Sıdıka Başçı

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Sıdıka Başçı

Work Address: Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi,

İktisat Bölümü, Çubuk Yerleşkesi,

Ankara, Turkey

Work Phone: + 90 312 466 75 33

Email Address:

Citizenship: Turkish


Ph.D. Economics, Bilkent University, Turkey, 1998

Dissertation Title: “Computer Intensive Techniques for Model Selection”

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Asad Zaman

M.A. Economics, Bilkent University, Turkey, 1994

Dissertation Title: “Detecting Structural Change When the Change Point is Unknown”

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Asad Zaman

B.A. Economics, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, 1991


Econometrics, Time Series Analysis, Panel Data Analysis


Fellowship given by Bilkent University for Master Studies at Bilkent University,


Fellowship given by Bilkent University for Doctoral Studies at Bilkent University,


Fellowship given by Bilkent University for Post Doctorial Studies at York University,



Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Department of Economics, Assistant Professor, April 2013 -

Econometrics Research Association (ERA), Head of Board of Directors, October 2005 –

International Econometric Review (IER), Associate Editor, April 2009 – Present

Institute of Strategic Thinking, Specialist in Economy Programe, August 2011 -

December 2013

SESRIC – OIC Ankara Center, Director of Statistic and Information Department and

Acting Director General, November 2006 – July 2011

Estim Consulting Firm, Founder and Manager, October 1999 – March 2005

York University, Department of Economics, Visiting Assistant Professor, January 1999 –

June 1999
Başkent University, Department of Economics, Assistant Professor, September 1998 –

December 1998

Bilkent University, Department of Economics, Research Assistant, September 1994 –

June 1998

Associate Editor: International Econometric Review
Referee: Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans

Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar

Membership: Econometric Research Association (Head of Board of Directors),

Turkish Economic Association (Member)


Başçı, S., Cumhur Çiçekçi and Emrah Öz, “The Relationship Between Energy and Economic Growth: An Emprical Evaluation on Central Asian Countries and Azerbaijan”, Nevzat Şimşek (Ed.) Economics and Politics of Energy in Caucasus and Central Asia, Khoca Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh – Turkish University Eurasian Research Institute, Almaty, (2016) 99-118

    Başçı S. and Ayşegül Durucan “Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey: A Survey”, Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Social Sciences (AICSS), (2016)

    Başçı S., “Türkiye Kazkistan Ekonomik İlişkileri” Akhmet Yassawi University, ERI Working Papers, No: ERI_WP-006 (Turkish),, Almaty, (2015)

    Başçı S., Yasemin Keskin Benli and Süleyman Değirmen “Common Stochastic Trend and Co-integration in the Stock Exchange Markets: European Countries and Turkey”, African Journal of Business Manegement, 6 (7), (2012) 2565 – 2577.

Başçı, S., A. Kiracı and A. Zaman. “Variance Estimates and Model Selection.” International Econometric Review, 2, 2 (2010): 57 – 72.

Başçı, S. and N. B. Ceylan. “Makroekonomik Değişkenlerin Borsa Getirisi ve Oynaklığı

Üzerindeki Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği.” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 249 (2006): 30 – 36.

Başçı, S. and S. Recberoğlu. “Tüketici Enflasyonu Beklentilerinin Amprik Analizi.”

Active, 8, 44 (2005): 20 – 24.
Başçı, S. and Y. K. Benli. “Yapısal Değişimin Etkileri ve IMKB’de bir Uygulama.”

  1. U. Siyasal Bilgiler Dergisi, 59, 4 (2005): 20 – 25.

Başçı, E. and S. Başçı. “Borsada Trend Kırılmaları.” Maliye Yazıları, 72 (2001): 5 – 15.

Başçı, S. “Borsadaki Trend Kırılmalarının Andrews Yöntemi ile Farkedilmesi.” Active,

16 (2001): 56 – 59.

    Başçı E, S. Başçı and Gülnur Muradoğlu. “Do Extreme Falls Help Forecasting Stock Returns? Evidence From World Markets”, City University Business School Faculty of Finance Working Papers, No: 06, (2001)

Başçı, E., S. Başçı and A. Zaman. “A Method for Detecting Structural Breaks and an

Application to the Turkish Stock Market.” METU Studies in Development, 27, 1 – 2 (2000): 35 – 45.
Başçı, E., S. Başçı and G. Muradoğlu. “Do Extreme Falls Help Forecasting Stock Returns: Evidence From World Markets.” Bilkent University Discussion Paper, 2000.
Başçı, S. and A. Zaman. “Effects of Skewness and Kurtosis on Model Selection Criteria.”

Economics Letters, 59 (1998): 17 – 22.
Başçı, S., M. Orhan and A. Zaman. “Model Selection by Cross Validation: Computational Aspects.” Bilkent University Discussion Paper, 2000.


