Stand-off in Armenian capital ended

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Key Indicators August- 2016

1/8/16, Stand-off in Armenian capital ended. This began a few weeks ago but ended today in Yerevan. Armenia appears to be one of the nations to join the Gog-Magog alliance in the invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16. In the incidemt, about 20 men took some hostages and holed-up in a government building. They demanded the Armenian President resign and the release from jail of a political opposition leader. Just another indicator of the instability in the Caucassus (Gog-asite) nations. A big crowd of protestors supported the gunmen and their demands making things tricky for police to manage the situation.

1/8/16, Protestors in Yerevan jam the streets fourth summer in a row. This month they demonstrated for the reasons cited above. Again, it is the potential role of Armenians in the Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 Prophecy that is of interest here. The Armenian Church, a Christendomite cult that still practices animal sacrifice quite contrary to the points made in the Book of Hebrews, holds one of the Quarters in the Old City of Jerusalem. Armenian Christendomites may play a crucial role in the seizure of the City of Jerusalem so that Muslims can join them and other cults in exercising joint control of Jerusalem's holy places.

1/8/16, Three million people of Turkish heritage live in Germany. We ask, if Germany is the "Gomer" of Ezekiel 38:6 would this provide a supply of invaders heading for Israel from Germany when the Gog-Magog led invasion definitely takes off? But how many in the "three million" are Kurdish Turks? We doubt they would join such an alliance. Germany has also absorbed a very large number of recent Syrian, other Arabic-speaking and Cushite refugees as well. They might readily join an attack or crusade against Israel. Any of these people presumably add more to the 63 million refugees sloshing around Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

This information came in a TV report about a pro-Erdogan demonstration in Germany. The German authorities would not allow a televised speech by President Erdogan to the crowd on the grounds the event might lead to trouble on the streets. President Erdogan and many Turks in Germany were upset at the German Authorities' action.

3/8/16, "Focusing on their own lives and less on the meaning of life". This comment came for a TV report about the japanese avoiding the religious temples indicating a growing secularism in Japan. The Japanese no longer seem to consider their spritual side to life. Of course, there is only one true Spirit for us to relate to and that is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Only the Oracles of God in the Bible can give any true or real meaning to "Life".

5/8/16, "Augmented reality versus virtual reality". A discussion on a radio programme. In the first, one is adding to reality for example by using a view of a lounge and using the computer to see where the couch will fit best. One adds to or augments the scene. Virtual reality creates a complete scene for the viewer. Our comment is that life is being distorted in a great variety of ways with all this amazing technology. But long-term, and that may not be that far away now, this stuff is distorting people so much that they are being ripened for Antichrist-666 to take over with his astounding ('Harry Potter' like?) powers.

9/8/16, Yet another suicide bombing in Pakistan - 70 mourners dead. The reporter said there had been many such incidents in Baluchistan, Pakistan. This one was at Qetta. Some were blaming India trying to destabilise Pakistan. Many attacks are against Shias. In this case it seems the target was a group of lawyers. The event underscores the point that the vast majority of Islamist killings are of muslims by muslims and rarely are others involved.

Islam spread over many ethnic groups but took the prophecy-curses on Ishmael and Esau with them. Islam steadfastly refuses to accept that Jesus had to go to The Cross, dying, to appear before God, face to face, to pay for the sin of Adam, hence our own sin too. Man's Sin has brought us into all this mess. Most Muslims say Jesus was taken off the cross, recovered and never did pay the sin price (II Corinthians 5:21). In Christendom this is often named the "Swoon Theory". We rarely hear about that idea these days but it is alive and kicking in Islam, hence the problems that religion faces.

Islam needs to accept all that Christ did for each one of us. Failing that, and worse, by openly, regularly and publicly mocking Christ's Sacrifice, Muslims are bringing terrible curses upon themselves. Other belief systems tend to be more circumspect in their criticism of Christ's Sacrifice. Muslims also bring curses upon themselves by persecuting Israel. In fact it is their perrsecution of Israel that angers God the most. Their anti-Israel stance is even more ridiculous considering their Prophet Mohammad said in Sura XVII that the return of the Jews back to Israel would be a blessing from God.

