, he ....... around the world three times.
A) was sailing B) had sailed
C) has sailed D) will have sailed
E) has been sailing
Because I had missed quite a few classes due to my illness, I ....... very hard for my exams in order to make up for what I'd missed.
A) had to study
B) had better study
C) used to study
D) would rather study
E) will have studied
You work for a company that has been accused of exploiting its workers,
A) do you B) hasn't it
C) has it D) don't you
E) haven't you
My job is very ....... to Jeffs, but I don't deal with individual customers, while he does.
A) such as B) the same
C) similar D) different
E) like
I shouldn't have come ....... car because I got stuck ....... traffic and missed the beginning of the wedding ceremony.
A) with/at B) for/to
C) of/for D)through/of
E) by/in
As I walked ......... the aisle in the church, I felt that everyone was looking ........ me.
A) about/with B) through/for
C) at/after D) for/to
E) down /at
....... our careful preparations, everything went smoothly.
A) Inasmuch as B) As a result of
C) For the fact that D) In case of
E) In contrast to
The car behind me is following ....... closely ....... if I have to stop suddenly, he will run into us.
A) just/as B) more/than
C) so/that D) such/that
E) as/as
New Zealand is one of a number of countries in ....... English is the first language.
A) that B) where
C) whom D) which
E) whose
....... car may be very fast, but I prefer ....... because it is more reliable.
A) Your/mine B) Your own/myself
C) Yours/my own D) You/itself
E) Yourself/it
19-24. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
why the landlord doubled my rent last month.
A) He must have been very greedy
B) It was, indeed, much cheaper than the others'
C) His solicitor could not satisfactorily explain
D) It's only a one-bedroom apartment with no central heating
E) I'm getting more and more upset
....... if you are considering visiting Southeast Asia.
A) I've heard you are soon leaving for a round-the-world trip
B) There were still a lot of political problems
C) Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia
D) You would really enjoy yourself
E) You should buy the "Lonely Planet" guidebook
Although there was ]no one at the party that I knew, ....... .
A) I would, obviously, not enjoy myself at all
B) I didn't want to stay long
C) some of them were acquaintances from town
D) I still had a really good time
E) a lot of people from work were there
........ travelling in once dangerous parts of the world is now generally quite safe.
A) Unless you respect local customs and traditions
B) As long as you take a few basic precautions
C) Had you remembered to take sufficient money
D) Since it is an adventure
E) Until you learn to take care of yourself
A man stopped me on the street to ask ........ .
A) how did I feel after the operation
B) though I hadn't seen him before
C) if there was a good restaurant nearby
D) provided he had missed the bus
E) whereas I was in a hurry to catch the bus
Indonesia is the place....... .
A) where there has been so much political violence lately
B) whichever news report you listen to on television or on the radio
C) whether it has a huge Muslim population
D) that there are so many bloody demonstrations
E) when its dictator was overthrown last year
25-32. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.
bout 4,500 years ago, the ancient Egyptians made the first paper from the fibrous stems of papyrus, a grasslike plant.
A) 4,500 yıl önce eski Mısırlılar, papirüsün ota benzeyen saplarını kullanarak ilk kağıdı yapan uygarlık olmuştur.
B) İlk kağıt, 4,500 yıl kadar önce eski Mısırlılar tarafından, ota benzer bir bitki olan papirüsün lifli saplarından yapılmıştır.
C) Yaklaşık 4,500 yıl önce ilk kağıdı yapan eski Mısırlılar, bunun için ota benzer bir bitki oları papirüsün lifli saplarını kullanmışlardır.
D) 4,500 yıl kadar önce eski Mısırlılar, ota benzer bir bitki olan papirüsün lifli saplarından ilk kağıdı yaptılar.
E) İlk kağıdı yaklaşık 4,500 yıl önce yapan eski Mısırlılar, lifli bir bitki olan papirüsün ota benzeyen saplarından yararlanmışlardır.
Ears are perhaps as important as eyes to some species of animals in avoiding dangers or obtaining their food.
A) Tehlikelerden sakınmak ya da yiyeceklerini sağlamak için bazı hayvan türleri, gözlerini değil kulaklarını kullanmaktadır.
B) Kulaklar, hayvan türlerinin bazılarında, tehlikelerden sakınmak ya da yiyeceklerini bulmak için gözlerden daha önemli olabilmektedir.
