Red Data Book

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Table 1.

Recorded nestings of sea turtles in St. Lucia, 1983-1993, with literature records from Bacon (1981), Carr et al. (1982), and Murray (1984). CM = green turtle (Chelonia mydas), EI = hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), DC = leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), CC = loggerhead (Caretta caretta), and ?? = unidentified. The data are acknowledged to be fragmentary and preliminary; loggerhead records, in particular, are questionable. Green turtles may nest in low numbers but, with the exception of Grande Anse beach, data are not available. Comprehensive field surveys are needed to verify the distribution and timing of the breeding effort. "Personal observations" are those of the senior author, C. d'Auvergne.





1. Saline Point


Nest/eggs found

hotel staff


Resident reported that a turtle

"crawled into his garden and

uprooted his potato crop"

P. James

8. La Toc


Adults/hatchlings seen

hotel staff

11. Anse Galet


Nests found


12. Anse Cochon


Nests found

fishermen, Fisheries staff

39. Donkey Beach



P. James

Table 2.

Leatherback turtle nesting records reported to the Second Western Atlantic Turtle Symposium (Charles, 1987). Size measured as curved carapace length (CCL) and curved carapace width (CCW). We assume that clutch size refers to the number of yolked eggs.






No. Eggs

Grande Anse


26 Jul





Grande Anse






Figure 1. Location of St. Lucia, West Indies (61EW, 14EN)

(source: ECNAMP, 1980).

Figure 2. Sea turtle nesting beaches and important marine habitats in St. Lucia

(refer to Table 1 for numbered nesting beaches). Stars indicate beach sand mining (map modified from CCA/ IRF, 1991).
Figure 3. An identification guide to sea turtles in St. Lucia.
Figure 4. St. Lucia Marine Reserves (modified from CCA/IRF, 1991).

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