Date. SB 1220, Nichols S, Ericson H
Mental retardation and mentally retarded, prohibiting; evidentiary hearings. HB 2710 (smad cc), Toure H, Wilkerson S
Severe developmental disability, prohibiting. HB 2710 (smde cc), Toure H, Wilkerson S
Task Force, creating; duties; report. HB 2709, Toure H
Witness, expanding list. HB 2383, Harrison H, Lerblance S
Ineffective assistance of counsel claim. SB 1220, Nichols S, Ericson H
Post-conviction relief, application. SB 1220, Nichols S, Ericson H
Purchases of pseudoephedrine tablets, restricting. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
County land conveyance, adding public trust of which county is beneficiary. HB 2211, Blackburn H, Price S
Electronic document filing in compliance with Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. HB 2195, Deutschendorf H, Maddox S
Automated external use, immune from civil liability for personal injury:
Course directors and trainers with completed training in use of and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. HB 2154, Rice H, Corn S
Entities owning, conditions and duties. HB 2154, Rice H, Corn S
First responder and prescribing physician, defining. HB 2154, Rice H, Corn S
Prescribing physician in good faith and without expectation of compensation. HB 2154, Rice H, Corn S
Qualified, course and rules by Health Board. HB 2154, Rice H, Corn S
Community service (see SENTENCING)
Court-appointed special advocate (CASA):
Also (see CHILDREN)
Juvenile officer or assistant. HB 1064 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Corn S; HB 2303, Mitchell H, Monson S
Program, modifying. HB 1064 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Corn S
Delinquency and Youth Gang Intervention and Prevention Act:
Definitions; Juvenile Affairs Office, duties; grants; outcome-based report and annual report. HB 2375 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Renaming from Delinquency and Youth Gang Intervention and Deterrence Act. HB 2403 (smad sf), Young H, Myers S
Terms; eligibility; program models; grant proposals. HB 2403 (smad sf), Young H, Myers S
Youth with highest risk of involvement with gangs or delinquent behaviors or live in at-risk neighborhoods and communities, engage in position programs. HB 2375 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Cain S; HB 2403 (smad sf), Young H, Myers S
Facility (see Juvenile, Curfew or Records, below)
Adjudicated or convicted of felony, requiring DNA. SB 1362, Gumm S
Bureau and citizens' advisory committee creation, decreasing county population to 80,000; (Juvenile Justice Department duties, deleting, smde sc). HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S
Certification proceedings, filed prior to 18 years or within 90 days after date of 18th birthday. HB 2419 (smad hc), McIntyre H, Wilkerson S
Curfew violation:
Imprisonment in county jail, removing; community service. HB 1869 (smde hf), Gilbert H; SB 1186, Wilkerson S; SB 1400 (smde hf), Horner S, Gilbert H
Juvenile facility, one to 30 days; contempt of court for failure to comply. SB 1400 (smad hf), Horner S, Gilbert H
Definitions, clarifying. HB 2412 (Shell), Mitchell H, Monson S
Drug Court Act, creating. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Generally (see Delinquent, above)
Harassment in workplace petition for injunction, file with court having jurisdiction over. HB 2395, Harrison H, Corn S
Interstate Compact for Juveniles Act, creating; supervision/return to compacting state; commission; state council. SB 1552, Cain S, Ingmire H
Justice Department, Juvenile (see JUVENILE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT)
Records, out-of-state offense, after being treated or placed in facility or private treatment facility, confidentiality exception. HB 2249, Case H, Riley S
School enrollment, determination student no longer a threat. HB 2163, McCarter H, Helton S
Sentencing (see SENTENCING, Community service)
Volunteer medical license for service at clinic or educational sporting event. SB 1626 (Free medical clinic, defining, smad sf), Maddox S, Armes H
Board certification, to designate. HB 2721, Dorman H
Advisor to Dentistry Board appointment, repealing. HB 2415, Stanley H, Robinson S
Advisory Committee, creating. HB 2415, Stanley H, Robinson S
