Register Report First Generation

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Register Report

First Generation


1. John STAMPE. Born in 1410 in Cholsey, Berkshire, England. John died in England.
John married Ursula BIRLINGTON. Born in England. Ursula died in England.
They had one child:

2 i. John (1440-)

Second Generation


Family of John STAMPE (1) & Ursula BIRLINGTON

2. John STAMPE. Born in 1440 in Cholsey, Berkshire, England.
Known as a Gentleman of Chosley, Burk, England. He lived in the eary part of the fifteenth century. See Keterah Stamps for more details. [1]

3 i. John (1461-)

Third Generation


Family of John STAMPE (2)

3. John STAMPE. Born in 1461 in Cholsey, Berkshire, England.
In 1481 when John was 20, he married Elizabeth COXE, daughter of Thomas COXE, in England. Born in 1460 in Mowlsfords, Berkshire, England.
They had one child:

4 i. Thomas (1486-)

Fourth Generation


Family of John STAMPE (3) & Elizabeth COXE

4. Thomas STAMPE. Born in 1486 in Bradfield Hall, Berkshire, England.
In 1506 when Thomas was 20, he married Joan KNAPP, daughter of William KNAPP. Born in 1483 in Hare Court, Berk, England.
They had one child:

5 i. William (1512-)

Fifth Generation


Family of Thomas STAMPE (4) & Joan KNAPP

5. William STAMPE. Born in 1512 in Burfford, England.
In 1538 when William was 26, he married Katherine HYDE, daughter of Robert HYDE. Born in 1519 in Easthernred, Berkshire, England.
They had one child:

6 i. Timothy (1552-1618)

Sixth Generation


Family of William STAMPE (5) & Katherine HYDE

6. Timothy STAMPE. Born in 1552 in Bruern Abby, Oxon, England. Timothy died in Bruern Abby, Oxon, England in 1618; he was 66.
In 1578 when Timothy was 26, he married Mary GUNNER. Born in 1561 in England.
They had one child:

7 i. John Thomas (1603-)

Seventh Generation


Family of Timothy STAMPE (6) & Mary GUNNER

7. John Thomas STAMPS. Born in 1603 in England.
In 1620 when John Thomas was 17, he married Jane MALLORY, in Virginia. Born in 1599 in England.
They had one child:

8 i. William (1624-)

Eighth Generation


Family of John Thomas STAMPS (7) & Jane MALLORY

8. William STAMPS. Born in 1624 in Virginia.
In 1645 when William was 21, he married ROE, in Virginia.
They had one child:

9 i. Timothy (1642-)

Ninth Generation


Family of William STAMPS (8) & ROE

9. Timothy STAMPS. Born in 1642 in Virginia.
In 1665 when Timothy was 23, he married Margaret FRIZZELL, daughter of William FRIZZELL & Ann. Born in 1644.
They had one child:

10 i. William

Tenth Generation


Family of Timothy STAMPS (9) & Margaret FRIZZELL

10. William STAMPS.
William married Mary BYRD, daughter of Col William BYRD & Mary HORSEMANDIN.
They had one child:

11 i. Thomas

Eleventh Generation


Family of William STAMPS (10) & Mary BYRD

11. Thomas STAMPS.
In 1703 Thomas married Mary ROSE, daughter of John ROSE (-~1742) & Mary. Born about 1700 in Northumberland County, Virginia.
Mary's father, John Roes' will dated November 18, 1742 names, among others, "James Blackerby, my wifes son", indicating that Mary had been married before to a Blackerby. Her maiden name remains unkown. [1]
They had one child:

12 i. William (1750-)

Twelfth Generation


Family of Thomas STAMPS (11) & Mary ROSE

12. William STAMPS. Born on October 21, 1750 in Farquier County, Virginia.
William married Margaret METCALFE, daughter of John METCALFE & Diane WATKINS.
They had one child:

13 i. William (1765-1855)

Thirteenth Generation


Family of William STAMPS (12) & Margaret METCALFE

13. William STAMPS. Born in 1765 in Fauquire County, Virginia. William died in bourbon County, Kentucky on October 22, 1855; he was 90.
William married Jane SHORE, daughter of Thomas SHORE & Sarah WOODSON. Born in 1765 in Bourbon County, Kentucky. Jane died in Bourbon County, Kentucky on August 11, 1838; she was 73.
They had the following children:

i. Anne. Born on November 28, 1792.

Anne married John MARTIN.

14 ii. Mariah (1794-1871)

iii. Jane. Born on July 1, 1795.

