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that wee, the Clargie of the Lower House within the pro-

vince of Canterbury, nother in word, dede, or otherwise,

directly or indirectly, intending any thinge to speke, at-

tempte, or do, which in any maner of wise may be displea-

sante unto the King's Highnes, our most dread Soveraigne

Lord, and supreme Hedd of the Church of England, but

in al thinges, accordyng ta the commandement of Godde, to

be mooste obedient unto his Grace : to whom accordyngly

we submitt our selfes: mynding in no wise, by any colorable

fasshion to recognise, prevely or apartely, fend or maynten

the same, into this noble realme, or domynions of the same :

but that the same Bp. of Rome, with his usurped aucthoritie,

utterly for ever with his inventions, rites, abuses, ordenances,

and fasshions, to be renownced, forsaken, extingweshed, and

abolished : and that we syncerly addict our selfes to Al-

myghtie God his lawes, and unto our seid Sovereigne Lord

the Kynge, our supreme Hede in erthe, and his lawes,

statutes, provisions, and ordenances made here within his

Graces realme : wee thinke, in our consciences and opinions,

thes errors and abuses folloyng, to have ben and now to be,

within this realme, causes of dissension, worthy special re-

formation. That is to wete,

• That it is com only preached, thought, and spokyn, to the
slaunder of this noble realme, disquietnes of the people,

damage of Christen sowles, not without fear of many other

inconveniences and perills; that the Sacrament of the Altar

1 Jrg is not to be estemed. For divers light and lewd persons be

not ashamed, or aferde to say. Why shuld I see the sakeryng

of the high masse ? Is it any thing else but a pecc of brede,

or a litle pretie pece rownde Robyn ?


Item, Tliat they deny extreme unction to be any sacra- la-

Item, That priests have no more aucthoritie to minister hi.

sacraments than lay men hath.
Item, That children ought not to be confirmed of the 'V.

Busshop afore they cum to age of discretion.

Item, That al ceremonies accustomed in the Church, V.

which are not clerly expressed in Scripture, must be taken

away ; by cause thei ar menys inventions.
Item, That al thos ar Antichrists that do deny ley men VI.

the Sacrament of the Aulter suh utraque specie.

Item, That al thos that be present at masse, and do not V^^-

receyve the Sacrament with the priests, are not partakers of

the said masse.
Item, That it is preached and tawght, that the Church vill.

that is commonly taken for the Church is the old synagoge :

and that the Church is the congregation of good men only.
Item, It is preached agaynst the Lcteny, and also said, IX.

that it was never mery in England, sythens the Lcteny

was ordeyned ; and Sancta Maria, Sancta Kater'mu, &c,

sowngen and said.

Item, That a man hath no free will X.
Item, That Godd never gave grace nor knowlege of lioly xi.

Scripture to any great estate, or rich man. And that they

in no wise do follow the same.
Item, That al religions and professions, whatsoever thei xil.

be, ar clene contrary to Christs religion.

Item, That it is preached and taught, that al things Xiii.

awght to be in comen, and that priests shuld have wifFes.

Item, That preachers woU in no wise conforme tliemselfes ^iv.

ad Eccleskim CathoUcam, nor admitt or receyve canoiiicos

et 2)rohatos auctliores. But woll have their awn fantasies

and inventions preached and set forward.

Item, That the images of saincts ar not in any wise to be XV.

reverenced : and that it is playne idolatry and abhomynation

to set vp any light before any image, or in any place in the

church in the tyme of divine service, as long as the sonne

giveth light.


XVI. Item, That it is idolatry to make any oblation.
XVII. Item, That it is lawful to kyrson a child in a tubb of

water at home, or in a ditch by the way, as in a founte

stone in the church.
XVIII. Item, That the water in the founte stone is alonly a thing-

conjured .

XIX. Item, That the hawlowed oyle is not better then the

Busshop of Romys grese or butter.

