In onCreate() method, we have set view as scannerview instead of xml file layout.
In onResume() method, we have set the resulthandler and started camera preview.
In onPause() method, we are stopping camera preview.
Step 9: Explaining handleResult() method
public void handleResult(me.dm7.barcodescanner.zbar.Result result) {
// Do something with the result here
Log.v("kkkk", result.getContents()); // Prints scan results
Log.v("uuuu", result.getBarcodeFormat().getName()); // Prints the scan format (qrcode, pdf417 etc.)
// If you would like to resume scanning, call this method below:
As you can see in above code, we get result object which contains resulting Barcode or QRcode after scanning is completed.
We will get the final result by running result.getContents() method. This method returns the value of barcode in text format.
we have set this barcode text into TextView of MainActivity.
onBackPressed() method will return the user to the Main Activity.
So it was all about scan barcode and QRcode programmatically in android studio example. Thank you 🙂
Hello, developers. In scan barcode and QRcode using zxing Android example, we will learn how to scan the barcode and read QRcode using a zxing library in Android studio.
Barcode or QRCode contains an unique id which is associated with any particular product.
This scanning feature will read that unique id from barcode logo on product box or from the computer screen.
We will use the camera of the android device to scan the barcode.
First of all check output of this scan barcode and QRcode using zxing android tutorial then we will implement it programmatically.
Creating scan barcode and qrcode using zxing android Example