Modern Muslims reject Mohammad's advice. Some of them claim Sura XVII refers to the Jews coming out of Egypt in 1485 BC. But that would make no sense whatsoever in AD 700 when the Diaspora of Israel, following the Roman expulsions of AD 70 and 135, clearly related to the situation of AD 700. Mohammad in Sura XVII was addressing a question about the Jewish situation in AD 700 when the majority of Diaspora Jews lived in Arab-controlled territory or in Babylon-Iraq-Persia. Muslims are almost unanimously anti-Israel, apart from, ironically, the governing classes in the original Arab states of Arabia and the Emirates where concerns about Iran's power drives them into a far less anti-Israel stance not far short of support though still not explicitly supporting Israel. On that point, very few nations explicitly 'support' Israel. On the other hand open action against Israel will definitely invoke curses on that nation under the Abrahamic Covenant. There is no such sanction against persecution of Christians although the long-run consequence of such action is not to be wanted!

9/8/16, Putin and Erdogan get together. In the wake of the purge now going on in Turkey after the attempted coup d'etat, a meeting for Mr Erdogan with Mr Putin is most apt. Putin is the beneficiary or inheritor of many a purge in the former Soviet Union's history. Not so long ago Putin and Erdogamn were in a war of words after Turkey shot a Russian fighter-plane out of someone's skies, either Syria's or Turkey's. Worse, one of the pilots was lynched by pro-Turkish fighters. No one in the wider world is really sure what the truth was there. No matter because Erdogan can now put the mistake down to Gulenist devotees trying to embarrass Mr Erdogan's Government and Presidency.

From the Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 point of view, we have here a meeting between the leader of Rosh-Russia and Meshech-Moscow and the leader of Modern Turkey once home to the Romanovs of Byzantium-Istanbul and to the ancient tribes of Meshech, Magog etc. The Tsars and Czars of Russia were both Sar and Caesar. Leaders of both Muslims (Sar) and Orthodox Christians (Caesar) and leader of Turkik and Slav. Russia became the Third Rome after the original city then Byzantium and now Moscow (Meshech).

But Turkey has been involved as a member of NATO for a while now and was seeking to join the EU. Putin would rather Turkey integrate economiically, join or align with Russia, Ukraine, perhaps even Germany, Iran etc than go with the Tarshishites (NATO-SEATO) and EU. One awaits the outcomes here to see if they do fit the prophecies. Definitely we have a good fit in these developments with the prophecies and enough to go on to positively encourage others to prepare to get aboard the Rapture Train rather than stay on the Gravy Train. That's weher Faith applies. We will never get certainty on these things. We will get very good evidence. Israel had great evidence Jesus wa Messiah. Its leaders rejected Him even though many members of the general population said "surely" this is The Son of David. We might say now, surely these events are the fore-runners to Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16. Certainly, no events in the past came close to fittinhg the current circumstances with Ezekiel. The Sea People Wars supposedly of the 12th Century BC but really of the 6th century BC bore a resemblance to being a fulfilment but most people are almost totally oblivious to that point.

9/8/16, "New Archaeological discovery at Tintagel". Just caught the tail-end of this item on a NZ radio station this morning (8:45 am). Apparently archaeologists have found a massive walled enclosure in Tintagel, Cornwall, South-West England. The complex held items from Byzantium inside. Byzantium was a little way north of Troy, possibly a variant of the name for Tyre, and had inherited ancient Tyre's hegeomy in Eastern Europe, Anatolia, Asia Minor. Archaeologists were dating the building's walls to the 5th Century AD, i.e., after the West Romans had withdrawn. Although the East Romans from Byzantium seemed to be having an influence there through trade or whatever.

In 28/1/16, "Magdalena River of Columbia drying up and threatens Cartaghena", we noted how far and wide Tyre's reach went in the millennium before Rome. Carthage is also named "Cartago" in some quarters so "Tintagel" is perhaps Tin-Targo in the original form of its name. It is generally accepted Phoenicians were extracting tin oxide from Cornwall. Even in modern times tin smelting has continued there. Phoenicians used tin to harden copper to make Bronze. The so-called Bronze Age, perhaps better named "The Age of Tyre", reflects the widespread popularity of Bronze in the ancient world. In our revised history we liken it to the oil trade of the modern Tarshishite Western Hemisphere which developed the oil trade and fostered the ubiquitous markets for oil and its by-products.

Tyrian Phoenicia's ancient hegemony is referred to in the Bible as "Tyre" but the Egyptians appear to have labelled it "Punt" the "Put" of Ezekiel 38:5. In Joshua 19:29 the scribe calls it a "fortified city" like Troy but clearly referring to the rocky island stronghold barely off the Lebanese Coast. Ezekiel chapters 26-8 devotes three chapters to the subject of Tyre reinforcing its importance to our understanding of both Prophecy and History or His Story.

