Saint Anthony Mary Claret

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Colección de opúsculos (Barcelona 1849) vol. I. (Collection of short works).

Archbishop of Cuba (1850-1857)

The publications of this period reflect, overall, his pastoral concerns: sacred liturgy, formation of clergy, instructions to the people, and help for the poor.


Colección de opúsculos (Barcelona 1849) vols. II-IV (these four volumes have a total of 1,168 pp.)

Diálogo sobre la oración (Barcelona: Pla), 16 pp. (Dialogue on prayer). Short treatise on the stages of Christian prayer.

Manna del cristiá (Barcelona: Pla), 64 pp. (Manna of the Christian). Rules for Christian living. Daily prayers, Mass, and rosary. Brief summary of catechism. Translation: Castilian.

Método senzill y facil de fer lo examen particular (Barcelona 1850) 30 pp. (Plain and easy method for making the particular examen).

Religiosas en sus casas o las Hijas del Santísimo e Inmaculado Corazón de María. Instrucciones y reglas que da a las doncellas que quieren vivir religiosamente en el mundo (Barcelona: Pla), 176 pp. (Nuns in their own houses, or Daughters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Instructions for single women who want to live religiously in the world). Rules for living a consecrated life in the world; source of inspiration for a lay institute. Translations: French, Portuguese.


Alocución para el ofertorio de la misa (Santiago, Cuba: Espinal), 5 pp. (Allocution for the Offertory).

Carta sobre la Hermandad de la Doctrina cristiana ((Santiago, Cuba: Espinal), 11 pp. (Circular letter on Confraternity of Christian Doctrine). Concerning its establishment and statutes.

Modo facil de confessarse be (Vich: Trullas) 2nd ed., 16 pp. (Easy way to make a good yet brief confession).


Bálsamo eficaz para curar un sinnúmero de enfermedades de alma y cuerpo (Barcelona: LR) 88 pp. (An effective balm to cure a host of spiritual and bodily ills). Medico-moral considerations on chastity. Translation: Portuguese.

Carta pastoral... al venerable clero de su diócesis (Santiago, Cuba 1852) 84 pp. (Pastoral letter to the clergy). Letter to the clergy of his diocese on the vocation, spirituality, and ministry of priests.

Maná del cristiano (Santiago, Cuba) 64 pp. Rules for Christian living. Daily prayers, Mass, and rosary. Brief summary of catechism.

Reglas de espíritu que a unas religiosas muy solícitas de su perfección enseñaban... (Barcelona: LR) 16 pp. (Rules of spirit that St. Alphonsus and Ven. Father Segneri taught to some nuns who were very solicitous of their perfection). Ascetical advice in the form of maxims, written for the Poor Clares of Vich. First booklet published by Claret. Appeared later under alternate title, Avisos a las monjas (Advice to Nuns).


Apéndices a la carta pastoral... al venerable clero de su diócesis (Santiago, Cuba 1853) 70 pp.

Auxili dels difunts (Barcelona 1853) 2nd ed., 96 pp.

Carta pastoral... al pueblo de su diócesis (Santiago, Cuba 1853) 108 pp. (Pastoral letter to the people). Letter on Christian life addressed to the laity of his diocese after visitation of the diocese.


Circular a nuestro Venerable Dean y Cabildo (Santiago, Cuba: ed. unknown), 4 pp. (Circular letter to our Venerable Dean and Chapter). On the approaching definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

Exhortacion pastoral... a todos sus diocesanos (Santiago, Cuba: Martinez), 10 pp. (Pastoral exhortation to all the members of his diocese). On reading Protestant editions of the Bible, illegally smuggled into Cuba.

Instruccion que debe tener la mujer para desempenar bien la mision que el Todopoderoso le ha confiado (Barcelona: LR), 32 pp. (The instruction women need in order to fulfill properly the mission entrusted to them by the Almighty). The importance and effectiveness of woman's role, the need to promote their education.

Modificaciones de los estatutos del seminario tridentino de Cuba (Barcelona: Libreria Religiosa), 30 pp. (Changes in the Statutes of the Tridentine Seminary of Cuba).

Reflexiones sobre la agricultura (Barcelona: Libreria Religiosa), 22 pp. (Reflections on agriculture). Address to the farmers of Cuba.

Asociacion de Hijas de la Concepcion (Barcelona: Pla) (Association of the Daughters of the Immaculate Conception). Marian society for young women.

