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In: International CIRP design seminar

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In: International CIRP design seminar. Design in the new economy. Proceedings. Stockholm, 2001.

Stockholm, Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, 2001. pp. 375-379.

112 RENNER, G. - STROUD, I.: Volumetric tools for machining planning.

In: Digital enterprise challenges. Life-cycle approach to management and production. (Eds.: G. L. Kovács, P. Bertók, G. Haidegger.)

Boston, Kluwer, 2002. pp. 106-116. (N)

113 SOLYMOSI, J. - TÓTH, Cs. D.: Distinct distances in the plane.

Discrete and Computational Geometry. 25 (4) : 629-634. (2001) (0,645)
114 SOLYMOSI, J. - TÓTH, Cs. D.: On the distinct distances determined by a planar point set.

In: Annual symposium on computational geometry. Proceedings of the 17th annual symposium on computational geometry. Medford, 2001.

ACM Press, New York, 2001. pp. 29-32.

115 VÁRADY, T.: Reverse engineering shapes.

ERCIM News. 44 : 19-20 (2001)
116 VÁRADY, T. - BENKŐ, P. - KÓS, G. - ROCKWOOD, A.: Implicit surfaces revisited - I-Patches.

Computing. 14 (Suppl.) : 323-336. (2001) (N) (0,551)
117 WEISS, V. - RENNER, G. - VÁRADY, T.: Reconstruction of swept free-form features from measured data points.

Manufacturing Systems. 30 : (1) : [9] 2001.


118 BENKŐ, P.: Reconstructing conventional engineering objects from measured data. PhD dissertation. (Program director: J. Demetrovics)

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2002. 80 p.
119 KÓS, G.: Computer aided geometric algorithms for reverse engineering. PhD dissertation. (Supervisor: T. Várady)

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 112 p.

120 SOLYMOSI, J.: Ramsey-type results on planar geometric objects. PhD dissertation.

(Recommend.: E. Welzl, J. Pach, G. Rote)

Zürich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2001. 71 p.

(DISS ETH No. 14092, 2001)

121 WEISS, V.: Reverse engineering free-form shapes. PhD dissertation.

(Supervisors: M. Horváth, G. Renner, T. Várady)

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 97 p.

[122] ANTOS, A. - KONTOYANNIS, I.: Estimating the entropy of discrete distributions.

In: ISIT 2001. IEEE international symposium on information theory. Proceedings. Washington. 2001.

Piscataway, IEEE, 2001 p. 45. (N)

[123] BEIRLANT, J. - DEVROYE, L. - GYÖRFI, L. -VAJDA, I.: Large deviations of divergence measures on partitions.

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 93 : 1-16. (2001) (N) (0,276)
[124] GULYÁS, A. - SZABÓ, L.: Disjoint empty convex polygons in planar point sets.

Elemente der Mathematik. 56 : 62-70. (2001)
[125] GYÖRFI, L. -VAJDA, I.: A class of modified Pearson and Neyman statistics.

Statistics and Decisions. 19 : 239-251. (2001)
[126] GYÖRFI, L. - LUGOSI, G.: Strategies for sequential prediction of stationary time series.

In: Modeling uncertainty. An examination of stochastic theory, methods, and applications.

(Eds.: M. Dror, P. L'Ecuyer, F. Szidarovszky)

Boston, Kluwer, 2002. [26] p.

(International series in operations research and management science, 46.)

[127] HARBORTH, H. - KOCH, M. - SZABÓ, L.: Newton numbers for overlapping circular discs.

Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. 37 (1-2) : 119-130. (2001) (N) (0,197)
[128] IVANYOS, G.: Deciding finiteness for matrix semigroups over function fields over finite fields.

Israel Journal of Mathematics. 124 : 185-188. (2001) (0,539)
[129] IVANYOS, G. - MAGNIEZ, F. - SÁNTHA, M.: Efficient quantum algorithms for some instances of the non-Abelian hidden subgroup problem.

In: 13th annual symposium on parallal algorithms and architectures. SPAA 2001. Crete Island, Proceedings.

Crete, ETACS, 2001. pp. 263-270. (N)

[130] KEMNITZ, A. - SZABÓ, L.: Relative Newton numbers of regular polygons with equal side lengths.

Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. 37 (3-4): 343-354. (2001) (0,197)
[131] LUKÁCS, A. - SEIFTER, N.: Finite contractions of graphs with polynomial growth.