XX. Item, That the Priests crownes ar the whores markes of


XXI. Item, That the stole about the Priests neck is nothing

els but the Busshop of Romes rope.

XXII. Item, That ymages, as wel of the crucifix, as of other

saincts, ar to be put out of the Church, and the reliques of

saincts no wise to be reverenced: and that it is agaynst

Goddes commandement, that Christen men shuld make

curtesy or reverence to the image of our Saviour.
XXIII. Item, That it is no synne or offence to ete white metes,

1 77 eggs, butter, chese, or flesh in the Lent, or other fasting

dayes, commanded in the Church, and receyved by the con-

sent of Christen people.

XXIV. Item, That it is as lawful to ete flesh on Good Friday

as apon Easter-day, or other tymes in the yere.

XXV. Item, That the synner ofFendyng in the Lent, or other

high feasts in the yere, is wurthy no more punyshment,

than he that transgressith in any other tyme.
XXVI. Item, That confession auricular, absolution, and pe-

naunce, ar nothing necessary nor profitable in the Church

of Godd.
XXVII. Item, That auricular confession is only invented and or-

deyned, to have the secret knowlege of riien's harts, and to

pull money out of thair purssis.
XXVIII. Item, That the gostly fathers cannot give or injoyne any

penaunce at all.

XXIX. Item, That it is sufficient for a man or a woman to make

thair confession to Godd only.

XXX. Item, That it is as lawful at al tymes to confesse to a

layman as to a priest.


Itern^ That confession is but whispering in a priests ear, xxxi.

and as wel to be made, a multytude being present, as se-

Item, That it is sufficient that the synner do say, I know xxxii.

my self a synner.

Item, That Busshops, Ordinaries, and ecclesiastical xxxiii.

judges, have none aucthorite to give any sentence of excom-

munication, suspension, or censure, ne yet to absolve or

loose any man from the same.

Item, That it is not necessary or profitable to have any xxxiv.

church or chapell to pray in, or to do any divine service in.

Item, That the church was made for no otlier purpose* xxxv.

but other to kcpe the people from wynde and rayne, other

els that tlie people on Sondayes or haly dayes shuld resort

thither to have the word of Godd declared unto them.

Item, Tliat buryings in churches, in church yards, be xxxvi.

unprofitable and vain.

Item, That the rich and costly ornamentes in the church XXX VII.

ar rather high displeasure, than pleasure or honor to Godd.

Item, That it is a pity that ever the mass, matens, even xxxviii.

song, or any other divine service, was made or suffered to

be redd, said, or song Avithin any church, bycause it is only

to the deludyng of the people.

Item, That saincts ar not to be invocated or honored, xxxix.

and that they understand not, nor know nothing of our })e-

titions, nor can be mediators betwixt us and Godd.
Item, That our Lady was noo better than an other wo- XL.

man, and like a bagg of saff'eron or peper, whan the spice

ys out: and that she can do no more with Christ than an-

other synful woman.

Item, That it is as moche availeable to pray unto saincts, XLI.

as to whorle a stone agaynst the wynde.

Item, That the saincts have no moore power to help a XLII.

man, than a manys wife hath to helpe her husbande.

Item, That dirige, conmicndations, mass, suffrages, pray- XLIII.

ers, almes dedes, or oblations, done for the sowles of them 17^

that be departed owt of this world, be but vayne, and of no



XLIV. Item, That the sowles departed goo strayght to heven or
to hell.

XLV. Item, That ther ys no meane place betwen heven and

hell, wherin sowles departed may be afflicted.
XLVI. Item, That if ther be a place where thei be puny shed,

Godd is not yet borne, nor he that shal redeme the world.

XLVII. Item, That prayers, suffrages, fasting, or almes dede, do

not help to take away any synne.

XLViii. Item, That ther is noo distinction of synne after this

sort, summe to be venial and summe to be mortall.

