The visit was very useful for both Dr. Stokic and his Institute (ATB-Bremen) and SZTAKI to ensure their further co-operation.
The experts at SZTAKI have openly presented all their results and enabled the visitor to fully get acquainted with the current practice at the Institute and to learn about the main RTD results.
The conditions provided by SZTAKI (organisation of the visit, accommodation etc.,) were excellent.
The technical infrastructure provided at SZTAKI is optimal for visits like this.
Visits like this appear to be very useful for establishing tight collaborations among RTD organisations in Europe.
It would be useful to make visits in both directions possible within the CEO, i.e., to provide support for the experts from the Enlargement countries to visit organisations in the EU in order to further support co-operation between European organisations.
A higher flexibility in planning the visits could be beneficial; since periods of 6 weeks are relatively long for any expert to be away from his offices,. Allowing breaking the visits into two or more shorter periods would be useful.
Workplan for the Visiting Expert, Dr. Dragan Stokic during his stay at the Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, MTA SZTAKI, as a Centre of Excellence titled by the EU according to the EU contract ICAI-CT-2000-70025