Agency strategic plans. SB 1078 (Shell), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Application systems, duties. HB 1995 (smad cc), Perry H, Capps S
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Auditor and Inspector agency examinations costs, duties. HB 1577 (smad cc), Dorman H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Audits of state agencies, duties. HB 2165, Young H, Reynolds S
Children and Youth, Office of Planning and Coordination for Services to, expanding duties. HB 2375, Gilbert H, Cain S
Contract payment rules for agencies. SB 1135, Corn S, Rice H
Budget preparation, clarifying language. HB 1996 (Shell), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 1997 (Shell), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Federal funds, unanticipated, budgetary limitation exemption request by:
Health Care Authority. HB 1933, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 1934, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Health Commissioner. HB 2042, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2043, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Juvenile Affairs Office. HB 2050, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2051, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Funds transfer:
Cash-flow Reserve Fund to Special Cash Fund. HB 1985 (smad hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Consumer Credit Mortgage Broker Recovery and Deferred Deposit Lender to Special Cash Fund. HB 2056 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Corporation Commission Well Plugging to Special Cash Fund. HB 2058 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Federal grant receipts and disbursements, monies between federal and revolving. HB 2044 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Human Services Department disbursing funds. HB 2048, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2049, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Rehabilitation Department. HB 2052, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2053, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Information technology services and equipment contracts exceeding $2,500, written authorization; quarterly report. HB 1995 (smad cc), Perry H, Capps S
Municipal Fire District Pooling Fund, duties. HB 2262, Taylor H, Rozell S
State employees group insurance contracting committee, member. SB 649 (smad hf, smde cc), Johnson S, Covey H
Tax Administrative Hearings, State Office of, coordinate transfers from Tax Commission. HB 2717, Toure H
Employees, unclassified:
Administrative Officer, Alternate Claims Auditor and Fiscal Division. HB 2004 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Model Tribal Gaming Compacts, hired to fulfill compliance requirements and Information Services Division, various positions. HB 2004 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Centrex Revolving, renaming Telecommunications Revolving. HB 1995 (smad cc), Perry H, Capps S
Continuing to track different categories of revenues and expenditures, may establish separate. HB 1995 (smad cc), Perry H, Capps S
Government Bid Assistance Act, duties. HB 2320, Wilson H, Maddox S
Information Services Division:
Communications or telecommunications procurement by agencies, exemption from Central Purchasing except competitive bidding. HB 2193, Deutschendorf H
Computers and internet duties, expanding. HB 1995 (smad cc), Perry H, Capps S
Computers and related peripheral equipment blanket purchasing contract, specifications. HB 2193, Deutschendorf H
Electronic data processing personnel, training guidelines, eliminating; other duties. HB 1995 (smad cc), Perry H, Capps S
Technology information for disabled, assure state compliance for accessibility. HB 2197, Deutschendorf H, Capps S
Inmates phones proposals from vendors, establish process. HB 2425 (smad hf), Kirby H, Shurden S
Purchasing Director issuance of statewide contracts, rules for state agencies. HB 2277, Rice H, Corn S
Telephone hot-line to report government waste or misuse of funds. SB 1196, Laster S
Agriculture Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act, violations. SB 1233 (smad sf), Crutchfield S, Pope H; SB 1270 (smad sf), Crutchfield S, Pope H
Alcohol and drug counselor violation. HB 2464, Gilbert H, Robinson S
