Second six-monthly periodic report

Workpackage progress report for Workpackage No.: 12

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Workpackage progress report for Workpackage No.: 12

(Department of Control Systems)

Progress: The laboratory has been set up to research the theory and methods of intelligent supervision, control, and communication systems. Further development aims, which are close to the specified requirements of the vehicle industry, are the research into the fault tolerant and re-configurable systems, the intelligent sensors and detection systems, the automatic lane departure, detection of obstacles and accidents, and navigation systems based on the GPS technology.


Euroconform complex retraining of specialists in road transport

Identification and control of vehicle dynamics, in preparation
Foreign visitors at SZTAKI, operating virtual laboratories:
Prof. F. Szigeti , University of Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela, 10/12/01 – 03/01/02

Prof. C. E. Vera, University of Caracas, Venezuela, 10/12/01 – 03/01/02

Prof. G.L. Gissinger, Universite de haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France, 13-15/02/2002

Prof. Gianfranco Rizzo, University of Salerno, Italy, 5-6/01/2002

Prof. Cesare Pianese, University of Salerno, Italy, 15-16/02/2002

Analogical and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory 2

(Analogikai és Neurális Számítások Laboratóriuma)

Research Group on Modelling Multi-Agent Systems 7

(Multi-ágens Rendszerek Modellezése Kutató Csoport)

Laboratory of Engineering and Management Intelligence

(Intelligens Rendszerek Laboratóriuma)

Research Group on Artificial Intelligence Methods in Mechanical Engineering 8

(Intelligens Gépészeti Rendszerek Kutató Csoport)

Research Group on Intelligent Manufacturing and Business Processes 10

(Intelligens Gyártási és Üzleti Folyamatok Kutató Csoport)

Expert Systems Research Group 12

(Szakértői Rendszerek Kutató Csoport)

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Research Laboratory 13

(Számítógéppel Integrált Gyártás Kutató Laboratórium)

Geometric Modelling and Computer Vision Laboratory 15

(Geometriai Modellezés és Számítógépes Látás Laboratórium)

Informatics Laboratory 17

(Informatika Kutató Laboratórium)

Applied Mathematics Laboratory

(Alkalmazott Matematika Laboratórium)

Stochastic Systems Research Group 19

(Sztochasztikus Rendszerek Kutató Csoport)

Group of Mathematical Physics 20

(Matematikai Fizika Csoport)

Group of Discrete Structures 20

(Diszkrét Struktúrák Csoport)

Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems 21

(Operációkutatási és Döntési Rendszerek Kutató Csoport)

Systems and Control Laboratory 24

(Rendszer-és Irányításelméleti Laboratórium)

Combinatorical Computer Science Research Group 29

(Kombinatorikus Számítástudományi Kutató Csoport)

Power Electronics Department 29

(Teljesítményelektronikai Osztály)

Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory 31

(Párhuzamos és Elosztott Rendszerek Laboratórium)

Development Division 33

(Autonóm Fejlesztő Egység)

Miscellaneous / (Egyéb) 34

Books, edited books, lecture notes / (Könyvek, szerkesztett könyvek, jegyzetek) 34

Authors index (Mutató) 37
Analogical and neural computing laboratory

[1] BÁLYA, D. - ROSKA, B. - ROSKA, T. - WERBLIN, F. S.: A CNN model framework and simulator for biological sensory systems.

In: Circuit paradigm in the 21st century. ECCTD ’01. Proceedings of the 15th European conference on circuit theory and design. Espoo, 2001. (Eds.: V. Porra et al.) Vol. 1.

Espoo, Helsinki University of Technology, 2001. pp. 357-360. (N)
[2] BERKE J. - CSETVERIKOV D. - FAZEKAS A. - GÁCSI Z. - SZABÓ J. - SZIRÁNYI T.: Képfeldogozások alkalmazásának eredményei Magyarországon.

In: Magyar informatikusok II. világtalálkozója. Budapest, 2000. (Szerk.: Nagy L.) 1. köt.

Budapest, LSI, 2001. pp. 253-260.

[3] BESZTERI, I. - BEZÁK, T. - SZOLGAY, P.: An analogic CNN algorithm - a switch implementation.
In: Circuit paradigm in the 21st century. ECCTD ’01. Proceedings of the 15th European conference on circuit theory and design. Espoo, 2001. (Eds.: V. Porra et al.) Vol. 1.

Espoo, Helsinki University of Technology, 2001. pp. 369-372.
[4] BESZTERI, I.. - BEZÁK, T. - SZOLGAY, P.: An analogic CNN algorithm - a switch implementation.

Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory DNS-1-2001.

Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 13 p.
[5] CZÚNI, L. - SZIRÁNYI, T.: Motion segmentation and tracking with edge relaxation and optimization using fully parallel methods in the cellular nonlinear network architecture.

Real-Time Imaging. 7 (1) : 77-95. (2001) (0,303)
[6] FÖLDESY, P. - RODRÍGUEZ-VÁZQUEZ, A.: Behavioral modeling concept and practice of CNN-UM VLSI implementations.

In: Circuit paradigm in the 21st century. ECCTD ’01. Proceedings of the 15th European conference on circuit theory and design. Espoo, 2001. (Eds.: V. Porra et al.) Vol. 3.

Espoo, Helsinki University of Technology, 2001. pp. 97-100. (N)
[7] GACSÁDI, A. - SZOLGAY, P.: Interpolation of 2D signals using CNN.
In: Circuit paradigm in the 21st century. ECCTD ’01. Proceedings of the 15th European conference on circuit theory and design. Espoo, 2001. (Eds.: V. Porra et al.) Vol. 1.

Espoo, Helsinki University of Technology, 2001. pp. 349-352.
[8] HIDVÉGI, T. - BEZÁK, T. - KERESZTES, P. - SZOLGAY, P.: A re-configurable arithmetic units of an emulated digital CNN-UM.

In: IEEE design and diagnostics of electronic circuits and systems. IEEE DDECS 2001. Fourth international workshop. (Eds.: J. Hlavicka et al.)

Győr, IEEE, 2001. pp. 195-200.

[9] HIDVÉGI, T. - SZOLGAY, P.: Short circuit detection on printed circuit boards during the manufacturing process by using an analogic CNN algorithm.

In: Engineering of intelligent systems. 14th international conference on industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems, IEA/AIE. Proceedings. Budapest, 2001. (Eds.: L. Monostori, J. Váncza, M. Ali.)

Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 494-501.

(Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 2070.) (0,253)
[10] HIDVÉGI, T. - SZOLGAY, P.: Some new analogic CNN algorithms for PCB quality control.

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