Smd mission Support Activities Rev9

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Row 20: Institutional Investments; $223.8; $319.7; $308.7; $331.7; $335.9; $330.4; $338.3,

Row 21: Congressionally Directed Items, Fiscal Year 2008: $80.0 (no further fiscal year entries provided for Row 21),

Row 22: Center Management and Operations; $1,754.9; $2,013.0; $2,045.6; $2,046.7; $2,088.0; $2,155.2; $2,211.6,

Row 23: Inspector General; $32.2; $32.6; $35.5; $36.4; $37.3; $38.3; $39.2;

End table.

[Slide 22]:

Heading 1: Structure of the SMD Budget:

• Research is part of everything we do, and it is a part of every budget line:

– Budget is distributed as a component of every program and every project,

– Different divisions bookkeep their research budgets in different ways:

• E.g. Science teams can be embedded in individual flight projectsor funded from a research project – some are R&A, some are not,

• E.g. Data analysis can be embedded in individual flight projectsor funded from a research project – some are R&A, some are not;

• Research is a “program line”in the NASA budget:

– R&A is only one “project”in the “program”,

– Mission operations,

– Data analysis,

– Suborbital projects,

– Data archives,

– Etc.
[Slide 23]:

Heading 1: SMD Programs:

Heading 2: Science Mission Directorate:

Each Division is listed followed by its component programs; all listed programs are programs that contain mission enabling projects or budget lines with the exception of Applied Sciences and Education and Outreach for Earth Science Division (these depend on definition of mission enabling):

Heading 3: Panetary ScienceDivision:

New Frontiers,

Mars Exploration,


Planetary Science Research,

Outer Planets,

Planetary Science Technology;

Heading 3: Earth Science Division:

Earth System Science Pathfinder,

Earth Systematic Missions,

Applied Sciences,

Earth Science Research,

ESS Multi-mission Operations,

Earth Science Technology,

Education and Outreach;

Heading 3: Astrophysics Division:

Astrophysics Research,

Cosmic Origins,

Physics of the Cosmos,

Exoplanet Exploration,

Astrophysics Explorer;

Heading 3: Heliophysics Division:

Living with a Star,

Solar Terrestrial Probes,

New Millennium,

Heliophysics Explorer,

Heliophysics Research.

[Slide 24]:

Heading 3: Components of the SMD Research Budget:

• “Standard” R&A:

– R&A project (each Division has one in its Research Program),

– R&A embedded in flight programs (e.g. Mars, Living With a Star, Physics of the Cosmos),

– Technology in a program (Earth Science Technology) or distributed;

• Data analysis (other than traditional R&A):

– General Observer/Guest Investigator programs,

– Archival data analysis programs,

– Mission or program specific data analysis programs,

– Data archive, virtual observatory, etc.

• Science Teams (other than traditional R&A):

– PI teams for missions and instruments selected through AO,

– Additional team members selected through competition:

• Science teams, participating scientists, interdisciplinary scientists, science working group members, etc.
[Slide 25]:

Heading 1: Structure of the SMD Research Budget:

Heading 2: Other Mission Enabling Activities (all discussed later):

Heading 3: Earth Science:

EOS Science, Mission Science Teams, Airborne Science, Data Systems, High-End Computing, Technology Development;

Heading 3: Planetary Science:

Mission Science Teams, Planetary Data System, Astromaterials Curation;

Heading 3: Heliophysics:

Mission Science Teams, Sounding Rockets , Research Range, Data and Modeling Centers;

Heading 3: Astrophysics:

Guest Observer Programs, Mission Science Teams, Scientific Balloons, Data Centers;

Earth Science applications and Education/Public Outreach are not discussed.

[Slide 26]:

Heading 1: Structure of the SMD Research Budget:

• Flagship missions enable NASA to meet science objectives,

• Significant community funding is associated with large missions [Data (except Chandra) is from a 2005 snapshot and has not been updated.]:

– Hubble Space Telescope: Development of instruments provided over $1.2B to 10 instrument teams; Observing enabled 6510 GO grants over 15years providing $283M to 4138 investigators, 1323 postdocs, 1852 grad students.

– Earth Observing System missions provided $1.6B in funding over 14 years to 781 investigators, 112 postdocs, 159 grad students for algorithm development, IDS investigations, cal/val investigations.

