Release Note Application Name : Dirghayu. Win Release Date: Oct 15, 2016 Operating System : win prepared by : Natural Text file Name : LicW1032 Product Master Set(s)

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1.0.368 Mar 26 2010

Rectify Internal Rate of Return (IRR) in Combination of Plan (Retirement Delight with Claim Settlement) Gokul Vyas, Ahemdabad

Some Correction made in Plan 151 and 102 regarding Effective Upto Date and Sum Assured ( Mahaveer Bhangdiya)

Some Rectification make in Re Writing of Dirghayu ( Error No Current Record)

Add New Feature for Create PDF file from N Report on Suggestive Form with name of “Export for E Mail” ( Mahaveer Bhangdiya)

Size Increase of Dirghayu Plan Presentation Form for see it’s all contents clearly ( Koolwal)

Rectify Dirghayu Plan Presentation of Individuals with Existing Policies Rectify ( Koolwal)
1.0.367 Mar 22 2010

Rectify LIC Portal data utility for window-7

Rectifi IRR in Combiplans (Gokul Vyas)
1.0.366 Mar 18 2010

Given Dispatch Register Printing with Stamp Value in Intimation letters in Reports (Mahaveer Bhangdiya)

Rectify Due Premium Calendar and Due Premium List (Mahaveer Bhangdiya)

Rectify Dirghayu Plan Presentation (Gokul Vyas)

1.0.365 Mar 15 2010

Given Dispatch Register Printing with Stamp Value in Intimation letters in Reports (Mahaveer Bhangdiya)

Rectify Problem of Duplicate Entry Showing in Premium Posting, when entry done by Comm Bill ( V K Jain, Delhi)

Rectify Problem on SMS login form, when escape key press there is no logout of agency.

Rectify Problem of Overflow, when open Dispatch Register Form ( Mahaveer Bhangdiya)

Rectify error of Subscript out of range when we select mode SSS in Suggestive Plan.

Rectify SMS Utility, Duplicate Names showing in Missing Mobile No List Form.

Add Leaflets details of Plan No 195,196,199.

Rectify SMS utility, when up and down window of agency selection in SMS Package then show error of "Invalid Text Property 381" (Ahmdbd, Gokul)

Rectify problem of Policy Modification, when modified FUP date of MLY ECS mode policies, then gives that message show of invalid date

1.0.364 Mar 05 2010

Add New Crystal Report for Wealth Plus 801

Rectify error of Type Mismatch at the time of Download New NAV rates from Internet

Rectify Age Validation in Wealth Plus 801 on NDB of PolicyHolder

Given Auto Scheduling Facility in SMS utility, so that user can send SMS in advance for Coming days by set date and time of SMS

Rectify Error in SMS package about showing duplicate name showing in grid of same individual

1.0.363 Feb 26, 2010

Add New Crystal Report for Jeevan Saral 165

Modified LIC Portal Data Import system for CLIA agents

Rectified NAV download system for Market Plus-1 Growth Fund

Rectified Problem of Dirghayu Plan Presentataion for Plan 186 , subsequent premium showing in current yr Prem( Gokul Vyas)

Rectified Due Prem Calendar (Branch Heading added ) Mahveer Bhangadiya, Jaipur

Rectified Format of Bday Report (Mahaveer Bhangadiya, Jaipur)

Rectified B’day Report both Normal and coloured , added Mobile No field in Report (Mahaveer Bhangadiya, Jaipur)

Rectify error of Overflow , when entry make for Top-up (Mahaveer Bhangadiya, Jaipur)

Rectify SMS missing Mobile No list , now print in ascending order(Mahaveer Bhangadiya, Jaipur)

Rectify error of Mailing List Combo Box in Reports > Other Reports (Mahaveer Bhangadiya, Jaipur)

1.0.362 Feb 17, 2010

Rectify Problem in Due Prem Intimation letter, wrongly showing death claim policies (Koolwal, Jaipur)

Rectify Premium Validation for 10,000 and 30,000 for single mode in money plus -1 (191) (muinuddin, jaipur)

Rectify NReports with Logo of wealth Plus for plan 801 Wealth Plus

Rectify Due Premium List (V K Jain)

Rectify Due Premium calendar (mahaveer Bahangdia)

