Introduction: Politics in historical and socioeconomic context; patterns of social cleavage and politics in contemporary democratic societies; interests and identities: social class, religion, ethnic, racial and territorial cleavages; gender in politics; / Political culture: the role of values, beliefs and ideology in politics; impact of mass media on the formation of public opinion; political socialization; / The state and the citizen; forms, types, ways and structure of political participation; patronage and clientelism and the redistribution of the societal resources; / Political currents: Liberalism, Socialism and Social Democracy, Communism, The Far Left and New Left, Conservatism, Christian Democracy, The Extreme Right, The Greens; / Voting behaviour; voters, parties and elections; the electoral system and the party system; / Institutional patterns of politics-The parliaments in work: the legislative process in federal and unitary states; / Decision making in presidential and parliamentary systems; decision making in one-party and multi-party cabinets; / The legislative assembly and the executive: mutual relations; / Judicial review and constitutional courts; / Models of policy making: the statist, pluralist and corporatist models; implementation and the evaluation of the policy decisions; / The state and the economy: the liberal and the welfare state / The state in a global context: A general overview.
Öğretim Üyesi:
Hazırlık Kaynakçası: Rod Hague, Martin Harrop, Comparative Government and Politics, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 (okuma listesindeki kitap)
Dersin Adı
Normal Yarıyılı
Türkiye Sıyaseti II
Laboratuar (Saat/Hafta)
Cumhuriyet’in İlanı; Ulus Devlet’in Güçlenmesi ve Siyasal Mücadelenin Gelişimi / Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nin İktisat Politikaları: Kapitalist Gelişme Modeli / TCF-SCF Deneyiminden Tek Parti Yönetiminin Köklenmesinde Siyasal Gelişmeler / DP’nin Kuruluşu ve CHP’de Uyum Değişiklikleri / Çok Partili Yaşam 1946 ve 1950 Genel Seçimleri ve Siyasi Ortam / Türkiye’de Ordu-Siyaset İlişkileri ve 1960 Askeri Darbesi / 1960 Askeri Darbesi sonrası Siyasal Yaşam ve Koalisyon Hükümetleri / 1965 Genel Seçimlerine Girerken Genel Siyasi, Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Ortam / 1965 Genel Seçimleri, AP İktidari ve Siyasal Sorunlar / 1971 Askeri Müdahalesine Giden Süreç / 1973 Genel Seçimlerine Giderken Siyasi Gelişmeler ve Sorunlar / 12 Eylül Askeri Darbesi ve 1980 Askeri Rejimi
Öğretim Üyesi:
Hazırlık Kaynakçası:Erik Jan Zürcher, Modernleşen Turkiye'nin Tarihi, 16. bs., İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003.
Dersin Adı
Normal Yarıyılı
International Relations II
Laboratuar (Saat/Hafta)
The Coexistance and Confrontation Period (1953-1962)/The Post-Stalinist “Thaw” Period /The Peoples Democracies after the 1953 (Revolts in Hungary and Poland)/The summits: From Geneva to Paris/The Crisis Years: From Berlin to Cuba/The Detente and Multipolarity(1962-1975)/American and NATO doctrines/Arms Control and Strategic Parity/France’s assault on the Biopolar world/The Middle East as Perenial Hotspot at the begining of the 1950s/The Cold war in Asia: the United States and Indochinia/The Non-alignment Movement./Evaluation; from Cold War Period to Present; Continutiues or Changes.
Öğretim Üyesi:
Hazırlık Kaynakçası: Antonty Best, Jussi M. Hanhimaki, Joseph A. Maiolo, Krirsten E. Schulze, International History of the TwentiethCentury, London: Routledge, 2004.