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Surname: SLEMBROUCK First name: Jacques

Nationality: French

Date and Place of Birth: May 19th ,1961; Pointe Noire (Congo)

Marital status: Married, two children

Office address:

IRD/ Wisma Anugraha

Jl. Taman Kemang 32B

Jakarta 12730 - Indonesia

Office phone:  (62 21) 71 79 21 14

Office Fax:  (62 21) 71 79 21 79

Email address:


  • 1993: CREUFOP University Montpellier II.

DUTS Aquaculture

  • 1996: CREUFOP University Montpellier II.

EUROPEAN MASTER in Aquatic Productions Management


  • 1982 – 1984: Aquaculture technician, FMD Society, France.

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, ex. ORSTOM) since 01/1985

  • 1985 – 1991: Aquaculture technician, CRO (Oceanologic Research Centre), Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

  • 1992 - 1996: Aquaculture technician, GAMET (Groupe aquaculture continentale méditerranéenne et tropicale), Montpellier, France.

  • 1996 - 1999: Aquaculture engineer, RIFA (Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture), Jakarta, Indonesia. During « Catfish Asia » European Project.

  • 1999 – 2001: Aquaculture engineer, RIFA (Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture), Jakarta, Indonesia.

  • 2001 – 2003: In charge of the Indonesian program for the IRD Research Unit 081 “Genome-populations-environment interactions in tropical fishes”.

  • 2003 – 2005: Aquaculture engineer, GAMET, Montpellier, France.

  • 2005 – 2007: Aquaculture engineer, RCA (Research Center for Aquaculture), Jakarta, Indonesia.

  • Since Jan. 2008: In charge of the Indonesian program for the IRD Research Unit 175 “CAVIAR”.

RCA (Research Center for Aquaculture), Jakarta, Indonesia.

LANGAGE CAPABILITIES (E: excellent; G: good; I: Intermediate)
















Publications: See list here enclosed

Publications, technical manuals, notes, reports and posters


Slembrouck J., Legendre M., Pouyaud L., Sugama K., Satyani D. Invention du « Procédé de production massive de Chromobotia macracanthus ». Demande de brevet international IRD/BRKP déposée le 2 avril 2008. N/Réf.: IFB 07 BX IRD BOTI/cmg.


Slembrouck J., A. Cisse & N. Kerdchuen 1991. Etude préliminaire sur l’incorporation de liants dans un aliment composé pour poisson d’élevage en Côte d’Ivoire. J. Ivoir. Océanol. Limnol., 1 : 17 - 22.

Legendre M., J. Slembrouck, N. Kerdchuen et Z. Oteme 1991. Evaluation d’une méthode extensive d’alevinage des Clariidae en cages implantées en étangs. Document ORSTOM Montpellier, n°4, 35p+annexe.

Francillon-Vieillot H., L. Trebaol, F. J. Meunier & J. Slembrouck 1994. Histological study of the odontogenesis in pharyngeal jaws of Trachinotus teraia (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832) (Osteichtyes, teleostei, Carangidae). Journal of morphology, 220 :11-24.

Supriyadi H., O. Komarudin & J. Slembrouck 1999. Preliminary study of the source of Aeromonas hydrophila infection on Pangasius hypophthalmus larvae. In: The biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in Southeast Asia. Proc. mid-term workshop of the « Catfish Asia project » (Editors: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle), IRD/GAMET, Montpellier. P: 219-222.

Kristanto A. H., J. Slembrouck, J. Subagja & M. Legendre 1999. Effects of egg incubation techniques on hatching rates, hatching kinetics and survival of larvae in the Asian catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae). In: The biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in Southeast Asia. Proc. mid-term workshop of the « Catfish Asia project » (Editors: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle), IRD/GAMET, Montpellier. P:107-112.

Lenormand S., J. Slembrouck, L. Pouyaud, J. Subagja & M. Legendre 1999. Evaluation of hybridization in five Clarias species (Siluroidei, Clariidae) of African (C. gariepinus) and Asian origin (C. batrachus, C. meladerma, C. nieuhofi and C. teijsmanni). In: The biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in Southeast Asia. Proc. mid-term workshop of the « Catfish Asia project » (Editors: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle), IRD/GAMET, Montpellier. P: 195-210.