Rectify Premium calculation for Plan 184 and 185

Rectify Some Problems like Fund Name Not showing for Plan 902 in Suggestive Form, Remove Partial Surrender unnecessary information, rectify due premium list report format etc has been solved (jagdish Manghnani, delhi)

1.0.361 Feb 11, 2010

New Plan Has been added Wealth Plus 801

1.0.360 Feb 05, 2010

Rectify Problem in Report Conversion

Rectify PPT 3 from 20 in Plan 902

Rectify Problem of LIC Portal Data Updation error , where details of Problem has not showing(meerut)

Rectify Due Premium List, where in last Year of Policy Premium amt showing zero

Rectify NAV download system, where Market Plus-1 not updating new NAV

Rectify Not Showing Yearly Premium on Suggestive Plan , when Not select ALL MODES
1.0.358 Jan 19, 2010

Create and Add New Sub Report for Plan Jeevan Saral 165 with Guaranteed Surrender Value (pawan verma, Kolkata)

Some Modification Made in Conversion Bttn of FUP Updation Process for Single Mode Policies

DAB Allowed in Plan 92.

Risk Cover Message Removes form Policy Creation and Suggestive Plan for Plan 191.

Change in SMS Software Utility in Password Change API.

1.0.357 Jan 17, 2010

Version Release with New Modified API’s of SMS Software.

1.0.356 Jan 09, 2010

Version Release with New Updated Library of Natural Dlls.

1.0.355 Jan 07, 2010

Mobile No added with Phone Nos in Plan Presentation (Ashutosh ji)

Rectify Appointment pad > Address and Phone No Not show clear

Rectify Normal Risk Cover for Plan 186 with FAB

Rectify Due Premium List in New Report (First Individual Name Not show)

Rectify Cash Flow Plan 14 ( wrong premium show in case of all modes)

Rectify Cash Flow for Plan 178 (pawan verma)

Rectify Premium Calculation for Plan 184

Rectify Same Maturity amt shows with Combination of more than One 165 Plan

Give Print Report Option for Missing Mobiles List

Rectify SMS utility for Not Showing Records in mOnth of Jan10

Rectify Projection of Funds in Due Premium Calendar

Rectify DAB limit in Plan 149 upto Rs 5 Lakh
1.0.354 Dec 29, 2009

LIC Portal Utility Revised for Some Features.

SMS Utility Revised for Some Features.

Rectify Problem of Plan 48 and 165 regarding term. Back date interest and Agent Comm(C P Goenka)

Rectify Problem of “MDI Form Can Not Shown Modally”, Ashok Gupta Bhopal

Rectify Problem of Plan 179 Cash Flow K L Gupta , Jaipur

Rectify Income Tax Slab Rate of Plan 179, K L Gupta, Jaipur

Rectify Problem regarding Not Clear Showing Information in Appointment Pad, Ashutosh Ji

Rectify Extra Premium Option in Plan 14 and 48, Vikas Gupta

Rectify Report Conversion Y K gupta/ Pawan

Rectify Problem of Loyalty Addition in Plan 199, Pawan Verma

Rectify backup Utility of Dirghayu Data

Rectify RTE , when Click Conversion Bttn of FUP Update, Mitul

Rectify, wrongly showing DAB in Plan 186

Rectify Error in FUP update of “Index Not Found”

Rectify error of Not Showing Mobile with agency name

Rectify Bonus Calculation in Plan 27

Rectify Premium Calculation in Plan 184 and 185

Rectify wrong and same Maturity Figure in Plan 165, Gokul Vyas

1.0.353 Dec 19, 2009

“Index Not Found ”error rectified found at conversion time of LIC portal data.

1.0.352 Dec 14, 2009

SMS Utility for Revised for New API

Rectify problem of Premium Posting Deletion (Y K Gupta, Jpr)

1.0.351 Dec 08, 2009

Portal Utility for Complete Data Download from LIC Portal Have been revised .

New Bonus Chart 2009 have been added.
1.0.350 Dec 04, 2009

Portal Utility for Complete Data Download from LIC Portal Have been revised .

1.0.349 Nov 23, 2009

New Utility for Complete Data Download from LIC Portal Have been revised .

