Release Note Application Name : Dirghayu. Win Release Date: Oct 15, 2016 Operating System : win prepared by : Natural Text file Name : LicW1032 Product Master Set(s)

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TaxBeneficiary in DuePremium Calender will be printed on choice, otherwise Date of Maturity will be printed.

Suggestive Plan for Jeevan Rekha(152) has been revised (Age 80 & Bonus Calculation).

Insurance Advisor has been revised for calculation on the basis of maturity amount.
1.0.177: June 23, 2005

Revised the Plan Jeeven Annand 149 for DAB Amount.

Check the Due Premium calander For Print in Tabular Form Check Box, Current Status Check Box.

ICICI Plan LifeGuard has been revised for maximum sum assured (10000000).

Monthly Premium Summery in due premium calander has been revised for ICICI plan Smart Kid.

ICICI Plans have been revised for Commission Rates.

Check The LIC plan 90.

Modified and delete option and NAV Date Entry (Tran’sion date) in Premium cont. and top up cont. for ULIP Plans.

NAV Rates have been revised.

1.0.177: June 21, 2005

Reduced Interest Rate will also be applied on Jeevan Shree Plans.

Groupwise List of Policies has been revised.

1.0.177: Jun 15, 2005

LIC plans 48 & 164 have been revised for premium calculation.

1.0.176: Jun 10, 2005

LIC plans 102 & 168 have been revised for premium calculation.

1.0.175: Jun 08, 2005

ICICI Plans, InvestShield Life, InvestShield Cash, InvestShield Pension, InvestShield Gold have been added.

1.0.174: May 25, 2005

Policy Nominee Detail form has been revised.

Premium Rates for Plan No. 102 (Jeevan Kishore) for Single Premium included.

Premium calculation for Plan No. 5 (Limited Payment Whole Life) has been revised.

Combiplan Retirement Delite RiskCover Cashflow has been revised for Tax Information.

Premium posting will also be directly possible while creating Policy.

1.0.173: May 20, 2005

DAB Amout Limit (Upto 50 lacs) for all the plans have been revised.

Due Calendar Premium has-been revised for Lic Bima Plus Single Premium.

Unit Rate of LIC Plans (Bima Plus and Future Plus) can also be taken from Internet.

Lapsed Policy List has been revised.

Policy List printing has been revised for address lines.

Term Assurance Rider amount will also be asked in LIC Plan 90.

1.0.172: May 07, 2005


ICICI Plan Smart Kid has been revised for dependent beneficially (Child) Date of birth entry.

Revised the all ICICI Unit Linked Plans for Riders

Set the tab Order of Premium posting form.

Life Time Pension plan has been revised for Deferment Period & Premium Deposit Date.
1.0.171: April 28, 2005

Premium Intimation Letter printing has been revised.

1.0.171: April 25, 2005

Due Premium List has been revised for Selected Range Period.

Interest Rates for Over Due Premiums, Revival, Dating Back & Loan have been (reduced) revised.
1.0.170: April 16, 2005

Unit Rates of ABLI and ICICI Revised up to 31 March 2005

Group wise policies list printing formatting has been revised.

LIC Forms have been added.

LIC plan 164 (Anmol Jeevan 1) Max.Sum Assured limit has been revised to unlimited.

Insurance Advisor has been revised.

Due Premium List Single Line report formatting has been revised.

CombiPlan, Dirghayu Plan & Suggestive Plan Cash Flow have been revised for Plan 90 of LIC.

1.0.169: April 05, 2005

Unit Rates of LIC Bima Plus 140 Revised up to 31 March 2005

RiskCover & Cash Flow is revised for Plan 171.

Maturity List is revised for Family Address (user can print on choice).

Revival Quotation is revised.BS

Suggestive Plan is updated for Plan 152.

BirthDay List FamilyMembers Report is revised for D.O.B order.

CombiPlan Retirement Delite Jeevan Anand has been introduced.

Proposed Plans Summary will also be printed in CombiPlan Presentation.

Income Tax calculation has been revised according to assessment year 2006-07.

FUTURE Plus plan (172) of has been revised for riders.

New field is added in Due premium calendar Month wise Summary report.

1.0.168: March 29, 2005

Plan 103 has been revised for Sum Assured limit.

Plan 89 has been revised for age restriction.
1.0.168: March 24, 2005

Bima Nivesh 2005 (171) has been added.
1.0.167: March 21, 2005

CombiPlan report has been revised for Accident Benefit.

FUTURE Plus plan (172) of has been revised.

New report is added for single line printing in Due premium list.

Accured Bonus intimation has been revised .
1.0.166: March 17, 2005

Plan Jeevan Surabhi (106,107,107) is revised for Surrender Value.

