Study on the vegetative propagation of guava (Psidium guajava L.) Through air and stool layering” Mr

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A field experiment was conducted to estimate the genetic variability and divergence in fenugreek and to carry out correlation and path analysis. Twenty five genotypes were sown in a randomized block design with three replications during rabi 2013-2014 at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The objective of the experiment was to identify divergent genotypes to be used as donor parents in hybridization programmes. Observations were recorded on 18 quantitative characters.

The analysis of variance revealed significant differences between genotypes indicating presence of sufficient amount of variability in all the characters studied. Wide range of variability was observed for plant height, number of pods per plant, seed yield and harvest index indicating the scope for selection of suitable initial breeding material for further improvement.

On the basis of the mean performance the genotypes L-14, L-15, L-3 and L-17 were identified as promising lines for further crop improvement in fenugreek.

High PCV and GCV were recorded in dry weight of the plant and number of pods per plant indicating the existence of wider genetic variability for these traits in the genotypes under study and showing ample scope for selection of these characters.

High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed in plant height, number of primary branches, fresh weight of the plant, dry weight of the plant at harvest, number of pods per plant, hundred seed weight and harvest index indicating contribution of additive genes in the expression of these traits. Therefore improvement in these characters can be done through direct selection to select better genotypes for fenugreek.

Correlation coefficient analysis indicated significant positive association of seed yield with number of pods per plant, fresh weight of the plant, dry weight of the plant, harvest index and seed yield per plot. Direct selection based on these traits could result in simultaneous improvement of characters and seed yield in fenugreek.

Path coefficient analysis showed that the character, seed yield per plot followed by harvest index, dry weight of the plant, days to 50% flowering, plant height and number of primary branches exhibited high positive direct effect on seed yield. This suggested that direct selection based on these traits will be rewarding for yield improvement.

Based on Mahalanobis D2 analysis, fenugreek genotypes were grouped into six clusters with maximum of 17 genotypes in cluster I followed by 4 genotypes in cluster II and cluster III, IV, V and VI having one genotype in each.

Genetic diversity analysis revealed that maximum intra-cluster distance was shown by cluster I and minimum in cluster II. The maximum inter cluster distance was observed between cluster VI and III and minimum between cluster V and III. Therefore, the genotypes belonging to cluster I and clusters VI and III may be undertaken in a hybridization programme for getting good segregants.

In conclusion, superior genotypes viz., L-14, L-15, L-3 and L-17 can be used in breeding programmes through either pureline or mass selection methods or hybridization for the development of superior fenugreek varieties for commercial cultivation. It is emphasized to lay attention on the traits viz., plant height, number of pods per plant, seed yield and harvest index in crop improvement programme of fenugreek in future.

208)Standardization of guava fruit bar from red pulped variety Lalit”- D.Navya Sri.


The present investigation entitled “Standardization of guava fruit bar from red pulped variety Lalit” was carried out in a set of two experiments during 2013-14 at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The objective of this study was to develop an attractive coloured, nutrient rich and highly palatable fruit bar from red fleshed guava variety.

In the first experiment, the effect of cultivars and concentration of Sodium Benzoate on quality of guava fruit bars was studied. Seven fruit bar recipes were prepared as per FPO specifications using Lalit (red fleshed variety), Lalit-Allahabad Safeda (75:25) blend and compared with Allahabad safeda fruit bar (white pulped variety). The fruit bars were preserved with different concentrations of Sodium Benzoate (100, 150 and 200ppm). The seven samples of fruit bar were dried in solar powered cabinet dehydrator (SDM-50) for 48 hours.

The physico-chemical and organoleptic qualities of the fruit bars were evaluated initially in seven fruit bar recipes. The ‘Lalit’ fruit bar with 150 ppm Sodium benzoate had maximum moisture content, TSS, reducing sugars and Lycopene content while ‘Lalit-Allahabad safeda’ blended bar with 100 ppm Sodium Benzoate had maximum ascorbic acid (64.95 mg 100 g-1). Lalit-Allahabad Safeda blended bar had highest overall acceptability followed by ‘Allahabad safeda-Lalit’ blended bars preserved with 150 ppm sodium benzoate. Based on the sensory scores these three fruit bars were selected for storage stability.