Anhydrous ammonia locking device penalties. HB 2176 (smde hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Assault and battery second offense conviction. HB 2626, Askins H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
CLEET applicant training for certification, false statement (adding more actions, smad sc). HB 1838, Smithson H, Helton S
Cockfighting; ballot. SB 835 (smad sc; various amounts for misdemeanor or felony offense, smad cc; misdemeanor, smad 5cc), Shurden S, Erwin H
Crime Offenders Registration Act, Mary Rippy Violent, violation. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Criminal offense pattern. SB 1502, Wilkerson S, Lamons H
Death certificate violation, knowingly. HB 2605, Peterson (Ron) H
Election contributions at state government facility. HB 1824, Trebilcock H; HB 2411, Phillips H, Dunlap S
Financial abuse of vulnerable adult. SB 601 (smde 2cc), Smith S, Peters H
Interstate transportation of property or goods abandonment. HB 2374, Leist H, Shurden S
Justices and Judges, Uniform Retirement System for, fraud. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S
Low-point beer sales violations. HB 2473, Braddock H, Wilcoxson S
Medical Claims Act, Timely Reimbursement of, violations. HB 2378, Stanley H
Methamphetamine manufacture, near place where children located. SB 1172 (smde hc), Corn S, Smithson H
Motor vehicles:
Driver license, driving while revoked. HB 2299 (Revenue generated, deposit to Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund, smad cc), Tibbs H, Monson S
Right-of-way violation:
Causing fatality. SB 1539 (smde hc), Helton S, Covey H
Failing to yield. HB 2103, McCarter H
Involving motorcycle. SB 1539 (smad hc, smde cc), Helton S, Covey H
Rules of the road, various. HB 2159 (smde sc), Pettigrew H, Milacek S
Physician, disciplinary action. SB 369 (smad hc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Prescriptions drug benefits late approval by entity insuring. HB 1897, Nance H
Probate affidavit fraud. HB 2223 (smde cc), Piatt H, Pruitt S
Protective order violations. HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Pump pirating, second or subsequent violations. HB 2609, Peterson (Ron) H
Quality Investment Act violation. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Real Estate License Code violation. SB 1312, Ford S, Miller (Doug) H
Recording device, unlawful use of. SB 1234 (smad sc), Coffee S, Carey H
School treasurer or officer, expenditures in excess of estimate. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S
Security checkpoint, bypassing willfully or go around. HB 2626 (smad cc), Askins H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Strangulation, intent to cause bodily harm. HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Telephone calls interference. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Tobacco products:
Sale without assistance from sales clerk. SB 297 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Dorman H
Sold to minors, administrative. HB 1867 (smad sc, smde sf), Worthen H, Robinson S; HB 2679, Dorman-H;
Traffic photo-monitoring system, municipal. SB 1298, Helton S, Nations H
Underground Storage Tank Fee Exemption Certificate, application violation. HB 2206, Wilt H
Urine, drug or alcohol screening test, fraud prohibition for deceitful results. HB 1868, Worthen H; HB 2176 (Human or synthetic, smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Video recordings selling or renting to children that contains inappropriate or harmful material. HB 2354, Benge H
Workers' compensation, employer violation. SB 1531 (smad sc), Hobson S, Adair H
Youth Access to Tobacco Act, Prevention, violation, administrative. HB 1867 (smad sc, smde sf), Worthen H, Robinson S; HB 2679, Dorman H
Domestic abuse. HB 2626 (smad cc), Askins H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Assault and battery conviction. HB 2626, Askins H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and enabling any aforementioned. HB 1064 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Corn S
Endangerment felony conviction. HB 1064 (smad hc), Gilbert H, Corn S
Commercial vehicle operation without authorization, administrative penalty. HB 2336 (smad cc), Carey H, Crutchfield S
Convictions, felony, increasing. HB 2600 (smde hc), Hilliard H, Monson S