The Western Citizen, Wed 20 Dec 1815--Marriages: On Tuesday evening last, William Alexander to Miss Jane Stamps, all of this county.

Jane married William ALEXANDER.

iv. Harriet. Born on October 6, 1796.

Harriet first married Hugh THOMPSON.

Harriet second married LOCKHART.

15 v. William (1797-1878)

16 vi. Ketturah (1799-1855)

vii. Thomas S. Born on July 9, 1803.

viii. America. Born on April 17, 1805.

ix. John Shore. Born on July 25, 1880.

14th Generation


Family of William STAMPS (13) & Jane SHORE

14. Mariah STAMPS. Born on February 24, 1794 in Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky. Mariah died on December 12, 1871; she was 77. Buried in Paris Cemetery, Paris, Kentucky.

On September 29, 1821 when Mariah was 27, she married Richard EWALT, son of Henry EWALT (1754-1829) & Elizabeth FREY/FRYE (1757-1837). Born in 1795 in Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky. Richard died in Bourbon County, Kentucky on October 15, 1833; he was 38. Buried in Samuel Ewalt Graveyard, Paris-Cynthiana Turnpike.

They had the following children:

17 i. Elizabeth Jane (1824-1895)

ii. Penelope. Born on May 3, 1829 in Cooper’s Run, Kentucky.

On January 18, 1859 when Penelope was 29, she married Samuel L. PATTERSON, son of Joseph PATTERSON (1783-) & Susan SMITH (1793-). [2] Born on August 1, 1819 in Leesburg Precinct, Harrison County, Kentucky.

SAMUEL L. PATTERSON, [3] farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Paris. The proprietor and owner of "Patterson Dale Farm" was born Aug. l, 1819, in Leesburg Precinct, in Harrison County, son of Joseph, who was born July, 1783, in Augusta County, Va.; he married Susan Smith, a native of Woodford County, this State, she was born about the year 1793, a daughter of Elijah and Hannah (Todd) Smith, both families of Virginia. The paternal grandfather of our subject was Joseph Patterson, who married a Laird, and emigrated to Fayette County about 1794, he died 1829, a farmer by occupation. The subject of these lines was of a family of twelve children, ten of whom came to maturity. He had but common school advantages, having never attended high school or college; he was raised to farming pursuits, his father being a large farmer and successful business man, and was for many years prominently associated with Harrison County, both in a business and legislative manner; he began public life about the year 1822, and for five terms represented his county in the Legislature, and in the Senate four years, and was a prominent member of the church of which he was an elder for years, and was a liberal man in all his relations with the church and society, and its demands generally. Samuel L. remained with his father on the home farm, until he was thirty years of age, his father having about 1000 acres of land, which they farmed in common. Jan. 18, 1849, he married Penelope Stamps Ewalt, who was born May 3, 1829, on Cooper's Run; she was a daughter of Richard and Maria (Stamps) Ewalt, Maria was a daughter of William Stamps and Jane Shores. After Mr. Patterson's marriage, he remained on the land set off to him from his father's estate, to which he added more by purchase from lands adjoining; here remained until 1866, when he and his brother Eli dissolved partnership and removed to this county; he located on the farm he now owns, consisting of 206 acres, for which he paid $140 per acre. Mr. Pa-tterson is one of the thorough-going and scientific farmers in the county. Since 1852, has been engaged in breeding short-horns, trotting horses and Cotswold sheep. He is a member of the Christian Church, and in politics is Democratic. Has no children.

18 iii. Sallie Ann (1830-1910)

15. William STAMPS. Born on November 5, 1797. William died on March 4, 1878; he was 80.
William Stamps (b.November 5, 1797) Married Lucinda Davis the sister of "Jefferson Davis" the President of the of the Confederacy. Their home was called "Rosemont" and was located near Woodville, Mississippi.
Their son Captain Issac Stamps C.S.A. fought in the Civil war Company E, "Hurricane Rifles," 21st. Mississippi Infantry - Barksdale's Brigade and fell at Gettysburg in the first charge from the Peach Orchard towards little round top, July 2, 1863 mortally wounded he died the next day July 3rd. 1863.
On July 3,1998 he was honored by having his picture placed on the wall of faces in the visitors center at the Gettysburg Nation Battlefield Park.OLD

"Walnut Lea", William Stamps Hone on Gorgetown Pike, near Paris, Kentucky. Built In 1823. Data co-piled by Miss Elizabeth B. Grime., Historian Jenima Johnson Chapter’, D. A. R.. published in the Friday, September 21, 1954 issue or the Kentuckian-Citizen.