Legendre M., J. Slembrouck & J. Subagja, 1999. First results on the artificial propagation of Pangasius djambal in Indonesia. In: The biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in Southeast Asia. Proc. mid-term workshop of the « Catfish Asia project » (Editors: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle), IRD/GAMET, Montpellier. P: 97-102.

Legendre M., J. Subagja, & J. Slembrouck 1999. Absence of marked seasonal variations in sexual maturity of Pangasius hypophthalmus brooders held in ponds at the Sukamandi station (java, Indonesia). In: The biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in Southeast Asia. Proc. mid-term workshop of the « Catfish Asia project » (Editors: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle), IRD/GAMET, Montpellier. P: 91-96.

Slembrouck J., L. T. Hung, J. Subagja & M. Legendre 1999. Effects of prey quality, feeding level, prey accessibility and aeration on growth and survival of Pangasius hypophthalmus larvae (Siluroidei, Pangasiide) In: The biological diversity and aquaculture of clariid and pangasiid catfishes in Southeast Asia. Proc. mid-term workshop of the « Catfish Asia project » (Editors: M. Legendre & A. Pariselle), IRD/GAMET, Montpellier. P: 137-146.

Subagja J., J. Slembrouck, L. T. Hung & M. Legendre 1999. Larval rearing of an Asian catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae): Analysis of precocious mortality and proposition of appropriate treatments. Aquat. Living Ressour. 12 (1) : 37-44.

Legendre M., J. Slembrouck, J. Subagja & A. H. Kristanto 2000. Ovulation rate, latency period and ova viability after GnRH- or hCG-induced breeding in the Asian catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae). Aquat. Living Ressour. 13 (2000) : 145-151.

Legendre M., J. Slembrouck, J. Subagja & A. H. Kristanto 2000. Ovulation rate, latency time and ova viability after GnRH-or hCG- induced breeding in the Asian catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae). Aquat. Living Resour. 13 (2000), 145-151.

Legendre M., L. Pouyaud, J. Slembrouck, R. Gustiano, A. H. Kristanto, J. Subagja, O. Komarudin & Maskur 2000. Pangasius djambal : A new candidate species for fish culture in Indonesia. IARD journal, Vol, 22 N°1.

Subagja J., Sularto & J. Slembrouck, 2003. Ration spermatozoa dengan telur pada pembuhan buatan Pangasius djambal (Pangasiidae) setelah di suntik dengan Gonadotropin realizing hormone-analog (SGNRh-a) dan Domperidon. Jurnal Akuakultur, IPB, Bogor, Indonesia. 2(2): 55-59.

Hung L. T., N. Suhenda, J. Slembrouck, J. Lazard & Y. Moreau, 2004. Comparison of dietary protein and energy utilization in three Asian catfishes (Pangasius bocourti, P. hypophthalmus and P. djambal). Aquaculture Nutrition. 10: 317-326.

Hem S., J. Nunez Rodriguez, J. Slembrouck & Z. J. Oteme 2004.Individual marking of catfish with alcian blue dye by a jet inoculators technique. Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal. 10(1): 55-63.

Suhenda N., E. Tahapari, J. Slembrouck & Y. Moreau, 2004. Retensi protein dan pemanfaatan energi pada benih ikan Patin Jambal (Pangasius djambal) yang diberi pakan berprotein tinggi. Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia. 10(5): 65-69.

Kristanto A. H., J. Slembrouck & M. Legendre, 2005. First sexual maturation and breeding cycle of Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) reared in pond. Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal Vol. 11(2)-2005: 53-57.

Legendre M., Y. Moreau, L. Pouyaud, J. Slembrouck 2005. Biodiversidad y piscicultura tropical : el modelo de los grandes bagres del sureste Asiático. In : Biologia de las Poblaciones de Peces de la Amazonia y piscicultura. Proc. International workshop (Editors: J.-F. Renno, C.Garcia-Davila, F. Duponchelle, J. Nunez), IRD/IIAP, Iquitos (Perou). June 27-July 1, 2005. P: 251-258.