In the second experiment, the three best fruit bars recipes with better quality, textural and sensory properties were selected and assessed for storage stability. The bars were kept at two storage temperatures viz., ambient temperatures (27±1ºC and 60% RH) and accelerated temperatures (37±1ºC and 90% RH) for 90 days.

The moisture content of fruit bars decreased under ambient conditions while they gained weight at accelerated storage temperatures. There was a slight decrease in the concentration of total soluble solids, total sugars, and pH in the fruit bar samples stored at two storage temperatures upto 90 days of storage. With subsequent decrease in total sugars, there was slight increase in the percent of titrable acidity and considerable increase of reducing sugars in three fruit bar recipes during storage.

Among the three bar recipes, ‘Lalit’ bar preserved with 150 ppm Sodium Benzoate retained highest total soluble solids, acidity and total sugars upto 90 days of storage at ambient conditions. Whereas the ‘Lalit-Allahabad safeda’ blended bar retained maximum ascorbic acid content (17.90 mg 100 g-1) upto 90days.

Although non-enzymatic browning was very high in ‘Lalit’ fruit bar the Bar retained red colour due to the presence of Lycopene and which might have masked the brown colour or pigments in the fruit bars.

‘Lalit-Allahabad safeda’ blended bar had highest rating for sensory attributes like colour, flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability after 90 days of ambient storage.

The fruit bars stored at ambient temperatures with 60% RH had highest percentage of nutrient retention and no microbial count upto 3 months of storage period. At accelerated temperature, the microbial count was observed from 60th day of storage and increased with increase in storage period, however the products were found safe for consumption.

It can be inferred from the study that, though plain bar of ‘Lalit’ were nutritionally good, based on the sensory evaluation scores the blended fruit bar of ‘Lalit-Allahabad safeda’ was rated as the best.

Thus by blending nutritionally and lycopene rich ‘Lalit’ variety with ‘Allahabad safeda’ a fruit bar superior in appearance, colour, texture, taste and flavor was prepared which has more acceptability than the plain bars of ‘Lalit’ and ‘Allahabad Safeda’.

This study highlighted the feasibility of blending red and white pulped guava varieties in preparation of novel fruit bar which is nutritionally rich and superior in quality attributes.
209) “Effect of dates of planting and nitrogen on growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata. L.)” – P.Lavanya.


The present investigation entitled “Effect of dates of planting and nitrogen on growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata. L.)” was carried out in late kharif 2013-2014 at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Venkataramannagudem, Dr.Y.S.R.Horticultural University, West Godavari (Dist.), Andhra Pradesh

