Review of research trends

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6: 319-330

BAIRD, D.; PRADERVAND, P. (1999) An assessment of the recreational angling fishery in Eastern Cape estuaries SANCOR Occasional Report (5): 73-76

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BASS, A.J.; D’AUBREY, J.D.; KISTNASAMY, N. (1975) Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa. III: The families Carcharhinidae (excluding Mustelus and Carcharhinus) and Sphyrnidae Oceanographic Research Institute, Investigative Report 38: 1-100

BASS, A.J.; D’AUBREY, J.D.; KISTNASAMY, N. (1975) Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa. IV. The families Odontaspididae, Scapanorhynchidae, Isuridae, Cetorhinidae, Alopiidae, Orectolobidae and Rhiniodontidae Oceanographic Research Institute, Investigative Report 39: 1-102

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BAULETH DALMEIDA, G.; KANANDJEMBO, A.; VAN DER LINGEN, C.; COETZEE, J. (2005) Pelagic fish distribution and abundance in the Luderitz Orange River Cone region. SAMSS, Southern African Marine Science Symposium 2005 (12): 7

BAUSE, M.; SCHOEMAN, D.S.; COWLING, R.M.; SIMS-CASTLEY, R. (2005) Overcoming the "seemingly impossible". A systematic conservation plan for seabream replenishment zones. SAMSS, Southern African Marine Science Symposium 2005 (12): 7


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BECKLEY, L.E. (1980) Tidal pool fishes. Eastern Cape Naturalist July (70): 18-19

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BECKLEY, L.E. (1983) The ichthyofauna associated with Zostera capensis (Setchell) in the Swartkops estuary, South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 18: 15-24

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BECKLEY, L.E. (1985) The fish community of East Cape tidal pools and assessment of the nursery functions of this habitat. South African Journal of Zoology 20(1): 21-27

BECKLEY, L.E. (1985) Tidal exchange of ichthyoplankton in the Swartkops estuary mouth, South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 20: 15-20

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BECKLEY, L.E. (1986) The ichthyoplankton assamblage of the Algoa Bay nearshore region in relation to coastal zone utilization by juvenile fish. South African Journal of Zoology 21(3): 244-252

BECKLEY, L.E. (1988) Notes on the biology of juvenile Sparodon durbanensis (Pisces: Spaeridae) from tidal pools in the eastern cape, South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 23(1): 66-68

BECKLEY, L.E. (1989) Larval development of Spondyliosoma emarginatum (Cuvier & Valenciennes) (Pisces: Sparidae) from Southern Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 24(3): 187-192

BECKLEY, L.E. (1990) A description of the early life history stages of the kob, Argyrosomus hololepidotus (Pisces: Sciaenidae), from southern Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 25(4): 224-228

BECKLEY, L.E. (1992) Who, what, where and when? Distribution of fish larvae in the Agulhas current ecosystem. Aquatic Ecosystems Conference, Cape Town 7-10 July:

BECKLEY, L.E. (1993) Ichthyoplankton assemblages off the east coast of South Africa. 8th Southern African Marine Science Symposium, Langebaan, South Africa 8 (Abstract oral session 4):

BECKLEY, L.E. (1993) Larval fish assemblages in the Agulhas Current ecosystem 4th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Bangkok, Thailand 4:

BECKLEY, L.E. (1993) Linefish larvae and the agulhas current. Oceanographic Research Institute, Special Publication (2): 57-63

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BECKLEY, L.E. (1993) Pilot study: Agulhas current fish larvae. SANCOR Final Report: 450-459

BECKLEY, L.E. (1994) Natal tidal pool fishes. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report (47): 29-38

BECKLEY, L.E. (1994) Vertical distribution of ichthyoplankton on the eastern Agulhas Bank. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 95: 13

BECKLEY, L.E. (1995) Small scale fisheries. SAAMBR, Bulletin 21: 20

BECKLEY, L.E. (1996) Tag and release. South African Fishing Yearbook 1996: 37-38

BECKLEY, L.E. (1997) Distribution and dispersal of fish larvae. Oceanographic Research Institute, Special Publication (140): 28-29

BECKLEY, L.E. (1997) Recruitment of reef fishes. Oceanographic Research Institute, Special Publication 140(April-March): 28-29

BECKLEY, L.E. (1998) The Agulhas current ecosystem with particular reference to dispersal of fish larvae Large marine ecosystems of the Indian Ocean: assessment, sustainability and management: 255-276

BECKLEY, L.E. (1999) KwaZulu-Natal Marine Protected Areas: harvest refugia or exploitation nodes? KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation Service. Annual research symposium 14-16: Abstracts: 7:

BECKLEY, L.E. (2000) Recruitment of coral reef fishes at Limestone Reef, South Africa. World Coral Reefs in the New Millenium: Bridging Research and Management for Sustainable Development: 38

BECKLEY, L.E. (2000) Recruitment of coral reef fishes at Limestone Reef, South Africa. 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali 9:

BECKLEY, L.E. (2000) Species composition and recruitment of fishes to a tidal pool in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Zoology 35(1): 29-34

BECKLEY, L.E. (2001) An investigation of settlement stage fishes in proximity to Limestone Reef, South Africa. Scientific Programme and Book of Abstracts, 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference 2001 (May): 14-15

BECKLEY, L.E. (2001) Fishy business in Durban. South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research 168: 6-7

BECKLEY, L.E. (2001) Hook line and grunter. Ulwandle 8: 1-4

BECKLEY, L.E.; BULLEN, E.M. (1995) ORI/SFW tagging programme data on spotted grunter (Pomadasys commersonni). Oceanographic Research Institute, Data Report 95 (2): 1-19