XLix. Item, That al synnes, after that the synner be ons con-

verted, ar made, by the merit of Christs passion, venial

synns, that is to say, synns clene forgyven.

L. Item, That Almyghty Godd doth not loke for, nor yet

require of a synner, after his conversion from synn, any

fasting, almes dede, or any other penaunce, but only that

the synner be sory for his synnes, amendyng his hfe, and

synnyng no moore.

LI. Item, That hawlowed water, halowed brede, halowed
candells, halowed asshes, halowed palme, and such like cere-

moneys of the Church, are of none effect, and to be taken as

trifills and vanities, to seduce the people.
Lll. Item, That haly dayes ordeyned and instituted by the
Church, are not to be observed ^and kept in reverence. In-

asmoch as al dayes and tymes be lyke. And that servile

warkes, as plowghing and carting, may be done in the same

without any offence at al, as in other ferial dayes.

Llll. Item, That syngyng and saying of mass, matens, or even
song, is but roryng, howling, whistelyng, mummyng, con-

juryng, and jogelyng, And the playing at the organys a

folish vaniiie.
Liv. Item, That pilgrimage, fasting, almes dede, and such
like, ar not to be used. And that a man is not bound to

come to the church, but only to the preaching.

LV. Item, That it is sufficient ynough to beleve, though a
man do no good warkes at all.
LVI, Item, Men be not content to preach of certen abuses
found in pilgrimages, in fasting, in prayer, in invocation of


saincts, in reverencyng of ymages, in almes dedcs, but they

woll nedes have the thing itself taken away, and not enough

the abuses to be reformed.
Item, That by preaching the people hath be brought in LVii.

opinion and beleve, that nothing is to be beleved, except it

can be proved expresly by Scripture.
Itcvi, That it is preached and taught, that forasmoche as LViii.

Christ hath sheede his blodde for us, and redemyd us, we

nede not to do any thing at al, but to beleve and repent, if

we have offended.

Item, That ther is of late a new Confiteor, made after Lix.

this form, Conjiteor Deo coeli et terrcz, peccavi nimis cogita-

tio7ie, locutione et opere, mea culpa. Ideo deprecor mqjesta-

tem tuam, ut tu, Dcus, deleas iniquitatem meam, et vos

orare pro me.
Item, That it is preached, that bycause auricular confes- lx.

sion hath brought furth innumerable vices, it is clerly to be

taken away.
Item, That the Canon of the Mass is the comment of LXI.

summe folish, unlerned priest: and that the names of the 179

saincts ther expressid ar not to be rehersid.
Item, That water runnyng in the chanell or common ry- lxii,

ver, is of as grete vertue as the halow water.

Item, That halowed water is but jogelled water. LXiii.
Item, That the holy water is moore savorer to make lxiv.

sawce with than the other, bycause it is mixed with salt :

which also is a very good medicen for an horse with a gald

back ; yea, if ther be put an onyon therunto, it is a good

sawce for a gygget of motton.
Item, That no humayn constitutions or lawes do bynd lxv.

any Christen man, but such as be in the Gospel, Pauls Epi-

stells, or in the New Testament. And that a man may

breke them without any offence at all.

Item, That besides seditious preaching, lettyng unitie to LXVI.

be had, there are many sclanderous and erronyous bokes,

that have ben made, and suffered to go abrode indifferently.

Which bokes were the moore gladly bought bycause of

those words. Cum prlvilegio. Which the ignorant people


toke to have ben an expresse approbation of the King, where

it was not so indede.

LXVll. Item, That wliere hertofore divers bokes have ben exa-

myned by persons appoynted in the Convocation, and the

bokes found ful of heresies and erronyous opinions, and so

declared, the said bokes are not yet by the Bysshops ex-

presly condempnyd, but suffered to remayn in the hands of

the unlerned people. Which ministreth to them matter of

argument, and much unquietnes within the realme.
LXVlii. Item, That apostates, abjured persons, and of notable yll

conversation and infamed, and without licence of the Kings

Grace, or the Ordinary, have taken upon them to preach


Number LXXIV.