Group wise address list is revised for Locality order.

Revival Quotation is updated for FUP order wise.

Due premium Calendar is revised for Month wise Premium Summary Report.
1.0.165: March 15, 2005

NAV Rates entry program revised.

1.0.165: March 11, 2005

Suggestive Plan is revised for plan 152.

Policy Value report is revised.
1.0.165: March 10, 2005

FUTURE Plus plan (172) of LIC has been added.

User can also print Due Premium List in Draft Mode on Dot Matrix (IBM Compatible) Printers.

User can print Revival List & Lapsed Policies list with policies ..

  1. Include Policies with more than 6 months overdue premiums OR

  2. If Policy more than 5 years old and premium overdue for more than one year PLUS if policy less than 5 years old but premium overdue for more than 6 months.

User can enter different Rider amount in Rider entry screen.

Due Premium List has been revised for Locality Order.

Key Man Insurance details for Plan 149 (Jeevan Anand) has been added.

Yield has been revised for Plan 167 in Suggestive Plan RiskCover and CashFlow.

Dirghayu Plan has been revised for Plan 89 (Jeevan Sathi).

Commission Calculation has been revised for plan 122(Jeevan Suarksha).

LeafLets for plan 170 has been added.

Allianz Bajaj Plans

New plan UnitGain Single Premium of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan UnitGain Life Pension (RP) of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan UnitGain Life Pension (SP) of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan UnitGain Easy Pension (RP) of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan UnitGain Easy Pension (SP) of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

1.0.164: March 4, 2005

Plan 140 revised.

Due Premium List has been revised for Lapsed policies.

Dirghayu Plan Presentation has been revised for Unit Linked Plans Cash Flow.


Forever Life plan Due Premium Calendar has been revised.

1.0.164: February 26, 2005

Due Premium List Locality wise printing has been revised.

1.0.164: February 21, 2005

New plan LifeLong Gain of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan UnitGain of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.
1.0.163: February 8, 2005

Final Additional Bonus in CDA plans have been revised.

Due Premium List has been revised in upto case.

Jeevan Nidhi (169) has been revised.

Jeevan Pramukh (167) has been checked for Risk Cover & CashFlow.

In Plan 147 – Term Assurance Rider has been checked.

1.0.162: January, 31 2005

Allianz Bajaj

New plan Child-Gain of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan Swarna Vishranti of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan Cash-Gain Economy of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan Cash-Gain Gold of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan Cash-Gain Platinum of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.

New plan Cash-Gain Diamond of Company Allianz Bajaj has been added.
Suggestive Plan of LIC Jeevan Nidhi Plan has been revised

1.0.161: January, 22 2005

Commission Bill entry is revised for commission amount for plan 164.

For Plan 164 Maturity Age is revised to 65 from 60

Policy proposal form is updated for Medical code.

Dirghayu Calculator Future Value of Non recurring payments has been revised for Tab Index.

Vertical Plan Comparision is revised for Total Premium Amount.

Dirghayu Plan Presentation is revised for GroupWise case Telno. And Email Id.

Family member Birthday greeting is revised for Agent’s Signature.

Family History entry form is revised for Tab index.

Plan Comparision Balance is Revised for Premium Paying Term.

Birthday Missing List Report is Revised for DOB Field(,If required user can print in after painting it).

Income tax rebate is revised from 15 to 20 in Dirghayu / Suggestive Plans,,user can also change it.

Leaflets for Plans 165 and 162 have been revised.

Due Premium Calendar printing has been revised for caption printing and for plan 125 maturity amount calculation has been checked.

Plan No. 89 Jeevan Sathi the Maximum Age at entry can not be more than 50 according to its’ plan feature.

Plan No. 5 the maturity age should be on 80, There is no term rider.

1.0.160: January, 12 2005
Policy List has been revised for Agency Code printing.
1.0.158: January,05 2005
Monthly due prem list is revised for upto case.

User can move to next entry by pressing Enter-Key in Forms.

1.0.158: January,03 2005

Suggestive plan report has been revised for risk cover and cash flow.

Bima Plus (140) has been revised.

Plan 149 has been revised for Risk Cover And Cash Flow.

1.0.157: December 30, 2004
New plan 170 New Jeevan Akshay III has been added.

In Due Prem calendar report Monthwise Prem summary can also be printed in tabular form.

DirgPlan has been revised for proposed policies order.

In suggestive plan Critical Illness rider selection is revised .

Prem calculation for plan 149 has been revised.

Risk Cover & Cash Flow for Term Rider (Rider) has been revised.

1.0.156: December 21, 2004

RiskCover and CashFlow revised for plan 169 in Suggestive Plan.

Policy List revised for Locality Order .

Dirghayu Plan Summary report has been revised for Compounded value.

