Environmental crimes including in racketeering activity term. SB 1349, Wilkerson S, Dorman H
Fees, increases; disbursement. HB 1852, Miller (Ray) H
Fund, Cosmetology, fee increases revenue beginning 7-1-07. HB 1852, Miller (Ray) H
License, felony conviction, prohibition for issuance or renewal, deleting (substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc). HB 2714, Toure H, Monson S
Repealing. HB 2157, Reynolds H
Alcohol and Drug Counselors Act, Licensed:
Certification or licensure. HB 2464 (smad sf), Gilbert H, Robinson S
Creating; Board; reciprocal licenses; fee; grandfathering in certain; penalties; revolving fund. HB 2464 (Disclosure exceptions, rules of Board, smad hf; applicant, degrees, smad sf), Gilbert H, Robinson S
Language, clarifying. SB 1562 (Shell), Helton S
Licensed Professional Counselors Act, license, felony conviction, conditions to issue and renew. HB 2714 (smde sc, smad cc; substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
School (see TEACHERS)
Absentee ballot (see Elections, below)
Ad valorem taxes (AD VALOREM TAX)
Ambulance Service Districts, Rural (see EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)
Appropriations (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Assessor, county:
Manufacturing facility income tax exemption, affirm best interest of county. SB 1254, Gumm S, Carey H
Real property:
Comprehensive program of visual inspections. SB 1314, Dunlap S, Wilt H
Procedures. HB 2421 (smad hc; informal hearing with taxpayer options, smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S
Taxpayer fails to appear before Equalization Board without excused absence, procedures. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S
Bond issues used for tax increment finance projects, pool for cost savings. SB 865 (smad sc), Gumm-S, McCarter-H
Budget, reserve fund, establish for unforeseen contingencies during year. SB 1123 (smad sc), Rabon S, Mass H
Building and remodeling projects, certain, exceeding $100,000, requiring architect. SB 472 (smde cc), Corn S, Walker H
Buildings, dilapidated acquired at resale, hearing to determine environmental condition dangerous to other property. HB 1878, Langmacher H; HB 2198 (smde hf), Leist H, Shurden S
Cigarette sale tax increase, apportionment of revenue if levies sales tax. HB 2660 (smde hf, smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Circuit engineering districts:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Costs or expense, reimbursement to Transportation Department. HB 2274 (smde cc), Case H, Rozell S
Retirement (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, Public employees)
Citizen's advisory committee, population for creating. HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S
City/County Services Merger Act, creating; commission; plan; public hearing; election. HB 2480, McClain H
Clerk, county:
Numerical index. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Recording fee, increasing. SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Document storage. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Fees by automated clearing house or nationally recognized debit or credit card, accept; service charge; prepaid fee accounts. HB 2195, Deutschendorf H, Maddox S
Mortgage release on one-to four-family residences, including condominium regime affidavits, duties. HB 2187, Carey H, Gumm S
Schools, state aid allocation, removing duties. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Cockfighting. HB 1784, Erwin H, Shurden S; SB 835, Shurden S, Erwin H
Commissioners, county:
Annexation. SB 891, Crutchfield S; SB 898, Pruitt S; SB 905 (Notice and public hearing, smad cc), Lawler S, McCarter H
Candidate residence. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S; SB 1348 (smde cc), Monson S, Dorman H
Circuit engineering districts costs or expense, reimbursement to Transportation Department. HB 2274 (smde cc), Case H, Rozell S
Dilapidated building acquired at resale, hearing to determine environmental condition. HB 1878, Langmacher H; HB 2198 (smde hf), Leist H, Shurden S
Duties and responsibilities, repealer. SB 1146, Crutchfield-S, Taylor-H
Employees longevity program. SB 1123, Rabon S, Mass H
Financial statement meeting, deleting date. HB 2332 (smad hf), Staggs H, Lawler S
Fuel tax levy, rules. SB 892 (smad sc), Rabon S, Roan H
Gas and electricity state sales tax exemption, pass resolution. HB 2258, Case H, Branan S
Housing Finance Agency IRS tax credit allocation, duties. HB 2596, Calvey H, Reynolds S
Language, updating. HB 2261 (Shell), Taylor H
Motorscooter, ordinances and regulations for operation. HB 2637 (smad cc), Steele H, Laster S
Crossing private property, notice. SB 1480 (smad hc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Funds, amount eligible for encumbrance, enter into minutes, removing. SB 1146 (smde hc), Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Senior citizen centers agreements, updating language. HB 1841 (Shell), Plunk H
