Revues internationales

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Publications du Centre Acoustique – année 2012

Revues internationales

Melon, M., Herzog, P., Sitel, A. & Galland, M.-A., 2012, One dimensional study of a module for active/passive control of both absorption and transmission, Applied Acoustics, 73, 234–242.

Hu, Y., Galland, M.-A. & Chen K., 2012, Acoustic transmission performance of double-wall active sound packages in a tube: Numerical/experimental validations, Applied Acoustics, 73, 323–337.

Betgen, B., Galland, M.-A., Piot, E. & Simon, F., 2012, Implementation and non-intrusive characterization of a hybrid active-passive liner with grazing flow, Applied Acoustics, 73, 624-638.

Zielinski T.G., Galland M.-A. & Ichchou M.N., 2012, Fully Coupled Finite-Element Modeling of Active Sandwich Panels With Poroelastic Core, J. Vib. Acoust. , 134 (2), 021007-1-10.

Marinus, B.G., Bosschaerts, W., Roger, M., 2011, Aerodynamic study of a humpy propeller, Int. J. Eng. Systems Modelling and Simulation, 4, 27-35.

Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Influence of initial turbulence level on the flow and sound fields of a subsonic jet at a diameter-based Reynolds number of 105Journal of Fluid Mechanics701, 352-385. 

Serre, G., Lafon, P., Gloerfelt, X. & Bailly, C., 2012, Reliable reduced-order models for time-dependent linearized Euler equations, Journal of Computational Physics231, 5176-5194.

André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2012, Shock oscillations in a supersonic jet screeching antisymmetrically,  AIAA Journal50(9), 2017-2020.

Marsden, O., Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Jondeau, E., 2012, Investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation of a round cavity, Journal of Sound and Vibration331, 3521-3543. 

Cheinet, S., Ehrhardt, L., Juvé, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Unified modeling of turbulence effects on sound propagation, J. Acoustical Society of America., 132 (4), 2198-2209.

Daude, F., Berland, J., Emmert, T., Lafon, P., Crouzet, F. & Bailly, C., 2012, A high-order finite-difference algorithm for direct computation of aerodynamic sound, Computers & Fluids61, 46-63. 

Lalande, J. M., Sebe, O., Landes, M. ,Blanc-Benon , Ph., Matoza, R.S., Le Pichon, A.,Blanc E., 2012, Infrasound data inversion for atmospheric sounding, Geophysical Journal International, 190 (1), 687-701.

Kerhervé, F., Jordan, P., Cavalieri, A., Delville, J., Bogey, C., Juvé, D., 2012, Educing the source mechanism associated with downstream radiation in subsonic jets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 710, 606-640.

Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Effects of moderate Reynolds numbers on subsonic round jets with highly disturbed nozzle-exit boundary layers, Physics of Fluids, 24, 105107, 1-24.

Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Investigation of flow features around shallow round cavities subject to subsonic grazing flow, Physics of Fluids, 24, 125107, 1-24.

Rozenberg, Y., Robert, G., Moreau, S., 2012, Wall-pressure spectral model including the adverse pressure gradient effects, AIAA Journal50(10), 2168-2179.

Roger, M., Moreau, S., 2012, Addendum to the back_scattering correction of Amiet’s trailing-edge noise model, Journal of Sound and Vibration331, 5383-5385. 


Chaligné S., Kint L., Chacaton D., Castelain T., Michard M., 2012, Active Airfoil for Trailers, Patent PCT/FR2012/000455. Application filed on 2012-11-13.

Ouvrages et chapitres d’ouvrages

Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2012, An introduction to jet noise and control of subsonic mixing noise, in Aircraft Noise, Lecture Series 2012-02, von Kàrmàn Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN-13 978-2-87516-029-4, 1-39.

Grilliat, J., Zhou, L., Delgado, A., Camussi, R., Jacob, M. C., 2012, Applications of the wavelet theory on turbulent time signals: denoising and conditioning, In Developments in mechanical engineering. 5. Eds. J.T. Cieslinski, J.A. Szymczyk, Gdansk: Gdan. Univ. Technol., pp. 59-64.

