Proposal to v1
Proposal adapted to the I3 Instrument description of work template.
The Consortium has been rationalised to be composed of only JRU lead beneficiaries and commercial partners.
The following members of the Consortium have left the project: UvA and KNMI (Netherlands JRU members), TUM (Germany JRU member) and TID (Spain).
Information added on how the EGEE-III activities work together to achieve the goals of the project as well as the mapping of resources to activities.
Provides the scientific baseline from where the project is starting and details how the progress of the project will be measured.
|, NA1
Further detail regarding interactions with EGI_DS added. Milestone MNA1.3 converted to a deliverable DNA1.4 at PM7, whose scope has been detailed further. PM19 Deliverable converted to a milestone, MNA1.5.
Text on concertation activities has been added to the NA1 section.
|, NA2
NA6 activity merged with NA2 activity, and tasks, deliverables and milestones rationalised as follows:
Original TNA6.1 task becomes TNA2.6
Original TNA6.2 task becomes TNA2.7
Original TNA6.3 combined with new TNA2.6, implementation realised through collaborating projects such as BEinGRID.
TNA6.4 removed as the activity coordination is now overseen by NA2
DNA6.1-2 combined in DNA2.5 and DNA2.6.1-2
DNA6.3.1-2 combined in DNA2.7.1-2
MNA6.2.1-2, MNA6.3.1-2 and MNA6.4.1-2 are combined in MNA2.6.1-2.
Partners TID and TUM (Germany JRU) have withdrawn their participation.
The effort for the business tasks has been adjusted as suggested in the ESR.
The text on dissemination material for the EU has been added.
Relations to the GridTalk project specified.
|, NA3
Further details on the quality assurance added.
|, NA4
Further clarifications and detail added.
Manpower adjusted according to recommended cuts in the ESR. Appropriate relations with collaborating projects have been identified.
Milestones MNA4.1, MNA4.3, MNA.4.4 and MNA4.5 rationalised and combined to form MNA4.1.1-2.
Partner KNMI (Netherlands JRU) has withdrawn its participation.
1.4.1, SA
Detail on optimisation plans has been added.
|, SA1
The descriptions of DSA1.2.1 and DSA1.5 have been updated to reflect the above plans.
1.5, JRA
The manpower has been adjusted according to ESR recommendations. Further details on the programme of work and partner responsibilities are pending and will be provided in the next iteration. The original text of the proposal is kept as a placeholder.
Partner UvA has withdrawn its participation.
The security coordination discussion in the mgmt Section includes the mechanisms for open consultation
The collaborating projects have been classified according to specific interactions with the EGEE project and provided in two tables.
Version 2
Further detail on relations to OGF-EUROPE has been added and more details will be worked in the pending MoU.
2.3, table 4
Given the fact that there will only be one beneficiary for Serbia, the Joint Research Unit for Serbia has been removed. Further, three JRU members have been added to the Sweden JRU, and one to the Cyprus JRU.
Table has been revised to note that the resource commitments are estimates at the end of the first year of the project. Figures for the time of writing (December 2007) and estimates for M24 have been added to the text following the table.
MNA2.6.1-2 milestones are checkpoints to verify the content of the deliverables DNA2.6.1-2 and DNA2.7.1-2. The content of these milestones will be reported in said-deliverables. Therefore, milestones MNA2.6.1-2 have been converted to business days events with assessment of their effectiveness.
Clarification on production of dissemination material has been added to MNA4.1.1-2 in the NA table of milestones.
The misalignment of DNA1.4 has been corrected (at PM7).
All tables have been updated to match the exact template provided.
All beneficiary names match the data in the Grant Preparation Forms.
Version 3
NA1, GANTT chart and deliverable tables
DNA1.4 has been moved from PM7 to PM6 for better alignment with EGI_DS plans.
Figure 5
The figure has been updated to reflect correctly the latest timelines and interactions with EGI_DS.
OGF-EUROPE spelling unified.
A sentence on subcontracting has been added.