Breu noticia de las instrucciones de la Arxicofraria (Gerona 1855) 5th ed., 98 pp.

Carta pastoral... dirigida a sus amados diocesanos con motivo de haberse declarado dogma de fe el misterio de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María (Santiago, Cuba: Casañas 1855) 38 pp. (Pastoral letter concerning the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception). Mary, her role in Christian life, the apostolate, the Bible, and the Eucharist.

Carta pastoral... al venerable clero de su diócesis (Barcelona 1855) 3rd ed., 116 pp.

Catecisme de la doctrina cristiana explicat (Barcelona: LR) 4th ed., 480 pp. See 1848.

Ejercicios espirituales preparatorios a la primera comunión de los niños (Barcelona: LR) 192 pp. (Retreat in preparation for First Communion). Theology of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.

Exhortación pastoral... con motivo de la indulgencia plenaria (Santiago, Cuba: Casañas 1855) 14 pp. (Pastoral exhortation concerning the indulgence). On the Jubilee declared by Pius IX, in preparation for the definition of the Immaculate Conception.)

Las delicias del campo (Cuba 1855) (published as a series of articles in the newspaper “El Redactor” in Santiago, Cuba). (The delights of the country). Christian morality in marriage. Biblical passages on creation. Finding God in nature, the open air, etc.

Novena al Santíssim Cor de Maria (Barcelona 1855) 48 pp.

Carta pastoral... de la Inmaculada Concepción (Barcelona: Pla) 30 pp. (Pastoral letter concerning the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception). Mary, her role in Christian life, the apostolate, the Bible, and the Eucharist.

El viajero recién llegado (Barcelona: LR) 20 pp. (The newly arrived traveler). Apologetics in dialogue form on Catholic-Protestant morals.

Las delicias del campo (Barcelona: LR 1856) 3rd ed., 312 pp. (The delights of the country).

Christian morality in marriage. Biblical passages on creation. Finding God in nature, the open air, etc.

Magatzem sant (Vich 1856) 32 pp.

Origen del Trisagio (Vich) 64 pp. (Origin of the Trisagion). How to say the Trisagion. Its origin. Examples. Songs.


Maná del cristiano (Barcelona 1857) 3rd ed., 64 pp. (Manna of the Christian). Rules for Christian living. Daily prayers, Mass, and rosary. Brief summary of catechism.

Metodo de misionar en las aldeas o campos y arrabales de las ciudades (Santiago, Cuba: Casañas), 88 pp. (Method for giving missions in villages, in the country, or in suburbs of great cities). Norms for popular missions. Brief catechism. Nine examples, the seventh of which narrates the Saint's temptation and subsequent vision of Our Lady in Vich.

Royal confessor (1857-1869)

In this period he receives two warning from heaven: to write books and to make a stand against the evils in Spain. This he brings to bear, in his preaching and with his writing, on the renewal and organization of all the apostolic forces of the Church: bishops, missionaries, priests, seminarians, and laity.


Apuntes... para el régimen de la diócesis (Madrid:La Esperanza) XXII+107 pp. (Notes for personal use and for the governance of a diocese). Original title: Apuntes de un plan para restaurar la hermosura de la Iglesia (Notes of a plan for restoring the beauty of the church). We cite the texts of the second, revised and augmented edition (Madrid: Aguado 1865), 259 pp. Theology of the church, spirituality of bishops, asceticism of priests. Pastoral concerns. Translation: Latin, under the title Episcoporum Stimulus.

Conferencias de San Vicente de Paúl para los señores eclesiásticos con unos reglamentos (Barcelona: LR) 28 pp. (St. Vincent de Paul conferences for clerics). History and rules of monthly workshops for the continuing formation of priests, based on an idea of St. Vincent de Paul.

Constituciones para los Misioneros de la Congregación del Inmaculado Corazón de María (Barcelona: LR) 78 pp. (Constitutions for the Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). First text of the Constitutions of the Claretian Community, written in 1849-50, revised and completed in 1857. We quote from our own critical edition, S. Antonio M Claret, Constituciones y textos sobre la Congregacion de Misioneros (Barcelona: 1972).

El ferrocarril, o sea, medios para conseguir la felicidad y evitar la infelicidad o desgracia (Barcelona:LR) 152 pp. (The railway, or means to reach happiness).

La época presente, considerada como probablemente la última del mundo, según los datos que sobre esto nos suministran las santas Escrituras, los Santos Padres y expositores de aquéllas (Barcelona: LR) 96 pp. (The present epoch considered as probably the last in the world).

