Draft import risk analysis report for fresh ginger from Fiji
April 2012
© Commonwealth of Australia
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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Biosecurity (2012) Draft import risk analysis report for fresh ginger from Fiji. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra. CC BY 3.0.
Cataloguing data
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Biosecurity (2012) Draft import risk analysis report for fresh ginger from Fiji. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra
The Draft import risk analysis report for fresh ginger from Fiji is available via daff.gov.au/ba.
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The Australian Government acting through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has exercised due care and skill in the preparation and compilation of the information in this publication. Notwithstanding, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, its employees and advisers disclaim all liability, including liability for negligence, for any loss, damage, injury, expense or cost incurred by any person as a result of accessing, using or relying upon any of the information in this publication to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Cover image: Fijian ginger rhizomes after harvest. Photographed by DAFF Biosecurity officer, September 2007.
This draft import risk analysis (IRA) report has been issued to give all interested parties an opportunity to comment and draw attention to any scientific, technical, or other gaps in the data, misinterpretations and errors. Any comments should be submitted to DAFF Biosecurity within the comment period stated in the related Biosecurity Advice on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website. The draft IRA report will then be revised as necessary to take account of the comments received and a provisional final IRA report will be released at a later date.
Comments on the draft IRA report should be submitted to:
Biosecurity Plant
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
GPO Box 858
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Email: plant@daff.gov.au
Internet: http://daff.gov.au/ba
Acronyms and abbreviations iv
Abbreviations of units v
Summary vii
Introduction 1
1.1Australia’s biosecurity policy framework 1
1.2This import risk analysis 1
Method for pest risk analysis 5
1.3Stage 1: Initiation 5
1.4Stage 2: Pest risk assessment 6
1.5Stage 3: Pest risk management 13
Fiji’s commercial production practices for ginger 15
1.6Assumptions used in estimating unrestricted risk 15
1.7Ginger production 15
1.8Export capability 19
Pest risk assessments for quarantine pests 21
1.9Fiji ginger weevil 22
1.10Yam scale 27
1.11Ring nematodes 32
1.12Spiral nematodes 37
1.13Cystoid nematode 42
1.14Pest risk assessment conclusion 47
Pest risk management 48
1.15Pest risk management measures and phytosanitary procedures 49
1.16Uncategorised pests 52
1.17Review of policy 53
Conclusion 55
Appendix A Initiation and categorisation for pests of fresh ginger from Fiji 59
Appendix B Additional quarantine pest data 73
Appendix C Biosecurity framework 77
Glossary 83
References 87
Table 2.1 Nomenclature for qualitative likelihoods 9
Table 2.2 Matrix of rules for combining qualitative likelihoods 9
Table 2.3 Decision rules for determining the consequence impact score based on the magnitude of consequences at four geographic scales 11
Table 2.4 Decision rules for determining the overall consequence rating for each pest 12
Table 2.5 Risk estimation matrix 12
Table 4.1 Quarantine pests for fresh ginger from Fiji 21
Table 4.2 Summary of unrestricted risk estimates for quarantine pests associated with fresh ginger from Fiji 48
Table 5.1 Ant species in Fiji that may be intercepted in fresh ginger imports 52
Figure 1 Map of Australia iii
Figure 2 A guide to Australia’s bio-climate zones iii
Figure 3.1: Ginger farm in the highlands of Naitasiri 15
Figure 3.2: Commercial ginger production in Navua 16
Figure 3.3: Seed ginger material ready for planting 17
Figure 3.4: Washing of ginger rhizomes 18
Figure 3.5: Ginger drying on wire mesh after washing 18
Figure 3.6: Packed ginger ready for export 19
Figure 1 Map of Australia

Figure 2 A guide to Australia’s bio-climate zones
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