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membraunce of Cristis passion. Which sayinges he thowght

and belevyd to bee trew, by the techyng and schewyng of

the sayd Sir Richard. And since that tyme hath continued

in the sayd error and heresie.
Also, that gooyng on pilgreniages were of no effect ; and

that a man shold have no nede to go on pilgremagis.

Also he saith, that all thies persons followyng be of the

same sect and lernyng; and have herd the lectures, red-

ynges and techynges of Sir Richard Fox, John Tyball,

Frear Gardyner, and other of the same sect : and have had

communications with them, and be taken and reputed, as

known perso7is, that is to say, they be infected and gyltie of

al ther errors and articles.
Edmond Tyhall. uxor ejus.
Johan Bocher, widow.
Uxor Georgii Preston.
Johanna Hempsted, uxor hujus respondentis.
Johanries., JiUus ejus nahiralis.
Robertus Faire. Laid de Bumstede.
Johannes Wyg^ren ~\
Thomas Topley y''''' ^'^''''' Augustinen. de
WilUelmus Gardyner) ^^'"'^' ^'^''^•
Johannes Chapman "i
Thomas Hilles ]^' Wytham.
WilUelmus Browne ) , „ ,
r 1 ^ ^ 1 i-d£ Bumstede.
Johannes Cranejbrd j

Number XXII. 44

The Confession of Robert Necton, that bought and sold

New Testaments in English.

HE bowght at sondry tymes of Mr. Fyshc dwellyng by MSS. Fox.
' sujira.


the Whight Frears in London, many of the New Testa-

ments in EngHsh ; that is to say, now V. and now X. And

sometyme mo, and sometyme less, to the nombre of XX. or

XXX. in the gret volume. The which New Testaments

the said Mr. Fyshe had of one Harmond, an English man,

beyng beyond see. But how many he had this respondent

cannot tell. And this respondent saith, that about a yere

and half agon he fell in a quaintaunce with Vicar Constan-

tyne here in London. Which shewed this respondent first,

that the said Mr. Fyshe had New Testaments to sell ; and

caused this respondent to by some of the said New Testa-

ments of Mr. Fyshe. And the said Mr. Fyshe, at the desire

and instance of Vicar Constantine, browghte the said New

Testaments home to this respondents house. And before

that Vicar Constantine caused this respondent to by someConstan-

of the said New Testaments, he had none, nor no other

books, except the chapiters of Matthew.
And moreover, this respondent saith, that about the same

tyme he sold fyve of the said New Testaments to Sir Wil-

liam Furboshore synging man, in Stowmarket in SuiFolk,

for VII. or VIII. grotes a pece. Also, two of the same New

Testaments in Bury St. Edmonds : that is to say, to Ray-

nold Wodelesse one ; and Thomas Horfan another, for the

same price.
Also, he saith, that about Cristmas last, he sold one New Pycknam
• 11111 Wade, Nor-
Testanient to a Priste ; whose name he cannot tell, dwell- ^ic. dioc.

yng at Pycknam Wade in Northfolke ; and two Latin books,

the one Oecoiiomiea Ch-istiana ; and the other Unio Dissi-

dentium. Also, one Testament to William Gibson mer-

chaunt man, of the parish of S. Margaret Patens.
Also, Vicar Constantyne at dyvers tymes had of this

respondent about a XV. or XVI. of the New Testaments of

the biggest. And this respondent saith, that the sayd Vicar

Constantyne dyvers tymes bowght of him certayne of the

sayd New Testaments: and this respondent lykewise, of

hym. Also, he sold Sir Richard Bayfell two New Testa-

ments unbound, about Cristmas last ; for the which he payd

iii*. iind.