Paraphernalia pipes possession. HB 2121, Worthen H, Gumm S
Drunk driving for felony and misdemeanor. HB 2250 (smad cc), Paulk H, Robinson S
Identity theft. SB 1168, Lawler S, Paulk H
Intoxicating liquors or low-point beer, transporting open containers. HB 2243 (Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund, deposit, smad cc), Cargill H, Aldridge S
Long-term care certificate of need violation. HB 2723 (smad hf), Pettigrew H, Coffee S
Marriage license, unlawful sale of papers related to. SB 1624, Nichols S
Motor vehicles:
Also (see Creating, above)
Driver license canceled, denied, suspended or revoked first, second and third convictions. HB 2299 (Revenue generated, deposit to Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund, smad cc), Tibbs H, Monson S
Drunk driving:
Child 15/under in vehicle, doubled. HB 1820, Balkman H, Wilkerson S; SB 1407 (smad hc, smde cc), Coffee S, Morgan (Fred) H
Negligent homicide conviction. HB 2545, Winchester H
Traffic control device during highway construction. HB 2159, Pettigrew H, Milacek S
Municipal (see below)
Private Vocational Schools violations. HB 2400, Miller (Ray) H, Rozell S
Witness disobeying subpoena. SB 1625 (smde sc), Smith S, Hastings H
Migratory bird permit violation, (decreasing, smad hf) (removing, smad hc, smde hf). HB 2182, Armes H, Corn S
Mining without permit. SB 1357, Lerblance S, Erwin H
Motor carrier and motor vehicle, registration, licensing violations. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Criminal court of record, drunk driving, increasing. HB 2606 (smad hf), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S
Judge imposing. HB 2606, Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S
School buses, overtaking or meeting violation, doubling. HB 2444 (smde hf), Roan H, Wilkerson S
Tattooing violations. SB 1307, Shurden S, Lindley H
Driver license:
Computerized system, repealing; information access, prohibiting without court order. HB 2428, Miller (Doug) H
Finger image, optional. HB 2428, Miller (Doug) H; SB 1124, Nichols S
Number of impressions taken, reducing. SB 1542 (smad sf), Nichols S, Balkman H
Governmental Tort Claims Act (see Volunteer, below)
Municipal districts:
Formation, petition; notice; election; board of directors; general plan of operation; assessments; fund; claims; dissolution; contracts; audits. HB 2262, Taylor H, Rozell S
Operation, new tax on property not to exceed 10 mills; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1051, Taylor H
Retirement system (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS)
80/20 Match Program, budget requirements. HB 2054 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2055, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 997, Morgan S, Mitchell H
Dry Fire Hydrant Program, budget requirements. HB 2054 (smad cc; line-item veto), Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 997, Morgan S, Mitchell H
Operational grant limit. HB 2054 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 997, Morgan S, Mitchell H
Right-to-work. SB 1495, Corn S, Taylor H
Strike, work stoppage or slowdown, prohibiting. SB 1495, Corn S, Taylor H
Zerger, Larry, Rural Fire Defense Director, commending professional career and wishing well upon retirement. HR 1043, Covey H; SR 45, Milacek S
Sales tax exemption, proof of eligibility. SB 1121, Rabon S, Pope H
Volunteer (see FIREFIGHTERS)
Stone quarry operations, dimension, testing. HB 1873, Brannon H, Corn S
Violations, establish fines and penalties. HB 2674 (smad sf; fees, smad cc), Dorman H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Adopted codes violations, citation authority. HB 2674 (smde sc), Dorman H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Evacuation, officers determine threat to life is imminent. HB 2674, Dorman H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Violations, establish fines and penalties. HB 2674 (Legislative approval, smad hf, smde sf), Dorman H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Volunteer firefighters certification, duties. HB 2372 (smad hc), Hutchison H, Corn S
Bullets and ammunition capable of being fired from handgun, fee. SB 1359, Robinson S
Confiscation from vehicle by arresting officer, circumstances. SB 1410 (smad cc), Shurden S, Smithson H
