Snippetts Plus’ February 2010 50. 22. 24th

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Snippetts Plus’

February 2010



The future of the falls

"And in April '21 and everyone knows that today is Earth Day, Merry Christmas, Every birth right for a birthday, that is.

And now I try hard to think of something meaningful and worthy, Type of land I ask all alone What are we going here?

And what can we do with it? I do not know … What should we do? "

These texts are from the song "What Are We Gonna Do?" by Dramarama back when I was in High school. E 'was perhaps the first rock song I ever heard that address the environment in a way that has me as a young man and a bit' naive young. However, with waterfalls, a newly discovered life-long passion of mine and a lot about nature and life in the modern world was falling through the water, wait again, that song Dramarama found with an understanding of their message. E 'therefore evident that the nature of the planet earth from our way of living always trash and their physical wellbeing. But as the waterfalls are an aspect of nature, what does this mean for waterfall lovers, like me, as well as the future of the falls?

This article tries to see how much better things that contribute to global warming and climate change have a bunch of watch and guide the quality of the waterfall.

To the horror of the waterfall lovers, the future looks bleak, because most of the world drying up of drainage systems or have been destroyed. Important contributions this trend is worrying trends in precipitation, soil erosion and deforestation, and unnatural changes in water courses. The proof of the change in precipitation patterns around the world are numerous. In Australia, long, long period of drought (up to a decade in some regions), while the majority of the country has a higher incidence of fires has led to the threat to the Murray-Darling Basin, water strictly limited (until recently with a level 5 water restrictions located in the regions of Queensland, as the metropolis of Brisbane), and, of course, the drying of the falls (especially in much of Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania). In east Africa, climate change has already resulted in famine and regional conflicts increasingly scarce resources needed for survival.

Mt Kilimanjaro ice-and snow-caps are in danger of disappearing within the next ten years, the pressure on the volume of large river systems Added as the Nile. Most people could remember, rivers and streams were when they were children, now no longer flow. From a tourist point of view and could water that falls victim to Victoria Falls, the cancellation of the supply basins. There are also local effects, such as soil erosion and deforestation, which have a negative effect cascades. Driven by economic benefits (for example, from development and agriculture), the regions that once fell into Forests, which supports, in turn, their own ecosystems and microclimates are gone. Have as a result, the ephemeral water courses and is unable to support the fresh water and the surrounding ecosystems and habitats, as wassergenügsames vegetation can no longer hold water courses, while maintaining (the balance of the microclimate of the result I would be more reliable rainfall in the region). This in turn reduces the biodiversity of these areas.

Therefore, the bodies are the functionality of these ecosystems, leaving the task in the sense of balance, in the course of their survival would also be away. As a result, could no longer contribute to the functioning of the ecosystem. In Hawaii, urban sprawl), (for example, new places and homes, agriculture, livestock (eg cattle and) the sugar harvest, and introduction of pests (eg, wild boar, mongoose , mice, mountain goats, bamboo, etc.) have drastically reduced the forests and Therefore, the fresh water in the drainage systems at risk should rely on rain for the Windward Islands. Most waterfalls have become ephemeral or absent – as Hi'ilawe Falls, Kaluahine Falls, waterfalls along the windward Maui Hana Highway, and almost all the waterfalls in Oahu.

Furthermore, the deforestation of the South American jungle (especially the Amazon), which are due for the development and industrialization to meet the needs of the world Economy leading to less precipitation, which threatens to turn the huge waterfalls such as Angel Falls, and Iguassu Falls (not to mention the bodies of the jungle and the habitats of freshwater left).

Furthermore, the construction of dams and water diversion obvious negative consequences on the waterfalls. Much of what drives this activity is due to the need for energy (in this case water) and water. With the unabated increase in human population, increased demand for energy and water support the survival of a growing number of people. So we can expect more dams, pipes deviation can see, hydro, and ditches. In Norway, most of its energy is generated by hydroelectric plants. This has resulted in the loss of many of what was once called the world's highest waterfalls, as Mongefossen, Tyssestrengene and Ringedalsfossen few.

There are also waterfalls, under the threat of regulation, as Langfoss and Sanddalsfossen among others. There however, the waterfalls, which are the result of time-sharing compromise between tourism and energy crops, as Mardalsfossen and Vøringsfossen. In Iceland, the Karahnjukar dam project has moved toward the front and is about to submerge at least four large waterfalls. Icelanders are divided on whether electricity from hydropower to save struggling rural economies destroyed or leave the desert, the last in Europe. Even in Hawaii, in addition to their problems, deforestation, the transfer of water is also widely used for sugar cane produced, and feed to quench the thirst of the growing population to appease. This is best done by East Maui Irrigation ditches example in which almost all the rivers on the windward side of Haleakala, which has done it again, all within the flow of power has influenced its waterfalls unreliable.