Slembrouck J., M. Rini Fahmi, L. Pouyaud, A. Priyadi, & M. Legendre 2006. Effect of stocking density, water flow and water depth on survival and growth rates of Chromobotia macracanthus (Sumatra) Larvae. In: Ikan hias Nusantara 2006. Proc. Workshop (Editors:Z. I. Azwar, D. Satyani, I. Insan), PRPB/BRKP, Jakarta (Indonésie) September 09, 2006. P: 9-18.

Darti Satyani, Siti Subandiyah & J. Slembrouck 2006. Penelitian pakan alami awal dan perkembangan larva Botia (Chromobotia macracanthus). Proc. “Seminar Nasional Tahunan Hasil Penel. Perik. dan Kelautan”. UGM. July 27, Yogyakarta (Indonesia). P: 260-265.

Slembrouck J., M. Rini Fahmi, L. Pouyaud, A. Priyadi, & M. Legendre 2006. Effect of stocking density, water flow and water depth on survival and growth rates of Chromobotia macracanthus (Sumatra) Larvae. Proc. “Seminar ikan hias Nusantara 2006. Taman Akuarium Air Tawar-Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. September 09, 2006, Jakarta (Indonesia). P: 9-18.

Satyani D., J. Slembrouck, S. Subandiyah & M. Legendre 2007. Peningkatan teknik pembenihan buatan ikan hias botia, Chromobotia macracanthus (Bleeker). Jurnal Riset Akuakultur Vol 2 (2) 2006: 135-141.

Lazard J., Baruthio A., Mathé S., Chia E., Rey-Valette H., Clément O., Morissens P., Mikolasek O., Legendre M., Levang P., Slembrouck J., René F., Aubin J., Blancheton J-P. Diversité des systèmes aquacoles et développement durable: entre structure d’exploitation et représentations. Cahiers Agricultures, en révision.

Slembrouck J., Baras E., Subagja J., Hung L. T., Legendre M. 2009. Survival, growth and food conversion of cultured larvae of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, depending on feeding level, prey density and fish stocking density. Aquaculture (2009), doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.04.038
Technical manuals

Gilles S., R. Dugué & J. Slembrouck, 2001. Manuel de production d’alevins du silure africain, Heterobranchus longifilis. Le technicien d’agriculture tropicale, ed. IRD, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2001.128 p + annexe.

Slembrouck J., O. Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre, 2004. Technical manual for the artificial propagation of the Indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal. IRD-BRKP Edition, ISBN 979-8186-92-3, 131 p.

Slembrouck J., O. Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre, 2005. Petunjuk teknis pembenihan ikan patin indonesia, Pangasius djambal. IRD-PRPB Edisi, ISBN 979-786-002-7, Karya Pratama, 143 p.

H. Rey-Valette, O. Clément, J. Aubin, S. Mathé, E. Chia, M. Legendre, D. Caruso, O. Mikolasek, J-P. Blancheton, J. Slembrouck, A. Baruthio, F. René, P. Levang, P. Morrissens & J. Lazard (2008) Guide de co-construction d’indicateurs de développement durable en aquaculture. Projet « évaluation de la durabilité des systèmes aquacoles » dans le cadre du programme fédérateur agriculture et développement durable de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche. 2005-2008.

Book chapters

Slembrouck J., Subagja J., Day D. & Legendre M., 2003. Broodstock management. Chap. 3, p. 27-46, In Slembrouck J., O.Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre (eds),. Technical manual for the artificial propagation of the Indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal. IRD-BKP Edition, ISBN 979-8186-92-3, 131 p.

Slembrouck J., Subagja J., Day D. & Legendre M., 2003. Induced spawning. Chap. 4, p. 47-65, In Slembrouck J., O.Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre (eds),. Technical manual for the artificial propagation of the Indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal. IRD-BKP Edition, ISBN 979-8186-92-3, 131 p.

Subagja J., Slembrouck J., Day D., Firdausi & Legendre M., 2003. Artificial fertilization and egg incubation techniques. Chap. 5, p. 67-85, In Slembrouck J., O.Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre (eds),. Technical manual for the artificial propagation of the Indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal. IRD-BKP Edition, ISBN 979-8186-92-3, 131 p.