Congrès internationaux

Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Flow and sound fields of initially tripped jets at Reynolds numbers ranging from 25000 to 200000, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 9-12 January, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, AIAA 2012-1172. 

Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Effects of initial shear-layer thickness on turbulent subsonic jets at moderate Reynolds numbers, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2249, 1-18. 

Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Development of semi-implicit Runge-Kutta schemes and application to a turbulent channel flow, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2066, 1-19. 

Lafitte A., Laurendeau E., Le Garrec, T. & Bailly C., 2012, Prediction of subsonic jet noise relying on a sweeping based turbulence generation process, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2149, 1-1

Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Depth effects on the flow features and noise signature of shallow cylindrical cavities at a Mach number of 0.25, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2232, 1-15. 

Manoha, E., Terracol, M., Lemoine, B., Le Griffon, I. & Le Garrec, T., 2012, Slat noise measurement and numerical prediction in the VALIANT programme, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2100, 1-21. 

Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, Ph., Poisson, F., 2012, The modeling of moving sources for time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2109, 1-15. 

Sanjosé, M., Christophe, J., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2012), Effect of Span and Compressibility on the Noise Prediction of a Katana Blade, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA paper 2012-2112.

Kucukcoskun, K. & Roger, M., 2012, On the Scattering of Aerodynamic Noise by a Rigid Corner, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA paper 2012-2113.

Golubev, V., Nguyen, L., Roger, M. & Visbal, M., 2012, A Numerical Investigation of the Laminar Instability Multi-Tonal Noise of Aerofoils, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA paper 2012-2135.

Roger, M., Schram, C. & Moreau, S., 2012, On Open-Rotor Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA paper 2012-2216.

Assink, J. D., Lalande, J.-M., Talmadge, C., Waxler, R.; Le Pichon, A., Blanc, E.; Blanc-Benon, Ph., 2012, Infrasound as an upper atmospheric probe: review and recent results, Invited presentation, European Geosciences Union, 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, p.5428.

Blanc,E., Bittner,M., Hauchecorne,A., Ceranna,L., Charlton-Perez,A., Ripepe,M., Evers,L.,Kvaerna,T.,Lastovicka,J.,Eliasson,L.,Crosby,N., Blanc-Benon, P., Bernonville,S., LePichon,A., Keckhut,P., Marchetti,E., Wust,S., Brachet, N., Heinrich,P., Pilger,C., 2012, Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe: The ARISE project, European Geosciences Union, 22-27 April, Vienna, 8230.

Blanc-Benon, Ph., G., Jondeau, E., 2012, Acoustic field measurements in a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator using time-resolved particle image velocimetry, Acoustics 2012 Hong- Kong, J. Acous. Soc. Am., 131 (4), 3266.

Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, Ph., Scott, J., 2012, Infrasound propagation in realistic atmosphere using nonlinear ray theory, 19th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA), 21-24 May,Tokyo.

Blanc-Benon, Ph., Poignand, G., Jondeau, E., 2012, Investigation of the Acoustic Field in a Standing Wave Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Using Time-Resolved Particule Image Velocimetry, 19th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA) , 21-24 May,Tokyo.

Ehrhardt, L., Cheinet, S. & Juvé, D., 2012, Finite-difference time-domain simulation of sound propagation through a turbulent atmosphere, Acoustics2012, Hong-Kong, 13-18 May (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131 (4), 3332).

Sturm, F. & Bonnel, J., 2012, Time-frequency analysis of broadband sound pulse propagation in 3-D oceanic waveguides, 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 2-6 July, Edinburgh, UK, 1820-1827 (ISBN: 978-1-906913-13-7).

Rouch, J., Schmich, I. & Galland, M.-A., 2012, Predicting room-acoustic criteria changes due to the use of an electroacoustic enhancement system, Euronoise 2012, 9th European Conference on Noise Control, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-13 June.

Koussa, F., Defrance, J, Jean, P. , Blanc-Benon, Ph., 2012, Optimization of Low Height Sonic Crystal Noise Barriers for Tramway Noise Reduction, Euronoise 2012, 9th European Conference on Noise Control, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-13 June.