Surveys, engineering or land, removal of portion of road surface, notice and approval. HB 2200, Taylor H
Tools or machinery, lease-purchase. SB 1123 (smad sf), Rabon S, Mass H
Vehicles, junk, clean-up, (decreasing to 50,000 smad sf) (removing, smde sf) population restriction. HB 1742 (smad sc), Langmacher H, Easley S
Community Service Sentencing Program (see SENTENCING)
Court clerk (see COURTS, District)
Court-appointed special advocates program for juvenile or deprived child docket:
Also (see CHILDREN)
Juvenile officer or assistant as staff position for existing program, (employ or contract, smad hf) (designation, smde hf). HB 2303, Mitchell H, Monson S
Requirements; (funding or supplement of employees salaries, smde hf) (funding, removing certain, smad hf); office space; travel reimbursement, deleting; benefits. HB 2303, Mitchell H, Monson S
Curfew violations. SB 1186, Wilkerson S; SB 1400, Horner S, Gilbert H
Data processing system, removing date limitation and authorization of county purchasing agents. HB 2523, Vaughn H
District courts (see COURTS)
Election board:
Chief clerk, salary. HB 2611, Sweeden H; SB 1104, Capps S, Sweeden H
Nonpartisan list of nominees for sheriff or district attorney, certify. SB 402, Wilkerson S, Askins H
Nursing home resident, form notifying of death. HB 2611, Sweeden H; SB 1104, Capps S, Sweeden H
Secretary, provisional ballots duties. HB 2676, Dorman H, Monson S; SB 1346, Monson S, Dorman H
Absentee ballot, delivery of sealed vote data pack. HB 2611, Sweeden H; SB 1104, Capps S, Sweeden H
Ballot boxes, security and transfer and transfer cases, timeline. HB 2676 (smde hc), Dorman H, Monson S; SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H
County Commissioners:
Date of residency to file. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S
Motor fuel increase, financial statement of operating expenses prior to special election. SB 892 (smad hf), Rabon S, Roan H
Eligibility, updating language. HB 2118 (smad hc), Hutchison H
Generally (see ELECTIONS)
Date to conduct; 45 days between primary and general. SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H
With home rule charter, statutory date. HB 2676, Dorman H, Monson S
Officer running for another office resignation, removing. HB 2199, Taylor H, Shurden S
Offices, date of residency to file as candidate. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S
Provisional ballot, available for all elections; rules; casting and counting; investigate and verify; eligibility. HB 2676, Dorman H, Monson S; SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H
Recounts, regular and counted provisional ballots. HB 2676, Dorman H, Monson S; SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H
Results, timeline for transmission. SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H
Sheriff, date of residency to file as candidate. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S
Tying votes. SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H
Longevity program. SB 1123, Rabon S, Mass H
Residency requirements. SB 866, Corn S, Taylor H
Equalization board, real property protest procedures. HB 2421 (smad hc), Pope H, Rabon S
Excise board:
Ad valorem comprehensive program for visual and physical inspections. SB 667 (smad sf, smde cc), Williams S, Roberts H
Meeting time. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Association board, one candidate; cancel election and consider candidate elected. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Associations, State-Tribal Gaming Act. SB 1252 (smad cc), Hobson S, Adair H; SB 553 (smad 3cc), Hobson S, Adair H
Horse race, out-of-state host, funds distribution. SB 553 (smad 3cc), Hobson S, Adair H
Wine untaxed, possession when bringing into state from outside for exhibition prohibition, excepting. HB 2588, Roggow H, Coates S
Fire department (see FIRE DEPARTMENTS)
Funds, bridge or road (see Roads and bridges, below)
Golf cart operation on streets by physically disabled. HB 2367, Jones H, Brogdon S; SB 1461, Williamson S, Peters H; SB 727 (smad hf, smde cc), Smith S, Paulk H
Government Personnel Education and Training Commission expenses, fee deposit. SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Health departments:
City-county (see CITIES AND TOWNS)
Telecommunication line, free emergency. SB 1284 (Clinical and health consultation services, smad cc), Robinson S, Adair H
Unused Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of, pilot program, including pharmacies under contract with. HB 1866, Gilbert H, Cain S; HB 2283, Balkman H
Highways (see Roads and bridges, below)
Home rule charter population requirement, modifying. HB 2501, Hastings H
Hospital support, sales tax levy. SB 1342, Gumm S, Roan H
Intoxicating liquors (see INTOXICATING LIQUORS, generally)
Jails (see JAILS)
Advisory committee creation, decreasing county population to 80,000. HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S
Bureau, population for creating. HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S; SB 649 (smad 2cc), Johnson S, Covey H