In Matthew 21:1ff, Jesus travelled north to Tyre to meet the Syro-Phoenician woman with the demon-possessed daughter. It is the view in these papers that Jesus did that deliberately with God the Father and Holy Spirit to provoke the Syro-Phoenician woman to make the point she so vehemently did. The Holy Spirit moved her, clearly a Gentile believer in Jehovah, to say, "Even the house dogs get the crumbs from the master's tables". One can almost sense here Jesus the Son telling her it is not right to give meat to the dogs" then God saying, "You tell My Son, etc., ". Not a disagreement between Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but a conscious concerted cooperative action before a deliberately selected Jewish and Gentile audience. This event recalling God's direction to Elijah then Elisha; two single men, prophets of God, pleading with Israel to repent of the sin of Jereboam etc., harried-by-the-king; going to the region of Tyre to resurrect the dead son of two different Phoenician women; set the scene for Mary Magdalene that woman's daughter. That 'scene' would be in the Garden of the Tomb, with Jesus as the Last Eve and a Tyrian representative of Gentiles to be first to witness the risen God-Man Who came to save the World from The First Adam's Sin.

Yet the Scribes also referred to the "daughters of Tyre" as it does to the descendants of some other groups (Ezekiel 26:6, 27:15). We understand from these references that the world's history could all have come to a finality at the First Coming of Jesus Whose main Ministry at the beginning was to offer the Messianic Kingdom to His Generation of Israel as John had prepared the nation for this. However, or perhaps unfortunately, Exodus 4:8 reveals, ex post only not ex ante, that Israel would reject His First coming.

Thus certain unfilfilled prophecies that could have come into play by AD 30 had to be re-scheduled, from our point of view though God already foreknew the situation, for the Second Coming. It is Exodus 4:8 and the enigmatic situation there in connection with the resurrections of Lazarus and the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:1-13 that opens up this possibility of this Aleph-Tav (Greek, "Alpha and Omega") Bible Code History-Prophecy Continuum. However, it discontinued for a season as the world awaited the Christendom Era and Church Age to unfold. The Church Age ends at The Rapture. Not for very long after The Rapture, Christendom along with Israel and everyone else sees things through to the Second Coming.

Thus, we are now in the Tav or Last Phase where Tyre is represented by Tarshish and, for example, the Emirates and Arabia sitting atop Eden's oil are the modern "Sons of Dedan (Ezekiel 27:15). We really have to then say the text effectively coded the situation for revelation only in The Last Days (Daniel 12:4 & 9) when Jesus' disciples "longing for one particular Day of the Son of Man" (Luke 17:22), i.e., The Rapture Day - Would see it! When Jesus spoke to the Twelve and perhaps other disciples in the group, He said "You will not see it!" But Yeshua (Jesus) nevertheless referred to the Rapture Generation as having to live in an era "like the Days of Noah" or "Like the Days of Lot" (Luke 17:24-37, Matthew 24:36-41 and Mark 13:32-37).

So we now realise there had to be references to the sons and daughters of some of the ancient nations because those descendants - i.e., us - would begin to see the pattern: And the true History in order to explain the outstanding and unfulfilled Prophecies. That pattern is divided into two parts: The Aleph and the Tav or First and Last (Hebrew, Rishon v'Acheron). The way the prophecies would have panned out had Israel accepted Christ might have been a little different to our situation. Thus the prophecies were carefully worded, not to be ambiguous, but in order to fit either Israel-Reject or Israel-Accept scenario. Of course, God foreknew there would be the discontinuum so that the unfulfilled prophecies would apply specifically to the Latter i.e., the Tav. However, the prophets were carefulkly inspired in their words to craft them in order that they could equally be fulfilled under either scenario. This is an amazing concept to realise various texts were scattered through the general text of the Old And New Testaments. But that does seem to be the way that it is. It is extraordinary but true! Glory be to God!

This situation might also reveal why Jesus was 34 before He began His Ministry. It would seem that he spent many years just being with His earthly family, perhaps running a business founded by His deceased step-father. The point is that one could see the attempt of Herod to kll Baby Jesus and the disinterest apparent in the Temple in Jesus' bar Mitzvah year (AD 6-7) as indicating Israel's scepticism concerning the Scriptures. Specifically, they disbelieved prophecies about Messiah and the End of the Age, Messianic Kingdom etc., and even in the History of Israel, as our theologians do today. We can see that the prophecies still unfulfilled as at AD 70, when the Temple had been destroyed, could conceivably all be packed into a thirty year-or-so period. We won't expand that thought here