Present study included 16 treatments each replicated thrice in Factorial Randomized Block Design. The treatments included four levels of planting dates (15thAugust, 1stSeptember, 15thSeptember, 1stOctober) and four levels of nitrogen (100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1,300 kg ha-1,400 kg ha-1).
Different dates of planting showed significant influence on vegetative parameters. The growth parameters like plant height, number of leaves per plant and leaf area at all growth stages were maximum with the crop planted on 15th September (D3).The number of days taken to initiation of head, days to harvest and percentage of abnormal heads were found to be minimum with 15th September planting (D3). Similarly crop planted on 15th September (D3) recorded the highest head circumference, volume of head, head weight and estimated yield per hectare when compared to all other treatments. Nitrogen uptake by the plant and available soil potassium were found to be highest with the crop planted on 15th September (D3) and available soil nitrogen was found to be highest with 1st October planting (D4). However, dates of planting had no significant influence on available soil phosphorus.
Different nitrogen levels had shown significant influence on vegetative parameters. All the growth parameters like plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area and plant spread at different growth stages viz., 30DAT, 60 DAT and at harvest recorded highest values with application of nitrogen @ 300 kg ha-1 (N3).The number of days taken to initiation of head, days to harvest and percentage of abnormal heads were found to be minimum with application of nitrogen @ 300 kg ha-1 (N3). Similarly the crop applied with 300 kg N ha-1 (N3) recorded the highest head circumference, volume of head, head weight and estimated yield per hectare. Nitrogen uptake by the plant and available soil nitrogen content were found better with nitrogen application @ 300 kg ha-1. However, available soil potassium content was highest with application of nitrogen @400kg ha-1(N4).The effect of different nitrogen levels on available soil phosphorus was found non-significant.
The interaction effect of dates of planting and nitrogen was found non- significant on vegetative characters. But it had significant influence on yield and yield attributing characters. Among all the treatments, combination of 15th September planting with an application of nitrogen @ 300 kg ha-1 (D3N3) recorded the highest volume of head, head weight and estimated yield per hectare.
Similarly the crop planted on 15th September with an application of nitrogen @ 300 kg N ha-1 (D3N3) recorded highest available soil potassium content. Highest benefit cost ratio was also recorded with the same combination. Hence the combination of 15th September planting with an application of nitrogen @ 300 kg ha-1 (D3N3) may be recommended to get higher yields and quality heads of cabbage in coastal Andhra Pradesh.
210) “Effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield of taro (Colocasia esculentum var. antiquorum) cv. KCS-3” – M.Sai Priya.

The present investigation entitled “Effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth and yield of taro (Colocasia esculentum var. antiquorum) cv. KCS-3 was carried out during the kharif season of 2013-2014 at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Venkataramannagudem, West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. The study was carried out with 16 different treatments involving different combinations of nitrogen and potassium. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design (RBD) with factorial concept replicated thrice and data on the effect of different nitrogen and potassium treatments on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and economics were recorded and statistically analyzed.

Different nitrogen levels had significant influence on the plant growth parameters with respect to plant height, plant spread, number of leaves, leaf lamina length, leaf lamina width, number of tillers, girth of pseudostem, petiole length and petiole breadth and highest values for all these parameters were recorded with the application of 120 kg N ha-1. The yield contributing parameters like corm length, corm girth, cormel length, cormel girth, corm yield per plant, number of cormels per plant, cormel yield per plant, estimated cormel yield (q ha-1) were also recorded highest with the nitrogen application of 120 kg N ha-1. Significant difference was observed due to the effect of different nitrogen levels on quality parameters of taro. Acridity increased with increasing rate of N application. Similarly the increasing rate of N has increased the nitrogen content in soil and nitrogen uptake in all the plant parts.

The influence of different levels of potassium on plant growth and yield parameters were differed significantly and recorded the maximum values with the application of upto 120 kg K ha-1 and thereafter the values decreased even with the increase in the potassium levels.

Among the different interaction effects between nitrogen and potassium application of 120 kg ha-1 of nitrogen and 120 kg ha-1 of potassium showed non significant influence in most of the growth and yield characters viz., leaf lamina length, leaf lamina width, petiole length, petiole breadth, leaf lamina length / width ratio, corm length and girth, cormel length and girth and phosphorus uptake by the plant. However, corm yield per plant, number of cormels per plant and cormel yield differed significantly. The acridity of cormels increased with increase in levels of nitrogen and potassium. However, the differences were non- significant. The gross returns and net returns recorded maximum with application of 120 kg ha-1 of nitrogen and 120 kg ha-1 of potassium resulting in a maximum benefit-cost ratio of 3.5.

Among the different treatment combinations, it was found that the treatment combination of nitrogen at 120 kg ha-1 and potassium at 120 kg ha-1 proved to be the best for cultivation of taro under light soils of coastal Andhra Pradesh.

211) “Studies on influence of denavelling and stalk end application of nutrients on yield and quality of banana cv. Dwarf Cavendish” – I Priyanka.


An experiment was carried out to ascertain the “Studies on influence of denavelling and stalk end application of nutrients on yield and quality of banana cv. Dwarf Cavendish” at Horticultural College and Research Institute,Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University, Venkataramannagudem, West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design (RBD) replicated thrice, with eleven treatments and the data on the effect of denavelling and stalk end application of nutrients on yield and quality were recorded and statistically analyzed.