Walnut Lea, the Stamps home, in situated two and one half miles from Paris on the Georgetown Pike. The earliest records of Bourbon County show that the land on which this homestead was established belongod to Robert Whitledge, a revolutionary Soldier. He and him wife, Nancy Whitledge conveyed it to James Morin on Jan. 9, l787, while Kentucty was still a part of Virginia. Soon after James Morin and his wife, Jane Shore Morin, settled here, the Indians killed an entire family on the farm of U. S. Senator John Edwards Just back of this place and tradition says James Morin and wife hourly expected the return of the Indians. ana were armed for defense.
James Morin was killed in felling a tree. His widow married William Stamps who built the present house in 1823 An article of agreement between William Stamps and Enoch Hughes and Henry Leer who were to do the carpenter work on the houss is still in existance. It recites "tth, main body of the house to be two stories high with one room 20 feet by 20 in the clear’ and a passage at one end 10 ft by 20 in the clear with one pair of stairs; a and six windows with 24 lights each 3 by 10 and six panel doors and four presses and two chimney pieces, also an ell 56 ft by 5 by 10, three panel doors and two presses and two chimney pieces and six grates and two cellar doors; also the said Hughes and Leer to get the shingles and hew the rafters with the exception of cutting and sawing the blocks for the shingles which the said Stamps is to do for them, also the said Hughes and Leer to get the timber for the window frames out of Locust and prepar the finish in a plain, neat and workmanlike manner, with venetian shutters to every window. The bill for’ plastering the house has also been preserved. A beautiful carved mantel stands in the main room. The floors are of ash.
Unusual features are the two little rooms of brick built over the entrances to the cellars and standing under the long side porch. On the death of William Stamps in l855 his Granddaughter, Elizabeth Ewalt Hedges, aquired the old home. The next year she added three rooms to the orlinal house. It is in a good state of preservation and is now occupied by a descendant, Mrs. George L. Clayton (Ann McMil1an Talbott). The name “Walnut Lea" was given to the place on account of the many walnut trees and the level land.
Gov. Thomas Metcalfe spent many nights here with his first cousin, William Stamps, while enrout from his home in Nichclas County to the Executive Mansion in Fankfort, the trip being too long to take by carriage in one day. Joseph and Jefferson Davis were often guests in the home, their sister having married the oldest son of William Stamps.

William Stamps was born in 1765 in Fauquire County, Virginia. He married Jane Morin, nee Shore, on January 26,1792 Bourbon Co., Kentucky. Her first husband was James Morin who was killed in felling a tree. At the January term of court in 1801, Bourbon County, Ky., William Stamps was appointed guardian to Sarah, Joseph, Elizabeth and Margaret Morin, children of his wife by her first husband, James Morin. William Stamps died at the age of ninety years on October 22, l855. His death certificate states that his parents were William and Polly Stamps. Jane Shore Stamps died August 11, 1858. They are buried in the family burial ground near the old homestead. They lived at "Walnut Lea" which was built by William Stamps in 1823, on the Georgetown Pike near Paris, Kentucky. Their issue.;

1. Anne Stamps, born Nov. 28,1792, married John Martin
2. Maria Stamps, born Feb. 17, 1794, married Richard Ewalt
3. Jane Stamps, born July 1, 1795, married Wm.Alexander
4. Harriet Stamps, born Oct. 6, 1796, married 1st Hugh Thompaon,

2nd Lochart

5. William Stamps, born Nov. 5, 1797, married Lucinda Davis, sister to Jefferson Davis. Their home was called Rosemount and was located near Woodville, Mississippi.
6. Keturah Stamps, born Feb.3, 1799, married Henry Ewa1t
7. John Sore Stamps, born July 25, 1800, died 1823
3. Thomas S. Stamps, born July 9, 1803, married Elizabeth McConnel1
9. America Stamps, born April 17, l8O5, died at age of 9 years
William married Lucinda Farrar DAVIS, daughter of Samuel Emory DAVIS (~1755-1824) & Jane COOK (~1760-1845). Born on June 5, 1797. Lucinda Farrar died on December 14, 1873; she was 76.
William Stamps (b.November 5, 1797) Married Lucinda Davis the sister of "Jefferson Davis" the President of the of the Confederacy. Their home was called "Rosemont" and was located near Woodville, Mississippi.
Their son Captain Issac Stamps C.S.A. fought in the Civil war Company E, "Hurricane Rifles," 21st. Mississippi Infantry - Barksdale's Brigade and fell at Gettysburg in the first charge from the Peach Orchard towards little round top, July 2, 1863 mortally wounded he died the next day July 3rd. 1863.
On July 3, 1998 he was honored by having his picture placed on the wall of faces in the visitors center at the Gettysburg Nation Battlefield Park.