European Journal of Combinatorics. 22 : 85-90. (2001) (N) (0,267)
[132] RÓNYAI, L. - BABAI, L. - GANAPATHY, M. K.: On the number of zero-patterns of a sequence of polynomials.

Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 14 (3) : 717-735. (2001) (N) (1,682)
[133] SZABÓ, L. - UJVÁRY-MENYHÁRT, Z.: Maximal facet-to-facet snakes of unit cubes.

Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie. 42 (1) : 203-217. (2001)


[134] GERENCSÉR, L. - HILL S. D. - VÁGÓ, Zs.: Discrete optimization via SPSA.

In: ACC 2001. Proceedings of the American control conference. Arlington, 2001.

Arlington, AACC, 2001. pp. 1503-1504. (N)

[135] GERENCSÉR, L. - HILL S. D. - VÁGÓ, Zs.: Discrete optimization via SPSA.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 2001-7.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 18 p. (N)
[136] GERENCSÉR, L. - VÁGÓ, Zs.: The mathematics of noise-free SPSA.

In: Proceedings of the 40th IEEE conference on decision and control. Orlando, 2001.

Piscataway, IEEE, 2001. pp. 4400-4405. CD

[137] GERENCSÉR, L. - VÁGÓ, Zs.: Non-smooth optimization with randomization.

In: Optimization theory. Recent development from Mátraháza. (Eds.: F. Giannessi, P. Pardalos, T. Rapcsák.)

Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. pp.111-117.

(Applied optimization 59.)
[138] GERENCSÉR, L. - VÁGÓ, Zs.: A stochastic approximation method for noise-free optimization.

In: ECC 2001. Proceedings of the European control conference. Porto, 2001.

Porto, EUCA, 2001. pp. 1496-1500.

[139] RÁSONYI, M.: A note on equivalent martingale measures with bounded density.

In: Mathematical finance. Workshop of the mathematical finance research project. Konstanz, 2000. (Eds.: M. Kohlmann, S. Tang.)

Konstanz, Birkhauser, 2001. pp. 302-306.

(Trends in Mathematics)
Group of Mathematical Physics

[140] GALAKTIONOV, V. A. - KERSNER, R.: Discontinuous limit semigroups for the singular Zhang equation and its hydrodynamic version.

Advances in Differential Equations. 6 (12) : 1493-1516. (2001) (N)
Group of Discrete Structures

[141] BOHMAN, T. - FRIEZE, A. - RUSZINKÓ, M. - THOMA, L.: Vertex covers by edge disjoint cliques.

Combinatorica. 21 (2) : 171-197. (2001) (N) (0,764)
[142] BOHMAN, T. - FRIEZE, A. - RUSZINKÓ, M. - THOMA, L.: G-intersecting families. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. 10 : 367-384. (2001) (N) (0,368)
[143] BLOKHUIS, A. - FAUDREE, R. - GYÁRFÁS, A. - RUSZINKÓ, M.: Anti-Ramsey colorings in several rounds.

Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Ser. B. 82 : 1-18. (2001) (N) (0,336)
[144] CROPPER, M. - JACOBSON, M. S. - GYÁRFÁS, A. - LEHEL, J. : The Hall ratio of graphs and hypergraphs.

Grenoble, Laboratoire Leibniz-IMAG. 2000. 15 p.

(Les cahiers du Laboratoire Leibniz. No. 17.) (N)
[145] CROPPER, M. - LEHEL, J.: The list multi-coloring of trees with Hall’s condition.

Congressus Numerantium. 147 : 83-88. (2000) (N)
[146] ERDŐS, P. - FAUDREE, R. J. - GOULD, R. J. - LEHEL, J.: Edge disjoint monochromatic triangles in 2-colored graphs.

Discrete Mathematics. 231 (1-3) : 135-141. (2001) (N) (0,294)
[147] FAUDREE, R. J. - FLANDRIN, E. - JACOBSON, M. S. - LEHEL, J. - SCHELP, R. H.: Even cycles in graphs with many odd.

Graphs and Combinatorics. 16 (4) : 399-410. (2000) (N) (0,085)
[148] GYÁRFÁS, A.: Transitive tournaments and self-complementary graphs.

Journal of Graph Theory. 38 (2) : 111-112. (2001) (0,364)
[149] KLEITMAN, D. J. - GYÁRFÁS, A. - TÓTH, G.: Convex sets in the plane with three of every four meeting.