1.0.348 Nov 20, 2009

New Utility for Complete Data Download from LIC Portal Have been added.

1.0.344 Oct 26, 2009

Rectify Report > Prospective Report > Prospective Clients (Existing) > Selected Plan (Y K Gupta)

Rectify error in plan 179 for valid term (Goenka, Kolkata)
1.0.345 Oct 31, 2009

New Plan Jeevan Nischay 199 Has been released

1.0.344 Oct 26, 2009

Rectify Report > Prospective Report > Prospective Clients (Existing) > Selected Plan (Y K Gupta)

Rectify error in plan 179 for valid term (Goenka, Kolkata)
1.0.343 Oct 20, 2009

Rectify error in Data Update from LIC Portal

1.0.343 Oct12, 2009

Rectify error in ICICI plan creation (Ashu ji, Delhi)

Rectify Back date Interest Clculation for Plan 48 and 165 (Goenka, Kolkata)

Rectify Minimum age for plan 48 from 15 to 12 (Goenka, Kolkata)

Rectify comm. Percentage to agent in Plan 48 for Ist year from 25 to 20 (Goenka, Kolkata)

Rectify Cash Flow Page in Suggestive Plan for Plan 179 , extend upto (Term + Term/2 ) (K L Gupta, Jaipur)

Rectify wrong calculation of Income Tax depend on Annual Income entered at the time of creation of suggestive plan for different slab rates of Income tax (K L Gupta, jaipur)

Rectify Problem of Commission Report , Error 404, Child form can not be shown as modally (Bhopal)

Rectify Problem of Plan 179 with error message for stopping wrong Term (Goenka, Kolkata)
1.0.342 Sep23 , 2009
Rectify Utility for FUP update from LIC Portal and Vista Compatible

Rectify NAV rates download Form

1.0.341 Sep14 , 2009

Data Converison Rectified from Bix to Dirghayu

Rectified problem of Premium Posting in Plan 75-20(dilip kr shah)

Rectified Problem of Premium Posting Form (koolwal ji)

Problem of Plan Name not showing with Plan no on Policy , suggestive plan rectified

Premium Calculation and Loyalty Addition Rectified in Plan 165 (KK Sharma)

SMS package problem rectified about updating mobile No (Ashu ji)

Individual Master not saved permanent address and Mobile No Rectified (ashu ji)

Changes have been made for Resolution on Some Forms

Lic Portal Utility Rectified (not going with Policy Calendar)

Some Problems of Gokul Vyas Solved.

Given Some New Combination of Plans (as per show detail below):->

1 Jeevan Anand with term 5 to 40 with interval of 5 Term

2 Limited Payment Endowment Plan 48 with term 25 and PPT 5/10/20/25

3 Whole Life Plan Jeevan Akshay 189 with Jeevan Tarang 178

4 Bima Bachat 175 with Jeevan Anand 149

5 Endowment Plan 14 with term from 28 to 45

6 Endowment Plan 14 with term for 28/30/45

7 Jeevan Anand with term 28 to 45 with subsequent interval of term

8 Jeevan Anand with term 28/36/45

9 Ulip Plan Profit Plus 188 with Jeevan Anand

10 Jeevan Tarang 178 with Jeevan Anand 149,, Jeevan Saral 165 and Jeevan Mitra 133

11 Anmol Jeevan 90 with Marriage Endowment 164

12 Jeevan Tarang 178 with Jeevan Akshay 189

13 Jeevan Tarang 178 with Children Plan Like Komal Jeevan 159, Children's Deferred V.age 41,50

1.0.340 Aug 07, 2009

Forms Resolution and Resizing Facilities has been added.

Rectify Problem of Address Printing in Birthday List (H S Sheth)

Dirghayu’s SMS utility rectified for edited names and shortnames not revised in sms utility after run rewriting in SMS utility

1.0.339 July 07, 2009

Sub Report for New Plan 197 has been revised.

1.0.338 July 07, 2009

New Plan Jeevan Saathi Plus has been added.