– Spitzer Space Telescope: Science operations provided $100M to 318 investigators over 6 years for science team and general observers.

– Cassini: Science operations provided $200M over 9 years to 125 investigators, 120 postdocs and grad students for science development and data analysis.

– Chandra: approximately $100M over 10 years to 2446 GO grants.

• All funding is peer reviewed and selected through AOs, NRAs, Calls for Proposals (observing), or unsolicited but peer reviewed proposals.

[Slide 27]:

Heading 1: Structure of the SMD Research Budget:

• Rationale:

– Initiatives for new programs (e.g., Mars Exploration, Living With a Star, Beyond Einstein, etc.) are correctly described as complete programs including flight missions, the technology to enable them, the mission operations and data analysis to reap their benefits, and the basic research necessary to leverage their data into science advances.

– Isolating research into a single budget line gives the false impression to outside observers that research is separate from flight missions rather than being an integral part of the Nation benefiting from NASA’s flight missions.

– NASA’s science goals, objectives, and metrics are based on science results not mission milestones; it is appropriate to link the budget necessary to realize these goals, objectives, and metrics to the appropriate program.

– There are many examples of the value of this approach.
[Slide 28]:

Heading 1: Fiscal Year 09 President’s Request by SMD Division:

Chart: President’s Request Fiscal Year 2007 - Fiscal Year 2013 for Ground Network/DSN, Earth Science, Astrophysics, Planetary Science, Heliophysics;

for further assistance contact;

[Slide 29]:

Heading 1: Earth Science Program Content:


Row 1: Column headings (left to right): Category; Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, Fiscal Year 13:

For each of the following rows, values are provided in order for Category and for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, and Fiscal Year 13:

Row 2: Fiscal Year 09 President’s Budget; 1,198.5; ,1,280.3; 1,367.5; 1,350.7; 1,250.9; 1,264.4; 1,290.3,

Row 3: Earth Systematic Missions; 420.9; 530.1; 677.9; 661.5; 583.2; 563.6; 569.6,

Row 4: GPM; 23.8; 74.4; 125.8; 161.7; 129.8; 140.0; 113.3,

Row 5: Glory; 91.8; 35.2; 29.7; 9.1; 9.8; 2.7; (no entry for Fiscal Year 13),

Row 6: LDCM 45.9; 133.0; 139.4; 127.1; 96.0; 11.3; 2.7,

Row 7: NPP; 47.3; 70.0; 94.4; 52.2; 8.6; 8.9; 9.2,

Row 8: OSTM; 42.8; 27.5; 8.0; 7.8; 7.7; 7.3; 7.3,

Row 9: Decadal Survey Missions; 0.6; 33.0; 103.2; 116.2; 150.0; 250.2; 290.7,

Row 10: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 168.7; 157.0; 177.4; 187.5; 181.2; 143.1; 146.3,

Row 11: Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP); 167.9; 113.8; 88.6; 58.8; 37.4; 50.0; 54.9,

Row 12: OCO; 84.8; 35.6; 25.4; 9.0; 1.4; (no entries for Fiscal Year 12 and Fiscal Year 13),

Row 13: Aquarius; 62.4; 48.6; 33.8; 27.9; 5.1; 4.0; 2.9,

Row 14: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 20.6; 29.6; 29.4; 21.9; 30.8; 46.0; 52.0,

Row 15: Earth Science Multi-Mission Operations; 168.0; 167.8; 140.5; 159.1; 157.9; 166.5; 170.9,

Row 16: Earth Science Research; 349.5; 375.8; 380.6; 388.2; 390.6; 400.7; 409.3,

Row 17: Research and Analysis; 232.6; 243.3; 245.7; 254.0; 255.5; 260.3; 266.5,

Row 18: Computing and Management; 91.3; 103.1; 104.9; 104.7; 107.3; 110.1; 111.8,

Row 19: Airborne Science; 25.6; 26.0; 26.3; 25.7; 24.0; 26.4; 27.0,

Row 20: Near Earth Object Observations; (no entry for Fiscal Year 07); 3.4; 3.7; 3.8; 3.8; 3.9; 4.0,

End table.
[Slide 30]:

Heading 1: Fiscal Year 09 Budget Proposal: Earth Science:

Graph: Budget Proposal, Earth Science Fiscal Year 2007-Fiscal Year 2013 for Technology; Applied Sciences; Research; Multi-Mission Operations; Earth System Science Pathfinder; Earth Systematic Missions; for further assistance contact
[Slide 31]:

Heading 1: Structure of the SMD Earth Science Budget (Fiscal Year 09 President’s Request):

• Earth Science:

– Earth Systematic Missions:

• OSTM, GPM, Glory, LDCM, NPP,

• Decadal Survey Missions,

• Other Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Earth System Science Pathfinder:

• OCO, Aquarius,

• Other Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Earth Science Multi-mission Activities (mission enabling);

– Earth Science Research:

• Research and Analysis (mission enabling),

• Computing and Management (mission enabling),

• Airborne Science (mission enabling),

• Near Earth Object Observations [to Planetary in Fiscal Year 10];

– Applied Sciences;

– Earth Science Technology:

• Advanced Technology Initiatives (mission enabling),

• Instrument Incubator (mission enabling),

• Advanced Info Systems Technology (mission enabling).
[Slide 32]:

Heading 1: Heliophysics Program Content:


Row 1: Column headings (left to right): Category; Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, Fiscal Year 13:

For each of the following rows, values are provided in order for Category and for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, and Fiscal Year 13:

Row 2: President’s Budget; 583.7; 590.9; 575.3; 598.9; 689.4; 741.2; 746.6,

Row 3: Living with a Star; 188.6; 217.1; 223.8; 212.0; 216.6; 232.8; 237.5,

Row 4: SDO;144.0; 90.0; 24.1; 14.8; 14.6; 15.5; 14.7,

Row 5: Geospace RBSP; 12.9; 77.7; 154.4; 154.7; 113.4; 57.9; 15.8,

Row 6: BARREL; (no entry for Fiscal Year 07); 0.8; 0.9; 3.9; 2.4; 2.0; 2.1,

Row 7: Solar Probe Lite; (no entry for Fiscal Year 07); 13.9; (no entry for Fiscal Year 09); 3.4; 40.1; 74.2; 106.3,

Row 8: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 31.7; 34.7; 44.4; 35.2; 46.2; 83.2; 98.6,

Row 9: Solar Terrestrial Probes; 71.8; 105.9; 123.1; 137.5; 171.4; 172.6; 161.5,

Row 10: MMS; 31.1; 73.2; 94.6; 116.0; 149.3; 148.8; 137.5,

Row 11: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 40.7; 32.7; 28.5; 21.5; 22.0; 23.9; 24.1,

Row 12: Heliophysics Explorers; 74.4; 61.0; 41.3; 66.8; 125.1; 156.0; 160.1,

Row 13: IBEX; 45.1; 30.8; 9.56.9; 1.0; (no entries for Fiscal Year 12 and Fiscal Year 13),

Row 14: Future Missions; 1.5; 8.4; 16.5; 40.9; 105.8; 135.7; 139.2,

Row 15: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 27.8; 21.8; 15.3; 19.1; 18.4; 20.3; 20.9,

Row 16: Heliophysics Research; 208.0; 181.2; 184.8; 180.3; 175.3; 179.8; 187.5,

Row 17: Research and Analysis; 32.5; 30.9; 33.9; 35.9; 38.9; 39.6; 40.5,

Row 18: Sounding Rockets; 31.9; 30.2; 45.1; 47.3; 48.9; 49.7; 51.8,

Row 19: GSFC Building Support; 30.0; 20.0; 12.0; 12.0; (no entries for Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, and Fiscal Year 13),

Row 20: Operating Missions / Data / Modeling; 113.6; 100.1; 93.8; 85.1; 87.6; 90.5; 95.2,

Row 21: New Millenium; 40.8; 25.8; 2.3; 2.2; 1.1; (no entries for Fiscal Year 12 and Fiscal Year 13),

End table.