Combinatorica. 21 (2) : 221-232. (2001) (N) (0,764)
[150] KUBICKI, G. - LEHEL, J. - MORAYNE, M.: Totally positive matrices and totally positive hypergraphs.

Linear Algebra and its Applications. 331 (1-3) : 193-202. (2001) (N) (0,491)
Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems

[151] BALLA, K. - HORVAT, V.: Approximate solutions to some second order linear recurrences.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems. (LORDS) WP 2001-3.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 8 p.

[152] BALLA, K. - KÉRI, G. - RAPCSÁK, T.: Pollution of the underground water - a computational case study using a transport model (revised version).

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems. (LORDS) WP 2001-8.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 15 p.
[153] BOZÓKI, S.: A method for solving the LSM problem in the AHP.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems. (LORDS) WP 2001-12.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 17 p.
[154] CSISZÁR, I. - TUSNÁDY, G. - MICHALETZKY, Gy. - ISPÁNY, M. – VERDES, E. - RUDAS, T.: Divergence minimization under prior inequality constraints.

In: ISIT 2001. IEEE international symposium on information theory. Proceedings. Washington. 2001.

Piscataway, IEEE, 2001. p. 21.

[155] FORGÓ, F. - FÜLÖP, J. - PRILL, M.: GHGAME: An Excel add-in for computation with game theoretic models.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 2001-13.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 18 p.
[156] GASS, S. I. - RAPCSÁK, T.: Singular value decomposition in AHP.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 2001-6.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 18 p. (N)
[157] KÉRI, G.: The Sherman-Morrison formula for the determinant and its application for optimizing quadratic functions on condition sets given by extreme generators.

In: Optimization theory. Recent development from Mátraháza. (Eds.: F. Giannessi, P. Pardalos, T. Rapcsák.)

Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. pp. 119-138.

(Applied optimization 59.)
[158] MÁRTON, S. - RAPCSÁK, T.: The possible effect of a turbine testing plant on the quality of the air. A case-study for air pollution transmissions.

ERCIM News. (46) : 72-73. (2001) also as
[159] MÁRTON, S. - RAPCSÁK, T.: The possible effect of a turbine testing plant on the quality of the air. A case-study for air pollution transmissions.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 2001-2.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 4 p.
[160] MÉSZÁROS, Cs. - Gondzio, J.: Addendum to “Presolve analysis of linear programs prior to applying an interior point method”.

INFORMS Journal on Computing. 13 (2) : 169-170. (2001)
[161] NÉMETH, S. Z.: Characterization of monotone operators by using a special class of preinvex functions.

In: Optimization theory. Recent development from Mátraháza. (Eds.: F. Giannessi, P. Pardalos, T. Rapcsák.)

Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. pp. 147-157.

(Applied optimization 59.)
[162] NÉMETH, S. Z.: Homeomorphisms and monotone vector fields.

Publicationes Mathematicae. 58 (4) : 707-716. (2001) (0,171)
[163] NÉMETH, S. Z. - RAPCSÁK, T. - TEMESI, T.: Modeling efficiency of economic development tenders.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 2001-4.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 13 p.
[164] RAPCSÁK, T.: A geometric proof of the van der Waerden theorem based on optimization theory.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP-2001-9.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 7 p.
[165] RAPCSÁK, T.: Convexification of functions by nonlinear coordinate transformations.

In: Optimization theory. Recent development from Mátraháza. (Eds.: F. Giannessi, P. Pardalos, T. Rapcsák.)

Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. pp. 179-189.

(Applied optimization 59.)
[166] RAPCSÁK T.: Egerváry Jenő élete és munkássága (1891-1958) (Path of life and scientific activity of Jenő Egerváry) (in Hungarian)

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 2001-11.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 13 p.
[167] RAPCSÁK, T.: Mechanical equilibrium and equilibrium systems.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP-2001-1.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 17 p.
[168] RAPCSÁK, T.: On minimization on Stiefel manifolds (revised version).

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP-2001-5.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 14 p.
[169] RAPCSÁK T.: On minimization of sums of heterogeneous quadratic functions on Stiefel manifolds.

In: From local to global optimization. (Eds.: A. Migdalas et al.)

Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. pp. 277-290.

[170] RAPCSÁK, T.: Optimization problems in statistics.

Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 2001-10.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 12 p.
[171] RAPCSÁK, T.: Smooth nonlinear nonconvex optimization.

In: Encyclopedia of Optimization. (Eds.: C.A. Floudas, P. M. Pardalos.)

Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. pp 234-237.

[172] SZABO, B - BALLA, K. - GALÁNTAI, A. - SZEIDL, Gy.: Numerical methods and computational mechanics. (Preface)

Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 42 (8/9) : (2001) (Special issue) (0,339)
[173] ZSUFFA, I. - RAPCSÁK T.: A Tápió-patak vízjárásának matematikai statisztikai jellemzése. (Statistical characterization of the hydrological data of Tápió river) (in Hungarian)

Hidrológiai Közlöny. 81 (2) : 73-84. (2001)
Systems and Control Laboratory

[174] AILER, P. - SZEDERKÉNYI, G. - HANGOS, K. M.: Modeling and nonlinear analysis of a low-power gas turbine.

Techical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-1/2001.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 25 p.

[175] AILER, P. - SZEDERKÉNYI, G. - HANGOS, K. M.: Nonlinear control design of a low-power gas turbine.

In: The 2nd international PhD student workshop on systems and control. “Young generation’s viewpoint.” Balatonfüred, 2001.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. pp. 1-10.

[176] BÁNYÁSZ, Cs. - KEVICZKY, L.: A high precision PID controller for inverse unstable plants.

In: IMTC/2001. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE instrumentation and measurement technology conference. Rediscovering measurement in the age of informatics. Budapest, 2001. Vol. 2.

Piscataway, IEEE, 2001. pp. 1183-1188.

[177] BÁNYÁSZ, Cs. - KEVICZKY, L.: A new gap metric for robustness measure and regulator design.

In: MED’01. 9th Mediterranean conference on control and automation. Dubrovnik, 2001.

Dubrovnik, IEEE, 2001. [7] p. CD

[178] BÁNYÁSZ, Cs. - KEVICZKY, L.: A two-degree of freedom controller for factorable nonlinear processes.

In: NOLCOS’01. 5th IFAC symposium nonlinear control systems. Preprints. Saint-Petersburg, 2001.

Saint-Petersburg, IFAC, 2001. [6] p. CD

[179] BÁNYÁSZ, Cs. - KEVICZKY, L.: An optimal control structure for nonlinear factorable processes.

In: 1st IFAC/ IEEE symposium on system structure and control. Preprints. Prague, 2001.

Prague, IFAC-IEEE, 2001. [6] p. CD

[180] BÁNYÁSZ, Cs. - KEVICZKY, L.: Optimal NG2DF control of a class of nonlinear processes.

In: Modeling, identification and control. Proceedings of the IASTED international conference. Innsbruck, 2001. (Ed.: M. H. Hamza.) Vol. 1.

Anaheim, Acta Press, 2001. pp. 381-386.

[181] BÁNYÁSZ, Cs. - KEVICZKY, L.: Some alternate new gap metrics.

In: Automatic systems for building the infrastructure in developing countries. (Knowledge and technology transfer). A preprints volume of the 2nd IFAC workshop DECOM-TT Ohrid, 2001. (Ed.: G. M. Dimirovski.)

Ohrid, ETAI - IFAC, 2001. pp. 273-278.

[182] CAMERON I. T. - HANGOS, K. M.: A new structured approach to the teaching of process modelling and model analysis.

In: 6th world congress of chemical engineering. Melbourne, 2001.

Melbourne, 2001. [12] p. CD N

[183] GÁSPÁR, P. - SZABÓ, Z. - BOKOR, J.: A loop shaping design using weighted generalized orthonormal basis functions.

In: ECC 2001. Proceedings of the European control conference. Porto, 2001.

Porto, EUCA, 2001. pp. 3486-3491. CD

[184] GÁSPÁR, P. - SZÁSZI, I. - BALAS, G. J. - BOKOR, J.: Active suspension design based on mixed uncertainty modelling.

In: ECC 2001. Proceedings of the European control conference. Porto, 2001.

Porto, EUCA, 2001. pp. 3624-3629. CD

[185] GÁSPÁR, P. - SZÁSZI, I. - BOKOR, J.: Mixed H2 / H control design for active suspension structures.

Periodica Polytechnica. Ser. Transportation Engineering. 28 (1-2) : 3-16. (2000)
[186] HANGOS, K.M. - CAMERON, I. T.: A formal representation of assumptions in process modelling.

Computers and Chemical Engineering. 25 : 237-255. (2001) (N) (0,709)
[187] HANGOS, K. M. - BOKOR, J. - SZEDERKÉNYI, G.: Hamiltonian view of process systems.