The treatments were imposed by excision of male bud i.e. 5-7 days after opening of the last hand in the bunch and immersing the rachis / stalk into the plastic bag containing different treatments of cow dung slurry.

The treatment consisted of fresh cow dung (500 g), water 250 ml and a combination of different concentrations of AS (10 g & 20 g), SOP (10 g & 20 g), KNO3 (10 g & 20 g) and KH2PO4 (10 g & 20 g).

The results revealed that denavelling of bunches improved yield irrespective of treatments. The bunch characters in terms of bunch yield (73.10 t / ha), bunch weight (20.57 kg), weight of the hand (2.60 kg), weight of the finger (127.66 g) was observed maximum in denavelled bunch treated with combination of 500 g of fresh cow dung slurry with 20 g of SOP (T7) as compared to control.

Finger parameters of the bunch like finger length (18.43 cm), finger circumference (12.90 cm), weight of the pulp (109.16 g), weight of the peel (42.31 g) was observed maximum in denavelled bunch treated with combination of 500 g of fresh cow dung slurry with 20 g of SOP as compared to control.

Quality parameters of the bunch were also influenced markedly. Highest T.S.S. (17.16 0Brix), reducing sugar (8.23 %), total sugar (17.10 %), ascorbic acid (6.60 mg / 100 g) and sugar to acid ratio (68.4) were increased by a treatment combination of fresh cow dung slurry 500 g and SOP 20 g. Other treatment combinations also showed improvements in bunch weight and quality parameters as compared to the control.

Post harvest parameters of the bunch like PLW (10.60 %), days to ripening (5.50 days) and shelf life (7.56 days) observed maximum in T7 (denavelled bunch treated with combination of 500 g of fresh cow dung slurry with 20 g of SOP) as compared to control.

From the present investigation, it was found that the treatment imposed to the denavelled bunch with the combination of fresh cow dung slurry 500 g and SOP 20 g, proved to be best for yield and quality improvement in banana cv. Dwarf Cavendish.
212) “Studies on the effect of post-harvest treatments and floral preservatives on extension of vase life of cut gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hook.) cv. Savannah” – K.C.Bhanu Murthy.
The present investigation entitled “Studies on the effect of post-harvest treatments and floral preservatives on extension of vase life of cut gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hook.) cv. Savannah” was carried out in the Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture Laboratory, College of Horticulture, Mojerla during year 2013-14.
A total set of five experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of precooling and pulsing, locally available preservatives, essential oils, antioxidants and mineral salts and their combination treatments under ambient condition and at 5oC on different parameters viz., physical (scape bending curvature, ligule wilting percentage and percentage of spoilage of flowers and physiological (water uptake, transpirational loss of water, fresh weight change) at an interval of 2 days whereas biochemical parameters (total soluble solids, pH, anthocyanin content, optical density) at an interval of 3 days and microbial count (initial and final) also recorded during vase life period of cut gerberas.

All the experiments were laid out in a completely randomized design with factorial concept and replicated thrice. In all five experiments, the flowers were held in the test treatment solutions at ambient room temperature and at 5oC till the end of vase life period.

Among the precooling and pulsing treatments, precooling for six hours followed by pulsing for twelve hours with sucrose at 20% and sodium hypochlorite at 50 ppm kept in vase soultion (4% sucrose + 25 ppm NaOCl) recorded best results for almost all the parameters studied and resulted in higher vase life of 9.46 days in cut gerbera cv. Savannah compared to control (4.54 days).

The other holding experiments with locally available preservatives, essential oils, antioxidants and mineral salts were evaluated through precooling for six hours followed by pulsing for twelve hours with sucrose at 20% and sodium hypochlorite at 50 ppm in both conditions i.e. ambient and at 5oC. Among different treatments tried, neem extract at 1%, rosemary oil at 5% and calcium chloride at 0.1% significantly increased the vase life in cut gerbera cv. Savannah compared to control in ambient and also at 5oC due to their antimicrobial activity and maintenance of postive water relations.