C) Bazı hayvan türlerinin tehlikelerden kaçınmasında ya da yiyeceklerini sağlamasında en az gözler kadar kulaklar da önemlidir.
D) Bazı hayvan türleri için kulaklar, tehlikelerden kaçınmada ya da yiyeceklerim bulmada, belki de, gözler kadar önemlidir.
E) Bazı hayvan türlerinin tehlikelerden sakınma ya da yiyecek sağlamasında kulaklar, belki de gözlerden daha önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
Unlike many of its neighbours, Argentina has developed a strong manufacturing industry and has become less dependent on agriculture.
A) Pek çok komşusundan farklı olarak Arjantin, güçlü bir imalat sanayi geliştirmiş ve tarıma daha az bağımlı hale gelmiştir.
B) Güçlü bir imalat sanayi geliştirdiği için Arjantin, pek çok komşusundan farklı olarak tarıma daha az bağımlı durumdadır.
C) Pek çok komşusunun aksine Arjantin, güçlü bir imalat sanayi geliştirerek tarıma olan bağımlılığını azaltmıştır.
D) Arjantin'in, pek çok komşusu gibi tarıma bağımlı olmamasının nedeni imalat sanayiinin güçlü olmasıdır.
E) Güçlü bir imalat sanayiine sahip olan Arjantin pek çok komşusu gibi tamamen tarıma bağımlı değildir
What Shakespeare is to English literature as a playwright, Moliere is to French literature.
A) Shakespeare'in oyun yazan olarak İngiliz edebiyatına sağladığı katkıyı, Moliere de Fransız edebiyatına sağlamıştır.
B) Oyun yazarı olarak Shakespeare İngiliz edebiyatında, Moliere ise Fransız edebiyatında çok önemli bir yere sahiptir.
C) Oyun yazan olarak Shakespeare İngiliz edebiyatı için ne ise, Moliere de Fransız edebiyatı için odur.
D) Bir oyun yazarı olan Moliere'in Fransız edebiyatındaki yeri, Shakespeare'in İngiliz edebiyatındaki yeri kadar önemlidir.
E) Oyun yazarlığı konusunda, Fransız edebiyatının Moliere' İngiliz edebiyatının Shakespeare'i kadar değerlidir.
Since their soft skin provides little protection against dehydration, all amphibians have to live near water.
A) Hem suda hem karada yaşayabilen hayvanların suya yakın yaşamak zorunda olmalarının nedeni, yumuşak derilerinin su kaybını önleyememesidir.
B) Derilerinin yumuşak olması nedeniyle su kaybına karşı çok az dayanıklı olan hem suda hem de karada yaşayabilen tüm hayvanların suya yakın yaşamaları gerekir.
C) Hem suda hem de karada yaşayabilen bütün hayvanlar suya yakın yerlerde yaşarlar çünkü yumuşak derileri su kaybına karşı dayanıklı değildir.
D) Suya yakın yerlerde yaşamak zorunda olan, hem suda hem de karada yaşayabilen hayvanların tümünün derileri yumuşaktır ve su kaybına karşı dayanıksızdır.
E) Yumuşak derileri su kaybına karşı çok az koruma sağladığı için hem suda hem karada yaşayabilen hayvanların tümü suya yakın yaşamak zorundadırlar.
The American playwright Maxwell Anderson, who believed in the importance of democracy, expressed in many of his plays his ideas of liberty and justice.
A) Demokrasinin önemini savunan Amerikalı yazar Maxwell Anderson'un, özgürlük ve adalet üzerine düşüncelerini anlatan pek çok oyunu vardır.
B) Demokrasinin önemine inanmış olan Amerikalı oyun yazarı Maxwell Anderson, pek çok oyununda özgürlük ve adalet üzerine fikirlerim ifade etmiştir.
C) Amerikalı oyun yazarı Maxwell Anderson, demokrasinin önemine inanan bir yazar olarak özgürlük ve adalet üzerine fikirlerini birçok oyununda işlemiştir.
D) Özgürlük ve adalet üzerine düşüncelerini pek çok oyununda dile getiren Amerikalı Maxwell Anderson, demokrasinin önemine inanmış bir oyun yazarıdır.
E) Amerikalı oyun yazarı Maxwell Anderson, demokrasinin önemine inanmış biri olduğunu pek çok oyununda özgürlük ve adalet üzerine "fikirlerini anlatarak ifade etmiştir.
I dread to imagine what could have happened if we hadn't noticed the nail in the tire before we set off.