AIChE Journal. 47 (8) : 1819-1831. (2001) (1,645)
[188] HANGOS, K. M. - TUZA, Zs.: Optimal control structure selection for process systems.

Computers and Chemical Engineering. 25 (11-12) : 1521-1536. (2001) (0,709)
[189] HANGOS, K. M. - TUZA, Zs. - YEO, A.: Some complexity problems on single input double output controllers.

Aarhus, Univ. of Aarhus, 2001. 27 p.

(BRICS report series of Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus. RS-01-18.) (N)
[190] HEUBERGER, P. S. C. - HOOG, T. J. de - HOF, P. M. J. van den - SZABÓ, Z. - BOKOR, J.: Minimal partial realization from orthonormal basis function expansions.

In: Prooceedings of 40th IEEE conference on decision and control. Orlando, 2001.

Piscataway, IEEE, 2001. pp. 3673-3678. CD (N)

[191] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: A generic two-degree of freedom controller scheme for nonlinear processes.

In: ACC 2001. Proceedings of the American control conference. Arlington, 2001.

Arlington, AACC, 2001. pp. 3206-3209.

[192] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: A generic two-degree of freedom PID controller structure and design methodology.

In: 1st IFAC/ IEEE symposium on system structure and control. Preprints. Prague, 2001.

Prague, IFAC-IEEE, 2001. [6] p. CD

[193] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: Adaptive iterative refinement of an optimal 2DF nonlinear controller.

In: ALCOSP 2001. IFAC workshop on adaptation and learning in control and signal processing. Preprints. Cernobbio-Como, 2001.

Cernobbio-Como, IFAC, 2001. pp. 425-430.

[194] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: An alternate new gap metric for robustness measure.

In: ALCOSP 2001. IFAC workshop on adaptation and learning in control and signal processing. Preprints. Cernobbio-Como, 2001.

Cernobbio-Como, IFAC, 2001. pp. 19-24.

[195] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: Closed-loop identification of the K-B and d-Y parameters.

In: IMTC/2001. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE instrumentation and measurement technology conference. Rediscovering measurement in the age of informatics. Budapest, 2001. Vol. 1.

Piscataway, IEEE, 2001. pp. 170-175.

[196] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: Generalization of the K-B parametrization for nonlinear processes.

In: ECC 2001. Proceedings of the European control conference. Porto, 2001.

Porto, EUCA, 2001. pp. 24-29.

[197] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: Generic two-degree of freedom control systems for linear and nonlinear processes.

In: Proceedings of the 14th international. conference on systems science. Wroclaw, 2001. (Eds.: Z. Bubnicki, A. Grzech.) Vol. 1. Plenary and invited papers, systems theory, control theory.

Wroclaw, Ofic. Widaw. Politechn. Wroclav., 2001. pp. 97-112.

[198] KEVICZKY, L.: Az internet rövid története. (in Hungarian)

In: Az információs társadalom. (Összeáll.: Demetrovics J., Keviczky L.)

Budapest, MTA, 2000. pp. 211-229.

(Magyarország az ezredfordulón. Stratégiai kutatások a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián, VII. Közlekedés, hírközlés, informatika fejlesztése)
[199] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: Optimal PID tuning for Wiener/Hammerstein nonlinear systems.

In: IECON ’01. 27th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Denver, 2001.

Denver, IEEE, 2001. pp. 746-751. CD

[200] KEVICZKY, L. - BÁNYÁSZ, Cs.: Performance degradation of linear control because of nonlinear actuator.

In: NOLCOS’01. 5th IFAC symposium nonlinear control systems. Preprints. Saint-Petersburg, 2001.

Saint-Petersburg, IFAC, 2001. [6] p. CD

[201] KULCSÁR, B.: Aircraft dynamics and control

Techical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-4/2001.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 22 p.
[202] LAKNER, R. - HANGOS, K. M. - CAMERON, I. T.: Assumption retrieval from process models.

In: European symposium on computer aided process engineering - 11. 34th European symposium of the working party on computer aided process engineering. ESCAPE-11. Kolding, 2001. (Ed.: R. Gani, S. B. Jorgensen.)

Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2001. pp. 195-200.

(Computer-aided chemical engineering 9.) (N)
[203] LAKNER, R. - HANGOS, K. M.: Intelligent assumption retrieval from process models by model-based reasoning.

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