Başçı, S. and A. Durucan, “A Review of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey”

Başçı, S., S. Gökmen and G. Umut, “Determination of the Effects of Technological Distance on the Trade Rates with Gravity Model: A Case for Turkey and European Union and Turkey and MENA”
Başçı, S., and T. Kart, “Growth of the Economy and Financial Infrastructure for SMEs and Microenterprices in Turkey”
Başçı S. and S. Piriyev, “The Curse of Energy on Small and Medium Enterprises in Azerbaijan: Is this an Unavoidable Destiny?”
Başçı S. and M. Görüş, “Big Data, Economics and Management”
Başçı S. and A. Zaman, “Am I Using the Right Data?”
Başçı S., “A Cost Analysis of the Pipeline Routes from Caucasus and Central Asia Region to Europe”


“A Cost Analysis of the Pipeline Routes from Caucasus and Central Asia Region to Europe” presented at 6th Multinational Energy and Value Conference, Kyrenia, Cyprus, 2017

“Do I Interpret Data Correctly?” presented at 2017 Anadolu International Conference in Economics V (EconAnadolu2017), Eskişehir, Turkey, 2017
“Am I Using the Right Data?” presented at 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Econometrics and Finance (ICNTEF’17), Helsinki, Finland, 2017
“Do I Interpret Data Correctly?” presented at ERA-YBU Econometrics Seminars, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, 2017.
“Rakamlar Doğru Söylüyor mu?” presented at the IV. Uluslararası Din Ve İnsan Hakları Çalıştayı, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016.
“Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey: A Survey” presented at the Second Annual International Conference on Sciences (AICSS), Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016.
“Growth of the Economy and Financial Infrastructure for SMEs and Microenterprises in Turkey”, presented at the EconWorld 2015 International Conference on Economics, Torino, Italy, 2015.
“The Relationship between Energy and Economic Growth: An Empirical Evaluation on Central Asian Countries and Azerbaijan”, 5th Multinational Energy and Value Conference,  Kasir Has University, Istanbul, 2015.
“Yazılım Sektörü: Türkiye ve Ankara için Politika Önerileri”, presented at the EconHarran

Ulusal Harran Ekonomi Kongresi, Urfa, 2014.

“The Relationship Between Energy and Economic Growth: An Empirical Evaluation on

Central Asian Countries and Azerbaijan” (with Cumhur Çiçekçi), presented at the International Congress on Economics, Finance and Energy (ICEFE), Almatı, 2014.

“Avrupa Borç Krizi Sonrası MENA Bölgesi Ticaret Potansiyeli” (with Levent Yılmaz), presented at National Conference of Turkish Economic Association (TEK), Erzurum, 2013.
“Modern İpek Yolundaki Enerji Koridoru: Türkiye” (with Nermin Memedova and Levent

Yılmaz), presented at International Silk Road Congress 10th ADAM Conference, İstanbul, 2013.

“Türkiye – Kazakistan Ekonomik İlişkileri”, presented at Kazakistan – Türkiye İlişkilerinin Geleceği Uluslararası Sempozyimu, , Almatı, 2013.
“Ekonomik Anlamda Daha Güvenli Toplumlar Oluşturmak için Arab Dünyası ile Türkiye Arasında Ticaret ve Finans Köprüsü İnşa Edilmesi” (with Levent Yılmaz) presented at

Arab – Turkish Congress of Social Sciences (ATCOSS), İstanbul, 2013.

Various National and International Conferences in Economics to represent Institute of

Strategic Thinking, 2011 – 2013.

Various National and International Conferences in Statistics to represent SESRIC – OIC Ankara Center, 2006 – 2010.
“Variance Estimates and Model Selection” (with Asad Zaman) presented at Econometric Society South and South East Asia Regional Meeting, Lahore, 2002.
“Variance Estimates and Model Selection” (with Asad Zaman) presented at European Conference of the Econometrics Community, Stockholm, 1998.
“A Simulation Study on Predictive Residuals Sum of Squares” (with Asad Zaman) presented at International Symposium on Forecasting, Edinburgh, 1998.
“Do Extreme Falls Help Forecasting Stock Returns: Evidence from World Markets” (with

Erdem Başçı and Gülnur Muradoğlu) presented at International Symposium on Forecasting, Edinburgh, 1998.

“Predictive Residuals Sum of Squares: A Comparison of Criteria for Estimating Lag Order of an Autoregressive Process” (with Asad Zaman) presented at Computing in Economics and Finance, Stanford, 1997.
“A Method for Early Detection of a Structural Change and an Application to Mean Reversion in Stock Returns (with Erdem Başçı and Asad Zaman) presented at

International Symposium on Forecasting, İstanbul, 1996.

“Detecting Structural Point When the Change Point is Unknown” (with Chiranjit Mukhopadhyay and Asad Zaman) presented at Econometric Society European Meeting, İstanbul, 1996.
“Detecting Structural Change when there is Heteroskedasticity” (with Asad Zaman) presented at ASSET Meeting, İstanbul, 1995.


Turkish: speak, write, read; English: speak, write, read; German: read; Arabic: read; French: read


Statistical Software: GAUSS, EViews, STATA


Professor Asad Zaman,  Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Pakistan,

Professor Gülnur Muradoğlu, Economics, School of Business and Finance, Queen Marry,

University of London, U.K.,


Developed by Kyriakos C. Neanidis.
November 2012 Page of

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