Curfew violation, (community service, smde hf; maximum 30 days in juvenile facility, smad hf). SB 1186, Wilkerson S; SB 1400, Horner S, Gilbert H
Lands conveyance, adding public trust of which county is beneficiary. HB 2211, Blackburn H, Price S
Libraries (see LIBRARIES)
Motor fuel tax:
Increase revenue, portion; constitutional amendment; ballot. HB 2632, Erwin H, Milacek S
Levy; voter approval; stated purpose. SB 892, Rabon S, Roan H
Nonintoxicating beverages (see INTOXICATING LIQUORS, generally)
Candidate, residence requirement. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S; SB 1348 (smde cc), Monson S, Dorman H
Proprietary interest in business, limiting amount able to spend with. SB 1295 (smad sc), Harrison S, Walker H
Running for another office resignation, removing. HB 2199, Taylor H, Shurden S
Supplies and equipment, disposal. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Oklahoma County (see OKLAHOMA COUNTY)
Private prisons (see CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT, Prisons and reformatories, Private)
Purchase of counties interest, deleting authority and procedures of treasurer for assignment of tax liens. HB 1864 (smad sc), Erwin H, Shurden S
Rental of personal contract extending beyond June 30 of fiscal year, retrofit metal roofs not included within definition. SB 840 (Under $25,000, smad sc), Coates S, Ferguson H
Resale of unredeemed lands, modifying. HB 1864 (smad sc), Erwin H, Shurden S
Tax sale certificate assignment recording, removing treasurer. HB 1864 (smad sc), Erwin H, Shurden S
Public trusts (see PUBLIC TRUSTS, generally)
Bidding procedures, exempting purchase under $10,000. SB 1123 (smad sc), Rabon S, Mass H
Data processing system, removing date limitation and authorization of county purchasing agents. HB 2523, Vaughn H
Encumbrance of highway bonds, limiting, repealer. SB 1146 (smad hc), Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Nationwide program, participation. SB 1123 (smad sc), Rabon S, Mass H
Records and deeds, filing of electronic document in compliance with Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. HB 2195, Deutschendorf H, Maddox S
Retail outlets, financing. SB 1092, Capps S
Retirement (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, County)
Roads and bridges:
Culvert or bridge plans and specifications priority of replacement or repair projects and certification of compliance, increasing estimated cost. HB 2274 (smad hc), Case H, Rozell S
County Bridge and Road Improvement, gross production tax apportionment. SB 1297, Branan S
High-use County Road Revolving, creating; motor fuel increase apportionment. HB 2559 (smad hf), Nations H, Milacek S
Highway, oil and gas well, drilling permit fee deposit. SB 846, Lerblance S
Overpasses and bridges crossing over/under turnpike, Transportation Authority maintain structure and surface. HB 2274, Case H, Rozell S
School bus routes, increasing maximum weight rates of bridges that must give priority for maintenance or closing. HB 2274, Case H, Rozell S
Surveys, engineering or land, removal of portion of road surface, notice and approval. HB 2200, Taylor H
Roofs (see Property, Rental, above)
Sales tax (see SALES TAX)
School districts (see SCHOOLS, Districts)
Absentee ballot, delivery of sealed vote data pack. HB 2611, Sweeden H; SB 1104, Capps S, Sweeden H
Candidate, date of residency to file. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S
DNA collection. SB 1374, Crutchfield S, McCarter H; SB 1417, Nichols S
Defendants delivered to Corrections Department, copy of judgment and sentence may be sent electronically. HB 2252, Oneal H, Smith S
Deputy, special license plate for employed or retired; proof; fee. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Provisional ballots, secure until certified separate from other ballots. SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H
Qualifications; nonpartisan; no runoff primary. SB 402, Wilkerson S, Askins H
Fingerprints, number of impressions required, reducing. SB 1542 (smad sf), Nichols S, Balkman H
House movers permits and route approval, deleting. HB 2336, Carey H, Crutchfield S
Expense cap for keeping and feeding, removing. SB 1209, Shurden S, Nance H
Incarceration cost reimbursement. SB 1392 (Collectible in civil procedure, smad hc), Laughlin S, Blackwell H
See (CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT, Prisoners, generally)
Obsolete language, deleting. SB 1303, Shurden S
Oil field theft and fraud and tax evasion, training session. HB 2617 (smad hf), Perry H, Myers S
Tobacco Act, Prevention of Youth Access to, enforce. SB 1256 (smad hf), Robinson S, Vaughn H
Writ, warrant, order, process, command, notice, or pursuit, fee. SB 1439, Williamson S
Superintendent of schools (see SCHOOLS, Superintendents)
Also (see specific subject)
Raising, prohibiting without vote of people; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1058, Dank H
Real estate tax lien (see Treasurer, below)