Farthermore, he saith, that he hath sold V. or VI. of the

said N. Testaments to diverse persons of the cite of London :

whose namys, or dwellyng places, he doth not remember.
Moreover, he saith, that since Easter last, he bowght of

GefFray Usher of Saynct Antonyes, with whom he hath byn

aqueynted by the space of a yere, or therabout (by reason

he was Mr. Forman, the person of Hony Lane his servant,

and for that this respondent did moche resort to the said

persons sermons) XVIII. N. Testaments in English of the

smal volume, and XXVI. books, al of one sort, called

Oeconomica Christiana in Latin ; and two other books in

Latin, called Unio Dissidentium. For which he payed hym

XL,?. Of the which Oeconomica Christiana Vicar Con-

stantyne had XIII. at one tyme.

45 And of which N. Testaments since Easter this respond-

ent caryed XV. of them, and thother XXIII. Oeconomica

Christiana, to Lynne, to sell. Which he wold have sold to

a young man, callid William merchant man, dwell-

yng by one Mr. Burde of the same towne. Which young

man wold not medle with them, because they were prohibite.

And so this respondent left the said books at Lynne with

the said William, untyll his retornyng thider ayen. And

so the said bookes do remayne ther still, as yet. And two

of the said N. Testaments he hath in his own custodie, with

another of the great volume. Also, another Testament of

the smal volume he sold since Easter to young Elderton,

merchant man, of Saynct Mary Hill parishe.

Howbeit he saith, that he knew not that any of thies

bookes were of Luthers sect.

To the XVIII'h, That he hath byn a receptor, he saith,

that he twice or thryese hath byn in Thomas Mathews

house of Colchestre. Wheras he hath red diverse tymes

in the N. Testament in English, before the said Thomas

Matthew, his wif, WiUiam Dykes, and other servantcs ther.

And there, and then have herd old Father Hacker speke of

prophesies; and have had communications of diverse ar-

ticles ; which he doth not now remember.

To the XlX'h^ so begynnyng, That he went about to by

a great nombrc of N. Testaments, he saith, that about

Cristmas last, there came a Duche man, beyng now in the

Flete, which wold have sold this respondent ii or iii hun-

dreth of the said N. Testaments in English : which this

respondent did not by ; but sent him to Mr. Fyshe to by

them : and said to the Duche man, Look what Mr. Fyshe

doth, I wil do the same. But whether Mr. Fyshe bowght

any of them, he cannot tell : for the which iii hundreth he

shold have paid XVI /. Vsh. after IXd. a pece.

To the XX article. That he is inframed; he saith, that

since Easter last, he was at Norwiche at his brothers house,

wher as one had complayned of this respondent to my Lord

of Norwiche, because he had a N. Testament. Wherfor

his brother counceled this respondent to send or dely ver his

said N. Testament; and said to him. If he wold not de-

lyver it, my Lord of Norwiche wold send him to my Lord

of London, his Ordinary. And so afterwards he sent it to

London by the caryer.
To the XXI. article, so begynnyng, That contrary to

the prohibition, he hath kept the N. Testament, he con-

fessith, that after he had knowledge of the condempnation

of the said N. Testament, by the space of a yere, or more,

he hath had in his custodie, kept, and studyed the same

Testament, and have red it thoroughly many tymes. And

also have red in it as wel within the citie and diocess of

London, as within the citie and diocesse of Norwiche. And

not onely red it to himself, but redd and tawght it to di-

verse other.

To the XXII. he awnsweryth and denyeth, that he had

Wycliefs Wycket or the Apocalips at any tyme.

Per me Robert Necton.
delyvered him the Kingis lettres, with recommendations on

his Hieghnes, and your Gr. behalf. Who receyving the said

lettres, joyfully said, it was moch to his comfurth after these

calamities to receyve letters from that Prince, who hath

oonly socoured and releved them out of the same : moch ex-

tolling the Kingis merits, and your Graces, towards the see

apostolique and them ; shewed what rejoyce it was to them

to rede your Gr. lettres Avritten unto them, when they were

in viiunD.s, conteigning words full of life and hope : adding


therunto, that if every oone of ther college had with such

good hart regarded that calamitie, as your Gr. did, it had

been moch less and soner redubbcd. He is a man of good

courage, and spake it hartily. Finally, he said what he might

do in furthering the Kingis matier, which we shewed unto

him at length, it was his duty to do it, as a member of the

see apostolique, so gretly obliged and bound inito the Kinges

H. in the most effectual manner to do the same. And that

we shuld wel perceyve and know, he wold be as diligent

therin, as thowe it were his own.