What could be mentioned here that the compromise in the quality of the waters of symptomatic cases, as well as their existence is only sampling what's happening around the world as we continue to plunder the resources on this planet.


There are many more out there that have (for example, our energy-consuming habits, driving bigger cars, bigger houses that, for the purchase of processes that have been adversely affecting the long term, and too many children). So if you're over the falls or does not care (much less) of the ecosystems of our planet, it is clear that action needed to prevent any possibility at all, or at least to slow the disappearance of nature and thus its waterfalls. And when is the bleak future of this planet is sealed, we do not focus only on the remaining body and enjoy the waterfalls and to leave something of nature, until last.


Support for ETS 'dream world' cools

The Australia Industry Group, which last year strongly backed the federal government's emissions trading scheme, has declared that it is now on ''life support'' and the way forward for climate policy is ''very unclear''. The group's chief executive, Heather Ridout, said it still supported a market-based approach to dealing with climate change in the longer term. But with the political consensus fractured domestically and internationally, it was hard for industry to see a path ahead.

The group's executive meets today to discuss its future approach. It is stepping back from its call of last year for the emissions legislation to be passed as soon as possible, given there is no possibility of the Senate passing the bills. Ms Ridout said the amended scheme was developed in a bipartisan consensus. Industry had wanted and needed to be part of those talks. But since then the consensus had broken. ''Talk about an ETS is dream world,'' she said.

Labor's renewable energy scheme falls flat

The Rudd government's showpiece renewable energy legislation has failed to spark a single major project in the six months since it was passed, prompting fresh claims Labor has failed to deliver on its environmental commitments. The failure of the 20 per cent renewable energy target is blamed on a poor design that promotes domestic rooftop solar panels, heat pumps and solar hot water systems at the expense of wind farms. Renewable energy backers warned the design flaws were on the brink of costing jobs. Wind turbine maker Keppel Prince Engineering said it had to decide this week whether to sack up to 150 workers at its plant at Portland in Victoria's south-west.

''We're finishing off our last project and we don't have another wind farm to continue on with,'' managing director Steve Garner said. Clean Energy Council chief executive Matthew Warren said industry estimates suggested it could be up to seven years before the legislation created an incentive to invest in large-scale plants. He called for a rethink of all renewable energy policy. ''What we have is the retail market stymieing the commercial market,'' he said. ''It needs to be addressed quickly or we have no large-scale clean generation capacity in three years.''

Australian Greens climate change spokeswoman Christine Milne will today introduce a private members' bill that would make the 20 per cent target applicable to large-scale plants only. Renewable energy from domestic technologies would be additional to the target. The market for renewable energy certificates - credits that are counted towards the target of 20 per cent clean energy production by 2020 - has been flooded by strong sales of commercial heat pumps and solar hot water systems.

The government has also artificially boosted rooftop solar power by offering households certificates worth five times more than the energy generated. Senator Milne said that hundreds of jobs would be lost and thousands more not created if the legislation was not fixed. Projects that have stalled since the scheme was passed include AGL Energy's 174-turbine wind farm planned for Macarthur in western Victoria. Victorian Energy Minister Peter Batchelor and federal Coalition spokesman Nick Minchin have both called for the renewable energy scheme to be overhauled.

Assistant Climate Change Minister Greg Combet said the financial crisis was likely to have reduced the ability to raise finance for clean projects in the short term, and uncertainty about the blocked emissions trading scheme was hurting the renewable energy certificate price, which has fallen from a high of $53 to $35. He said the government was examining issues in the renewable energy market as part of a COAG review. Senator Minchin said he would not back the Greens' proposal to effectively lift the target, but backed the creation of bands dedicated to large-scale projects. He called on the government to confirm the date for the next COAG meeting and to guarantee the issue would be addressed.

Chaffey remains on a sharp electoral 'knife-edge'

Karlene Maywald has one eye on her iPhone as she explains the complexity of water policy and getting an airtight deal with Federal Government and the eastern states. The email on her screen, as she heads to another campaign stop, isn't what she wants to see, but her mind is already working overtime to find a resolution to the problem. But the reality of a day in the life of South Australia's only Nationals Member of Parliament, River Murray and Water Security Minister in a Labor government, is one of constant challenge.