Technology, Center for Local Government, contractual expenses, fee deposit. SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Tools or machinery, lease-purchase. SB 1123 (smad sf), Rabon S, Mass H
Property sale or resale, duties. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Real estate tax lien and tax sale certificate assignment recording, removing duties. HB 1864 (smad sc), Erwin H, Shurden S
Tulsa County (see TULSA COUNTY)
Vehicles, junk, clean-up, (decreasing to 50,000, smad sf) (removing, smde sf) population restriction. HB 1742 (smad sc), Langmacher H, Easley S
Alternative check issuance. HB 2332, Staggs H, Lawler S
Automated recordkeeping; treasurer notice for payment, (removing publishing, smde cc). HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S
Nonpayable warrants and agreements for short-term cash management. HB 2332 (smad hc; bank agreements, smad sc), Staggs H, Lawler S
Waste, solid (see WASTE, SOLID, generally)
Administrative Office of the Courts:
Administrator duties:
Child Supervised Visitation Program. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Covenant marriage. HB 2525, Vaughn H; HB 2634, Steele H
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Children visitation schedule, establish standard; guidelines, advisory. HB 2528 (Contents, smad cc), Vaughn H, Williamson S
Multicounty grand jury, increasing pool to 200 prospective with no fewer than. HB 2252 (smad sc), Oneal H, Smith S
Judicial Compensation Board, duties. SB 1075 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Juvenile Drug Court Act, duties. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Law Enforcement Online Network (LEON), design and implement. SB 1368, Williamson S
Registry of attorneys with cases dismissed as frivolous. SB 1550, Gumm S
Adoption (see ADOPTION)
Business Court:
Act, creating; district courts establish program; actions. HB 2363, Cargill H, Laster S
Docket, establishing; Supreme Court create division. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Advocate programs (see CHILDREN, Court-appointed)
Custody (see CHILD CUSTODY)
District court (see below)
Journal record (see District, Civil case, below)
Support (see CHILD SUPPORT)
Civil Appeals Court:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Employees duties and compensation, subject to Supreme Court approval. HB 1978, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1065, Morgan S, Mitchell H; SB 1066 (smde cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Clerks, district (see District or Municipal, below)
Costs and fees (see FEES)
Council on Judicial Complaints (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Court reporter:
Continuing education requirements. SB 1618 (smad sc), Smith S, Harrison H
Salary. SB 1060 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Criminal Appeals, Court of:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Castration sentence, review. SB 1199 (smad sf), Shurden S, Erwin H; SB 1413 (smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H
Employees, temporary for case backlog. HB 1968, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Judges (see below)
Records maintenance, rule to provide for, deleting construing provisions contrary to Records Management Act or Open Records Act. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Administrative order, enforcement same as felony warrant. SB 1587, Williamson S
Animal ownership petition. SB 1364, Kerr S, Braddock H
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Business court (see Business Court, above)
Permanency hearings. SB 1340 (Consider ability to protect child from exposure to dangerous substances, smad hf), Laster S, Blackburn H
Supervised Visitation Program, judicial district teams. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Support (see CHILD SUPPORT, generally)
Civil case, journal record on optical disk or other appropriate medium; storage/destruction of existing journal records. SB 1146 (Restricting cost to reproduce, smad hf, smde cc), Crutchfield S, Taylor H
Clerk, court:
Costs or fees belonging to other person, time limit to turn over to claimant. SB 1265 (smad hc), Smith S, Case H; SB 1266, Smith S
Electric transmission of document certification, contain digital signature or equivalent; Supreme Court guardian and govern rules. HB 2253, Oneal H, Smith S
Fees (see FEES)
Fund (see Funds, below)
Information dissemination on court-controlled website, prohibition. HB 2245, Easley H
Judicial process, interlocal agreement allowing municipal court clerk to issue. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Juvenile drug court program costs and fees, duties. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Pleading received, accept mailed; return date-stamped document to attorney if return postage included. SB 1438, Williamson S
Competency hearing, criminal, mentally retarded. SB 1583 (smad sf), Rozell S, Askins H
Debt collection, deduct from income tax refund of individual owing. SB 822 (Collection expense fee, smad sc), Wilkerson S, Ingmire H