The Popes Ho. on Passion Sonday at after dyner coun-

sailed upon this matier with the Cai'dinalls De Monte and

Sanctorum Quatuor, and the said Simonetta, appointing us

to come to his presence about three of the clock : and so we

did. Finding his Ho. in his litill sloping chambre, accompa-

nied with the Cardinals, Sanctorum Quatuor andDe Monte,

being ther also the said Simonetta. His Ho. commaunded

us al to sit down, he hymself sytting as it were in medio se-

micirculi ; and willed me, Stephen Gardyner, to ask what

we desired. Which I then did, adding such circumstances

to the petition, as I thought convenient: desiring in effect a

commission after such form, as was alredy exhibited to his

Ho. on the Kingis behaulf. Wherunto the Popes Ho. made

answer at good length, protesting first his good mynd to-

wards the K. H. and how moch he ought of duty to do to

his Highnes good satisfaction, with plentie of good words.

And secondarily, shewing what he had doon therin, foras-

moch as his lerning is insufficient in this behaulf. Hereunto

I, Steven Gardyner, replyed, that in this matier were two

articles ; chief and principal ; oon, whether his Ho. wold

pass the sayd commission : another, whether, if he would,

he might. For the first part, ad captandmn hencvolentiamy

I said, that besides such demonstrations as have been made

heretofore, we sennes our cummyng have seen evidentissinia

argumenta, and may be testes lociipletissimi to the K. H.

and your Gr. of his Ho. propence will in this matier, to ac-

complish our desire. For the second part, whether his Ho.

might, I said, that I trusted by the Kingis boke for the jus-

VOI.. I. PART ri. G


tice of the matier, it wel appered, and also by such offre, as

the Cardynal Sanctorum Quatuor, and Simonetta, being lem-

66ed men, have offered unto us in that behaulf : saying, that

the sentence ones gyven shuld be confirmed by his Ho.

Which promise, if it be to be trusted unto, is a playn con-

fession, that our cause is good ; or else it ought not to be

confirmed. Wherfore betwen our desire and ther offre is

onely difference of tyme. So as that which is promised to be

done after the sentence, we require it to be in effect done bi-

fore. Which was necessarie to be obtained in avoyding such

chaunces, as might let obteining of the confirmation: as death

of the Pope, or other adverse success, not now thought.

So as this matier is brought to this point, that as the

oonly stile and maner lettith the graunting of the Kingis

purpose ; which I said the K. H. wold take very straungly,

and wold think his manifold benefits il employed, if in the

maner and forme of obteigning justice, there shal no more

respect be had of his person, and weight of his cause, then

promiscucB plehis ; ne obteyn more here, after so grete

charges, costs, and delay of tyme, then his H. might have

obteined at home. Not dowting but his Majesty, under-

stonding hereof, wold use domestico remedio apud suos^

without ventilating his cause, where he perceiveth it is hand-

eled, loked on and herde, as thow there were alredy in

mennes harts enrooted prejudicata opinio, that al things were

colored, and mdlis oiixa radicibus JustiticB et veritatis.

When I had thus spoken with many moo words sounding to

that purpose, every man loked on other, and so stayed. At

the last Simonet thinking, that the matier towched him nere;

inasmoch as by graunting, and offering confirmation of the

sentence, he shuld seme to approve the justnes of this cause;