Slembrouck J., Pamungkas W., Subagja J., Wartono H. & Legendre M., 2003. Larval biology. Chap. 6, p. 87-93, In Slembrouck J., O.Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre (eds),. Technical manual for the artificial propagation of the Indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal. IRD-BKP Edition, ISBN 979-8186-92-3, 131p.

Slembrouck J., Subagja J., Day D. & Legendre M., 2003. Larval rearing. Chap. 7, p. 95-108, In Slembrouck J., O.Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre (eds),. Technical manual for the artificial propagation of the Indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal. IRD-BKP Edition, ISBN 979-8186-92-3, 131 p.

Komarudin O. & J. Slembrouck, 2003. Fish health management. Chap. 8, p. 109-120, In Slembrouck J., O.Komarudin, Maskur & M. Legendre (eds),. Technical manual for the artificial propagation of the Indonesian catfish, Pangasius djambal. IRD-BKP Edition, ISBN 979-8186-92-3, 131 p.

Moreau Y. & J. Slembrouck, 2007. L'Aquaculture en Indonésie pp. 77-80 In “Le Manuel complet d'aquaculture”. Vuibert Sciences, Paris, France.

Oral communications

Legendre M. & Slembrouck J., 1989. Le silure, Heterobranchus longifilis: un nouveau poisson pour la pisciculture africaine. Poster présenté lors de la visite officielle du CRO d’Abidjan par Monsieur Alassane N’diaye, Ministre de la Recherche Scientifique.

Kristanto A.H., Subagja J., Slembrouck J. & Legendre M., 1999. Effects of egg incubation techniques on hatching rates, hatching kinetics and survival of larvae in the Asian catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae). P. 107-112, in Proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "Catfish Asia Project", 11-15 May 1998, Cantho, Vietnam.

Legendre M., Subagja J. & Slembrouck J., 1999. Absence of marked seasonal variations in sexual maturity of Pangasius hypophthalmus brooders held in ponds at the Sukamandi station (Java, Indonesia). P. 91-96, in Proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "Catfish Asia Project", 11-15 May 1998, Cantho, Vietnam.

Legendre M., Slembrouck J. & Subagja J., 1999. First results on growth and artificial propagation of Pangasius djambal in Indonesia. P. 97-102, in Proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "Catfish Asia Project", 11-15 May 1998, Cantho, Vietnam.

Legendre M., Slembrouck J., Subagja J. & Kristanto A.H., 1999. Effects of varying latency period on the in vivo survival of ova after Ovaprim- and hCG-induced ovulation in the Asian catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae). P. 119-126, in Proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "Catfish Asia Project", 11-15 May 1998, Cantho, Vietnam.

Lenormand S., Slembrouck J., Pouyaud L., Subagja J. & Legendre M., 1999. Evaluation of hybridization in five Clarias species (Siluroidei, Clariidae) of African (C. gariepinus) and Asian origin (C. batrachus, C. meladerma, C. nieuhofii and C. teijsmanni). P. 195-210, in Proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "Catfish Asia Project", 11-15 May 1998, Cantho, Vietnam.

Slembrouck J., Hung L.T., Subagja J. & Legendre M., 1999. Effects of prey quality, feeding level, prey accessibility and aeration on growth and survival of Pangasius hypophthalmus larvae (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae). P. 137-146, in Proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "Catfish Asia Project", 11-15 May 1998, Cantho, Vietnam.

Subagja J., Slembrouck J., Hung L.T. & Legendre M., 1999. Analysis of precocious mortality of Pangasius hypophthalmus larvae (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae) during the larval rearing and proposition of appropriate treatments. P. 147-156, in Proceedings of the mid-term workshop of the "Catfish Asia Project", 11-15 May 1998, Cantho, Vietnam.

 Kristanto A.H., Slembrouck J. & Legendre M., 2000. First sexual maturation and breeding cycle of Pangasius hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) reared in pond. Communication présentée au “Workshop on Biodiversity and Aquaculture of South-east Asian Catfishes”. 15-20 mai 2000, Bogor, Indonésie.

Slembrouck J., Subagja J., Kristanto A.H. & Legendre M., 2000. Recent progress in the artificial propagation of Pangasius hypophthalmus (Pangasiidae, Siluriformes) in Indonesia. Communication présentée au “Workshop on Biodiversity and Aquaculture of South-east Asian Catfishes”. 15-20 mai 2000, Bogor, Indonésie.