Problems of Due Premium Calendar has been rectified ( Koolwal, Jpr)

1.0.337 June 26, 2009

Rectify error of deletion of another entry in premium posting grid ( Koolwal, Jpr)

Rectify error of Run Time Error at the time of Premium posting for Ulip Plans greater than 3 years

Rectify error “Invalid use of null” at the time of conversion data import from LIC Portal (Shankar, Delhi)

Rectify Error in Dirghayu Plan Presentation with combination of Plan 165, Maturity amount showing wrong for plan 165 (gokul Vyas, Ahmdbd)

Rectify Error in Dirghayu Plan Presentation shwing wrong PPt equal to Term for plan 5,48..etc. (gokul vyas, ahmdbd)

Rectify Suggestive Plan Presentation for Plan 179, where surrender value was showing after maturity in cash flow risk cover page (gokul Vyas, Ahmdbd)

Rectify Error in Dirghayu Plan Presentation where for Plan 184 and 185 PPT 6 is not acceptable, but as per LIC it should be acceptable.

Rectify Error in Dirghayu Combiplan Retirement Delite Claim Settlement , this report now will show on all computers ( Gokul Vyas, Ahmdbd)

1.0.335 May 21, 2009

Revised Plan Health Protection Plus 902.

Rectify Maturity Amount in Maturity Intimation Letter.
1.0.334 May 18, 2009

Remove Error in All Policy View ( Order by Name)

Given New Option in Ordering of All Policy View (Order by Premium Amount)

Rectify Due Premium Calendar (for Single and ECS mode policies)(Mukesh Tekriwal)

Rectify Sb/Maturity Chart in Due Premium Calendar (for Record Policies)(Rajendra Bonlya)

Rectify Report for Existing Clients > Selected Plans (Y K Gupta)

1.0.333 May 06, 2009

New Plan Health Protection Plus (902) has been added

Rectify Due Premium List ( taking lapsation period 2 years for plan 174 and 179) ( VK Sharma, jpr)

Rectify Due Premium Calendar for Plan 186 (jeevan Amrit), now Bonus calculation on Premium Paid in place of Sum Assured

1.0.332 May 04, 2009

Rectify Address Diary and Individual Master Categories (sachdeva, Delhi)

Revised Loan Sanctioned Procedure

Revised SMS Utility

Given ECS mode option in Mode Selection

Rectify error when taking extra premium in jeevan saral (165) Y k Gupta, Jaipur

Rectify error in due premium calendar
1.0.331 APR 20, 2009

Rectify Error when modifying ICICI plans (sachdeva, delhi)

1.0.330 APR 17, 2009

Given Utility for SMS for B’day,M’Anni.,Greetings,Due Premium,Lapsation,Maturity and SB

Given Option for Print Dirghayu Plan Presentation in Order of DOC or Maturity Age ( Koolwal, Jpr)
1.0.329 Mar 18, 2009

Rectify Dirghayu Plan Presentation for Plan 165.(Gokul Vyas)

Rectify LIC Portal Data Update Facility.
1.0.328 Mar 14, 2009

Rectify Due Premium Calendar ( Y K Gupta, Jaipur)

Rectify Comm Bill Summary and Bill Posting ( Jodhpur, Manju)

Rectify Club Membership Criteria ( Jodhpur)

Rectify Template for data import from text format ( Abhishek format)

1.0.326 Feb 26, 2009

Revised Due Premium Calendar for Plan Jeevan Aastha and Jeevan Varsha (Gokul. Ahmdbd)

Rectify All Policies View (showing Blank Ecs Policies mode name)

Rectify Due Premium List (Now showing ECS policies with SSS mode also)

1.0.325 Feb 18, 2009

Revised Jeevan Varsha 196

1.0.324 Feb 14, 2009

New LIC Plan Jeevan Varsha 196 has been added.

1.0.323 Feb 10, 2009

Rectify Age Calculation with Near Bithday for Jeevan_Aastha_195 ( Gokul Vyas)

Rectify Targets for Club Membership (Manju Rajpurohit, Jodhpur)

Rectify Location wise Due Premium List (Manju Rajpurohit, Jodhpur)

Rectify Due Premium Calendar for Plan Jeevan Aastha (195), now showing Maturity Sum Assured with Guaranteed Addition in Place of wrongly showing Premium Amt ( gokul vyas)

Rectify Dirghayu Plan Presentation for Plan Jeevan Saral in case of Multiple Plans (gokul Vyas)