La llave de oro, o serie de reflexiones que para abrir el corazón cerrado de los pobres pecadores ofrece a los confesores nuevos (Barcelona: LR) 144 pp. (The golden key of reflections to open the locked hearts of poor sinners, which he (Claret) offers to beginning confessors). Handbook for newly ordained priests, with a discussion of the commandments. This book was obscenely parodied by Claret's enemies in various spurious editions in Spanish and French, some of them coarsely illustrated.

Respeto a los templos. Avisos a todos los cristianos para que tengan a los templos el respeto que se les debe (Barcelona: LR) 24 pp. (Respect for churches). Respect of Hebrews for their temple. Greater excellence of the Christian church. Royal orders on the subject. Chastisements for abuses. Examples.


Avisos muy útiles para las viudas (Barcelona: LR) 56 pp. (Very helpful advice to widows).

Devoción del santísimo rosario (Barcelona: LR 1858) 32 pp. (Devotion of the Most Holy Rosary). Claret's notion of the rosary, method of reciting it, and meditations on each of the mysteries.

La canasta de Moysés (Barcelona:LA) 4th ed., 144 pp. (The reed-basket of Moses among the seven mouths of the Nile, or collection of salutary counsels to young men, to preserve them from the perils of the age). Instructions for young men, especially on chastity and piety. Spanish translation form Catalan original. Translations also in Basque, Pangasinan.

Los tres estados de un alma (Barcelona 1858) 16 pp. (The three states of soul). Three illustrations of a soul in varying stages of grace, temptation, and sin, with explanation of each.

Manna del cristiá (Vich: Anglada) 48 pp. (Manna of the Christian). Rules for Christian living. Daily prayers, Mass, and rosary. Brief summary of catechism.


Devocionario de los párvulos que en obsequio de la santa infancia del Niño Jesús se ofrece a los niños y niñas desde su concepción y nacimiento hasta la edad de siete años (Barcelona: LR) 64 pp. (Prayer book for wee folk . . . up to the age of seven). Children's prayers and first catechism. Duties of mothers.

Ejercicios espirituales de San Ignacio explicados (Barcelona: LR) 462 pp. (Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius). Based on the work of Fr. Joseph Pergmayr, but with a number of lengthy original contributions by the Saint.

El ferrocarril (Barcelona 1859) 3rd ed., 146 pp. (The railway, or means to reach happiness).

Excelencias y novena del glorioso príncipe San Miguel (Barcelona: LR) 24 pp. (Excellence of the Glorious Prince, St. Michael, and a novena to him).

La misión de la mujer que el Todopoderoso le ha confiado (Barcelona: LR) 80 pp. (The mission of women that the almighty has entrusted to them…) Three parts. The first repeats the work The instruction women need…, see 1854, The second is new and surely by Claret:valued norms of maternal pedagogy. The third is the maternal catechism. The fourth repeats The Vocation of children.

Los viajeros del ferrocarril, o sea, conversación sobre la profanación de los días festivos y modos de santificarlos (Barcelona: LR) 80 pp. (The passengers of the train, or the conversation about profaning the holidays and ways of making them holy). The style is not that of the Saint. Given the nature of the matter, it is not possible to identify his ideas. It is possible that the last redaction was done by a friend.

Plan de la Academia de San Miguel (Barcelona:LR) 40 pp. (Plan of the Academy of St. Michael). Plan for the launching of a society for Catholic intellectuals and artists.


Avisos molt utils als pares de familia (Vich 1860) 6th ed., 70 pp. (Most helpful advice to parents). Translations: Castilian, Portuguese, Tagalog.

Colección de opúsculos (Barcelona 1860) 6th ed., 4 vols., Collection of small works with a total of 1,540 pp.

Condiciones para ingresar en El Escorial (Barcelona: LR). (Conditions for entering the Escorial).

Conferencias de San Vicente de Paúl (Barcelona 1860) 28 pp. (St. Vincent de Paul conferences for clerics). History and rules of monthly workshops for the continuing formation of priests, based on an idea of St. Vincent de Paul.

Consejos que una madre dio a su hijo al tiempo de despedirse para ir a la guerra de África y los santos evangelios (in Opusculos, 1860, vol. 4; separately, Barcelona: LR 1862), 32 pp. (Advice a mother gave her son on seeing him off to the war in Africa, and the Holy Gospels). Written as a keepsake for soldiers going to the African war. It contains moral and ascetical reflections and a few texts from the Gospels.