Ningrum S., E. Tahapari, J. Slembrouck & Y. Moreau; 2004. Energy utilisation and protein deposition in the South-East Asian catfish, Pangasius djambal (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae). Communication présentée au “Workshop on Biodiversity and Aquaculture of South-east Asian Catfishes”. 15-20 mai 2000, Bogor, Indonésie.

Slembrouck J., D. Day, Sudarto, J.Subagja & M. Legendre, 2006. Berapa aspek biologi reproduksi dari ikan patin lokal (Pangasius djambal Bleeker, 1846). Communication présentés au workshop “Apresiasi/pengembangan budidaya patin ». 08-10 juin 2006, Jambi, Indonésie.

Ediwarman, I. Mokoginta, D. Jusadi, J. Slembrouck & Y. Moreau, 2006. Utilization of local fish meal in diet for green catfish, Hemibagrus nemurus BLKR: effect on gonads maturation and eggs quality. Simposium Nasional “bioteknologi dalam akuakultur. July 05, 2006, Bogor (Indonesia).

Agus Priadi, J. Slembrouck, Sudarto, L. Pouyaud & I W. Subamia, 2006. Effect and comparison of recycling and stagnant freshwater on performances (growth and survival rates; fish quality) and profitability of the ornamental fish Barbus schwanefeldi (Kapiat) reared at 4 different densities. Worshop on “kebangkitan akuakultur Indonesia”, Indonesian aquaculture 2006. Augustus 2-5, 2006, Jakarta (Indonesia).

Satyani D., J. Slembrouck, S. Subandiyah & M. Legendre 2006.Teknologi Pembenihan ikan hias botia (Chromobotia macracanthus Bleeker). Proceeding presented at the Seminar ikan hias Nusantara. Taman Akuarium Air Tawar-Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. September 09, 2006, Jakarta (Indonesia).

Legendre M., Moreau Y., Pouyaud L., Slembrouck J. Biodiversidad y piscicultura tropical: el modelo de los grandes bagres del sureste Asiático. (Communication). P. 251-258 In Renno J.-F., Garcia Davilla C., Duponchelle F., Nuñez J. (eds), Biología de las Poblaciones de Peces de la Amazonía y Piscicultura. Comunicaciones del Primer coloquio de la Red de Investigación sobre la Ictiofauna Amazónica. 2006, Paris (France), Iquitos (Perú), IRD, IIAP, 258 pp.

Baras E., Hafsaridewi R, Slembrouck J., Priyadi A., Moreau Y., Pouyaud L;, Legendre M. 2008. Why is cannibalism among cultured larvae so frequent in Pangasianodon hypophthalmus and so rare in Pangasius djambal ? In Catfish Farming in Asia, 5-7 décembre 2008, Can Tho, Viet Nam.

Baras E., Slembrouck J., Cochet C., Caruso D., Legendre M. Morphological determinants of early cannibalism in cultured larvae of the catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. (Communication). In: World Aquaculture Society, Abstracts of World Aquaculture 2008, 19-23 mai 2008, Busan, Korea, p 429. (

Mungkung R. T., Aubin J., Van der Werf H., Prihadi T., Amrouche S., Legendre M., Slembrouck J. Environmental performance comparison of different aquaculture production systems by using life cycle assessment (LCA): a case study in Indonesia and France. (Communication) In: World Aquaculture Society, Abstracts of World Aquaculture 2008, 19-23 mai2008, Busan, Korea, p. 511. (disponible sur

Slembrouck J., Baras E., Priyadi A., Fahmi M.R., Sudarto, Pouyaud L., Subandiyah S., Satyani D., Legendre M. (2009). Conservation and valorization of biodiversity through domestication of freshwater fishes in Indonesia: the case study of Chromobotia macracanthus (Bleeker 1852). World Ocean Conference, International symposium on ocean science, technology and policy, Manado, Indonésie, 12-14 mai 2009.