"Walnut Lea", William Stamps Home on Georgetown Pike, near Paris, Kentucky. Built in 1823. Data co-piled by Miss Elizabeth B. Grime., Historian Jenima Johnson Chapter’, D. A. R.. published in the Friday, September 21, 1954 issue or the Kentuckian-Citizen.

Walnut Lea, the Stamps home, is situated two and one half miles from Paris on the Georgetown Pike. The earliest records of Bourbon County show that the land on which this homestead was established belonged to Robert Whitledge, a revolutionary Soldier. He and his wife, Nancy Whitledge, conveyed it to James Morin on Jan. 9, l787, while Kentucky was still a part of Virginia. Soon after James Morin and his wife, Jane Shore Morin, settled here, the Indians killed an entire family on the farm of U. S. Senator John Edwards, just back of this place and tradition says James Morin and wife hourly expected the return of the Indians and were armed for defense.
James Morin was killed in felling a tree. His widow married William Stamps who built the present house in 1823 An article of agreement between William Stamps and Enoch Hughes and Henry Leer who were to do the carpenter work on the houss is still in existance. It recites "the main body of the house to be two stories high with one room 20 feet by 20 in the clear’ and a passage at one end 10 ft by 20 in the clear with one pair of stairs; a and six windows with 24 lights each 3 by 10 and six panel doors and four presses and two chimney pieces, also an ell 56 ft by 5 by 10, three panel doors and two presses and two chimney pieces and six grates and two cellar doors; also the said Hughes and Leer to get the shingles and hew the rafters with the exception of cutting and sawing the blocks for the shingles which the said Stamps is to do for them, also the said Hughes and Leer to get the timber for the window frames out of Locust and prepar the finish in a plain, neat and workmanlike manner, with venetian shutters to every window. The bill for’ plastering the house has also been preserved. A beautiful carved mantel stands in the main room. The floors are of ash.
Unusual features are the two little rooms of brick built over the entrances to the cellars and standing under the long side porch. On the death of William Stamps in l855 his Granddaughter, Elizabeth Ewalt Hedges, aquired the old home. The next year she added three rooms to the orlinal house. It is in a good state of preservation and is now occupied by a descendant, Mrs. Georg L. Clayton (Ann McMil1an Talbott). The name “Walnut Lea" was given to the place on account of the many walnut trees and the level land.
Gov. Thomas Metcalfe spent many nights here with his first cousin, William Stamps, while enrout from his home in Nichclas County to the Executive Mansion in Fankfort, the trip being too long to take by carriage in one day. Joseph and Jefferson Davis were often guests in the home, their sister having married the oldest son of William Stamps.
William Stamps was born in 1765 in Fauquire County, Virginia. He married Jane Morin, nee Shore, on January 26,1792 Bourbon Co., Kentucky. Her first husband was James Morin who was killed in felling a tree. At the January term of court in 1801, Bourbon County, Ky., William Stamps was appointed guardian to Sarah, Joseph, Elizabeth and Margaret Morin, children of his wife by her first husband, James Morin. William Stamps died at the age of ninety years on October 22, l855. His death certificate states that his parents were William and Polly Stamps. Jane Shore Stamps died August 11, 1858. They are buried in the family burial ground near the old homestead. They lived at "Walnut Lea" which was built by William Stamps in 1823, on the Georgetown Pike near Paris, Kentucky. Their issue.;
1. Anne Stamps, born Nov. 28,1792, married John Martin
2. Maria Stamps, born Feb. 17, 1794, married Richard Ewalt
3. Jane Stamps, born July 1, 1795, married Wm.Alexander
4. Harriet Stamps, born Oct. 6, 1796, married 1st Hugh Thompaon,

2nd Lochart

5. William Stamps, born Nov. 5, 1797, married Lucinda Davis, sister to Jefferson Davis. Their home was called Rosemount and was located near Woodville, Mississippi.
6. Keturah Stamps, born Feb.3, 1799, married Henry Ewa1t
7. John Sore Stamps, born July 25, 1800, died 1823
3. Thomas S. Stamps, born July 9, 1803, married Elizabeth McConnel1
9. America Stamps, born April 17, l8O5, died at age of 9 years
They had the following children:

i. Issac. Born on April 23, 1823 in Rosemount Plantation, Mississippi. Issac died in Gettysburg Pennsylvania on July 3, 1863; he was 40.