Increase number serving for dependent upon state and make accessible to underserved metropolitan and rural areas, program. HB 2670, Stanley H, Maddox S
License, felony conviction, deleting prohibition to issue and renew (substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc). HB 2714 (smad hc, smde sc, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
Loan Repayment Act, Dental, creating; Dental Care Loan Assistance Repayment Program, creating; awards. HB 2670, Stanley H, Maddox S
State employees insurance (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Insurance, Employees)
Immunity. SB 1241, Pruitt S; SB 1287, Crutchfield S
Medical license for service at clinic or educational sporting event. SB 1626 (Free medical clinic, defining, smad sf; not liable for civil damages other than for death, smad hc), Maddox S, Armes H
Central Purchasing Act, exemption. SB 1169, Maddox S, Rice H
Industrial park, study; property acquisition; bonds, competitive or negotiable; interest earnings. SB 1088 (smad hc), Kerr S, Walker H
Portfolio mix. SB 865 (smad sf), Gumm S, McCarter H
Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004, creating. SB 1627 (smde hf), Cain S, Gilbert H
Ad valorem tax, claim for relief, gross household income under $20,000 for year. SB 1178, Williams S
Blind (see SCHOOLS, Textbooks, Braille)
Community inclusion, supporting. SCR 81, Cain S, Lindley H
Deaf or hearing impaired (see DEAF AND/OR HEARING IMPAIRED PERSONS)
Dyslexia treatment for children in school. SB 1456, Wilcoxson S, Morgan (Fred) H
Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Task Force, creating. HB 2197, Deutschendorf H, Capps S
Execution of (mental retardation, smad cc) (severe developmental disability, smde cc) persons, prohibiting; IQ less than 70. HB 2710 (Burden of production and persuasion on defendant, smad hf; evidentiary hearings, smad cc), Toure H, Wilkerson S
Golf cart operation on streets. HB 2367, Jones H, Brogdon S; SB 1461 (Not permitting on pedestrian walkway, smad sc; flag, smad hc; smde cc), Williamson S, Peters H; SB 727 (smad hf, smde cc), Smith S, Paulk H
Group home standards, reporting. HB 2107, Ingmire H
Hunts, controlled, application fee exemption if receiving certain disability benefits. SB 1560 (smad sc), Shurden S, Hutchison H
Income tax credit for expenses for disabled child under 18 for expenses; limitation. HB 2659 (smad hc; income under $100,000, smad hf), Perry H, Capps S
Kelly, Sherri, Ms. Wheelchair Oklahoma 2004. SR 66, Reynolds S
Mental illness (see MENTALLY ILL PERSONS)
Mentally retarded persons (see MENTALLY RETARDED PERSONS)
Motor vehicle special parking privileges, disabled veterans license plate with international accessibility symbol. HB 1890, Ellis H, Helton S
Parking placards, advanced registered nurse practitioner authority to certify. SB 899, Morgan S, Rice H
Rule Advisory Council on Developmental Disabilities Services, creating within DHS. HB 1587, Leist H, Lawler S
Service animal:
Dog, harming or killing, misdemeanor. SB 1402 (Restitution, smad sf), Robinson S, Lindley H
Place of public accommodation, discriminating against. SB 1604, Cain S
Services, Central Purchasing fee assessment to cover administrative costs. SB 1135 (smad cc), Corn S, Rice H
Severely handicapped, competitive bid requirements. SB 1555, Aldridge S, Steele H
State agency long-range electronic data processing plans, adding accessibility compliance. HB 2197, Deutschendorf H, Capps S
Students with Disabilities Program, Scholarships for, creating. SB 1277, Pruitt S
Veterans (see VETERANS)
Emergency administrative rules, conditions; circumstances; factual support and submission; notice prior to adoption. HB 1018 (Compelling public interest exists with immediate impact on peace, health, safety or welfare.), Leist H, Shurden S
Medical Reserve Corps participation in response to, exempt from civil liability. HB 1833, Paulk H, Monson S
Physicians as first responders certification for basic disaster skills. HB 2721, Dorman H
Vaccination program for first responders who may be exposed to infectious diseases deployed to disaster locations; federal funding. SB 696 (smad hf), Wilkerson S, Paulk H
AIDS and communicable (see AIDS AND COMMUNICABLE)
Hepatitis A immunizations, extending time period for employer to claim tax credit. SB 1382, Monson S, Stanley H