Sudarto,Kusen J., Tjakrawidjaja A., Xandramaya C. L.,, Sadotomo B., Vidia kusumah R., Kadarusman, Slembrouck J., Moreau Y., Pouyaud L., Nikijuluw V., & E. Paradis (2009). Origin of the second Indonesian Coelacanth. World Ocean Conference, International symposium on ocean science, technology and policy, Manado, Indonésie, 12-14 mai 2009.

Hem S., Maskur, Subamia I W., Supriyadi, Melta Rini F., Larue M. and Slembrouck J. (2009). Aquafeed issue related to fishmeal shortage – Fishmeal replacement – a case study in Indonesia. World Ocean Conference, International symposium on ocean science, technology and policy, Manado, Indonésie, 12-14 mai 2009.


Slembrouck J., Legendre M. & Moreau Y., 1994. Croissance et maturation sexuelle de Heterobranchus longifilis Val. en eau recyclée thermo régulée. Int. Workshop on Biological Bases for Aquaculture of Siluriformes (BASIL), Montpellier, may 24-27, 1994. Poster.

Hem S., J. Nunez Rodriguez, J. Slembrouck & Z. J. Oteme 1994. Marquage individuel des poissons-chats au bleu alcian par injection au dermojet. Int. Workshop on Biological Bases for Aquaculture of Siluriformes (BASIL), Montpellier, may 24 -27, 1994. Poster.

Legendre M., J. Slembrouck, J. Subagja & O. Komarudin 1999. Success of artificial propagation of the fast growing local « patin », Pangasius djambal. Poster presented for the 25th anniversary of the Agency for Agricultural Research & Development (AARD), May 18, 1999, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Legendre M., Slembrouck, J., Subagja, J. & Komarudin, O., 1999. Success of artificial propagation of the fast growing local “Patin”, Pangasius djambal. Poster presented at the Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, September 5-7 1999, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia and published in Warta, Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, n° 5(1), p. 24.

Slembrouck J., Ir Maskur, J. Subagja, M. Legendre 1999. A seed water recycling system for the development of small scale farming of Pangasius hypophthalmus. Poster presented at the Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, September 5-7, 1999, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.

Subandiyah S., D. Satyani, J. Slembrouck, L. Pouyaud, I. W. Subamia & S. Sugito 2005. Adaptasi dan pemeliharaan induk ikan hias botia di lingkungan budidaya. Poster presented at the Seminar ikan hias botia (Botia macracanthus), organised by RIFA, December 5, 2005, Jambi (Sumatra Centre).

Satyani D., J. Slembrouck, S. Subandiyah, H. Mundriyanto, I. W. Subamia, S. Sugito & M. Legendre 2005. Pembenihan ikan hias Botia (Chromobotia macracanthus) populasi Kalimantan. Poster presented at the Seminar ikan hias botia (Botia macracanthus), organised by RIFA, December 5, 2005, Jambi (Sumatra Centre).

Legendre M., H. Mundriyanto, D. Satyani, L. Pouyaud, Sudarto, S. Sugito & J. Slembrouck 2005. Perkembangan ontogeni larva Chromobotia macracanthus (populasi Sumatera). Poster presented at the Seminar ikan hias botia (Botia macracanthus), organised by RIFA, December 5, 2005, Jambi (Sumatra Centre).

J. Slembrouck, H. Mundriyanto, D. Satyani, S. Subandiyah, Chumaidi, Sudarto, S. Sugito, L. Pouyaud & M. legendre 2005. Pemangsaan awal dan perbedaan pertumbuhan serta sintasan larva Chromobotia macracanthus (populasi Kalimantan) yang diberi 3 jenis pakan hidup. Poster presented at the Seminar ikan hias botia (Botia macracanthus), organised by RIFA, December 5, 2005, Jambi (Sumatra Centre).

J. Slembrouck, M. Rini Fahmi, L. Pouyaud, A. Priyadi, & M. Legendre 2006. Effect of stocking density, water flow and water depth on survival and growth rates of Chromobotia macracanthus (Sumatra) Larvae. Poster presented at the Seminar ikan hias Nusantara. Taman Akuarium Air Tawar-Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. September 09, 2006, Jakarta (Indonesia).

Hirnawati R., E. Susiyanti, Y. Moreau, I. W. Subamia, J. Slembrouck 2007. Importance of dissolved gas supersaturation monitoring for the utilization of well water; the case at Loka Risat Budidaya ikan Hias air tawar Depok. Poster presented at the WORKSHOP “Diseminasi hasil riset ikan hias air tawar”, Palembang (Indonésie), 29 - 1 December 2007.