El Colegial o seminarista teorica y practicarnente instruido. Obra utilisima o mas Bien necesaria para los jovenes de nuestros dias que siguen la carrera eclesiastica, vol. 1 (Barcelona: LR), 424 pp. (The theoretically and practically well-educated collegian or seminarian. A most helpful or even necessary work for young men of our day who are engaged in studies for the priesthood), vol. 1. See Vol. 2 in 1861.

La llave de oro (Barcelona 1860) 2nd ed., 144 pp. (The golden key of reflections to open the locked hearts of poor sinners, which he (Claret) offers to beginning confessors). Handbook for newly ordained priests, with a discussion of the commandments. See above, 1857.

Reglamento de la comunidad de capellanes reales de San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid: Aguado) 18 pp. (Rules of the community of royal chaplains of St. Lawrence of the Escorial). Signed by the Saint. The Rules at the end of the plan of life for the chaplains and students are very Claretian.


Arte de canto eclesiástico para uso de los seminarios (Madrid: Aguado) 170 pp. (Art of ecclesiastical chant for use in seminaries).

El colegial o seminarista teórica y prácticamente instruido (Barcelona 1861) vol. II, 526 pp. (The theoretically and practically well-educated collegian or seminarian.) A most helpful or even necessary work for young men of our day who are engaged in studies for the priesthood.

Reglamento para el gobierno y régimen de El Escorial (Madrid 1861) 8 pp. (Regulations for the government and rule of the Escorial).

Les filles de l'Immaculé Coeur de Marie (Avignon 1861) 54 pp. (Daughters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). See Religiosas en sus casas… 1850.


Carta ascetica ... al presidente de uno de los coros de la Academia de San Miguel (Barcelona: LR), 52 pp. (Ascetical letter to the president of one of the choirs of the Academy of St. Michael). Short summary of Christian virtues; Eucharist.

Las delicias del campo (Puerto Rico) (doubtful). (The delights of the country). See 1856.

Nuevo viaje en ferrocarril, o sea conversacion sobre la blasfemia y el lenguaje brutal y obsceno (Barcelona: LR), 32 pp. (New trip by railway, or conversation on blasphemy and coarse, obscene language).

Origen del escapulario azul celeste (Madrid: Aguado), 32 pp. (Origin of the heavenly blue scapular).

Plan de la Academia de San Miguel (Barcelona:LR) 46 pp. (Plan of the Academy of St. Michael). See 1859.

Reglas de espíritu (Barcelona: LR) 4th ed., 16 pp. (Rules of spirit) See 1852.

Religiosas en sus casas (Barcelona: LR) 5th ed., 160 pp. (Nuns in their own houses) See 1850.

Vida de Santa Monica (Barcelona: LR) 104 pp. (Life of St. Monica). For Christian wives.


Arte de canto eclesiástico (Barcelona: LR 1863) 3rd ed., 314 pp. (Art of ecclesiastical chant for use in seminaries).

Carta ascética (Barcelona: LR) 2nd ed., 50 pp. (Ascetical letter to the president of one of the choirs of the Academy of St. Michael). Short summary of Christian virtues; Eucharist.

La colegiala instruida, libro utilisimo y necesario para las ninas (Madrid: Aguado), 480 pp. (The well-instructed schoolgirl, a most useful and necessary book for girls). Handbook for the Christian education of girls. Contains some interesting passages for students of Claretian spirituality. Frequently relates to the author's personal experiences.

Nuevo viaje en ferrocarril (Barcelona: LR) 7th ed., 98 pp. (New trip by railway) See 1862.

Origen de la devoción del escapulario azul celeste (Barcelona: LR) 3rd ed., 32 pp. (Origin of the heavenly blue scapular).

Origen del Trisagio (Barcelona: LR) 64 pp. (Origin of the Trisagion). See 1856.

Personal del Colegio del Escorial (Madrid: Aguado), 20 pp. (Personnel of the College of the Escorial).


Avisos saludables a las casadas (in Catalan) (Barcelona: Pla) 4th ed., 48 pp. - (in Spanish) (Barcelona: LR) 54 pp. (Salutary advice to married women). See 1846.

Breve noticia del origen... de la Archicofradía (Barcelona: LR) 6th ed., 134 pp. (Brief notice on the instructions of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary for the Conversion of Sinners). Followed by a novena to the Immaculate Heart. See 1847.