Marriage license blood test. SB 1290, Price S, Langmacher H; SB 1582, Cain S, Peters H
PKU, urging insurance companies to include coverage for medical foods and products for treatment of and other inherited metabolic diseases. HB 2315, Smith H; HCR 1044, Lindley H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Vaccination program (see VACCINATIONS)
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Election; qualifications; nonpartisan; no runoff primary. SB 402, Wilkerson S, Askins H
Crime Victims Compensation Board duties, eight employees. HB 1970 (smde hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2007, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2008, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2009, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Furlough plan (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, Public, Credited, Involuntary)
Interns, 20 legal, exempt from budgetary limitations. HB 1970, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1057 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Firearm and badge, officer, investigator or agent, retain upon retirement. HB 2445 (smad hc), Roan H, Wilkerson S
Crime Victims Compensation Revolving (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Inmates cost of incarceration collection, removing percentage. HB 2445 (smad sc), Roan H, Wilkerson S
Motor vehicle right-of-way violation involving motorcycle, fine deposit. SB 1539 (smad hc, smde cc), Helton S, Covey H
Traffic and drunk driving convictions assessment in addition to fine deposit, removing. HB 2250 (smad hc), Paulk H, Robinson S
Identity theft, case dismissal. SB 1164, Johnson S, Winchester H
Inmates cost of incarceration collection, 10%. HB 2445 (smad sc), Roan H, Wilkerson S
Insane, therapeutic visit, objection. SB 1246, Nichols S, Smithson H
Interception of oral, wire, or electronic communication by law enforcement officer, emergency court order. SB 1331 (Assistance of communication carrier, smad hc), Wilkerson S, Nance H
Juvenile drug court program, duties. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Lead Impacted Communities Relocation Assistance Act, creating; restrictions to reoccupation. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Lewd or indecent acts or proposals to another person, sexual battery charge, without consent of victim regardless of age. HB 2189 (smad hf), Tibbs H, Wilkerson S
Misdemeanor cases, court-ordered supervision; fee. SB 1396, Laughlin S
Oil field theft and fraud and tax evasion, training session. HB 2617 (smad hf), Perry H, Myers S
Sentencing, community, offender eligibility. SB 1174, Rozell S, Tyler H
Sexually violent persons, duties. HB 2184, Ericson H
Speed Trap Law, duties. SB 375, Helton S, Tyler H
Substance abuse facility in violation of Alcohol and Drug Act, court action. SB 1578, Cain S, Balkman H
Tattooing violations. SB 1307, Shurden S, Lindley H
Tribal law enforcement officer, license suspension. SB 1208, Laster S, Steele H
Counseling, attend one hour within 90 days prior to filing; form; payment. HB 2175, Wright H
Covenant marriage, conditions. HB 2525, Vaughn H; HB 2634, Steele H; SB 882, Laughlin S
Death benefits from Public Employees Retirement System, ex spouse still receive. HB 2460 (smad hc; actuarially equivalent benefit amount, smad hf), Smaligo H, Brogdon S
Lottery prize winners owing outstanding debt, payment. HB 2304, Wright H
Custody (see CHILD CUSTODY)
Eighteen/under, attend educational program. HB 2597, Piatt H
Twelve/under, prohibiting final order for at least one year. HB 2597, Piatt H
Visitation schedule, standard, and guidelines. HB 2528 (Contents, smad cc), Vaughn H, Williamson S
Palimony, prohibiting. HB 2255, Oneal H
Collection. SB 1374, Crutchfield S, McCarter H; SB 1447 (Vetoed), Helton S, Askins H
Database, expanding. SB 1417, Nichols S
Indigent Defense System Forensic Testing Program, reports confidential. SB 1399, Wilkerson S, Askins H
Inmate released from incarceration, requiring. SB 1362, Gumm S
Juvenile convicted or adjudicated of felony offense, requiring. SB 1362, Gumm S
Mary Rippy Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act, testing; fee. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
OSBI population base, changing name to Combined OSBI DNA Index System (CODIS). SB 1190 (smde sc), Wilkerson S, Braddock H