[Slide 33]:

Heading 1: Fiscal Year 09 Budget Proposal: Heliophysics:

Graph: Heliophysics Budget Proposal Fiscal Year 07 – Fiscal Year 13, for New Millenium, Research, Explorers (includes future astrophysics Explorer missions), Solar Terrestrial Probes, Living With a Star; for further assistance contact
[Slide 34]:

Heading 1: Structure of the SMD Heliophysics Budget (Fiscal Year 09 President’s Request):

• Heliophysics:

– Living With a Star:

• SDO, RBSP, Solar Probe, BARREL,

• Other Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Solar Terrestrial Probes:

• MMS,

• Other Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Heliophysics Explorer:


• Other Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Heliophysics Research:

• Research and Analysis (mission enabling),

• Sounding Rockets (mission enabling),

• ACE, Operating Missions and Data Analysis,

• Research Range (mission enabling),

• GSFC Building;

– New Millennium

– Near Earth Networks // Deep Space Mission Systems.

[Slide 35]:

Heading 1: Planetary Science Program Content:


Row 1: Column headings (left to right): Category; Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, Fiscal Year 13:

For each of the following rows, values are provided in order for Category and for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, and Fiscal Year 13:

Row 2: Fiscal Year 09 President’s Budget; 1,215.6; 1,247.5; 1,334.2; 1,410.1; 1,537.5; 1,570.0; 1,608.7,

Row 3: Discovery; 128.3; 153.0; 247.0; 258.3; 256.0; 326.1; 140.5,

Row 4: Discovery Future; 13.1; 52.1; 50.4; 49.1; 65.4; 239.8; 90.7,

Row 5: GRAIL; (no entry for Fiscal Year 07); 35.1; 122.4; 122.8; 113.1; 24.9; 5.7,

Row 6: M3; 6.6; 2.6; 2.7; 2.6; 0.5; (no entries for Fiscal Year 12 and Fiscal Year 13),

Row 7: Discovery Research; 11.9; 10.0; 18.8; 16.5; 15.7; 16.9; 17.3,

Row 8: Operating Missions and Data Analysis; 96.8; 53.2; 52.6; 67.3; 61.3; 44.6; 26.8,

Row 9: New Frontiers; 106.6; 132.2; 263.9; 250.3; 232.3; 227.7; 236.9,

Row 10: Juno; 87.8; 108.3; 245.0; 225.2; 168.0; 14.4; 17.8,

Row 11: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 18.8; 23.9; 19.0; 25.1; 64.3; 213.3; 219.1,

Row 12: Technology; 84.8; 84.8; 64.9; 69.3; 69.6; 71.3; 73.0,

Row 13: Planetary Science Research; 181.9; 242.1; 270.8; 315.8; 355.6; 373.2; 382.6,

Row 14: Research & Analysis; 111.7; 123.6; 142.4; 145.1; 150.4; 155.2; 159.0,

Row 15: Outer Planet Mission Studies; 4.2 (entry for Fiscal Year 08 only entry for this row),

Row 16: Lunar Science Research; (no entry for Fiscal Year 07); 22.7; 105.0; 122.0; 140.0; 150.0; 151.9,

Row 17: Operating Missions and Analysis: 20.4; 19.1; 19.5; 21.4; 22.2; 22.3; 22.7,

Row 18: Education and Directorate Management; 49.8; 72.4; 3.9; 27.4; 43.1; 45.7; 49.0,

Row 19: Mars Exploration; 634.9; 553.5; 386.5; 299.6; 344.5; 341.1; 413.8,

Row 20: MSL 2009; 416.8; 305.5; 223.3; 69.0; 54.6; 37.6; (no entry for Fiscal Year 13),

Row 21: Scout 2013; 5.3; 57.7; 6.7; 68.5; 152.5; 170.7; 121.8,

Row 22: JPL Building Support; 26.8; 13.4; (no entries for Fiscal Year 09 through Fiscal Year 13),

Row 23: Mars R&A; 14.2; 27.4; 24.9; 25.9; 26.7; 27.1; 27.5,

Row 24: Operating Missions and Data Analysis; 171.8; 149.4; 131.6; 126.2; 90.5; 69.9; 69.3,

Row 25: Mars Next Decade; (no entries for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, and Fiscal Year 09); 10.0; 20.2; 35.8; 195.2,

Row 26: Outer Planets; 79.0; 81.9; 101.1; 216.7; 279.4; 230.6; 362.0,

Row 27: Cassini; 79.0; 81.9; 81.8; 81.5; 75.3; 10.0; 10.0,

Row 28: Outer Planets Flagship; (no entries for Fiscal Year 07 and Fiscal Year 08); 19.3; 135.2; 204.1; 220.6; 352.0,