Domestic abuse or protective order violation, order for treatment or counseling, immunity. HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S; HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Expenses, unpaid, refunded with Chief Justice approval from Supreme Court Revolving Fund; claim filed by Court Fund Governing Board. HB 1972, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Fees (see FEES)
Identity theft, case dismissal; passport, certified copy of court order for expungement and sealing. SB 1164, Johnson S, Winchester H
Insane, therapeutic visit, duties. SB 1246 (Objection, smde hc), Nichols S, Smithson H
Journal record (see Civil case, above)
Judges (see Judges and Justices, below)
Juvenile Drug Court program (see Juvenile, below)
License, professional, revoke or suspend for neglect, abuse, or exploitation of vulnerable adult. SB 601 (smad hc; court directive to licensing board, smad cc; smde 2cc), Smith S, Peters H
Marihuana offense. SB 1446, Wilkerson S, Ferguson H
Municipal Employees Collective Bargaining Act, arbitration dispute. SB 1529 (smad sc), Gumm S, Leist H
Workplace harassment, duties. HB 2395, Harrison H, Corn S
Expansions funding. HB 2044 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Juvenile Drug Court Program, including. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Language, clarifying. HB 2635 (Shell), Steele H; SB 1545 (Shell), Wilkerson S
Scoring device, Sentencing Commission to recommend. SB 1509, Smith S, Ingmire H
Accounting procedures deposits; postage payment for mechanic’s lien. SB 1265, Smith-S, Case-H
Conviction deposits:
CLEET Training Center Revolving, transferring to CLEET Fund. HB 2496, Nance H, Smith S
Chief Medical Examiner Office Toxicology Laboratory Revolving, redirecting to Chief Medical Examiner Revolving Fund. HB 2496, Nance H, Smith S
Penalties in addition to fines, making penalty assessments; late fee for deposits. HB 2496 (smad sc, smde cc), Nance H, Smith S
Information System Revolving, deposit. SB 479 (smde hc), Smith S, Askins H
Judicial Revolving, State, creating; deposits. SB 1068 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Lengthy Trial, creating for jurors. SB 479, Smith-S, Askins-H
Supreme Court Revolving:
District court expenses, unpaid, refunded. HB 1972, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1059 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Unpaid expenses, refund from local court funds to pay; funds insufficient, claim filed by Court Fund Governing Board. HB 1972, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1059 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Jail costs, order defendant to pay all actual. SB 1392 (Collectible in civil procedure, smad hc), Laughlin S, Blackwell H
Judges and Justices:
Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2004, Judicial, creating. SB 1581 (Shell), Cain S
Castration option. SB 1199 (smad sf), Shurden S, Erwin H
Class-action cases, decide reasonable attorney fees. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Compensation, Board on Judicial, creating; fixed compensation; rejected/amended by Legislature. SB 1075 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Criminal Appeals, salary same as Supreme Court Justice. SB 1066 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H; SB 1075 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Appointment in Oklahoma and Tulsa Counties. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Associate District Judge:
Appointment in Oklahoma and Tulsa Counties. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Child Supervised Visitation Program, duties. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Vacancy (see ELECTIONS, Special)
Child Supervised Visitation Program, duties. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
District or associate district judge vacancy, nonpartisan by call of Governor; proclamation; dates; candidates. HB 2712, Toure H, Monson S
Domestic abuse or protective order violation, order for treatment or counseling, immunity. HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S; HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Insurers delinquency proceedings, court rules. HB 2385 (smde sf), Cox H, Robinson S
Juvenile officer, employ. HB 2303 (smad hf), Mitchell H, Monson S
Juvenile or domestic docket, alcohol and drug abuse (or serious mental illness, smde cc) training for safe supervised visitation arrangements. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Vacancy (see ELECTIONS, Special)
Interception of oral, wire, or electronic communication by law enforcement officer, emergency order. SB 1331 (Assistance of communication carrier, smad hc), Wilkerson S, Nance H
Education requirements. SB 902, Pruitt S, Peterson (Ron) H
Fines imposing; judicial education completed, increasing maximum imposed; nonlawyer, criteria. HB 2606, Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S
Residency requirements. HB 2606, Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S; SB 902, Pruitt S, Peterson (Ron) H