Yuldashev, Y., Averiyanov, M., Khokhlova, V., Blanc-Benon, P., Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Juvé, D., 2012, Propagation of nonlinear N-waves in turbulence: Laboratory scale experiments and theoretical analysis (invited), Internoise 2012, New-York, USA, 19-22 août, paper In-935 (12p.).

Ayme, F., Ichchou, M., Bareille, O., Cariou, C., Juvé, D., 2012, A new energetic acoustic probe and its association with an acoustic energetic identification method, ISMA 2012, Leuven, Belgique, 17-21 septembre.

Dragna, D., Cahuzac, A., Boudet, J., Blanc Benon, Ph, Jacob, M.C., 2012, Towards Hybrid CAA with ground effects, Workshop on Computational Experiments in Aeroacoustics, Svetlogorsk, Russia., Sept. 18-22.

Lalande, J.M., Blanc, E., Blanc-Benon, Ph., Sèbe, O., Landès, M., Matoza, R., 2012, Characterization of high-altitude winds from infrasound observations, First ARISE Workshop, University of Reading, UK, 18th-21st Sep. 2012

Blanc-Benon, Ph., Berson, A., Jondeau F., Comte-Bellot, G., 2012, Measurements of temperature fluctuations in thermoacoustic systems, Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2012, ECN The Netherlands, 9-12 September 2012, Paper HPC710.

Lalande, J.M., Le Pichon, A., Blanc, E., Assink, J.D., Waxler, R., Blanc-Benon, Ph., Sèbe, O., Landès, M., 2012, Characterization of high-altitude winds from infrasound observations, A52A-08, 2012 Fall Meeting American Geophysics Union (invited paper), San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.

Congrès nationaux

André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2012, Experimental study of flight effects on underexpanded supersonic jet noise, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 2341-2346.

Henry, C., Bailly, C. & Bodard, G., 2012, Stochastic prediction of broadband shock-associated noise including propagation effects, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 2335-2340. 

Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Investigation of a turbulent channel flow using large eddy simulation, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1267-1272. 

Lafitte, A., Laurendeau, E., Le Garrec, T. & Bailly, C., 2012, Jet noise prediction using a sweeping based turbulence generation process, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1317-1322. 

Lafon, P., Berland, J., Crouzet, F., Daude, F. & Bailly, C., 2012, Numerical study of the aeroacoustic behavior of a subsonic confined cavity, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1341-1346. 

Marsden, O. & Charrel, T., 2012, Numerical study of low Reynolds number airfoil flows, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1347-1352. 

Juvé D., 2012, Aeroacoustics, the convergence of experimental and numerical approaches (Keynote lecture), Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes.

Ayme, F., Carriou, C., Ichchou, M., Juvé, D., 2012, A new acoustic three dimensional intensity and energy density probe, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes.

Karzova, M., Salze, E., Ollivier, S., Castelain, T., André, B., Yuldashev, P., Khokhlova, V., Sapozhnikov, O. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Interaction of weak shocks leading to Mach stem formation in focused beams and reflections from a rigid surface, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1111-1115.

Yuldashev, P., Salze, E., Ollivier, S., Averiyanov, M., Khokhlova, V. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Propagation of spherically diverging N-waves in a turbulent atmosphere: experiment, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3269-3274.

Salze, E., Ollivier, S., Yuldashev, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Laboratory-scale experiment for the propagation of N-waves in a turbulent and refracting medium with ground effects, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3275-3279.

Ollivier, S., Salze, E., Averiyanov, M., Yuldashev, P., Khokhlova, V. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Calibration method for high frequency microphones, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3503-3507.

Lemoine, B. & Roger, M., 2012, Aeroacoustic study of a simplified wing/flap system in generic configurations, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 2012-0682.

Rouch, J., Schmich, I. & Galland, M.A., 2012, Modelling of reverberation enhancement systems, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes.

