Сборник материалов международной научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов

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О.В. Синчук, Е.К. Синчук

Республика Беларусь, Минск, БГУ

Республика Беларусь, Брестская область, Кобринский район,

Верхолесский учебно-педагогический комплекс ясли-сад –

средняя школа

Научный руководитель – Л.Е. Левонюк



In today’s world, a lot of attention is paid to the comprehensive development of the child. The development of the child’s personality is carried out by means of training and education. Since the basic principle of education is attention to the inner world of children, their interests and needs, as well as the development of their abilities [1], there is a need to talk about the harmonious development of the person in the collective [2], and the use of different methods and techniques to reveal intellectual and creative abilities of primary school pupils.

Sukhomlinsky V.A. argued that children do not need to talk with a lot, do not need to be stuffed with stories; the word is not fun, because verbal satiety is one of the most harmful of satieties. The child must not only hear the word of the teacher, but also to remain silent. At these moments, he is thinking, comprehending what he has heard and seen, i.e. children must not be turned into a passive object of perception of words. And at the nature a child should be given the opportunity to hear, see and feel [3].

One of the activities that allow the child to dive into the world of the nature and understand its essence is a research activity. A research activity of pupils is an activity associated with the solution of a problem of creative research with a beforehand unknown solution [4]. Research activities presuppose basic steps typical for studies in the scientific field: statement of the problem, the study of the theory, devoted to this issue, the selection of methods of research and practical mastery of them, collecting material, its analysis and synthesis, scientific commentary and deductions [4; 5].

In our opinion educational research is one of research activities. Educational research activity can be defined as a specially organized, informative creative pupils’ activity similar in its structure to the scientific one, and whose main features are purposefulness, activity, objectivity, motivation and consciousness. Its result is the formation of cognitive motives, research skills, knowledge or ways of life subjectively new to pupils [4]. Research activity is always associated with the discovery of new knowledge – this is its fundamental difference from learning activities: study always implies the existence of some problems, certain contradictions, white spots that need to be studied and explained. Research activity of younger schoolchildren should be defined as educational and research, since it is aimed at subject knowledge revealing, formation of skills necessary for the retrieval of new information, learning techniques and methods of independent learning.

Relevance of the organizing of research activities at primary school is linked to the fact that modern education is directed to the formation of personality, which has such qualities as independence, activity, ability to be creative in solving emerging problems [1; 6]. Since the purpose of the course “Man and the world” is to provide pupils with elementary knowledge of the nature, society and man as the basis of ecological culture and healthy lifestyle, as well as social education of pupils, research activity is one of the ways to achieve this goal. Discipline “Man and the World” provides a great opportunity for the organization of research on various topics at primary school. We have made an attempt to apply some of educational research techniques and organize some research activity in the classroom during a series of lessons “Man and the world." To do this in the 2012–2013 academic year we organized simple experiments on the cultivation of a variety of seeds, phenology observations of natural phenomena, excursions according to the results of which were formulated deductions about seasonal changes in plant and animal communities. There were also created special cards which helped the pupils deal with the new theme.

Later there was an attempt of this research organization that reflects not only the understanding of the world, but also allows to create some understanding of the mechanisms of natural laws, and would bring the children to understand the concept of ethical nature. In 2013–2014 studies were conducted on the theme: “The impact of music on living organisms”. There were three phases of studies: the effect of music on the vegetative (growth of wheat seedlings) and animal (freshwater crustaceans) organisms, as well as on human health. The interest of the pupils to these studies becomes apparent in their attitude to nature. At the lessons “Man and the world” based on research findings they often cited examples and analogies relative to the conducted experiments, which suggests that the child is in full picture of the situation (personal experience), and that all children are actively involved in the learning process.

The use of research maps at the lessons “Man and the world”, allows children to acquire new knowledge in a playful way. So the children look for information on a particular subject and enter it into their individual researcher cards. Maps can be drawn on various topics. The advantages of these cards are that with their help children can compare, generalize knowledge, these cards help children to make reports about their research.

Such a particular interaction at the lessons allows pupils to form their perception of the main stages of research, and even of some aspects of the laboratory forms of work. This gives the possibility to explore the natural phenomena on the basis of familiar objects of nature and natural phenomena. In this way children understand that every plant and animal has its value in nature.

Thus, research activities may be considered as one of the main forms of organization of educational process on the subject. In order to conduct research activities one must know that they include two main groups. The first group of methods can be correlated with the method of research: identifying properties of objects, observation and experience. The second group of methods is close to the forms of organization of work on the study: play, work with a researcher’s map.

Based on the said above, we can conclude that research activity is an important part of the learning process, it promotes activation of pupils as well as formation of children’s interest in the studied material, it can also significantly extend the scope of the investigated. Most programs on the subject “Man and the world” aim at the best and overall development of each child. This is possible when children do not have knowledge in its finished form, but discover this knowledge themselves. We found out that there are different ways to organize research activity of younger schoolchildren at the lessons “Man and the world” and it is desirable to use it in the learning process as much as possible.

  1. Выготский, Л. С. Воображение и творчество в детском возрасте / Л. С. Выготский. – СПб. : Союз, 1997. – 96 с.

  2. Синчук, О. В. Педагогические идеи А. С. Макаренко о коллективе / О. В. Синчук // Наследие А. С. Макаренко и педагогические приоритеты современности : материалы межфак. науч.-практ. конф., Брест, 29 апр. 2009 г. / Брест. гос. ун-т им. А.С. Пушкина ; редкол.: М. С. Строчук, М. П. Михальчук. – Брест : Альтернатива, 2009. – С. 46–50.

  3. Сухомлинский, В. А. Сердце отдаю детям / В. А. Сухомлинский. – Киев : Радянська школа, 1973. – 288 с.

  4. Семенова, Н. А. Организация исследовательской деятельности младших школьников : метод. пособие / Н. А. Семенова. – Томск : ФГУ «Томский ЦНТИ», 2007. – 76 с.

  5. Семенова, Н. А. Формирование исследовательских умений младших школьников: автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01 / Н. А. Семенова ; «Томский гос. пед. ун-т». – Томск, 2007. – 23 с.

  6. Савенков, А. И. Маленький исследователь: как научить младшего школьника приобретать знания / А. И. Савенков. – Ярославль : Акад. развития, 2002. – 208 с.

В статье идет речь о формировании навыков научно-исследовательской деятельности в начальной школе на уроках «Человек и мир». Приводится фактический материал по собственному педагогическому опыту. Указывается, что научно-исследовательская деятельность (например, учебное исследование) является важной частью учебного процесса, способствует активизации учащихся, формированию у детей интереса к изучаемому материалу, позволяет существенно расширить рамки изучаемого.

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