The opinion of the Clergy/ of the north parts in Convocation,

upon ten articles sent to them.

tieopntra, TO the first article we think, that preaching against pur-

¦ ^* gatory, worshipping of saints, pilgrimage, images, and al

books set forth against the same, or sacraments or sacra-

mentals of the Church, be worthy to be reproved and con-

demned by Convocation ; and the pain to be executed that

is devised for the doers to the contrary. And process to be

made hereafter in heresie, as was in the dayes of K. Henry

IV. And the new statutes, wherby heresies now lately have

been greatly nourished, to be annulled and abrogated. And

that the holydayes may be observed according to the lawes

and laudable customes. And that the bidding of beadys

and preaching may be preserved, as hath been used by old

To the second, we think the Kings Highnes, ne any tem-

poral man, may not be supreme Head of the Church by the

180 lawes of God, to have or exercise any jurisdiction or power

spiritual in the same. And al acts of Parlament made to

the contrary to be revoked.
To the third we say, we be not sufficiently instructed in

the fact, ne in the process therin made : but we refer it to


the determination of the Church, to whom it is upheld.
To the fourth we think, that no clerk ought to be put to

death without degradation by the lawes of the Church.

To the fifth we think, that no man ought to be drawn

out of sanctuary, but in certain cases expressed in the lawes

of the Church.
To the sixth we say, that the Clergy of the north parts

hath not gi'anted nor consented to the ParKament, of the

tenths or first fruites of the benefices in the Convocation.

And also we can make no such personal graunt by the

lawes of the Church. And we think, that no temporal man

hath authority by the laws of God to claim any such tenths

or first fruites of any benefice or spiritual promotion.
To the seventh we think, that lands given to God, the

Church, or religious men, may not be taken away, and put

to profane uses, by the laws of God.
To the eighth we think, that dispensations upon just

causes lawfully graunted by the Pope of Rome, to be good,

and to be accepted. And pardons have been allowed by

general councels, of Lateran and Vienna, and by laws of

the Church.
To the ninth we think, that by the law of the Church,

general councels, interpretations of approved Doctors, and

consent of Christen people, the Pope of Rome hath been

taken for the Head of the Church, and Vicar of Christ : and

so ought to be taken.
To the tenth we think, that the examination and correc-

tion of deadly sin belongeth to the Ministers of the Church,

by the laws of the same; which be consonant to Goers

Furthermore, we think it convenient, that the laws of

the Church may be openly read in Universities, as hath

been used heretofore. And that such clerks as be in prison,

or fled out of the realm, for withstanding the Kings supe-

riority in the Church, may be set at liberty, and restored

without danger. And that such lx>oks and works as do

entreat of the primacy of the Church of Rome may be free-

ly kept and read, notwithstanding any prohibition to the


contrary. And that the articles of premunire may be de-

clared by acts of Parlament : to the intent no man may be

in danger therof without a prohibition first awarded. And

that such apostates as be gon from religion, without suffi-

cient and lawful dispensation of the see of Rome, may be

compelled to return to their houses. And that al sums of

mony, as tenths, first fruites, and other arrerages graunted

unto the Kings Highnes by Parlament, or Convocation, and

due to be paid before the first day of the next Parlament,

may be remitted and forgiven, for the causes and reasons

above expressed.
And we the said Clergy say, that for lack of time and

instruction in these articles, and want of books, we declare

this our opinion for this time : referring our determination

in the premisses to the next Convocation.

Also we desire, that the statute commanding the Clergy

to exhibit the dispensations graunted by the Pope, before

the feast of Michaelmas next coming, may be revoked at

the next Parlament,


Number LXXV.

Articles for the Lady Mary ; to answer and subscribe.

