Scientific targets
tarix | 19.01.2018 | ölçüsü | 445 b. | | #39325 |
Scientific targets Scientific targets Cosmic Accelerators - Active Galactic Nuclei, Pulsare Wind Nebula, SN Remnants, Gamma Ray Bursts, …
Fundamental Questions - Dark Matter, Cosmic Rays, Quantum Gravity, Cosmology…
The MAGIC Collaboration: - 21 institutes (mostly in Europe)
- ~ 200 members
Telescope site in Canary Islands - Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos (ORM)
MAGIC-I in operation since 2004 MAGIC-II in operation since 2009 Future detector enhancements
Discovery of 14 new VHE g-ray sources - 8 extragalactic + 4 galactic
New populations unveiled - Radio-quasar & Micro-quasar
Detection of distant VHE g-rays - z = 0.54, farthest up to now
Detection of pulsated VHE g-rays - Originated in the Crab pulsar
Test on Lorentz Invariance (QG effects) - Using big emission flares
>40 papers in high impact journals
Major issue: Background rejection Major issue: Background rejection Monte Carlo simulations required - No VHE “test beam” available
MAGIC produces ~300 TB of raw data per year MAGIC produces ~300 TB of raw data per year - And up to 400 TB in the final configuration
The MAGIC Data Center at PIC provides: - Data transfer from ORM and storage
- Official data reprocessing
- Computing resources and tools
- User access and support
PIC data center operating since 2006 - 2009: Upgraded for the 2nd telescope
- Challenge: scalable infrastructure
Increase in data volume after the upgrade In ~3 years data volume will be increased 4-fold
Challenges: Challenges: - Large increase in data volume
- Need scalable Storage solution
- Maintenance of old infrastructure prevented Innovation
- Need to improve data access
- Robust infrastructure for many concurrent accesses
- Data catalog with metadata
- Open Computing:
- Accessible to all collaborators
- Simple and easy to use for standard analysis
Why GRID? Why GRID? - Data reduction and analysis require lots of computing resources
- Must distribute data to all collaborators across Europe
- User access to shared resources and standardized analysis tools
- Better and easier data management
- Increased technical support, benefit from community
The MAGIC Data Center @ PIC - Experience and knowledge on using Grid from LHC projects
- Manpower partially funded by EGEE
- Storage based on PIC SEs
- Computing @PIC and other MAGIC sites
- Other sites currently devoted to MC production
MAGIC VO exists since 2004 MAGIC VO exists since 2004 - Initiative by H. Kornmayer et al.
Hiatus 2005-2007 2007-08: New crew taking over grid operations - UCM (Madrid) and Dortmund,
- in collaboration with INSA (MC)
- IFAE and PIC (Data Center)
2009-10: Wide adoption - Now Grid is widely used in MAGIC
Migration of services while in production (in progress) Migration of services while in production (in progress) Migration of Storage: - Move existing data to Storage Elements in Grid
- Use FTS for the data transfer from the observatory
- Adapt administration tools to new infrastructure
- Create user-friendly interfaces to access data
Migration of Computing: - Port existing analysis tools to Grid
- Develop library of standard tools for the user community
- User-friendly interface to monitor and submit jobs
MAGIC users were reluctant to use Grid MAGIC users were reluctant to use Grid - Grid has a steep learning curve
- Used to the old storage and computing
- Lack of a ‘killer application’
Conquer your user community - Good documentation and user support
- Training sessions
- User-friendly tools
- Work with users: feedback
- Highlight the hidden benefits of the new infrastructure
- Less maintenance -> Better support
Data Transfer, Storage and Access Data Transfer, Storage and Access
Current storage system requires too much maintenance Current storage system requires too much maintenance Non-existent file catalog, fragmented disk space, … Solution: adopt Tier1-grade Grid-based storage system - Standard tools + supported service @ PIC
- LFC: Easier data management and monitoring
Suboptimal network data transfer (SSH-based) Suboptimal network data transfer (SSH-based) - Insufficient bandwidth
- RAW data stored in LTO tapes and sent by air mail
- Poor control over network transfers
- Bad integration with Grid (intermediate disk)
Integration to Grid Infrastructure - Data cluster in observation site uses GFS
- Using BeStMan to create GridFTP + SRM server
- Data transfer managed by FTS + manager
- Pending administrative actions to set it up
- Aim to deprecate air mail transfers
Data access requirements: Data access requirements: - Access data anytime from anywhere
Two approaches: - Data access using Grid tools (GridFTP, SRM or equivalent)
- Robust transfers, not easy file browsing
- Not all institutes support Grid
- Web access
- Easy file browsing, not that easy transfers
- Security concerns
Solution: - Build web-based service to interface to GridFTP + LFC
- Use dCache httpDoor for “Grid-handicapped” users
Traditional computing at MAGIC - Each institute uses its own computing resources (CPU + Storage)
- Only few users have access to a computing farm
- Data center CPUs exclusive to “official” analysis
We recently opened the computing to all users - Grid-based computing
- Additional resources for users: CPU and Disk
- In development: library of standard analysis tools
- PIC data center will still play a central role
- Data management, manpower, …
+ resources & efficiency: more and better scientific outcome
Looking to create a ‘Killer Application’ Looking to create a ‘Killer Application’ Aim: cover all steps in the analysis chain A tool for everybody: Simple yet flexible Based on existing tools and years of experience - Shield from Grid complexity
One central tool is easier to develop Better user support - Most user support is for buggy user-created software
Future: Interface to submit and monitor jobs
MAGIC has adopted Grid as a computing model. MAGIC has adopted Grid as a computing model. The use of Grid in the Data Center was key to the successful upgrade process. A WLCG Tier-1 site is now also the Tier-0 for MAGIC reusing methodologies and personnel. It is necessary to create customized applications for an easy access to the data and computing.
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