Persons required to submit. SB 1417, Nichols S; SB 1447 (Person with prior felony conviction, smad hc; vetoed), Helton S, Askins H
Profiling, federal or certain state convictions subject to. SB 1417, Nichols S
DRAPER II, DANIEL D. HR 1032, Adair H; SR 44, Morgan S
Adulterant (see Controlled, Urine, below)
Anhydrous ammonia and equipment (see ANHYDROUS AMMONIA)
Alcohol or substance abuse, parent/guardian obligation to provide treatment. SB 1472, Snyder S, Jones H
Methamphetamine manufacture in area near, penalty. SB 1172 (smde hc), Corn S, Smithson H
Cold medicine, limitations in pharmacies. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Controlled dangerous substances:
Designer, closing loophole. HB 2166, Young H, Wilcoxson S
Drug-dependent person, defining. HB 1064, Gilbert H, Corn S; HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine, limiting retail sales. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S; SB 1173, Corn S, Smithson H
Forfeiture, money, coins, currency; interest bearing account, interest earned returned to claimant. SB 1172 (smad cc), Corn S, Smithson H; SB 1367, Helton S, Nance H
Inmates mental health services for treatment of dependency pilot program, establishing. HB 2591, Wilson H
Language, clarifying. SB 1450 (Shell), Helton S
Children (see above)
Education Task Force, creating. HB 1427 (smad hc), Braddock H, Wilkerson S
Homestead exemption:
Cancelled. SB 1170, Corn S, Brannon H
Continue if county clerk not notified of lab on owner-taxpayer's property. HB 2331, Brannon H
Property located near children, penalty; rebuttable presumption that child present. SB 1172 (smde cc), Corn S, Smithson H
Sentence, serve mandatory 85% of time. SB 1154, Corn S
Adding to Schedule V; amount acquired, time period. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Purchase amount, limiting; dispensed by licensed pharmacy; customer to sign log book. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Removal from Schedule, if preventing conversion into. HB 2176 (smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Additional assessment circumstances. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Defendant discharged on giving bail, release. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Second or subsequent, expanding scope; dismissed cases, constitute prior conviction. HB 2569, Morgan (Fred) H, Coffee S
Trauma-care fee, special assessment. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Pain Treatment Act, Chronic Intractable, allowing. HB 2566, Greenwood H
Possession, valid prescription or license. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Pseudoephedrine, isomers or salts of isomers, limiting retail sale. SB 1526 (smad hf), Wilkerson S, Roan H
Schedule 5 list, adding pseudoephedrine. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Synthetic, redefining; cultivating, prohibiting. HB 2166, Young H, Wilcoxson S
Urine, drug or alcohol screening test, prohibition fraud for deceitful results; adulterant, defining; penalty. HB 1868, Worthen H; HB 2176 (Human or synthetic, smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Violations conviction, special assessment fee payment to Trauma Care Revolving Fund. HB 2600 (smad cc), Hilliard H, Monson S
Decongestants containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine, limiting retail sales. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S; SB 1173, Corn S, Smithson H
Ephedrine (see Controlled, above)
Horse racing, jockeys and occupation licensees involved in training, random testing; rules. HB 2344, Smithson H
Isomers (see Controlled, Ephedrine, above)
Juvenile Drug Court Act, creating. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Marihuana offense, release on personal recognizance. SB 1446, Wilkerson S, Ferguson H
Medicaid (see MEDICAID)
Methamphetamine (see Controlled, above)
Paraphernalia, jury determine; designed for use, including in definition; sale of and possession, prohibition; exceptions; fines. HB 2121 (First, second, third and subsequent offenses fines, smad sf), Worthen H, Gumm S
Phenylpropanolamine (see Controlled, Ephedrine, above)
Prescriptions (see PHARMACISTS, Prescriptions)
Pseudoephedrine (see Controlled, Ephedrine, or Controlled, Methamphetamine, above)