William Stamps (b.November 5, 1797) Married Lucinda Davis the sister of "Jefferson Davis" the President of the of the Confederacy. Their home was called "Rosemont" and was located near Woodville, Mississippi.

Their son Captain Issac Stamps C.S.A. fought in the Civil war Company E, "Hurricane Rifles," 21st. Mississippi Infantry - Barksdale's Brigade and fell at Gettysburg in the first charge from the Peach Orchard towards little round top, July 2, 1863 mortally wounded he died the next day July 3rd. 1863.

Issac carried a sowrd into battle given to him by his uncle, Jefferson Davis

On July 3,1998 he was honored by having his picture placed on the wall of faces in the visitors center at the Gettysburg Nation Battlefield Park.

Issac Stamps aspired to be the Govenor of Mississippi, however he died in the war before he could pursue that dream.

Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:48:18 -0700

Subject: FW: Isaac Davis "Ike" Stamps

From: "Conrad E Palmisano"

To: Conrad E Palmisano


From: Will Stamps


Subject: Re: Isaac Davis "Ike" Stamps

Date: Tue, Aug 17, 1999, 11:07 PM

> The "sword" in question is in a display case located in the central hall or

> gallery at Rosemont Plantation in Woodville, Mississippi. Indeed, I was

> priviledged to a private tour on Sunday, when they normally are closed, by

> Ernesto Caldeira. At the end of the tour, Ernesto handed me Isaac's sword and my

> wife, Sandi, took several pictures of me holding it. WOW!!! Sandi and I were

> also allowed to visit several rooms in the house that are off-limits to

> visitors. Ernesto and Percival Beacroft have done one fantastic job of

> preserving the Davis-Stamps heritage.


> Cousin Rev. Robert Stamps (grand son of V.O. Stamps - founder of Stamps Quartet)

> has been researching "the life and times" of Ike Stamps for several years. He

> recently wrote me the following "I found out from reading Isaac Stamps' personal

> letters last summer that the sword that Isaac carried at Gettysburg was not the

> one Jefferson Davis carried in the Mexican War. It was, in fact, an honorary

> sword given to Jefferson Davis by the women of Macon, Georgia. Nevertheless, as

> was the case with all swords in the Civil War, it was a real sword. There is a

> beautiful piece that Isaac wrote to Molly concerning the sword. He spoke of his

> uncle giving it to him and what a treasure it was to receive it, that it would

> remain in the family as a keepsake to be handed down generation to generation."

> In summation: "Even though every historical reference describes the sword as a

> Mexican War variety, according to the man who carried it, it was not." Bob

> saw several letters written by Ike when he visited his grand daughter before she

> died. Hopefully, I will get a chance to include them in his portion of The

> Stamps Family History and Lineage -- which I have just fininished and will now

> add this new info.


> By the way, Ernesto Caldeira is editor of "The Samuel & Jane Davis Family

> Newsletter". The address is Rosemont Plantation, P.O. Box 814; Woodville, JS

> 39669.


> Sleep Warm,


> Will Stamps

> "The Stamps Collector"
On May 11, 1854 when Issac was 31, he married Mary Elizabet Douglas HUMPHREYS. Born on February 13, 1835. Mary Elizabet Douglas died on May 9, 1900; she was 65.

ii. Jane Davis. Born on December 21, 1820.

On February 27, 1845 when Jane Davis was 24, she married William Wilson ALEXANDER. Born on March 2, 1819. William Wilson died on July 21, 1874; he was 55.

iii. Anna Aurelia. Born on February 2, 1823.

On January 17, 1856 when Anna Aurelia was 32, she married Claiborne FARISH. Born in 1820. Claiborne died on November 18, 1889; he was 69.

iv. William Stamps. Born on December 28, 1825. William Stamps died on February 9, 1843; he was 17.

v. Sarah Davis. Born in 1837. Sarah Davis died on September 27, 1852; she was 15.

vi. Jefferson Davis. Born in 1838. Jefferson Davis died on July 31, 1910; he was 72.

On July 21, 1868 when Jefferson Davis was 30, he married Helen SUMNER. Born in 1834. Helen died on December 18, 1887; she was 53.

vii. Infant. Born in 1840.

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