Remove from office and be disciplined, citizens file petition; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1070, Reynolds H
Retirement system (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, Justices and Judges)
Salary increase. SB 1075 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Workers' Compensation:
Decreasing number. SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Expired term, nomination procedure. SB 637, Morgan S, Boren H
Judicial Complaints Council (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, creating. HB 2575, Newport H; HB 2661 (smad hc), Adair H, Hobson S
Judiciary, Court on the, records maintenance rule, deleting construing provisions contrary to Records Management Act or Open Records Act. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Junk science, prohibiting. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Juries and jurors (see JURIES AND JURORS)
Juvenile Drug Court Act, creating; treatment programs and standards for completion, establishing; costs and fees; disciplinary sanction. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Juvenile delinquent (see DELINQUENTS AND JUVENILES, generally)
Appeals, increasing surety bond. HB 2606, Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S
Clerk, judicial process in civil procedure issued or processed, when authorized by interlocal agreement. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
County curfew violations prosecuted in municipal courts. SB 1186, Wilkerson S
Criminal court of record:
Creating, procedure. HB 2365, Cargill H, Coffee S
Drunk driving fine, increasing; imprisonment available, right to jury trial. HB 2606 (smad hf), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S
Population requirement. HB 2365, Cargill H, Coffee S; HB 2524, Vaughn H
Dilapidated building tearing down appeal, duties. HB 2639, Steele H, Aldridge S
Drunk driving, jurisdiction for violation of municipal ordinance within city limits; report not to go to district attorney. SB 1407 (smde sf), Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Fees (see FEES, Courts)
Firearm/weapon used as evidence, recovery by owner, jurisdiction; applicant, show outcome of civil process. SB 1238, Pruitt S
Judges (see Judges and Justices, above)
Judgment, Notice of Municipal, garnishment. SB 1275 (smad hf), Smith S, Hastings H
Not of record, appeal bond, decreasing maximum amount allowed. HB 2365, Cargill H, Coffee S
Penalty assessments, assess and retain administrative fee of 10% of fees collected; retain interest accrued by fees prior to due date for deposits. HB 1842, Plunk H
Process servers (see PROCESS SERVERS)
Protective orders (see PROTECTIVE ORDERS)
Records, deleting language. SB 1618 (smad sf), Smith S, Harrison H
Sentencing (see SENTENCING)
Shorthand reporters (see Court Reporters, above)
Small Claims, maximum monies, increasing. HB 2106, Ingmire H, Wilkerson S
Supreme Court:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Business court docket, duties. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
District court clerk electric transmission of document certification, duties. HB 2253, Oneal H, Smith S
Employees duties and compensation, set by Justices majority vote. HB 1978, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1065, Morgan S, Mitchell H; SB 1066 (smde cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Funds (see Funds, above)
Judicial Panel for Multidistrict Litigation, duties. HB 2575, Newport H; HB 2661 (smad hc), Adair H, Hobson S
Justices (see Judges and Justices, above)
Juvenile court docket responsibility judicial personnel and court-appointed special advocates, training areas concerning visitation rules. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Records maintenance, rule to provide for, deleting construing provisions contrary to Records Management Act or Open Records Act. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Tax Review Court, records maintenance rule, deleting construing provisions contrary to Records Management Act or Open Records Act. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Traffic complaints or violations convictions, increasing days to report. HB 2265 (smde cc), Paulk H, Smith S
Workers' Compensation Court:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Hearings, video conference at technology center school. HB 2619 (smad hc), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S; SB 1444, Pruitt S; SB 1531 (smad hf), Hobson S, Adair H
Judges (see Judges and Justices, above)
Lump sum payment to employee and agreement, approval. HB 2619 (smad hc), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S
Reports confidential; violation, misdemeanor. SB 1442, Gumm S
Testimony of treating physician, deference for rating purposes. HB 2619 (smad hc), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S; SB 1444, Pruitt S; SB 1531 (smad hf), Hobson S, Adair H
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