Dirghayu Plan Presenation has been revised for proposed policies premiums to be deposited
1.0.155: December 17, 2004

SB List printing can also be printed for Only SSS, Except SSS or for All policies.

In Dirghayu Plan Presentation sum total of due premiums for proposed policies will also be printed.

Due Premium List has been revised for Upto month interest.

1.0.155: December 15, 2004

Plan 90 Revised for Suggestive Plan Other Benefits .

Maturity Amount is revised for Jeevan Chhaya Policy.

Plan 5 is revised for maximum age from 99 to 80

Due Premium calendar is revised for Individual Name Lentgh.

Plan 160 is revised for premium calculation.

Ledger Printing Deposit Slip Report is revised for Blank Date of Comm. And Policy No.

Revival List & Quotation have been revised for Policy Premium Paying Term Less than Policy Term.

Maturity List Report is revised for Bonus Amount for Plan 132.

Combiplan report printing has been revised for total premiums for SSS, Qly and Hly modes.

Interest calculation in Due Premium Report printing has been revised for UPTO month option.

SB List printing can also be printed only for SSS modes on choice.


Maturity amount is revised for Forever Life.

Extra premium calculation is revised, Extra premium is in amount not in percent.

WOP rider in Life Guard has calculated on basic premium amount, not on sum assured. And has been checked the premium rates for Life Guared without Return of Premium.

Bonus Calculation for LIC policies in due premium calendar is checked.

Premium Intimation (IPL) letter has been revised.

Monthly Premium Summary & others in Due Premium calendar has been revised for page-break.

Smart Kid Plan has been revised for riders.

LTA rider in female case has been revised.

Revised the Risk Cover for SNP in Sugstive plan and Dirghayu Plan.

1.0.154: December 9, 2004

Jeevan Nidhi plan revised for Risk Cover & Cash Flow.

Jeevan Pramukh revised for Risk Cover & Cash Flow.

1.0.153: December 7, 2004

Insurance Advisor for plan 149 & Plan 168 have been revised.

In Suggestive plan printing user can also print unit based flow for plan 140 (LIC-Bima Plus) if CashFlow Option is selected.

Plan Comparison for UNIT Linked Plans of different companies has been revised.

1.0.153: December 3, 2004

Group wise Dirghayu Plan revised.

1.0.152: November 30, 2004

Premium Rates for plan 80 & 81 have been revised.

1.0.152: November 24, 2004

A new field “Fixed Bonus Rate” has been given in CombiPlan Presenation.

Suggestive Plan for Komal Jeevan plan has been revised for Term Rider Limit.

Check the premium rates of plan SNP, CB, FLR, FLS, SK for male or female.

Check the Forever Life maturity amount in due premium calendar.

Check the Smart Kid plans for SB amount 1 and 2.

In Unit Linked Plans, the premium amounts not dependent on sum assured and according to Sust_matrix table.

Top up amount, withdrawal, change in annual contribution and sum assured can take in Suggestive Plan Presentation with Extra Entries.

The report of projection of funds in suggestive plan change in single row.
1.0.152: November 19, 2004

Group wise Locality Wise Due Premium List has been revised.

Suggestive Plan Risk Cover & Cash Flow has been revised for Plan 90.

A new field “Fixed Bonus Rate” has been given in Dirghayu Plan Presenation, all the bonus calculation will be done on entered Bonus Rate.(not on different plans/effective dates)

User can print NAV Rates thru.NAV Rates entry screen.

A Intimation Letter has been added with new text.

Plan 159 interest rate revised.
1.0.151: November 15, 2004

Misc changes were made for plan 167, 168 & 169.

Group wise Dirghayu Plan revised.

ReWriting of Data revised for misc.problems ..2

Lapsed Policies List Revised for PPT < Term & for Whole Life Policies.

Loan is allowed in money back policies …re-checked

Term Restriction for plan 80 & 102 has been checked (for old effective dates)
1.0.151: November 9, 2004

New plans 167 (Jeevan Pramukh), 168 (Jeevan Anurag) and 169 (Jeevan Nidhi) have been added.

Title will also be printed in Dirghayu & CombiPlans.

A new field “Individual Name with Post-Fix” has been added in Suggstive Plans printing.

Yield in Dirghayu Plan will also be printed at the bottom of report.

Suggestive for Plan 90 has been revised for RiskCover.

1.0.150: October 27, 2004

Due Premium List printing revised for Upto month printing.

Policies Status Report is revised for Bonus.

In Individual Information, Group Information order is revised.

Critical Illness Rider is revised for PWB.

For Plan 152 Suggestive Plan Report is revised for Bonus Printing.