Deadly force reports by Investigation Bureau, modifying. HB 2444, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Drive by shooting, crime offenders registration. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Felony commission (see SENTENCING, Mandatory)
Confiscation from vehicle by arresting officer, circumstances. SB 1185 (Return if never charged with offense, smad hf; smde cc), Shurden S, Smithson H
District attorney or assistant, carrying concealed. HB 2397, Harrison H, Laster S
License, denial to be mailed first class within certain time period. SB 1410 (Appeal, smad 2cc), Shurden S, Smithson H
Off-duty peace officer, CLEET duties; application; fee; termination of commission, license returned to CLEET. SB 1185 (smad cc), Shurden S, Smithson H
Registration and license, renewal. SB 1410 (smad cc), Shurden S, Smithson H
Safety and training course, law enforcement officer exemptions to renew registration certificate. HB 1837, Smithson H, Corn S
Investigators upon retirement, certain. HB 2445 (smad hc), Roan H, Wilkerson S
Manufacturer, recruitment. SJR 54, Gumm S, Roan H
Court jurisdiction when taken from mentally ill owner. SB 1238, Pruitt S
Police to issue traffic citation for transporting improperly; (penalties not exceed established in Self-Defense Act, smad sf). HB 1832 (Confiscation of property, prohibiting ordinance, smad sf), Paulk H, Helton S
Student on school property, driver license suspension. HB 2167, Young H, Wilcoxson S
Transporting and storing:
Locked vehicle on property set aside for any vehicle, prohibiting policy or rule of prohibition. HB 2122, Ellis H, Shurden S
Rifle or shotgun in interior compartment of vehicle. SB 1410 (smad cc), Shurden S, Smithson H
Collective bargaining agreements (see ARBITRATION, Municipal)
Evacuation, upon threat to life is imminent. HB 2674, Dorman H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Governmental Tort Claims Act (see Volunteer, below)
Municipal/county residency requirements. SB 866, Corn S, Taylor H
Protection Act, creating; liability limitation; punitive damages; misconduct during hiring process; fees. HB 2573, Morgan (Fred) H
Service Training Act, Fire, creating training authority; responsibilities. HB 2665, Adair H
Training, Council on Firefighters, creating; terms; vacancies; duties, meetings. HB 2372 (smad cc), Hutchison H, Corn S
Age-based restriction, 45/older. HB 2399, Smith H, Laster S
Governmental Tort Claims Act, including in employee definition. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Retirement system (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, Firefighters)
Training Incentive Act of 2004, creating; income tax exemption; training required. HB 2372 (smad hc), Hutchison H, Corn S
Workers' compensation:
Coverage, employer provide. HB 2399, Smith H, Laster S
Premium paid by state, limit. SB 998 (smad hc), Morgan-S, Mitchell-H
Drought conditions, prohibiting setting off. SB 1216, Laughlin S, Blackwell H
Municipal supervision, providing designated venue with safety equipment present. SB 1216 (smad hf), Laughlin S, Blackwell H
Administrator, hiring and employment of accredited floodplain; each board designate person; accreditation standards. HB 2284, Balkman H, Price S
Defining. HB 2284, Balkman H, Price S
Minimization and prevention of hazards and losses, accredit persons have knowledge. HB 2284, Balkman H, Price S
FLOWER, STATE. SB 7, Capps S, Worthen H
Baby and infant formula, sales tax exemption. HB 2190, Tibbs H
Bread, sales tax exemption. HB 2190, Tibbs H
Farmer's markets, community, licensing exemption. HB 2495 (Conditions, smad hc), Wilt H, Dunlap S
Organic food (see AGRICULTURE, generally)
Human Services Department recipient, contract with India. HCR 1087, Cargill H, Coates S
Texas County. SJR 42, Laughlin S, Blackwell H
Accreditation, removing certain standards. SB 609, Helton S, Askins H
Analyst competency test. SB 609, Helton S, Askins H
Case work evaluation. SB 609, Helton S, Askins H
Repealing. HB 2405, Young H
Ad valorem tax exemption; property and services availability; obtain special status; application to county accessor, March 15; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1063 (smad cc), Staggs H, Rozell S
CLEET applications, unlawful. HB 1838 (smad sc), Smithson H, Helton S
Insurance, investigation, certain medical records not considered confidential. SB 1430 (smde 2cc), Robinson S, Dorman H