A) Lastikteki çiviyi yola çıkmadan önce fark etmemiş olsaydık, neler olabileceğini düşününce dehşete kapılıyorum.
B) Lastikteki çiviyi yola çıkmadan önce fark etmeseydik, çok korkunç şeyler olabilirdi.
C) İyi ki lastikteki çiviyi yola çıkmadan önce fark ettim yoksa çok korkunç şeyler yaşayabilirdik.
D) Yola çıktıktan hemen sonra lastikte bir çivi olduğunu fark edince dehşete kapıldım.
E) Keşke lastikteki çiviyi yola çıkmadan önce fark etseydik, o zaman o korkunç şeyleri yaşamazdık.
The gifted Greek mathematician Archimedes was the first scientist to discover and use the power of the lever.
A) Kaldıracı ilk kez, onun gücünün farkında olan ve bunu kanıtlamaya çalışan Yunanlı dahi matematikçi Arşimet kullanmıştır.
B) Kaldıracın gücünü ilk fark edip kullanan bilim adamı olan Yunanlı Arşimet, aynı zamanda dahi bir matematikçiydi.
C) Yunanlı dahi bir matematikçi olan Arşimet, kaldıracın gücünü göstermek için önü ilk kez kullanan bilim adamı olmuştur.
D) Kaldıracın gücünü keşfeden ve ilk kez kullanan Yunanlı bilim adamı Arşimet, aslında dahi bir matematikçiydi
33-40. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.
) Yunanlı dahi matematikçi Arşimet, kaldıracın gücünü keşfeden ve kullanan ilk bilim adamıydı.
Hafta sonları dışında hiç televizyon izlemezdi.
A) She didn't use to watch much television, especially at the weekends.
B) She never used to watch any television except at the weekends.
C) She watches more television than she used to at the weekends.
D) The weekend was the time when she used to watch the most television.
E) Apart from at the weekends, she rarely watched any television.
Meraklı, sistemli ve zeki olan rakuri, sürekli olarak yapacak yeni bir şey arar.
A) The raccoon has an inquisitive, methodical and intelligent character, which makes it always look for something new to do.
B) Inquisitive, methodical and intelligent, the raccoon looks constantly for something new to do.
C) It is the inquisitive, methodical and intelligent sides of a raccoon's character which leads him to look for new things to do.
D) Being inquisitive, methodical and intelligent, this little raccoon is constantly looking for something new to occupy itself with.
E) The raccoon uses its inquisitive, methodical and intelligent nature constantly to find new things to do.
Rönesans bilginleri, eski Yunan ve Latin metinlerine, özellikle de Plato ve Aristo'nun eserlerine son derece bağlıydılar.
A) Renaissance scholars solely studied texts in ancient Greek and Latin, such as the works of Plato and Aristotle.
B) Renaissance scholars read the ancient Greek and Latin texts eagerly, particularly works written by Plato and Aristotle.
C) Renaissance scholars were especially interested in works written in ancient Greek or Latin, such as the works of Plato and Aristotle.
D) The works of Plato and Aristotle and other ancient Greek and Latin texts were highly regarded by Renaissance scholars.
E) Renaissance scholars were highly devoted to the ancient Greek and Latin texts, especially the works of Plato and Aristotle.
Pekin dünyanın büyük şehirlerinin çoğundan farklıdır çünkü tanm, ekonomisinin önemli bir bölümünü oluşturur.
A) Beijing is unlike most of the world's major cities because agriculture forms a significant portion of its economy.
B) Beijing differs from a large proportion of the world's major cities because agriculture is important for its economy.
C) Beijing is the only major city in the world where agriculture forms a significant portion of the economy.
D) Beijing's economy relies more heavily on agriculture than those of most of the world's major cities.
E) Beijing is one of the world's major cities, yet it still relies an agriculture for a large portion of its economy.
Pek çok ülke, özellikle iklimlerine uygun kendi çilek çeşitlerini geliştirmiştir.
A) Many varieties of strawberries have been developed, each being particularly suited to a specific climate.'
B) Many countries have developed their own varieties of strawberries, particularly suited to their climates.
C) Each country has developed a particular variety of strawberry which is suited to its specific climate
D) Strawberries are grown in many countries in which the climate suits one of the various kinds.
E) Many countries where the climate is particularly suited to strawberries have developed their own varieties.
Pragmatist sonuç alındığı sürece bir şeyin nasıl yapıldığının önemli olmadığına inanan kimsedir.