And while many opponents have attempted to paint her as a stranger in a strange land, Mrs Maywald insists it is a job she wants to keep to achieve an outcome crucial for the State. "My first 'office' is here in Berri because it (my electorate) provides me with a job," she said. "The second 'office' is at State Parliament where I have ministerial responsibilities. "I haven't changed my spots. "The issue for me is not Labor or Liberal, it is to represent the electorate and do the best job I can as a minister."


Mrs Maywald says legislation and regulations governing the agreements between states are incredibly complex and will require experienced negotiators to ensure a satisfactory Murray Darling Basin Plan draft mid-year for implementation in 2011. "I want to be there to make sure an independent Murray Darling Basin Authority gets it right," she said. "I'm committed to that." But Mrs Maywald says the broad raft of issues - from drought recovery, implementing effective tourism strategies, health, education and creating jobs for youth - are never off her radar.

Liberal candidate Tim Whetstone, an orchardist from Renmark, who will have to achieve a 17.2 per cent swing (source: Anthony Green's SA Election Pendulum, ABC) against the incumbent candidate to assume office, is concerned about the same issues. But he vehemently rejects Mrs Maywald's assertion that Chaffey will be disadvantaged if she is not re-elected - with Premier Mike Rann guaranteeing her retention of her present portfolios - and says Labor's handling of the broader issues have left the government vulnerable.

Recent polls have put him in front of Mrs Maywald, whose primary vote at the last election was more than 53pc. "Water is the big ticket issue - without it, we've got nothing," Mr Whetstone said. "But securing a future for the region is vitally important. We need sustainability, to open up export markets and be market-driven in introducing new varieties (of citrus) and other exports. Yet all we've seen is the downgrading of Loxton Research Centre. "We've been 'done in the eye' for the past 11 years."

A former chairman of South Australian Murray Irrigators, he says the expansion of tourism, making the electorate a hub for retirees and giving the younger generation a chance of making a future in the region, have been left off Labor's agenda since it took office.

Murray algae a sign of poor river health

An outbreak of toxic algae in the Murray River is spreading rapidly, with the size of the bloom doubling in the space of 48 hours. More than 680 kilometres of the river is on the highest level of alert, after river managers increased warnings yesterday. The ''red alert'' now stretches from Wodonga to Barham, affecting major towns in between such as Yarrawonga, Cobram and Echuca. Under a red alert, people are advised to have no contact with the river or risk gastroenteritis, eye and ear complaints.

The same towns were affected for weeks by a massive algal bloom last year, and Environment Victoria spokeswoman Juliet Le Feuvre said outbreaks were becoming too common. ''Algal blooms are symptoms of long-term decline in river health, and when they start happening every year are a sure sign that the river is suffering from long-term lack of flows,'' she said.

''Providing enough water to prevent algal blooms is a great example of how environmental flows can bring economic benefits as well as ecological ones.''

Growing concerns about the algal bloom came as Victorian water authorities attacked the Murray-Darling Basin Authority for favouring the environment too much in a recent document on reform of the river. The authority recently released a paper on how a limit on water extraction across the Murray-Darling should be established, but Victorian authorities such as Goulburn-Murray Water said it was too heavily stacked against irrigators and rural economies. ''There is an implication that no degradation of any aspect of the environment can be tolerated at any time,'' said Goulburn-Murray's submission to the authority.

Bendigo's Coliban Water also criticised the document for being ''based too heavily on restoring a natural environment that has long been lost to history''. Central Highlands Water said human needs from the Murray-Darling Basin were not getting ''adequate focus''. A draft basin plan is due to be released in the middle of the year and put into action in mid-2011.

Barham algae reports denied

Two Barham caravan park owners are denying claims toxic blue green algae in the Murray River has reached them. A popular holiday destination for Bendigo locals, the caravan parks are preparing for Labour Day long weekend and Easter guests but say claims of the algae could turn people away. Despite reports by Goulburn-Murray Water that algae extends from Yarrawonga to Barham, the town’s two riverside caravans parks say their stretch of the river is fine. Barham Caravan and Tourist Park owner Kay Bassett said the river was algae-free.

“I can see it from my window and it’s white and foamy as it should be,” she said. “We’ve had it before but it’s not here now.

“The reports are ruining it for everybody.” Barham Lakes Caravan Park owner Shane Guerra said that early last year the river had been struck down with the algae and a red alert had been issued, but all was clear now. “We’ve had no issue with it,” he said. Early last year the river was struck down by a high concentration of the algae, which can cause gastroenteritis as well as skin and eye irritations.