Justices and Judges, Uniform Retirement System for, misdemeanor and fine. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S
Oil Theft and Reclamation Fraud Prevention Training Fund, creating. HB 2617 (smad hc), Perry H, Myers S
Probate affidavit, penalty. HB 2223 (smde cc), Piatt H, Pruitt S
Property transfers by grantor to preservation trust, conditions. HB 2135 (smad hf; within 3 years of filing bankruptcy a fraudulent conveyance, smad sc), Peters H, Coffee S
Urine, drug or alcohol screening test, prohibition for deceitful results; adulterant, defining; penalty. HB 1868, Worthen H; HB 2176 (Human or synthetic, smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Workers' compensation, civil action by employer against employee. HB 2619 (smad hc), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S; SB 1444, Pruitt S; SB 1531 (smad hf), Hobson S, Adair H
Cell InitiativeTask Force, Fuel, creating; membership; appointments; purpose. HB 2351 (smad hc), Benge H, Maddox S
Motor fuel tax (see MOTOR FUEL TAX)
Oil and gas (see OILD AND GAS)
Oklahoma County limitations, Ethics Commission rule (257:10-1-6), repealing. HB 2664 (smad sc, smde sf), Adair H, Hobson S
School Readiness Act, Partnership for, not-for-profit foundation, establish. SB 1 (smad sc), Fisher S, Peters H
State computer sending electronically, prohibiting. HB 2411, Phillips H, Dunlap S
Ad Valorem Reimbursement (see TAX COMMISSION, Funds)
Administrative Hearings Revolving, State Office of, creating. HB 2717, Toure H
Alcohol and Drug Counselors Revolving, (Board of, smde sf) Licensed, creating. HB 2464, Gilbert H, Robinson S
Animal Friendly Revolving, creating. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Beef Council Revolving, creating. HB 2620 (smad hf), Covey H, Price S
Boxing Licensing Revolving, Professional, limiting reimbursement to Health Department for administrative support. SB 1095, Cain S, Case H
Budget Reserve, creating. HB 2538, Cargill H; HJR 1066, Morgan (Fred) H
CLEET Cafeteria Revolving, creating; money from cafeteria food sales; petty cash. SB 847, Helton S, Roan H
Cancer (see CANCER)
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Account annual audit, transferring to Water Resources Board. HB 1742 (smad sc, smde sf), Langmacher H, Easley S; SB 1156 (smde cc), Harrison S, Langmacher H
Color Oklahoma Revolving, creating. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2241, Sullivan H, Aldridge S; HB 2429 (smad sf), Miller (Doug) H, Aldridge S
CompSource Oklahoma (see WORKERS' COMPENSATION, Funds)
Conservation Commission (see CONSERVATION COMMISSION)
Constitutional Reserve Fund (see APPROPRIATIONS, Rainy or RAINY DAY FUND)
Court (see COURTS, Funds)
Crime Victims Compensation Fund:
Investment of monies and interest. SB 1460, Leftwich (Debbe) S, Ingmire H
Limits on awards for medical service. SB 1460, Leftwich (Debbe) S, Ingmire H
Criminal Justice Resource Revolving, income tax debt collection fee, deposit. SB 822 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Ingmire H
Education (see SCHOOLS)
Emergency Fund, State (see APPROPRIATIONS or EMERGENCY FUND)
Environment and Natural Resources Trust, creating; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1068 (Legislature to designate monies; subaccounts, smad hf), Leist H, Shurden S
Firearms Laboratory Improvement, unexpended, redirecting to General Revenue. SB 867, Helton S, McCarter H
General Revenue:
Bonds and ancillary obligations of state, payable from. SB 1339, Robinson S, McCarter H
Cigarette sale tax increase, apportionment of revenue. HB 2660 (smde hf, smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Class 3 gaming at racetrack, deposit. SB 553 (smad 2cc, smde 3cc), Hobson S, Adair H
Convictions monies due court clerk, deposits. SB 1412 (smad sf), Wilkerson S, Roan H
Cosmetology fee increases, revenue for first three years. HB 1852, Miller (Ray) H
Driver license:
Canceled, denied, suspended or revoked, distribution. HB 2299 (smde hc), Tibbs H, Monson S
Issuance or renewal when person has reported traffic moving violation additional fee, apportionment. HB 2299 (smde hc), Tibbs H, Monson S
Fees payment from Securities Department or Commission, not to apply. HB 2068 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Firearms Laboratory Improvement (see above)
