6.BV. GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTIONS New Section. This is really a proper geometric topic, but there is some recreational interest in it, so I will cite some general references.
Robert C. Yates. Geometrical Tools. (As: Tools; Baton Rouge, 1941); revised ed., Educational Publishers, St. Louis, 1949. Pp. 82-101 & 168-191. Excellent survey. After considering use of straightedge and compasses, he considers: compasses only; folds and creases; straightedge only; straight line linkages; straightedge with fixed figure (circle, square or parallelogram); straightedge with restricted compasses (collapsible compass, rigid (or rusty) compass or rigid dividers); parallel and angle rulers; higher order devices (marked ruler, carpenter's square, tomahawk, compasses of Hermes, two right angle rulers, straightedge with compasses and fixed conic); plane linkages in general. Each section has numerous references.