Koussa, F., Defrance, J, Jean, P. , Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Transport noise reduction by low height sonic crystal noise barriers, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 997-1001.Berson, A., Poignand, G., Jondeau, E., Blanc-Benon Ph., Comte-Bellot,G.,2012, Measurements of temperature and velocity fluctuations in oscillating flows using thermal anemometry – application to thermoacoustic refrigerators, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 2987-2992.

Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, Ph. , Poisson F., 2012 , Time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation: experimental validation on a complex site, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3237-3242.

Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, Ph., Scott, J., 2012, Explosion energy scaling laws for infrasound propagation analysed using nonlinear ray theory, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 4023-4024.

Exposés présentés à des Colloques et Réunions de spécialistes

Chaligné S., Castelain T., Michard M., Juvé D., Chacaton D., 2012, Control of a square-back geometry in interaction with the ground: combination of a synthetic jet with a passive element, Colloque du GDR 2502 Contrôle des décollements, 15-16 novembre, Orsay.

Diffusion de la connaissance

Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, Ph. , Poisson F., 2012 , Modélisation de la propagation acoustique en milieu extérieur par une approche temporelle: validation expérimentale sur site, Acoustique et Techniques, 68, 46-51.

Koussa, F., Defrance, J., Jean, P., Blanc-Benon, Ph., 2012, Diminution du bruit des transports terrestres par des cristaux soniques de faible hauteur, Acoustique et Techniques, 69, 4-9 .

Christophe, J., Kuckcoskun, K., Schram, C., 2012, Analytical and numerical extensions of Amiet’s incoming turbulence noise theory to account for near-field effects, Ercoftac Bulletin, 90, 45–49.

André, B., Castelain, T., Bailly, C., 2012, Broadband shock-associated noise in screeching and non-screeching underexpanded supersonic jets, Ercoftac Bulletin, 90, 10-14.
Thèses & HDR

Serre, G., 2012, Construction de modèles réduits numériques pour les écoulements compressibles linéarisés, thèse de doctorat, ECL – 2012-01.

Kucukcoskun, K. 2012, Prediction of free and scattered acoustic fields of low-speed fans, thèse de doctorat, ECL – N° 2012-04.

Finez, A., 2012 Etude expérimentale du bruit de bord de fuite à large bande d'une grille d'aubes linéaire et de sa réduction par dispositifs passifs, thèse de doctorat, ECL - N° 2012-07.

Carazo, A., 2012, Analytical modelling of wake-interaction tonal noise in counter-rotating open rotors, thèse de doctorat, ECL – N° 2012-12.

Lalande, J.-M., 2012, Caractérisation des vents dans la moyenne atmosphère et basse thermosphère à partir d’observation d’ondes infrasonores, thèse de doctorat, ECL – 2012-15.

Cahuzac, A., 2012, Aspects cinétiques et acoustiques en simulation numérique des grandes échelles, et application à l'étude du contrôle de l'écoulement de jeu en turbomachines, thèse de doctorat, ECL – 2012-17.

Koussa F., 2012, Evaluation de la performance acoustique des protections antibruit innovantes utilisant des moyens naturels : application aux transports terrestres, thèse de doctorat, ECL - 2012-25.

Lafitte, A., 2012, Prédiction de l'aéroacoustique de jets subsoniques confinés à l'aide d'une méthode stochastique de génération de la turbulence, thèse de doctorat, ECL - 2012-37.

Salze, E., 2012, Propagation acoustique non-linéaire en atmosphère inhomogène avec effets de sol : expériences à l’échelle du laboratoire, thèse de doctorat, ECL – N° 2012-38

André, B., 2012, Etude expérimentale de l'effet du vol sur le bruit de choc de jets supersoniques, thèse de doctorat, ECL - 2012-42.

Kremer, F., 2012, Etude numérique d'écoulements de paroi compressibles: méthodes d'intégration temporelle semi-implicites et application au canal plan turbulent, thèse de doctorat, ECL - 2012-62.

Henry, C., 2012, Prediction of broadband shock-associated noise in static and flight conditions, thèse de doctorat, ECL - 2012-60.
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