Carta a un devoto del Purisimo e Inmaculado Corazon de Maria (Letter to a devout client of the Most Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary). Appeared posthumously in 1940. Reprinted in Escritos (Madrid: BAC, 1959), pp. 766-72. Doctrine on the Heart of Mary; reasons for loving her.

Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana (Catecismo unico) (Barcelona: LR), 128 pp. (Catechism of Christian Doctrine [Single Catechism]). A combination of the best of six texts submitted to Rome. The resultant text was to be a unified catechism for Spain. Translations: Catalan and five West African languages.

Compendio o breve explicación de la doctrina cristiana (Barcelona: LR) 128 pp. (Compendium or brief explanation of Christian doctrine …). To the original “dialogue” he adds many questions taken from other catechisms. See 1848.

Devoción del santísimo rosario (Barcelona: LR) 38 pp. (Devotion of the Most Holy Rosary). See 1858.

Devocionario de los párvulos (París: Rosa) 4th ed., 64 pp. (Prayer book for wee folk . . . up to the age of seven). See 1859.

El consuelo de un alma calumniada para use de las que se hallan en igual estado (Barcelona: LR), 32 pp. (Solace of a slandered soul, for those in the same state). The author, himself more slandered than anyone, offers words and thoughts to console those who are going through this trial.

El Santisimo Rosario explicado (Barcelona: LR), 160 pp. (The Holy Rosary explained). Explanation in dialogue form, based on other authors. Translation: Portuguese.

Errosario chit santuaren devocioa… (Azpeitia) 38 pp. (Devotion of the Most Holy Rosary). Basque version.

La mision de la mujer que el Todopoderoso le ha confiado (Barcelona: LR), 2nd ed. 80 pp. (The mission confided to women by the Almighty). The role of women in life and society. Cf. Instruccion que debe ... 1854. Adds new section on teaching role of mothers.

La vocacion de los niños. Como se han de educar e instruir (Barcelona: LR), 133 pp. (The vocation of children. How they must be educated and instructed). Educative roles of mother and father. The priest's influence. How to promote priestly vocation in boys. Some passages contain insights into Claret's life and spiritual teaching.

Las bibliotecas populares y parroquiales (Madrid: Aguado), 32 pp. (Popular parish libraries). How to organize libraries for the faithful in every parish.

Memoria de la Academia de San Miguel (Madrid: Aguado), 28 pp. (Memoir of the Academy of St. Michael).

Sermones de misión... (Barcelona: LR) II, 550 pp., and III, 553 pp., 3 editions. (Mission Sermons).

Tardes de verano en el real sitio de San Ildefonso llamado La Granja (Barcelona: LR), 200 pp. (Summer evenings in the royal residence of St. Ildephonsus, called La Granja). Remarks on apologetics and basic theology in dialogue form. Some interesting insights into Claret's Christology and Mariology. The correctness of the Castilian suggests the hand of a collaborator.


Apuntes... para el régimen de la diócesis (Madrid: Aagudo) 2nd ed. enlarged, 259 pp. Apuntes de un plan para restaurar la hermosura de la Iglesia (Notes of a plan for restoring the beauty of the church). See 1857.

Avisos muy útiles para las viudas (Barcelona:LR) 3rd ed., 56 pp. (Very helpful advice to widows). See 1848.

El colegial o seminarista teórica y prácticamente instruido (Barcelona: LR) 4th ed., I, 448 pp. (The theoretically and practically well-educated collegian or seminarian). See 1861.

La cesta de Moisés (Barcelona: LR) 5th ed., 120 pp. (The reed-basket of Moses). See 1845.

Memoria de la Academia de San Miguel (Barcelona: LR). (Memoir of the Academy of St. Michael).

Miscelánea interesante (Barcelona: LR) 338 pp. (Interesting miscellaneous material).

Origen de las calamidades publicas, como son colera, peste, guerra, hambre, etc., y el modo de conjurarlas y disiparlas (Barcelona: LR), 48 pp. (Origin of public calamities, such as cholera, plague, war, hunger, etc., and how to counteract and banish them). Very Claretian work, dedicated to consoling the just who suffer.

Resumen de los principales documentos... (Barcelona: LR) 4th ed., 40 pp. (Resume of the principal texts needed by souls aspiring to perfection). See 1848.

Tardes de verano (Barcelona: LR) 2nd ed., 206 pp. (Summer evenings…). See 1864.

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