End table.
[Slide 36]:

Heading 1: Fiscal Year 09 Budget Proposal: Planetary Science:

Graph: Planetary Science Budget Proposal Fiscal Year 07 – Fiscal Year 13, for Outer Planets, Mars Exploration, Research, Technology, New Frontiers, Discovery; for further assistance contact
[Slide 37]:

Heading 1: Structure of the Planetary Science Budget (Fiscal Year 09 President’s Request):

• Planetary Science:

– Discovery:

• GRAIL, MMM, Future Missions,

• Discovery Research (mission enabling),

• Operating Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– New Frontiers:

• Juno,

• Other Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Technology (mission enabling);

– Planetary Science Research:

• Research and Analysis (mission enabling),

• Lunar Science Research (mission enabling),

• Operating Missions and Analysis (mission enabling),

• Education and Directorate Management [for SMD];

– Mars Exploration:

• MSL, MAVEN, JPL Building,

• Mars Research and Analysis (mission enabling)

• Operating Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling),

– Outer Planets (mission enabling).
[Slide 38]:

Heading 1: Astrophysics Program Content:


Row 1: Column headings (left to right): Category; Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, Fiscal Year 13:

For each of the following rows, values are provided in order for Category and for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, and Fiscal Year 13:

Row 2: Fiscal Year 09 President’s Budget; 1,365.0; 1,337.5; 1,164.5; 1,122.4; 1,057.1; 1,067.7; 1,116.0,

Row 3: Physics of the Cosmos; 201.3; 159.0; 157.0; 219.8; 249.0; 271.1; 326.0,

Row 4: GLAST; 88.9; 33.3; 23.2; 23.3; 24.1; 24.9; 24.9,

Row 5 Herschel; 11.7; 14.5; 27.2; 17.4; 17.6; 17.5; 16.4,

Row 6: Planck; 6.8; 8.0; 9.4; 8.9; 6.6; 6.5; 6.5,

Row 7: JDEM; (no entry for Fiscal Year 07); 3.7; 8.5; 63.0; 83.0; 109.0; 125.0,

Row 8: LISA; 6.5; 5.1; 5.7; 15.9; 18.7; 26.7; 35.0,

Row 9: Constellation-X; 8.3; 5.4; 8.3; 12.0; 16.8; 15.9; 42.0,

Row 10: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 79.1; 89.0; 74.9; 79.3; 82.1; 70.6; 76.2,

Row 11: Exoplanet Exploration; 184.7; 162.6; 48.1; 67.7; 68.4; 96.4; 126.2,

Row 12: SIM; 30.4; 54.1; (no entries for Fiscal Year 09 through Fiscal Year 13),

Row 13: Kepler; 121.8; 78.9; 25.2; 14.9; 13.9; 12.6; 8.8,

Row 14: Future Exoplanet Missions; 1.0; 1.1; 6.6; 41.7; 44.0; 72.0; 107.5,

Row 15: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 31.5; 28.5; 16.3; 11.2; 10.5; 11.7; 9.9,

Row 16: Cosmic Origins; 790.9; 807.3; 674.4; 571.1; 515.4; 485.6; 458.5,

Row 17: James Webb Space Telescope 398.6; 448.3; 371.9; 311.1; 265.1; 236.1; 194.9,

Row 18: Hubble Space Telescope; 279.5; 228.5; 154.9; 125.6; 114.7; 94.8; 93.9,

Row 19: SOFIA; 38.9; 62.1; 72.8; 72.8; 57.0; 58.8; 60.6,

Row 20: Spitzer; 73.8; 68.4; 71.7; 15.9; 10.3; 3.2; 3.3,

Row 21: Astrophysics Future Missions; (no entries for Fiscal Year 07 and Fiscal Year 08); 3.0; 45.8; 68.3; 92.7; 105.8,

Row 22: Astrophysics Explorer; 89.2; 106.4; 132.6; 93.3; 43.3; 11.7; 6.4,

Row 23: WISE; 54.1; 71.8; 65.2; 13.0; 5.2; 1.6; (no entry for Fiscal Year 13),

Row 24: NuSTAR; (no entries for Fiscal Year 07 and Fiscal Year 08); 43.5; 57.8; 31.0; 6.8; 6.4,