A) A pragmatist believes that it does not matter how you tackle something if, eventually, you get results.
B) A pragmatist can be described as someone who doesn't care how long it takes to do something provided one achieves some aim.
C) Someone who believes that the method of achieving something is irrelevant and that only the result matters is called a pragmatist.
D) A pragmatist is someone who believes that it does not matter how something is done as long as a result is obtained.
E) It is the results of a project that is important according to a pragmatist, the methods used being considered irrelevant.
İnsanlar televizyo nda doğal afet haberleri duymaya o kadar alıştı ki bu tür şeylere artık neredeyse hiç üzülmüyorlar.
A) People have got so used to hearing news about natural disasters on TV that they hardly get upset by such things any more.
B) So much news has been broadcast about natural disasters on TV that people are no longer affected by this as much as they used to be.
C) People used to get upset at hearing about natural disasters, but now they are getting used to seeing such things on their TVs.
D) News of natural disasters on TV used to upset people, but now they are getting accustomed to seeing these sort of things.
E) People who used to get upset by the sights of a natural disaster on their televisions are now hardly affected by such things.
Pek çok kişi onun bir çeşit batıl inançtan başka bir şey olmadığına inandığı halde, astrolojinin her zaman büyük bir kitlesi olmuştur.
A) Astrology has always had a big following of people who believe it is much more than a kind of superstition.
B) Despite the scientists' belief that astrology is nothing more than a kind of superstition, it continues to have a popular following.
C) Although many people believe it is nothing more than a kind of superstition, astrology has always had a big following.
D) Because so many people now believe that astrology is nothing more than a kind of superstition, it's surprising that it still has a big following.
E) Astrology, now believed to be nothing more than a kind of superstition for many, still attracts as big a following as ever.
41-43, sorulan aşağıdakki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
n the centre of Tokyo's financial district is a shrine to pacify the spirit of Taira no Masakado, a spiteful Japanese warrior who lost a power struggle against the emperor in the year 940 and had his head cut off. Ever since, the ghost is supposed to have brought misfortune on an arrogant establishment. In 1923, the Ministry of Finance decided to tear down the shrine and build offices on the cite. The Minister of Finance soon died and worse, the great Kanto earthquake struck, killing 130,000 people. In the 1940s, local officials persuaded the American Occupation forces not to build a car park on the cite. Even today, many office workers in nearby banks avoid turning their backs to the shrine.
We understand from the passage that in Tokyo, ....... .
A) there are areas which are still occupied by American forces
B) some people are still careful not to offend the ghost of the warrior
C) a lot of rebels were beheaded besides the warrior Taira no Masakado
D) a lot of shrines are situated in the financial centre of the city
E) warriors used to rebel against the emperor very often
It's obvious from the passage that the shrine ....... .
A) will some day be replaced by a tall office block
B) is looked after well in the hope that it will attract foreign tourists .
C) is situated in a remote part of Japan's capital city, Tokyo
D) is believed to help calm down the spirit of Taira no Masakado
E) was effective in driving the American Occupation forces off
The fact that the Minister of Finance decided to tear down the shrine may indicate that ....... .
A) he felt, strong hatred for Taira no Masakado
B) he did not take the superstition seriously
C) Japanese economy was not doing well at the time
D) he wanted to anger the ghost of Taira no Masakado
E) he was fatally ill and was going to die anyway
44-46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
he outrage was witnessed by a class full of terrified law students at Northwestern University. An armed robber burst in and mugged the lecturer in the middle of a lecture on policing. After the robber had fled with his briefcase, the surprisingly calm lecturer, who should have been chasing the robber or informing the police of the incident, did neither. Instead, he asked the class to describe the assailant. The results were sobering. The fat or thin robber who was or was not wearing spectacles, was anything from 5 feet 6 inches tall to 6 feet 6 inches tall. His hair was jet black or bleached blond, or it just might have been mousy. He was wearing a denim shirt and blue jeans or a leather jacket and brown corduroys.
From the implications in the passage, it seems likely that the lecturer ....... .
A) had something very important in his briefcase
B) wanted to frighten his students
C) had planned the "mugging" to make a point
D) was really a mugger in disguise E) was as frightened as his students
It is obvious from the passage that the students ...... .
A) were unable to describe the robber accurately
B) were not very interested in the incident
C) were upset by how calm their lecturer was
D) wanted to help the lecturer chase the robber away
E) knew that the mugging was part of their lecture