The Barham section of the river is currently on an amber alert, but levels are expected to increase to red over the coming week. A red level indicates waters are unsuitable for recreational use or primary contact by domestic users, while it could also pose a threat to livestock and domestic animals. Murray Regional Algal Co-ordinating Committee deputy chairwoman Natasha Ryan said new sampling results had recorded a high presence of the algae between the Hume Dam and Barham.

“Sampling has shown Torrumbarry Weir between Echuca and Barham is on amber alert, but is likely to reach a red alert during the next week,” she said. “The species of blue-green algae identified are potentially toxic.” Mrs Bassett and Mr Guerra said they hadn’t been notified of the toxic algae.


“We haven’t had any warnings,” Mr Guerra said. “I’ve had shire workers and everything in the park . . . no one has mentioned anything at all,” Mrs Bassett said. “All the water here is filtered anyway, but there’s people still swimming in it.”§ion=news

Bi-state group to lobby for water security

Riverina Murray councils in New South Wales will invite their counterparts in northern Victoria to join a new committee pushing for greater water security for the region's farmers. The Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils (RAMROC) group wants the committee to put into action ideas raised at last week's Water for Food forum in Jerilderie.

It hopes the committee will keep the issue of food security high on the political agenda during an election year.

The councils are campaigning to protect food production from the effects of drought and government water buybacks.

RAMROC's Ray Stubbs says it is important the Victorian councils take part in the push. "The benefit of having a bi-state approach, a two-state approach, is that we can go jointly with council representatives from both sides of the river to lobby not only the Federal Government but also the respective state governments," Mr Stubbs said.

Mr Stubbs says the committee will be able to push the case for the region's farmers. "I think in this next 12 months, which in fact is going to be an election year at both state levels - Victoria and NSW- and the federal level, we need to maintain pressure on both government ministers and Coalition members as well about the importance of food security," he said.

Senate water inquiry rejected

The Senate has voted against holding an inquiry into the cause of toxicity in the George River, in north-east Tasmania.

Tasmanian Greens Senators, Bob Brown and Christine Milne moved a joint motion for a senate inquiry, amid claims the river contains tree toxins capable of killing human cells. Senator Milne says the motion was strongly opposed by both Tasmanian Labor and Liberal senators.

"The excuse that was given was there is already an inquiry being undertaken in Tasmania," she said. "But neither side would comment on the fact that in 2005 there was an EPA inquiry in Tasmania which found there was toxicity, but said it was from native forests and no need to do a further inquiry.”It's very clear to us that there needs to be a much bigger inquiry and we need an independent inquiry addition to that because I don't believe you can trust the Tasmanian Government or indeed the EPA to have the full inquiry that we need," she said.

Less coral, less clouds says researcher

Researchers from the Southern Cross University say an increase in ocean temperature could also affect rainforests along Australia's east coast. Associate professor Graham Jones, from the university's School of Environmental Science, says studies show that a natural gas produced by coral helps to create clouds over the sea. He says a warmer ocean could lead to mass coral bleaching, and therefore less coastal rainfall. "If we only increase the temperature of seawater by about two degrees, the production of these sulphur-aerosol substances from the coral shuts down and so therefore you wouldn't get the production of cloud cover like you normally would," Prof Jones said.

"The temperatures of the reef water would increase and you'd get mass coral bleaching episodes in the Great Barrier Reef," he said. "It's an extremely important process because it's involved with the formation of cloud cover," Prof Jones said. "Now the amount of cloud cover overhead dictates what the temperature of the planet will be, so when that process is working properly the temperature of the planet is going to be relatively cooler than if it wasn't working properly," he said.


Drought and Snow Hamper China
NTDTV - A drought in China's south and the cold weather in the north are affecting local economies and disrupting everyday life. It's been decades since Yunnan ... - See all stories on this topic


Fed govt extends drought assistance

The federal government has extended drought funding to farmers living in 34 areas in NSW, South Australia and Victoria.

Agriculture Minister Tony Burke announced the areas will continue to receive the government support until March 31, 2011, after a review was conducted by the National Rural Advisory Council. Government assistance was due to end at the end of next month. Two-thirds of the areas presently receiving drought support will continue to receive funds for another year, while one-third will no longer receive the drought assistance.

The government was still working to finalise the details of its new drought support system, Mr Burke said. The new system is expected to focus on prevention rather than recovery after a drought hits. "Under the current system, we wait until farmers are in crisis to step in and help them," he said in a statement. The majority of the 34 areas getting extended drought assistance are based in NSW and include the central west, the Riverina, and far west, including Broken Hill. South Australia's River Murray and lower lakes region will also continue to receive assistance as will Victoria's central, northern and north east regions. The state with the largest number of regions (at 11) to have drought assistance cut is South Australia.

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