Row 25: Operating Explorers; 35.1; 34.6; 23.9; 22.5; 7.1; 3.2; (no entry for Fiscal Year 13),

Row 26: Astrophysics Research; 98.9; 102.2; 152.3; 170.4; 181.0; 203.0; 198.9,

Row 27: Research and Analysis; 52.2; 50.3; 61.4; 65.4; 69.3; 72.6; 77.5,

Row 28: Balloons; 22.2; 22.8; 24.6; 26.7; 28.8; 32.4; 33.2,

Row 29: Other Missions and Data Analysis; 24.5; 29.1; 66.3; 78.4; 82.9; 97.9; 88.2;

End table.

[Slide 39]:

Heading 1: Fiscal Year 09 Budget Proposal: Astrophysics:

Graph: Astrophysics Budget Proposal Fiscal Year 07 – Fiscal Year 13, for Research, Explorer (does not include future astrophysics explorer missions), Cosmic Origins, Exoplanet Exploration, Physics of the Cosmos; for further assistance contact
[Slide 40]:

Heading 1: Structure of the SMD Astrophysics Budget (Fiscal Year 09 President’s Request):

• Astrophysics:

– Astrophysics Research:

• Research and Analysis (mission enabling),

• Balloon Project (mission enabling),

• Operating Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Cosmic Origins:

• Hubble, JWST, SOFIA, Spitzer,

• Astrophysics Future Missions (mission enabling);

– Physics of the Cosmos:

• Fermi, JDEM, Herschel, Planck,

• Chandra, Other Missions, and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Exoplanet Exploration:

• SIM, Kepler,

• Other Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling);

– Astrophysics Explorer:


• Operating Missions and Data Analysis (mission enabling).
[Slide 41]:

Heading 1: SMD Mission Enabling Budget:


Row 1: Column headings (left to right): “Standard” Research; Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09,

For each of the following rows, values are provided in order for “Standard” Research category and for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, and Fiscal Year 09:

Row 2: Earth Science,152; 153; 168,

Row 3: Heliophysics; 62; 61; 67,

Row 4: Planetary Science; 138; 192; 209,

Row 5: Astrophysics; 66; 72; 76,

Row 6: Column headings (left to right): Other Mission Enabling; Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09,

For each of the following rows, values are provided in order for Other Mission Enabling category and for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, and Fiscal Year 09:

Row 7: Earth Science; 371; 359; 341,

Row 8: Heliophysics; 64; 66; 79,

Row 9: Planetary Science; 16; 16; 16,

Row 10: Astrophysics; 105; 107; 124,

Row 11: SMD Total: 972; 1,025; 1,080;

End table.

• Notes:

– “Standard Research”is the competed research programs (R&A, SR&T, etc.),

– Other Mission Enabling does not include mission science teams, pre-phase A

technology, communications, management,

– “Standard Research”includes Earth science applications.

[Slide 42]:

Heading 1: SMD “Subset” R&A Budgets (Fiscal Year 06-Fiscal Year 13):

Graph: SMD “Subset” R&A Budgets (Fiscal Year 06-Fiscal Year 13), for Earth Science, Planetary Science, Astrophysics, and Heliophysics: for or further assistance contact

NOTE: “Subset” R&A is a subset of R&A selected by the budget office based on the budget line’s name. It is not “standard” research.”

[Slide 43]:

Heading 1: SMD “Subset” R&A Budgets (Fiscal Year 06-Fiscal Year 13):


Row 1: Column headings (left to right): Category; Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, Fiscal Year 13,

For each of the following rows, values are provided in order for Category and for Fiscal Year 07, Fiscal Year 08, Fiscal Year 09, Fiscal Year 10, Fiscal Year 11, Fiscal Year 12, and Fiscal Year 13:

Row 2: Astrophysics; 61; 52; 56; 61; 65; 69; 73; 78,

Row 3: Earth Science; 198; 195; 208; 214; 222; 223; 227; 232,

Row 4: Heliophysics; 31; 32; 33; 34; 36; 39; 40; 41,

Row 5: Planetary Science; 151; 138; 181; 194; 192; 193; 199; 204,

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