1.0.322 Jan 09, 2009

Rectify Reports > Individual List ( now showing permanent address in case of blank mailing address)

(Ashutosh , Delhi)

Rectify Fortune Plus 187 for showing wrong Subsequent Premium in Due Premium List ( nemichand, chomu)

Rectify Suggestive Plan Cash Flow Presentation for Exceed Limit Rs 100000/-(Ashutosh, Delhi)
1.0.321 Jan 05, 2009

Rectify Loyalty Addition Amount in Maturity Amt for Plan Jeevan Shree(112), Gokul Vyas, Ahmd’bd

1.0.320 Dec 26, 2008

Rectify suggestive plan presentation for plan 165 in case of selecting “ALL MODES” (showing wrong premium amount and surrender value on cash flow presentation) (V K Nagar, Ujjain)

Rectify error of Due Premium Calendar showing previous selected name in next coming report(Y K Gupta, Jpr)

Rectify Advance Premium Rebate 10% from 5% for plan 128 for first time( Gokul Vyas. Ahmdbd)

Rectify premium calculation for plan jeevan_tarang_178 at the time of taking PPT 6 Years (not showing effect of revivsed AB rates 1.55,2.05,2.40 for accumulation period 10,15 and 20 Years and PPT 6 Years) ( gokul vyas, ahmdbad)

Rectify Due Premium Calendar for Plan Jeevan_Aastha_195 (Gokul_Vyas)

1.0.319 Dec 19, 2008

Rectified medical requirement for plan jeevan_aastha_195 ( Jagdish manghnani, delhi)

Rectified premium posting error for plan jeevan_aastha_195 (single mode)(Gokul Vyas, Ahmdbad)

Rectified Accrued Bonus Report (intimation letter) for plan 106/107/108//112 (ajgdish manghnani)

1.0.318 Dec 13, 2008

Revised Jeevan Aastha 195 (guaranteed addition and loyalty addition)(Lokesh Sharma, Jpr)

Rectified Int calculation in Due Premium Monthly List for month of December(lokesh sharma, jaipur)

1.0.317 Dec 10, 2008

Revised Jeevan Aastha 195 .

1.0.316 Dec 08, 2008

New LIC Plan Jeevan Aastha 195 has been added.

1.0.315 Dec 02, 2008

Rectify the Suggestive Plan and Dirghayu Plan Presentation for plan jeevan saral 165

Rectify Suggestive plan presentation for plan 178 (jeevan tarang) in case of single mode.

Rectify premium posting through PA Code wise.

1.0.314 Nov 22, 2008

New Bonus Chart 2008 has been added.

Monthly / Monthly ECS allowed for plan 165 (jeevan saral) in Sugst Presentation

FAB allowed for plan 149 and 133

Given msgbox for No internet connectivity for Data Import from LIC portal”run time 91”
1.0.313 Nov 11, 2008

New LIC Plan Child Fortune - 194 has been added.

New Coloured (latest) report has been added for plan 191(money plus -1) and 192(jeevan akshay).

Problem of showing return from lic from 3rd year has been solved for Plan 165 (jeevan saral) has been solved (gokul vyas, ahmdbd)

Problem of Nav download from net has been solved.

1.0.312 Oct 21, 2008

Editable text box for Loyalty Addition for plan 175 “Bima Bachat” (gokul Vyas)

Add Terminal Bonus in Plan 167 (Jeevan Pramukh) 20 per thousand (assumed) (gokul vyas)

Modified Terms and conditions for Premium amt and risk cover for plan 901(Deepak jindal. Punjab)

Remove Run Time Error (overflow ‘6’) for plan 191 (market plus-1) at the time of taking premium Rs 1 Crore in Suggestive Plan Presentataion (manish deenapur)

Modified Format of Premium Intimation Letter in Reports (do replace with original)(jagdish, manghnani)

1.0.311 Oct 06, 2008

Rectify Risk Cover cash Flow Presentation of Plan 108

Given Facility of showing current status/present value of ulip plan’s invested amount (only for new created plans not for old posted plans)

Rectify nav rates update form(now taking nav rates for all plans as per LIC)

Added diwali greeting in general letter as per New Year Greeting(jagdish manghnani, delhi)

Rectify lapsation period of Bima Gold 174 and New Bima Gold 179 from 6 months to 2 Years

Rectify Error of “3265 Item Not Found” in Dirghayu Plan Presentation(V K Sharma, Jpr)
1.0.310 Sep 08, 2008

Given option for viewing clients with selected plans in all policies view option VK Gupta,jaipur

1.0.309 Aug 30, 2008

Many Problems has been solved of Vinod singh, banaras

1.0.307 Aug 05, 2008

New LIC Plan Jeevan Bharti -I has been added.