For Plan 149 Suggestive Plan Color Report is revised for Risk Benefit.
1.0.149: October 23, 2004

In Plan Advisor plan 165 can also be included if Basic Premium has been entered.

Due Prem Cal is revised for Bonus for Plan 112.

Dirghayu Plan is revised for Increased in NAV Assumed

Suggestive plan is revised for Loyalty Addition for Plan Jeevan Saral

Suggestive Plan printing for plan 159 has been revised for HINDI report.

(ICICI) Unit Linked plans have been added
1.0.148: October 13, 2004

Address diary Mailing labels printing has been revised.

Plan 152 premium rates revised.
1.0.148: October 6, 2004

Importing from LIC-Data has been revised.

1.0.147: September 30, 2004


Effective Dates of Plans Save ‘n’ Protect, Cash Back and Forever Life (All Plans) have been revised. For old plans effective up to date is 28/02/2002 and for new plans effective from date is 01/03/2002.

Deferment age of (Forever Life and LifeTime pension and Life Link Pension) Pension plans have been revised.

Maturity of plans LGWOR and LGS have been revised.

(For All)

User can enter ECS Information (Electronic Clearing Service) in Individual/Policy entry screen

(If ECS Information is required in Agency Entry Screen)
1.0.147: September 20, 2004

Bonus rates added for valuation date 31/03/04

Mailing labels printing revised for Birthdays.

PWB option has been checked for plan 159.

1.0.146: September 11, 2004


User can enter Rider term less than Policy term & Rider on amount less than Policy Sum assured. (All the reports revised)

Plan Short names for ICICI Plans have been revised.

All the ICICI Suggestive Plans have been revised for

a. Color reports b. Rider Term & amount
1.0.145: September 04, 2004


Smart-Kid Plan has been revised for term according to min. and max. maturity age.

DirgPlan and All reports have been revised for “Return From Comp.” Not “ Return From LIC” or “Return from Corp.”

LifeGuard Plans (TO2, TO3) have been revised for maturity in due premium calendar.

(For All Companies)

Report format has been revised for policy status -Transfered Out report.

ReWriting has been revised for Group-wise Dirghayu-Plan Presentation
1.0.144: August 23, 2004

NAV table records revised for LIC.

In Dev.Off.Win Group wise Dirghayu Plan presentation now allowed.

CombiPlans (other than Retirement / Children delite) being printed properly.

1.0.143: August 16, 2004

DOWin.Projection of Commission is wokring properly..

1.0.143: August 6, 2004

Find Client a new command button has been given in Address Change Letter printing.

Interest / Revival Interest on premium for existing policies can be seen ..thru. policy entry screen by pressing Prem.Interest command button.
1.0.143: August 6, 2004

All the Coloured reports have been revised (for text background printing)

Due Premium Calendar report printing has been revised for plan Jeevan Shree Plans

Policy Status Report printing revised for S.B. paid amounts printing.

Pending Proposal List has been revised for new fields Plan & Term also agency code will be printed on choice.
1.0.142: August 4, 2004

For Plan 128 (Jeevan Sneha ) two options has been given, option 1 for SB to be taken on SB due date, option 2 for SB is to be taken on maturity.

CombiPlans (Retirement Delite & Children Delite) can also be printed in HINDI.

In case of ICICI plans,

Smart Kid Plan revised for policyholder is parent, beneficial name is child and Due premium calendar for maturity benefits.

Cash Back, LifeGuard Without Return of Premium, LifeGuard Single Premium Plans revised for maturity chart (In Due Premium Calendar).

Date of Comnc.restriction (for ICICI) has been removed (now user can enter day 29 or 30 or 31 also).
1.0.141 : July 30, 2004
In case of ICICI plans,

In all the reports, policy number length will be upto 8 digit, if the length of policy number is less than 8 digit it will be pre-fixed by zero, i.e. if the policy number is 2376 it will become 00002376.

Smart Kid Plan revised for both the options 1 and 2.

1.0.140 : July 28, 2004

The Following Intimation Letters are converted From English to Hindi..

  1. Premium Intimation------------------------ izhfe;e izKkiu

  2. Premium Reminder------------------------- izhfe;e

  3. Maturity Intimation------------------------- ifjiDork izKkiu

  4. Survival Benefit Intimation Letter-------- thou iz;ar fgrykHk izKkiu

  5. Revival Quotation--------------------------- iquuZohdj.k izLrko

  6. Premium Notice------------------------------ izhfe;e uksfVl

  7. Accrued Bonus Intimation------------------ cksul izKkiu

  8. Premium Mode Change Letter

  9. Income Tax Certificate

  10. Address Change Letter

  11. Policy Transfer Letter

  12. Thanks Letter

Signature :

Approved By : Kuldeep Kumar Sharma
Date : September 22, 2016

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