BECKLEY, L.E.; BUXTON, C.D. (1989) Underwater observations of reef fish in and around Algoa Bay, South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 47: 29-38

BECKLEY, L.E.; CHATER, S.A. (1993) Ichthyofauna of high latitude coral reefs in South Africa. Pre-Indo-Pacific Fish Conference Workshop, Flores, Indonesia November:

BECKLEY, L.E.; CONNELL, A.D. (1996) Early life history of Pomatomus saltatrix off the East coast of South Africa. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 47(2): 319-322

BECKLEY, L.E.; CYRUS, D.P. (1995) Larval fish assemblage in nearshore coastal waters off the St Luciaestuary, South Africa. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49: 789-811

BECKLEY, L.E.; EVERETT, B.I. (1998) An synthesis of information on sardines and the KwaZulu-Natal "sardine run". Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 158: 35

BECKLEY, L.E.; FENNESSY, S.T. (1996) The beach-seine fishery off Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. 9th Southern African Marine Science Symposium Programme 9: 41

BECKLEY, L.E.; FENNESSY, S.T. (1996) The beach-seine fishery off Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. South African Journal of Zoology 31(4): 186-192

BECKLEY, L.E.; FENNESSY, S.T.; BIRNIE, S.L.; CHATER, S.A.; FIELDING, P.A.; GARRATT, P.A.; GOVENDER, A.; MANN, B.Q.; NELLMAPIUS, S.J.; VAN DER ELST, R.P. (1995) An investigation of the beach-seine fishery off Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 122: 14

BECKLEY, L.E.; FENNESSY, S.T.; EVERETT, B.I. (2005) Harbours as recreational assets: a case study of shore-based angling in a major South African port. Indian Ocean Marine Environmental conference: Linking science, engineering and management, Perth, Australia, 14-18 February 2005

BECKLEY, L.E.; FENNESSY, S.T.; FIELDING, P.J.; ROBERTSON, W.D.; TOMALIN, B.J.; VAN DER ELST, R.P. (1996) Informal fisheries on the east coast of South Africa (HSRC Project). Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 133: 35

BECKLEY, L.E.; FENNESSY, S.T.; GOVENDER, A.; DAVID, B.; LEAO, J. (1994) Oceanographic Research Institute/Instituto de Investigacao Pesqueira collaborative linefish research Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 110: 11

BECKLEY, L.E.; GOVENDER, A.; FENNESSY, S.T. (1995) ORI/IIP collaborative linefish research (Inhaca, Ponta Malongane and Ponta do Ouro) October 1995. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 121: 7

BECKLEY, L.E.; HULLEY, P.A.; SKELTON, P.A. (2001) Ichthyology in South Africa: a tale of two oceans. 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference scientific programme and book of abstracts. 6:

BECKLEY, L.E.; HULLEY, P.A.; SKELTON, P.A. (2002) Synoptic overview of marine ichthyology in South Africa. Marine and Freshwater Research 53 (2): 99-106

BECKLEY, L.E.; LEIS, J.M. (2000) Occurrence of tuna and mackerel larvae (Family: Scombridae) off the east coast of South Africa. Marine and Freshwater Research 51(8): 777-782

BECKLEY, L.E.; MANN, B.Q. (2000) Assessment of the rocky shore at Green Point, KwaZulu-Natal, South Coast, as a possible conservancy area. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 189: 6

BECKLEY, L.E.; MANN, B.Q.; ROBERTSON, W.D.; FIELDING, P.J. (1999) Subsistence fisheries: an assessment of resource availability and sustainability in KwaZulu-Natal. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 173: 138

BECKLEY, L.E.; MANN, B.Q.; ROBERTSON, W.D.; FIELDING, P.J; VAN DER ELST, R.P. (2000) Subsistence fishery resource assessment, Port Edward to Kosi Bay zone 3a & 3b. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 193: 64

BECKLEY, L.E.; NAIDOO, A.D. (1998) Light traps and larvae: preliminary results from KwaZulu-Natal coastal. African Fishes and Fisheries Diversity and Utilisation: 263

BECKLEY, L.E.; PRADEVAND, P. (1999) Angling in the St Lucia and Maputaland Marine Reserves, KwaZulu-Natal. SANCOR Occasional Report (5): 34-40

BECKLEY, L.E.; RADEBE, P.V.; MANN, B.Q. (2001) Inventory of fishes recorded from Durban Harbour Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 202: 9

BECKLEY, L.E.; VAN DER ELST, R.P. (1993) Fish, fishers and fisheries: proceedings. Oceanographic Research Institute, Special Publication (2): 23-24

BECKLEY, L.E.; VAN DER ELST, R.P.; CHATER, S.A.; BIRNIE, S.L. (1995) Fish trapping during the operation of the Durban harbour graving dock, South Africa. Southern African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 21(1/2): 78-87

BECKLEY, L.E.; VAN DER ELST, R.P.; TOMALIN, B.J.; NYIDE, Z. (1995) Use of natural resources in the port of Durban. Oceanographic Research Institute, Unpublished Report 123: 10

BECKLEY, L.E.; VAN DER LINGEN, C.D. (1999) Biology, fishery and management of sardines (Sardinops sagax) in Southern African waters Marine and Freshwater Research 50(8): 955-978

BENMANSOUR, B.; BEN HASSINE, O.K.; DIEBAKATE, C.; RAIBAUT, A. (2001) On two species of lernaeopodid copepod (Siphonostomatoida) parasite on the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaues, 1758) (Pisces, Sparidae) Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Zoosystema 23(4): 695-703

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