Afifah R., A. Priyadi, J. Slembrouck & Y. Moreau 2007. Rearing juveniles of botia, Chromobotia macracanthus: Influence of stress on growth. Poster presented at the WORKSHOP “Diseminasi hasil riset ikan hias air tawar”, Palembang (Indonésie), 29 - 1 December 2007.

Legendre M., Slembrouck J., Caruso D., Cochet C., Dugué R., Baras E. Complete breeding cycle of the catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus raised in water recirculation system. (Poster) In: World Aquaculture Society, Abstracts of World Aquaculture 2008, 19-23 mai 2008, Busan, Korea. p. 430. (disponible sur

Legendre M., Subagja J., Kristanto A. H., Baras E., Bardon A., Slembrouck J., Priming with hCG increases the predictability of latency period in hormonal induced ovulation of the catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. (Poster) In: World Aquaculture Society, Abstracts of World Aquaculture 2008, 19-23 mai 2008, Busan, Korea, p. 431. (disponible sur

Technical notes

Trebaol L., J. Slembrouck & S. Hem 1988. Rapport sur les mortalités survenues dans les enclos de Layo le 19 juin 1985. Centre de Recherches Océanographiques Abidjan, NDR 01/88.

Slembrouck J. & M. Legendre 1988. Aspects techniques de la reproduction de Heterobranchus longifilis (Clariidae). Centre de Recherches Océanographiques Abidjan, NDR 02/88.


Slembrouck J. 1987. Rapport de stage sur la technologie de la fabrication d’aliment granulé pour poisson. INRA de Nantes.

Slembrouck J. 1993. Aménagement d’une serre aquacole avec conception, réalisation et mise en fonctionnement de circuits fermés pour l’élevage de deux silures d’origine européenne (Silurus glanis) et africaine (Heterobranchus longifilis). Rapport de stage de technicien spécialisé en aquaculture, CREUFOP, 28 p.

Bernard E., D. Marcon, J. Slembrouck, J. Caruso & Z. Kheireddhine. 1996. Etude préalable à l’extension d’une pisciculture expérimentale sur le site Agropolis de Lavalette (GAMET, Montpellier). Rapport d’étude de cas, Diplôme universitaire de chef de projet et d’exploitation en aquaculture, CREUFOP, 62 p.

Slembrouck J. 1997. Elevage intensif de larves de Pangasius bocourti et de Pangasius hypophthalmus dans une écloserie du delta du Mékong (Vietnam). Mémoire Creufop-univ. Montpellier. II, Orstom-Gamet, 46 p.

Slembrouck J. 1999. Contrôle de la reproduction du poisson chat, Pangasius djambal, à Jambi (Sumatra Centre, Indonésie). Compte rendu de mission d’expertise, Novembre 1998- Juin 1999. Programme de soutien au Ministère de l’Agriculture d’Indonésie financé par une subvention du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Français, 19 p + annexes.
Legendre M., J. Subagja, D. Day, Sularto & Slembrouck J. 2002. Evolution saisonnière de la maturité sexuelle et reproduction induite de Pangasius djambal et de Pangasius nasutus. Rapport au MAE sur le « programme de recherche pour le développement de la pisciculture des poissons chats (Siluriformes, Pangassiidae) à Sumatra et Java (Indonésie) » financé par le MAE en 2001. 6-33.
Slembrouck J., J. Subagja, Wahyu & M. Legendre 2002. Estimation du temps de sevrage de Pangasius djambal et diminution de leur coût de production. Rapport au MAE sur le « programme de recherche pour le développement de la pisciculture des poissons chats (Siluriformes, Pangassiidae) à Sumatra et Java (Indonésie) » financé par le MAE en 2001. 34-43.
MAE report 2002. Program penelitian untuk pengambangan budidaya ikan patin (Siluriformes, Pangasiidae) di Indonesia. Laporan ke Departemen Luar Negeri, Kedutaan Perancis di Indonesia.. (Editors: J. Slembrouck & J. Subagja), 61 p + appendix.

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