Salts of isomers (see Controlled, Ephedrine, above)
Screening. SB 1589, Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Trooper Nik Green Act, (Rocky Eales and Matthew Evans Act, smad sc), creating. HB 2176 (smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Arrest without warrant by officer, jurisdiction within state. HB 1820 (smad hf), Balkman H, Wilkerson S
Blood or breath alcohol concentration tests:
Also (see Property, below)
Consent. HB 1820, Balkman H, Wilkerson S; SB 1407 (smad hc, smde cc), Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Interlock device (see Ignition, below)
Laboratories, including saliva or urine:
ASCLD/LAB or ABFT, adding; uniform standards, exempting. HB 2435, Askins H, Wilkerson S
Exempt from Board rules:
Report to Fatality Analysis Reporting System. HB 2265 (smad cc), Paulk H, Smith S
Specimen, hold for 60 days; results to be admissible in evidence; testing. HB 2265 (smad cc), Paulk H, Smith S
Results report, adding Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) analyst of state upon request. HB 2348, Smithson H, Corn S
Child 15/under in vehicle, fine doubled. HB 1820 (smad hf), Balkman H, Wilkerson S; SB 1407 (smad hc, smde cc), Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Drinking and driving, stopping. HB 2243, Cargill H, Aldridge S
Driver license suspension or revocation, modification apply to Class D motor vehicles only. HB 2336 (smad cc), Carey H, Crutchfield S
Fee, clarifying language. SB 1366 (Shell), Nichols S, Sullivan H
Felony or misdemeanor, fine increasing. HB 2250 (smad cc), Paulk H, Robinson S
Highway signs where lives lost in alcohol-related accident. SB 1493 (smde sc), Laughlin S, Maddux H
Ignition interlock device:
Blood or breath alcohol concentration, lowering; payment; Board duties. HB 2265 (smad cc), Paulk H, Smith S; HB 2348, Smithson H, Corn S
Installation, person to pay. HB 2348, Smithson H, Corn S
Suspension of judgment and sentence, Alcohol and Drug Influence Test Board to approve; removing DPS. HB 2348, Smithson H, Corn S
License, revocation or suspension:
Hearing. HB 2348, Smithson H, Corn S
Modification; limitations; restricted and unrestricted issuance. HB 2348 (smad hc; restricted not subject to ignition interlock device, smad hf), Smithson H, Corn S
Non-commercial vehicles, affect status of commercial driver license. HB 1899 (smad hc), Nance H, Gumm S; HB 2543, Lamons H
Twenty-one/under administration hearing, jurisdiction. HB 1820 (smad hf), Balkman H, Wilkerson S
Misdemeanor or felony case, special fee assessment for Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Municipal court:
Fine, increasing; imprisonment available, right to jury trial. HB 2606 (smad hf), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S
Jurisdiction for violation of municipal ordinance within city limits; report not to go to district attorney. SB 1407 (smde sf), Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Operating motor vehicle, fine; 21/under administration hearing; jurisdiction. HB 1820 (smad hf), Balkman H, Wilkerson S
Negligent homicide, modifying penalty. HB 2545, Winchester H;
Parking lot (see Property, below)
Personal injury accident, subsequent conviction, felony. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Property, private:
Open and accessible to public, unlawful. SB 1407 (smad sf, smde hc, smad cc), Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Parking lot, serving business that relies upon sale of alcohol as source of revenue, prohibiting driving. SB 1407 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Trailer parks, gated communities, parking lots, prohibiting; blood or breath test implied consent, including. HB 1820, Balkman H, Wilkerson S; SB 1407, Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Reckless driving resulting in death of another person, penalty. HB 2545, Winchester H
Violation conviction, fee:
Court costs, increasing. HB 2250, Paulk H, Robinson S
Trauma care, special assessment in addition to fine. HB 2600 (smde hc), Hilliard H, Monson S
College credit courses and program, resident; branch campus of Cameron University, establishing. HB 2624 (Economic Development Trust Authority duties, smad hf), Askins H, Lawler S
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