Inmate Phones Act revenue, deposit. HB 2425, Kirby H, Shurden S
Medical Professional Liability Trusts Act taxes deposit. HB 2661 (smad cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Motor fuel tax, removing. HB 2340, Phillips H
Nursing Home Administrator Board of Examiners payment, repealing. HB 1854, Turner H, Snyder S
Soft drinks fees, deposit. HB 2116, Ellis H
Transferring to:
Human Services Department. HB 2048, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2049, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Rehabilitation Department. HB 2052, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Geographic Information Revolving, renaming from Digital Orthophoto Base Mapping. HB 2457 (smde hc, smad cc), Pope H, Price S
Grape and Wine, creating. HB 2219, Maddux H, Coates S
Health Care Revolving, Special, creating. HB 2660 (smad hc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Higher education (see HIGHER EDUCATION)
Highway Construction and Maintenance (see TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, Funds)
Homeland Security Revolving, creating. HB 2280, Paulk H, Wilkerson S
Horse Racing Commission Gaming Regulation Revolving, creating. SB 1005 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Human Services Department (see HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT)
Insurance, Captive Insurance Regulatory and Supervision Revolving, creating. HB 2141 (smad cc), Hastings H, Smith S; HB 2142 (smad hc; vetoed), Hastings H, Coffee S
Investigation Bureau (see INVESTIGATION BUREAU)
Latino Affairs Commission Revolving, creating. HB 2602, Lindley H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Local Development Act Increment Leverage, creating. SB 1176 (smad sf; smde cc), Williams S, Peters H
Mine Subsidence Insurance, creating. HB 1530 (smad hc, smde cc), Roberts H, Lerblance S
Mines Department Revolving, fines deposit. SB 1357, Lerblance S, Erwin H
Municipal Fire District Pooling, creating. HB 2262, Taylor H, Rozell S
Native American Cultural and Educational Authority. SB 1557 (smad sc), Kerr S, McCarter H
Natural Resources Trust, creating; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1073, Blackburn H
Oil Theft and Reclamation Fraud Prevention Training, creating. HB 2617 (smad hc), Perry H, Myers S
Pension Obligation Revolving, creating; net proceeds of bonds issued to satisfy pension obligations. SB 1339, Robinson S, McCarter H
Pest Control Insurance, creating. HB 2402 (smde hc), Covey H, Price S; HB 2706 (smad hc), McClain H, Price S
Pet Overpopulation, creating. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2557, Nations H, Crutchfield S
Private Vocational Schools (Revolving, smde hc), Oklahoma Board of, creating. HB 2400 (Appropriation and certification, subject to, smad hc), Miller (Ray) H, Rozell S
Quality Investment Payment, creating. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Risk Management Public Transit Revolving, creating. SB 1018 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H; SB 1077 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Road and Bridge Maintenance, creating; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1050 (smde hf), Pettigrew H, Milacek S
Schools (see SCHOOLS, Funds)
Sexual Assault Examination (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Silver Haired Legislature (see SILVER HAIRED)
Specific agency (see specific agency)
Transportation Department (see TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT)
Trauma Care Assistance Revolving (see HEALTH DEPARTMENT)
Treasurer, State (see TREASURER)
Unclaimed (Gas and Electric, smad hf) Utility Deposit, poor persons utility bills payment, creating. HB 2225 (smad hf), Ingmire H, Helton S
Uncompensated Care Equalization Revolving, creating. HB 2667 (smad cc), Askins H, Monson S; SB 1569 (smde cc), Monson S, Askins H
Waste Tire Recycling Indemnity, reimbursement. SB 1107 (Lowering allocation to business manufacturing or deriving energy from waste tires, smde hf), Lawler S, Sweeden H
Water Development Revolving, Statewide, creating. SB 903, Crutchfield S, Hilliard H
Water Resources Development Plan Account, Comprehensive Oklahoma, creating. SB 903, Crutchfield S, Hilliard H
Workers' Compensation (see WORKERS' COMPENSATION, Fund)
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