1.1.2, overall deliverable list
A footnote has been added against the “delivery date” column, stating: “Deliverables will be submitted within a maximum of 45 days after the quoted "Delivery date”.” Note: footnote removed in Version 4 upon request from the EC Services.
Further to the request for the declaration of costs for unfunded participants, a statement has been added to take into account the total value of manpower contributed by unfunded participants.
The Joint Research Unit members of CNRS have been updated/corrected according to the list provided by beneficiary CNRS.
Version 4
Addition of Table “Overview of the EGEE-III budget”.
Table has been updated to reflect only the list of Joint Research Units participating in the project. It also includes a JRU for the Centrale Recherche SA/Ecole Centrale Paris which was not included before as not specifically “national”.
The text has been updated to reflect the fact that the consortium is composed in part of JRUs, not NGIs.
Version 5
Removal of CRSA as a beneficiary and addition of all allocated tasks and responsibilities (NA2) to CNRS JRU. Addition of CRSA and ECP to CNRS IDG JRU.
Total number of beneficiaries now 42. All tables updated to reflect the change in numbering, budget tables updated to reflect changes made to the GPFs (tables 6 and 7).
Version 6
Addition of chapter “0”: Abstract.
JRU table 4 and section 2.2
Update of all Joint Research Unit member names.
Version 7
Change of milestone MNA2.1-8 to a quarterly rather than bi-monthly rhythm to ensure input from the quarterly reports can be taken into account.
SA1 and JRA1 sections, as well as overall manpower tables
Budget-neutral addition of 70 person months to SA1 and 52 person months to JRA1 for INFN. All manpower tables updated to reflect the changes. The deliverables DJRA1.1 and DJRA1.3 see the additional manpower allocation.
NA2 section, Section 2.4 and tables 6 and 7
The 12,000€ fund destined to finance travel for business speakers at EGEE events has been moved to CERN’s budget from ED to facilitate its management.
The term “federation reviews” has been replaced by “country reviews”: in light of the work done towards sustainability, reviewing partners in a country is more suited than on a federation basis.
Budget tables section 2.4, SA1
The seed resources foreseen as non-manpower funds in SA1 (51,000€, section 2.4) have been allocated to 4 partners in equal shares following the implementation of a procedure drawn up by the Resource Allocation group and approved by the PMB. This has been adjusted in the SA1 section text, as well as in the budgets of the concerned institutes: CYFRONET, CNRS (LAL), GRNET (AUTH) and STFC (RAL)
Section 2.2, table 4
Update of the JRU member list for France (CNRS).
Section 2.2, table 4
Update of the JRU member list for Greece (GRNET).
Section 2.2, table 4
Update of the JRU member list for Turkey (TUBITAK).
Version 8, revision for the second year of the project
Overall GANTT chart, sections 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.5.2, 1.3.6, 1.4.6 and 1.5.6
Further to the revised plans for the second year of the project, some milestones have been added and the description of existing milestones has been changed. This is reflected in the relevant tables and GANTT charts for the activities.
|, NA1
TNA1.1, TNA1.3 and TNA1.4 have been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow. MNA1.5’s description has been complemented with further detail.
|, NA2
TNA2.1, TNA2.4 have been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow. A new milestone has been added to the activity.
|, NA3
TNA3.1, TNA3.2b have been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow. A new milestone has been added to the activity.
|, NA4
TNA4.1.3, TNA4.2, TNA4.3.1 and TNA4.3.2 have been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow.
|, NA5
TNA5.1 and TNA5.3 have been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow.
|, SA1
TSA1.1, TSA1.2 and TSA1.3 have been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow. A new milestone has been added to the activity and MSA1.11’s description has been complemented with further detail.
|, SA2
TSA2.1 has been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow. MSA2.3.2’s description has been complemented with further detail.
|, SA3
The introduction to the section sees additional information concerning the evolution of the activity in the second year. TSA3.5 has been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow. MSA3.4.2’s description has been complemented with further detail.
|, JRA1
The introduction to the section sees additional information concerning the evolution of the activity in the second year. TJRA1.1 has been updated to better describe the changes made for the second year. The text is highlighted in yellow. New milestones have been added to the activity.