Publications and papers:
The results are displayed on the web by each Laboratory and Department carrying out the tasks. In the attachment, the full list of our publications is included.
Workpackage progress report for Workpackage No.: C
Foreign visitors at the SZTAKI, virtual laboratories
Objectives and planned actions:
The objectives are to invite foreign experts, and make their visits useful both for them and for the hosting partners. Five professors started their work and two professors concluded their visits, but three professors have carried on overlapping the reporting periods. The first visiting professors have their reports annexed to this periodic report.
3 professors, who had started their visit previously, had concluded their work: Dr. H. Hjalmarsson visited us from Stockholm, Dr. D. Stokits from Bremen and R.A. Sheidl came from Vienna. Though their preliminary report had also been shown in the first six-month CoE report, we attach their summaries again. 2 new scientists started and concluded their visit and work: Ulrich Meyer and Alexandru Popa PhD. candidates joined 2 of our laboratories and their reports are attached.
Further actions were taken in building virtual labs. A good progress had been achieved with the Laboratory at Stuttgart, with a University department at Minho, Portugal and at a Sofia-Rennes joint department.