MSS. D. FIRST, Whether shee doth recognize and knowledge the
G. H. Eq. ;^jfjgg Highnes for her soveraign and liege Lord of this im-

perial crown and royalme of England : and woll and doth

submit her self to his Highnes, and to all and singular

lawes and statutes of this royalm, as becometh every true

and faithful subject of this royalm to do ?
Also, Whether shee woll with all her power and quali-

ties, that God hath endued her withall, not onely obey,

keep, and observe all and singular lawes and statutes of this

royalm : but also set forth, advance, and maintain the same

to thuttermost of her power, according to her most bounden

duty ?
Also, Whether shee woll recognize, accept, take, and re-

pute the Kings Highnes to bee supream Head in erth under

• Christ of this Church of England, and utterly refuse the


Bishop of Romes pretenced power and jurisdiction, hereto-

fore usurped within this reahn, according to the statutes and

lawes of this reahn made and ordained in that behalf?
Also, Whether shee doth accept, take, and freely think

in her heart, without dissimulation, that the marriage cele-

brated between the Kings Highnes, and the Lady Katha-

rine her mother, was plainly and directly against the lawes

of God, and not dispensable by eny humaine power or au-

thorite. And that die divorsc and separation therof is justly

and truly done, upon a sure truthe and foundation. And

relinquish all manner of remedies and meanys, as wel at the

Bishop of Romes hand, as elsewhere, that mought by eny

colour empcach or lett the said divorce ?

Also, AVhcther she taketh and accepteth her self to bee

illegitimate and bastard by reason of the same unlawful

marriage ; and wil humblie, according to the truth, recog-

nize her self so to bee : and repent her former obstinacy and

wilfulnes, and freely and frankly commyt her self to the

Kings wil and plesure ?

Also, Bee she enquired and examined, for what cause,

and by whose motion and means, shee hath continued and

remained in her obstinacy so long ; and who did embold

and animate her therunto, with other circumstances therto

Also, What is the cause, that she at this present time,

rather than at any other heretofore, doth submit her self,

and do other the premisses. And what and who did move

her therunto ?

Number LXXVI. 182
A memorial of such articles as were communed and treated
of between the King's Highness Counsellors, and M(mT.
de Tarhes, and Mo7i^. Pomerai/, the French Ambassa-
ilors ; concerning the marriage between the Lady Mary,
the Kings daughter, and the Duke of Orleans.
FIRST, Wheras the said Ambassadors on their masters MSS.

behalf required that the said Lady Mary bee given in niar-^^^^;


riage to the said Duke, and declared the great and singular

desire and affection the King their master had the same

should take effect : the said Counsailors answered, that the

Kings Highnes their master was for his part no les desirous

the same should succeed, than the King his brother was.

Especially for that his Highnes trusted, that therby the

amitie and friendship between them should bee the more

augmented, established, and so derived and propagated to

their posterities, to the weal of both their realms.
Second, Wheras the said Ambassadors required, that the

Kings Highnes should make and declare the said Lady

Mary to bee legitime ; so as shee might be preferred in the

succession and inheritance of this realm, before all others,

the Kings daughters already, or hereafter to bee procreated :

the said Counsaylors, on the Kings Highnes their masters

behalf, answered, that hee neither wold ne cowld do that in-

jurie and prejudice, &c. ut in articulo.

Thirdly, Concerning the traduction of the said Duke of

Orleans into the realm of England, there to bee educated

and instructed in the tongue and manners of the people

there: wheras the said Ambassadors resolutely answered,

that the King their master would in no wise consent the

said Duke his son shuld bee bound to make his abode and

demore here continually : but onely that hee shuld come

and tarry here for one month or two ; and afterward to re-

turn again into France at his plesure and liberty : the said

Counsaylors answered, that in that matter they considered

specially the profit, honour, and suerty which shuld redound

unto the said Duke therby : besides divers other respects :

which if the French King himself wold maturely weigh and

expend, as they bee worthy, hee shuld wel perceive, that it

were more than necessary, that the said Duke shuld bee

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