beganne to make and shew a difference bitwen confirming

the sentence after it was gyven, and making this decretal

commission. And so entred again into reasonyng of the

The Popes Ho. harde with very good wil disputation

in that matier. The Cardinals De Monte and Sanctorum

Quatuor al this while were only auditours ; the Card. Sane-


torum Quatuor knowledging, that besides the stile of the

court and usage therof, he hath noo sight in the law : and

the Card. De Monte alleging that as yet he hath not loked

his hoke in this matier. But they both desired us to be

content with a commission, conteyning no special causes,

with promyse of confirmation : which shuld serve the Kingis

purpose. And therin shuld be no difficulty made. We said,

that our petition therin was by thadvice of many learned

men, prescribed at home, and gyven us by instructions,

whicii we might not transgress. The Popes Ho. said,

that al that which with his honour he might do, he wold

do it gladly without tract or difficultie. We said, that

that which was not honourable for his Ho. to graunt, was

not honorable to be desired on the Kingis behaulf. So

as in this matier, if honour shuld be towched, it shuld

be touched in them both. But it is not to be supposed,

that the Kingis H., who hitherto hath had such respect

of his honour, conserved and defended the same above al

other princes, wold now, in conduceing this matier to ef-

fect, do any thing that shuld steyne or blemish the same :

or that your Gr. who hath such consideration both to the

Kingis honour, as his subget, and to the see apostolique, as

membre of the same, wold be coimsailour or ministre in

any tl

The Popes Ho. perceyving, that our words were somewhat 5 r

playner then they had been, and that by degrees we began

to speke more ernestly then we had doon, and that we alleg-

ed alwayes for a ground nothing to be let or stop in graunting

the said commission, but only the stile and maner of late in

every conmion cause used ; which seing we touched very

moch, his Ho. said, that schortely to resolve this matier, he

is now fixed and determined, in satisfying the Kingis desires,

to set apart al stile and common course of the court, which

could be no law to him, ne bynde his Ho. to follow the same

in so gret a cause as this is, and to such a prince, who hath

deserved so many benefits of the see apostolique : extending

his aucthorite therin and speking as it were against Sancto-v

G 2

rum Quatuor, who is altogether defensor stili curie Romane,

non prioris et antlquissimi, sed posterioris et novissimi,

used from the tyme of his practise. Finally, the Popes Ho.

said, if in the law these causes may be ground just and suffi-

cient to mayntein a sentence of divorce, he will make such

a commission, any stile or use to the contrary notwithstand-

ing. Adding therunto, that if themperor should grudge

therat, he cared not therfore, and having matier to defend

justitiam causarum, he wold by breve signify to themperor

and the world, that, in modo administrandcB justiticB^ he of

duty ought to shew al favour and grace to the K. H. for his

manifold merits ; and so he wold. Wherfore his Ho. said,

he wold hear what the Card. De Monte, and the Card.

Anconitane, unto whom he writeth in post, wil say in these

matiers; and hering ther judgments, he wold shortely satisfy

our requests and desires. And then devise with us upon send-

ing of a Cardinal, and who shuld be most mete for that pur-

We desired his Ho. that it wold please hym schortely to

resolve hymself therin, to thintent we might depech our post,

whom we have taried these six dayes past, and intend not to

depech hym, til we shal have some certain resolution to sig-

nifie unto your Gr. His Ho. said, that no man desired more

spedy expedition, then he hymself; knowing of what moment

and importance the matier is.

After these disputations, continuing by the space of three

houres, we did arise, and so did the Popes Ho. ministring

unto us familiar communication, and enquiring of the Bi-

shops of England, and ther gret age, as the Bishops of Win-

chestre, Norwich, and my Lord of Canterbury and other.

Wherupon telling his Ho. a mery tale of the Bishop of Nor-

wich his good herte, and how being about fourscore yere old,

he wold have a chambre devised nere the ground without any

staires, to ly in twenty yeres hence, when he knew wel he

shuld be somwhat feeble ; toke occasion to make overture

unto his Holynes of taking away the first fruites, telling it

as a motion made by the said Bishop to the K. H. and your

Gr. without shewing the Popes Ho. that for obteining therof


we had any instructions therin. His Ho., for pastime, lik-

ed wel to hear therof, and began to enquire of the particu-

larities, how and what maner those fruites might be redeemed.

Wee then shewed the K. H. and your Gr. devise. Which hk-

ed his Ho. very wel, and so did it the Cardinals ther present.