1.0.306 July 19, 2008

Rectify Net S.B. in Dirghayu Plan Presentation and Retirement Delite for New Reports (Gokul Vyas)

Single Mode Policies now showing in due premium calendar for seeing overall Risk Cover(YK Gupta)

Rectify Error of “Item Not Found..3265” at preview in due Premium calendar(neelam shah)

Re Indexing of tables and Re Linking of databases have been given through Rewriting

Rectify “SB return” from LIC after Accumulation period in place of PPT for Plan 178 (jeevan tarang),

when preview in due premium calendar (Gokul Vyas)

Rectify Policy Maturity Status in due premium calendar for Plan 186 (jeevan amrit) in due premium calendar, wrongly showing Sum Assured in Place of Total Premium paid at the time of maturity

Given Check Box for showing address of Individual with SB Intimation Reports in monthly reports
1.0.305 July 09, 2008

Rectify S.B.Intimation report format (do replace with original report),Jagdish Manghnani,Delhi

Rectify Thanks Letter format, now showing with address also (do replace with original report),Jagdish Manghnani,Delhi

Rectify Accrued Bonus Intimation Report for plan 106,107,108,112(Jagdish Manghnani)

Rectify Policy Current Status (due premium calendar) for plan 124,125,126(Jagdish Manghnani)

Top-Up facility given on Premium Posting Form with New Option Bttn for plan 172,173,181,191

Rectify maturity amount in Policies’s “Maturity List”(showing wrong amt for some plans)(Shree Ram Pareek,Seekar)

Loan Sanctioned Amount Box is editable now for change figure as per user requirement (if calculated loan amt not matched with LIC’s sanctioned amount)

Rectiy calculation of Loan amount for some plans like 112(Shree Ram Pareek, seeker)

Rectify Maturity List (monthly report), now showing with address and phone no(sachdeva, delhi)

1.0.304 June 18, 2008

New LIC Plan Market Plus -1 has been added.

Rectify Dirghayu Plan Presentation(Risk Cover Page) for Plan-149 (combination) . (Jagdish Manghnani,Delhi)

Rectify Projection of Funds Availability & Requirement in Due Prem Calendar for plan 128 as per

Suggestive Plan (if SB availed at maturity)(Jagdish Manghnani, Delhi)

Rectify Dirghayu Plan Presentation for Plan -175 (showing wrong maturity amt)(Shah, Ahbd)

Rectify Monthwise due premium list (wrongly showing single mode policies) )(Jagdish Manghnani)

Rectify Suggestive Plan Presentation (wrongly showing tax saving amount) for plan 93 (Vinod

Kumar nagar,Ujjain)

1.0.303 June 04, 2008

Rectify Utility of Conversion of Data from Bix to Dirghayu

Rectify Dirghayu Plan Presentation for Plan 165 (maturity amt showing wrong)

Add new coloured report for plan Money Plus -1 (193)

Rectify error of “not responding” at the time of premium posting in case of single mode

Loan Interest button now working in case of Due Premium List (Monthly Report)

1.0.302 May 26, 2008

New LIC Plan Money Plus -1 has been added.

1.0.301 May 17, 2008

Rectify Bonus Calculation for Plan 92 (Gokul Vyas)

Rectify Maturity Amount for Plan 186 (Jeevan Amrit) , Gokul Vyas

Rectify wrong printing of Amount (##########) in case of suggestive plan for New Report

Resolve error of wrong printing of Income Tax certificate through rewriting (KK Verma, Jpr)

Rectify net SB maturity in case of Retirement Delite and Dirghayu Plan Presentation(Gokul Vyas)

Rectify PWB for Plan 185

Rectify error of not working check box (Only one entry for multiple dues) of Due Premium List in

monthly reports (Vishvesh Sharma, Jpr)

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