Property Developer Salesperson
Must be registered as a salesperson and the same requirements apply.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
Trainee Auctioneer
Must complete 2 competencies from the PRD01 Training Package for a provisional auctioneers licence, namely :-
Trainee Livestock Auctioneers only.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
Probationary auctioneer must undertake course and exam with licensing authority.
No equivalent.
No equivalent.
Licence lending
Licence lending cont…
Sales representatives need not be registered in SA and can work under the registered land agent.
Prohibited. Licence and triennial not transferable.
Must be able to satisfy substantial attendance in the office.
Is an offence.
Substitute licensee
< 30 days, licensee may appoint in writing.
> 30 days Chief Executive must approve another licensee.
An executor may act for not more than 3 months where a licensee has died. Department of Fair Trading may appoint a receiver.
30 days – licensee may give notice in writing to Business Licensing Authority.
Written notice to BLA for short term manager approval.
Not applicable.
Must have a licensee on the premises. If licensee leaves, the corporate entity can obtain three months approval to operate without a licensee until a new one is appointed. Under approval by the Real Estate and Business Agents Supervisory Board.
No information provided.
Registrar may approve operation of a registered office in absence of business manager for period not exceeding 60 days.