Wherfore having that opportunitie, and mynding to diminish

such particular sutes, to thintent al cummyng in cumulo

shuld not seme moch, said, that we had a commission from

the K. H. and your Gr. to obteigne commission with suffi-

cient auctorite for the doing therof. His Ho. said, it were 5 8

a good dede, and he wold gladly concurr to the perfiting

therof. Which words being spoken to the Card. Sanctorum

Quatuor, and in the presence of Simonetta oon of the refer-

endaries, be a ful expedition in that matier.

The Popes Ho., althow it was night, having plesure in

communication of this realm, introduced of himself commu-

nication of your Gr. college, and began to tell the Cardinalls

De Monte and Sanctorum Quatuor, what a meritorious act

your Gr. had begonne in that realm, and enquired of us, how

the building proceded, and what we thought they would cost

or they were finished ; of the nombre of scholars, common

reders, and al other particularities. Which we then declared

at grete length, to the grete rejoyce and pleasure of the

Popes Ho. and the Cardinals, as they said, to hear. And

moch it pleased them to understond, that your Gr. hath

taken such ordre in letting the fermes, as no man shal have

them but such as wil dwel upon them, and mainteyne hos-

pitalitie: thinking, that the same is not onely good and expe-

dient for example to be followed, and observed of other, but

also gretly meritorious towards God, wel justifying and

mayntening the commutation and alteration of those reli-

gious places, wherof only did arise scandaluni religionis.

Thus entred in this communication, we immixt such things

and reasons as might serve to facilitate the obteining of that

is here to be graunted for the said college. And without

opening any special requests, we said in general, that if his

Ho. contynued his good mynd towards the finishing and

perfiting of that college, as his Ho. hath to the beginning

G 3


and commencement, your Gr, had so dysposed al things

there, as it shuld schortely be brought to the desired perfit-

nes, akhow the same is and shalbe to your Gr. inestimable

charge. Which shuld be a perpetual memory as wel for

his Ho., as for your Gr. His Ho. said, he gladly would do

al things he might by his aucthoritie do. And at this point

we departed from his Ho. for that night.
At another tyme in communication, we toke occasion to

cause his Ho. to shew his mind to the Card. Sanctorum Qua-

tuor, for degradation of Prests, accompting that matier, and

for the first fruits of Norwich, sped obiter, aliud agendo.

The making and conceiving wherof, we ne do, canne, ne

shal intend unto such tyme as we expedite the Kinges ma-

tier, according to your Gr. commandment in that behaulf.
As touching that your Gr. willed us to advertise you, how

long the process should contynue, in case the Kingis matier

shuld be examined and discussed here ; we have by al

means possible endevored our self to know, without geving

any cause to them here of conjecture that we wold have it

brought hither. And to shew your Gr. playnly, first we

perceyve, that they would not gladly have it here, as the

state of the world is now, the Cesarians not yet purged out

of these parties. For al the stop, difficulty and delay in

this matier, procedeth only of fear. Which, considering

ther late calamite, and the incertainty of the werr in Naples,

semeth to be such as imght cadereinconstantem virum. We

find in every man as gret desire to further the Kingis ma-

tier as we can wish, as far as we can gather of ther woi-ds,

fasliion and maner. And in that they assent not to our re-

(juests, we can impute it to no other thing, but onely fear,

that if there were any thing doon novum et gratiosum,

agaynst the Emperors purpose, it shuld be materia novee

bgcapiiviiatis ; if the Spanyards may have any comfort in

Naples, wherof they be mervelous uncertayn. And althow

newes dayly come of the Spanyards adversity, yet they fear

and are glad to reteyne, and not to abandon themperors part;

the Popes Ho. having with them a nuntius to enterteyne

thcjn ; by him to be advertised of al success. As for length


of the process here, where every lerned man shal have delay

to say his mynde, they cannot tel, ne wee can get any di-

rect answer therin c^them, not willing to be noted any thing

to medle openly agaynst themperor, or that which he taketh

so to stomack, as they know by the answer to thintimation

he dooth this niatier.

When we speke of celerite to be used in expedition, they

devise how spede may be made there ; and so the sentence

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