So these archaeologists have no idea what they are really unearthing. What they are doing is to confirm other evidence we use to expose the falsity of modern historians, archaeologists and Egyptologists. God is allowing this, in these Last Days as per Daniel 12:4 & 9, so that we can successfully exhort the rest of the world to return to the Bible's claims before it is to late. If one is not saved, one will not be there in the Millennium. It is during Christ's Millennial reign that mankind will be able to discover its history. Thay may well be part of our role in the Messianic Kingdom. Unearthing the past may well be part of our 'Work' in that blessed era which is why we get a millennium to do the job. Under current circumstances, for example with deliberate falsification by groups like Egyptologists, we are often stymied looking fro answers from the past. However, no such difficulties in the Millennium when we can undertake the task at our leisure with our resurrected bodies tirelessly available for the task.

10/8/16, 300 Volcanos found in Indian Ocean off Australian Coast. This comment came during a progress report on a nation-wide radio station about the search for Malay Airline MH 370. It apparently went off course and crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Debris has been coming ashore in Madagascar, Reunion and even Tanzania. So it does seem clear the plane, originally headed for Beijing from Kuala Lumpur enigmatically went off course. We reported in these pages on the search in 9/4/14, “Dozens of planes and ships scour ocean for missing MH 370". Now, in a search area off the West Australian Indian Ocean Coast covering about the same distance from Melbourne to Sydney, they have charted 300 volcanos. Long have we been suggesting as in 29/5/14, "$70 million to be spent mapping South Indian Ocean floor" and In 30/3/15, Mapping the ocean floor to sense what might be there that the crashed airliner is enabling funds to be relaease for ocean floor mapping.

Our first interest in this projct came from a lecture by Dr Fruchtenbaum on Jeremiah 31:31 where he pointed out that only if the universe and ocean depths could be mapped would God abandon the New Covenant (Brit Hadashah). It was made with Israel. At present, only the Church of Christ benefits from the covenant while Israel contines to reject it by failing to accept Jesus of Nazareth as Son of God, Son of David, The Promised Deliverer and the Messiah of Israel. While working for the New Zealand Government at the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology, the author received documents from three Governments, in an exercise he was doing for APEC, noting that mapping the heavens and the ocean were the "top two priorities for International Science and Economics".

However, while this is evidence the world system is being abused to meet the conditions laid down in Jeremiah 31:37, it is also becoming evident that Global Warming is about over-heating in the Earth's interior for reasons that have nothing to do with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. Ice core samples suggest as much as 6-8% of the atmosphere was CO2 before the ice came. We believe that is quite likely and that forests are currrently starved of CO2 That in turn means they cannot flourish as they did before the Great Flood of Noah that ushered in the Ice Age as the waters dried up in the form of snow that collected at the Poles and on the newly formed mountain tops.

The air-crash expert being interviewed just mentioned the 300 volcanos in passing. His main point was about the way the investigators had worked out the ocean area the plane most likely ditched in and how it fell from the sky. He was talking about the last few signals the plane had sent to the satellites giving clues as to its last skyward location before plunging seaward. The point about the volcanos was pure obiter dicta and not vital to the point of his discussion. This note therefore, or in this way, shows that vital information on one matter can be gleaned by following some other almost completely irrelevant story.

Thus, one conclusion we might draw is that there is a desperate attempt to map the heavens and oceans in order to directly challenge God's point in Jeremiah 31:37. It is almost as if the pilot perhaps deliberately, or even someone remotely, controlled the aiircraft and ditched the plane there in the southern Indian Ocean to get funding for the Jeremiah 31:37 Project. Of course one cannot seriously posit such an idea without more hard information. For example did the pilots have a pre-arranged rendezvous to meet some ocean-going vessel away down there to rescue them? Why did one of the pilots have such a route planned-out on his own personal flight simulator he had at home?

The whole event concerning MH 370 is so bizarre that one needs to explore the outer limits of the normal distribution curve to conduct a proper investigation. With what one knows about the rhymes and reasons of Egyology distortion one is not surprised to find out there is some skull-duggery going on here to! For example, oceanographers have noticed increasingly large waves pounding the under-sea ice shelves supporting the main land-based ice on Antarctica's continent facing the Indian Ocean. Some of these oceanographers worry that the main land-based ice shelves could catastrophically slip into the Indian Ocean if this turbulence continues or increases. Could these larger waves be generated by rising energy levels exuding from Indian Ocean floor volcanos and trenches covering massive rifts in the Earth's crust miles below the ocean's surface? If that is happening on the Indian Ocean floor what about the other oceans surrounding Antarctica?

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