Revised power of prayers by Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki


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Not a single day has passed on the earth when its inhabitants did not have their Leader here. From day-one each community did possess its Leader by one way or the other. We being Muslims, the followers of a religion chosen by Allaah (S.W.T.) for mankind, have been blessed with a sinless Leader in every era, who is also the most knowledgeable, courageous, patient, brave, and endowed with all perfections. After the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) we are commanded to follow his 12 holy household members who are the guides for the mankind as ordained by Allaah (S.W.T.) They were from Imaam Ali (A.S.) upto Imaam Hasan Askari (A.S.) and we are at present passing in the era of the last vicegerent of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) i.e. the 12th Imaam, i.e. Hujjat-Ibnul-Hasan Imaam Muhammad Mehdi Swaahibuz-Zamaan (A.S.) who is the present Imaam of the age and the right guide for the mankind. We firmly believe that even though The Imaam A.F. is in Ghaibat (Hidden from our sight) but he is aware of all our deeds and conditions. Whenever need arises The Imaam extends his helping hand to us. And Inshaa’Allaah he will soon reappear to us and wipe out all evils from its grassroot levels and finally peace, tranquility, and justice shall prevail from Easts to Wests.

It is also our firm belief that all our deeds, good and bad, are presented to the Imaam, when he sees our good deeds he is happy but he becomes sad and sorrowful when he sees our bad deeds. So we should always keep in mind that there is no any other exceeding good act to that of making our Imaam be happy, and there is no any worst thing then that to make our Imaam weep on seeing us committing bad deeds.Thus all our deeds should incline towards goodness at every moment of our lives, so as to please Allaah, His Prophet, and our Imaam. (A.S.)

A true and sicere devotee of the Imaam should have pure affection towards him and should remain sorrowful because of the absence of our Imaam from our sights. Indeed it is a great calamity to be deprived of his holy company. May be this is because of our sins or unworthiness or any other reason, Allaah (S.W.T.) knows better. We should always pray to Allaah for his safety, reappearence, and request Allaah (S.W.T.)that we should be included amongst the The Imaam’s true followers. Not forgetting that a true follower can only be such who follows the rules and regulations of Shareeah commanded by Allaah (S.W.T.)

Therefore it is our foremost duty to remember our Imaam at all times. Especially while praying Duaa we should beseech Almighty Allaah (S.W.T.) for the safety and speedy reappearence of our Leader, Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. Hereunder are some Duaas concerning the Imaam of the age:

  • Atleast after every Namaaz one shoud recite this Duaa to acknowledge the presence of Imaam as the Devine Guide and asking Allaah for his safety upto the time when his rule is established over the earth: Allaahumma Kun Li Waliyyikal Hujjaatibnil Hasan Swalawaatuka Alayhi Wa Alaa Aabaaihi Fee Haadhihis-Saa’ati Wa Fee Kulli Saa’atin, Walliyyan Wa Haafidhwan Wa Qaaidan Wa Naaswiran Wa Daleelan Wa Aynan Hatta Tuskinahu Ardhaka Twaw’an Wa Tumati’ahoo Feehaa Twaweela.

  • Recite this Duaa during the Ghaybat of the Imaam A.F.: Allaahumma Arrifnee Nafsaka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’arrifnee Nafsaka Lam A’arif Nabiyyaka, Allaahumma Arrifnee Rasoolaka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’arrifnee Rasoolaka Lam A’arif Hujjataka Allaahumma Arrifnee Hujjataka Fa Innaka Inlam Tu’arrifnee Hujjataka Dhwalaltu An Deenee.

  • Everyday after Namaaz-e-Sub’h recite this Duaa starting with these words: Allaahumma Balligh Mawlaaya Swaahibuz-Zamaan… [*].

  • Imaam Radha (A.S.) said to recite this Duaa for Imaam Swaahibul Asri Waz-Zamaan, the Duaa starting with these words: Allaahumad’fa’a An Waliyyika Wa Khaleefatika… (refer Mafaatihul Jinaan).

    • Imaam Jaa’far Saadiq (A.S.) said that whoever shall recite this Duaa (Duaa-a-Ahad) for 40 days will be among the helpers of the Imaam, if he dies before the Zuhoor of the Imaam A.F. then Allaah shall raise him from the grave and will be among the Imam’s companions, and his sins shall be forgiven. This Duaa starts with these words: Allaahumma Rabban-Nooril Adhweem… [*]

    • Whenever there is a problem to be solved perform the A’amal of DUAA-E-ISTIGHAASA of Imaam-e-Zamaana. (details of this A’amaal has been given here below). [*]

    • DUAA-E-ILAAHEE ADHUMAL BALAA’A: This Duaa also is effective to ward off troubles. [*]

    • Recite the Ziyaarat of Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. on Friday. This Ziyaarat starts with these words: Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Hujjatallaahi Fee Ardhihee……… [*]

    • Recite the Naamz-e-Imaam Hujjat (A.S.) on Fridays. It is 2 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at while reciting Surah Al-Hamd when you reach Iyyaaka Na’abudu Wa Iyyaaka Nasta’een repeat this verse 100 times and then continue as usual, after Al-Hamd recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas. After Namaaz rcite this Duaa:Allaahumma Adhwumal Balaa’u, Wa Barihal Khafaa’u, Wankashafal Ghitwaa’u, Wa Dhwaaqatil Ardhu Bimaa Wasi’atis-Samaau, Wa Ilayka Yaa Rabbil Mushtaqa, Wa Alaykal Mu’awwalu Fish-Shiddati War-akhaa’i, Allaahumaa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Al-ladheena Amartana Bi Twa’atihim Wa Ajjilillahumma Farajahum Bi Qaaimihim, Wa Adh-hir I’azaazahu. Yaa Muhammadu, Yaa Aliyu Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Muhammadu Ikfiyaani Fa Innakuma Kaafiyaay, Yaa Muhammadu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Muhammadu, Unswiraani Fa Innakuma Naaswiraaya, Ya Muhammadu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Aliyu, Yaa Mujhammadu, Ihfadhwaani Fa Innakumaa Haafidhwaaya. Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaani, Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaani, Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Swahibaz-Zamaani, Al-Ghawth, Al-Ghawth, Al-Ghawth, Adriknee, Adriknee, Adriknee, Al-Amaan, Al-Amaan, Al-Amaan.

    • Send AREEZA frequently to the Imaam. This is not limited to 15th Sha’abaan only.


    • To ward off any fears of harm from enemy help must be sought from our Imaam: Daily recite 2 rak’at Namaaz, a brief Ziyaarat of the Imaam, and then recite this Duaa: Yaa Mawlaay Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaan, Anaa Mustagheethun Bika, Yaa Mawlaay Ikfinee Sharra Man-Yu’adhinee.

    • Always recite this Duaa for hastening The Imaam’s reappearence and be included in his companions: Allaahumma Ajjil Farajah Wa Sah-hil Makhrajah Waj’alnaa Min Answaarihee Wa A’awaanihee.

    • Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. had once given audience to a certain person, solved his problems, and instructed that if any one had a wish or is in trouble (a) should recite this Duaa 70 times: Yaa Allaah, Yaa Muhammad,Yaa Ali, Yaa Faatima, Yaa Swaahibuz-Zamaan Adriqnee Walaa Tuhliknee. (b) Likewise when the Imaam helped certain person in his problem the Imaam recommended this: Namaaz-Tahajjud, Ziyaarat-E-Jaami’ah, and Ziyaarat-E-Aashoor. And the Imaam repeated this three times.

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