Revised power of prayers by Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki

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22nd Night of Rajab:

One who wishes that whenever death comes he dies on the status of complete faith, he should do this A’mal: Pray 8 rak’at Namaaz, recite S.Tawheed 7 times after Al-Hamd in each rak’at,

25th Rajab:

This is the day of martyrdom of Imaam Musa Kaadhim (A.S.) so we should recite his Ziyaarat.

27th night of Rajab:

Imaam Muhammad Taqee (A.S.) said that this is a very meritorious night, apparent mission of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) was declared on its morning. Amongst our Shiahs whoever performs Ibaadaat in this night shall receive the reward of sixty years.

  • The Holy prophet (S.A.W.W.) said that after Ishaa go to sleep a little and get up before midnight, then pray 12 rak’at Namaaz, in this you may recite any Surah after Al-Hamd. After completing the Namaaz recite 7 times these Surahs—S.Al-hamd, S.An-Naas, S.Al-Falak, S.Tawheed, S.Kaafiroon, S.Qadr, and Aayatul Kursee. Then recite this Duaa: Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Alhamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Lam Yat-Takhidh Waladan Wa Lam Yakun Lahoo Shareekun Fil Mulki Walam Yakunlahoo Waliyyun Minadh-Dhulli Wa Kabbirhoo Takbeera. Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bi Ma’aaqidi Izzika Alaa Arkaani Arshika Wa Muntahar-Rahmati Min Kitaabika Wa Bismikal A’adhwamil A’adhwamil A’adhwami Wa Dhikrikal A’alal A’alal A’alaa Wa Bi Kalimaatikat-Taammaati Antuswalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi Wa An Taf’ala Bee Maa Anta Ahluhoo… (Haajaat).

  • To recite Ziyaarat Of Imaam Ameerul Mu’mineen in this night is one of the best deeds. There are three Ziyaarats of the Imaam mentioned in Mafaatihul Jinaan.

  • Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

  • Recite Ziyaarat-e-Rajabiyyah.(ref.M.Jinaan)

27th Day of Rajab:

This day is one of the greatest days of Eed. It was on this day that Jibraeel (A.S.) accended and brought the declaration of open Prophet’hood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (S.A.W.W.) There are some A’amaal for this day, they are:

(a) Perform Sunnat Ghusl for this day.

(b) Observe Fast. This is one of days when it is highly emphasized to Fast. Fasting of today is equal in merit to the Fasting of 70 years.

(c) Recite many Salawaat.

(d) Recite Ziyaarat of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) and Imam Ameeru Mu’mineen (A.S.)

(e) Pray 12 rak’at Namaaz as usual with any Surah after Al-Hamd. After Namaaz recite these Surahs Four times each: S.Al-Hamd, S.Tawheed, S.An-Naas, S.Al-Falak, and then recite this Duaa Four times: Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar, Wa Sub’haanallaahi Walhamdu Lillaahi Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem. Then recite this Duaa Four times Allaahu Allaahu Rabbee Laa Ushriku Bihee Shay’an. Then again Four times: Laa Ushriku Bi Rabbee Ahadan.

The Last Day Of Rajab:

  • Recommended to perform Sunnat Ghusl and observe Fast. It is like the forgiveness of the past and future sins.

  • Pray Namaaz-e-Salmaan (mentioned in previous pages).


The month of Sha’abaan is a very auspiscious and meritorious month. This month is related to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) There are various A’Amaal to be performed in this month. Fasting in this month carries special reward. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) used to observe Fasting all the days in this month and connected them to the Holy month of Ramadhaan. He used to say that, “Sha’abaan is my month and whoerver observes Fasting in this month, even for one day, Paradise shall be made obligatory on him/her.

A tradition from Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) says that when the month of Sha’abaan arrived Imaaam Zaynul Aabideen gathered his companions and said, “Do you know what this month is ? This is Sha’abaan, and Rasoolullah (S.A.W.W.) said that this is his month, so it is better for you to observe Fasting for the sake of All-Merciful Allah and for the love towards the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) I have heard from my father, and he from my Grand Father that, whoever wishes the nearness of Allaah and he Fasts for the pleasure of the Holy Prophet then Allaah shall grant His proximity to him and shall bestow numerous bounties on him on the day of Qayaamat.”

Imaam Ja’ajar Saadiq (A.S.) said that we should also encourage our friends and near-ones to observe Fasts in this month. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) sighted the new moon of Sha’abaan he ordered a person to announce in Madina that it is an information from the Prophet of Allaah that this month of Sha’abaan is his month and whosoever wishes to be helpful and obliging to him should observe Fasting and that, Allaah S.W.T will shower His blessings on him. Imaam Ali (A.S.) said that after this announcement he had never missed a Fast in Sha’abaan. The Fasts of Sha’abaan and Holy Ramdhaan are the means of forgiveness and pardon.

Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that the Fasts of Sha’abaan are at such an extent of advantage that even if a person is condemned to death because of a Haraam act, then also he shall be benefiting from the Fasts of Sha’abaan.

These are a few A’amaal to be perfomed daily in this month:

  • Recite 70 times: ‘Astaghfirullaah Wa As’aluhut-Tawbah’;

  • Recite 70 times: ‘Astaghfirul-Lahal-Ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illa Huwar-Rahmaanur-Raheemul Hayyul Qayyoomu Wa Atoobu Ilayhi’;

  • Istighfaar is the best Ibaadat in this month. One who does Istighfaar 70 times is equal in merit to seventy thousand times in other months;

  • Another best deed in this month is to give Sadaqa. It saves one from the fire of Hell.

  • Recite totally 1000 times this Duaa during this month: ‘Laa Ilaaha Illal-Laahu Walaa Na’budu Illaa Iyyaahu Mukhlisweena Lahud-Deen Walaw Karihal Mushrikoon.’ The reciter gets the Sawaab of 1000 year’s worship;

  • On Friday-eve pray 2 rak’at Namaaz and in both rak’ats after Al-Hamd recite 100 times Surah-e-Tawheed, after Namaaz recite 100 Salawaat. The advantage will be that all the worldly and hereafter’s needs shall be fulfilled.

  • Keeping Fast on Monday and Thursday will benefit us in the fulfillment of 20 Haajaats of this world and 20 of the Hereafter.

  • It is recommended to recite Salawaat as much as possible;

  • There is a special Salawaat to be recited every afternoon and a very excellent Munaajaat which was being recited by Aimma-e-Twaahireen (A.S.) (refer.M.Jinaan); This Salawaat was recommended by Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.) to recite everyday day at noon:Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Shajaratin-Nubuwwati Wa Mawdhwi’ir-Risaalati Wa Mukhtalafil Malaaikati Wa Ma’adinil Ilmi Wa AhliBaytil Wahyi. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadinil Fulkil Jaariyati Fil-Lujajil Ghaamirati Ya’amanu Man Rakibahaa Wa Yaghraqu Man Tarakahal Mutaqaddimu Lahum Maariqun Wal Muta’Akh-khiru Anhum Zaahiqun Wal-Laazimu Lahum Laahiqun. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Alkahfil Haseeni Wa Ghiyaathil Mudhtwarril Mustaqeeni Wa Malja’al Haaribeen, Wa Ismatal Mu’ataswimeen. Alaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Swalaatan Katheeratan Takoonu Lahum Redhan Wa Li Haqqi Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Adaa’an Wa Qadhwaa’an Bihawlin Minka Wa Quwwatin Yaa Rabbal Aalameen. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Attwayyibeenal Abraaril Akhyaaril-Ladheena Awjabta Huqooqahum Wa Faradhta Twaa’atahum Wa Wilaayatahum. Alaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa’mur Qalbee Bi Twaa’atik Walaa Tukhzinee Bi Ma’aswiyatik Warzuqnee Muwaasaata Man Qattarta Alayhi Min Rizqika Bima Wassa’ata Alayya Min Fadhlika Wa Nasharta Alayya Min Adlika Wa Ahyaytanee Tahta Dhwillika Wa Haadha Shahru Nabiyyika Sayyidi Rusulika Sha’abaanul-Ladhee Hafaftahu Minka Bir-Rahmati War-Ridhwaanil-Ladhee Kaana Rasoolullaahi Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam Yad’abu Fee Swiyaamihi Wa Qiyaamihi Fee Layaaleehi Wa Ayyaamihi Nujoo’an Laka Fi Ikraamihi Wa I’adhwaamihi Ilaa Mahalli Himaamihi. Allaahumma Fa Ainnaa Alal Istinaani Bi Sunnatihi Feehi Wa Naylish-Shafaa’ati Ladayhi. Allaahumma Waj’alhu Lee Shafeean Mushaffa’an Wa Twareeqan Ilayka Maheean Waj’alnee Lahoo Muttabian Hattaa Alqaaq Yawmal Qiyaamati Annee Raadhiyan Wa An Dhunoobee Ghaadhiyan Qad Awjabta Lee Minkar-Rahmata War-Ridhwaan Wa Anzaltanee Daaral Qaraari Wa Mahallal Akhyaar.

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