The best treatments of each holding solutions were studied in combination under ambient condition and at 5oC. Under ambient condtion, among all the treatments, neem extract at 1% + calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose at 4% recorded maximum vase life (13.37 days) whereas control recorded lowest vase life of 4.71days. Due to antimicrobial activity of both neem extract and calcium chloride resulted in better maintenance of water relations with highest water uptake (10.17 g), fresh weight change (96.65 %) in neem extract at 1% +calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose at 4% and also lowest microbial count was recorded (3.42 x 105 cfu/ml) which is attributed with lowest optical density i.e. (0.046) whereas control recorded highest microbial count (9.22 x 106 cfu/ml). Scape bending curvature was also low (3.17 degrees) due to turgidity of scapes which led to lowest ligule wilting percentage (12.20 %) and percentage of spoilage of flowers (9.10 %) respectively. Further, neem extract at 1% +calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose at 4% recorded highest anthocyanin content of ligules (6.66 mg Congo Red/g f wt) and also highest TSS content in flower stalk (10.13 oBrix) over control.

At 5oC, among all the treatments, neem extract at 1% + calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose 4% recorded maximum vase life of 32.32 days and lowest vase life of 18.43 days was recorded in control. The treatment neem extract at 1% + calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose at 4% showed highest water uptake (5.74 g) due to antimicrobial activity of both neem extract and calcium chloride resulted in maintenance of prolonged water relations due to slower metabolic activity with reduced respiration rate at 5oC. Scape bending was also low (3.29 degrees) due to higher water uptake and turgidity of scapes. The treatment neem extract at 1% + calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose at 4% recorded highest TSS content (10.46 oBrix) and anthocyanin content of ligules (6.69 mg Congo Red/g f wt) respectively. Further, neem extract at 1% + calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose at 4% registered lowest microbial count (3.12 x 105 cfu/ml) which is attributed with lowest optical density (0.041) whereas control recorded highest microbial count (8.68 x 106 cfu/ml).

Among the vase solutions studied, the treatment neem extract at 1% + calcium chloride at 0.1% + sucrose at 4% recorded highest benefit cost ratio in both conditions of storage i.e. ambient condition (1:2) and at 5oC (1:6).

213) “Effect of spacing, pinching and plant bio-regulators on growth, flowering and seed yield in china aster “(Callistephus chinensis L. Nees)”.- K.Pavan Kumar.

Two field experiments were conducted to study the effect of spacing, pinching and plant bio regulators on growth, flowering and seed yield in China aster cv. Kamini at College farm, College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during year the 2013-14. The closer spacing of 30 x 15 cm (S1) recorded significantly higher plant height at 90 DAT (54.08 cm), minimum days to first flowering (82.30) and 50% flowering (100.42), maximum flower stalk length (37.18 cm), number of flowers per plot (3684.37), flower yield per plot (4.66 kg), flower yield per hectare (14.38 t), seed yield per plot (649.12 g) and seed yield per hectare (2003.46 kg). While wider spacing of 45 x 30 cm (S3) recorded more number of primary branches per plant (27.51), number of secondary branches per plant (72.47) and plant spread (44.84 cm), maximum flower diameter (6.20 cm), number of flowers per plant (65.88), flower yield per plant (70.56 g) and seed yield per plant (12.40 g). Significantly higher plant height at 90 DAT (55.87 cm) was recorded in unpinched plants, while plants pinched at 20 DAT recorded significantly higher number of primary branches per plant (26.62), number of secondary branches per plant (71.83), plant spread (44.52 cm), flower stalk length (36.83 cm), number of flowers per plant (70.47), number of flowers per plot (3760.86), flower yield per plant (73.46 g), flower yied per plot (4.01 kg) and flower yield per hectare (12.38 t), seed yield per plant (13.07 g) seed yield per plot (684.02 g) and seed yield per ha (2161.58 kg) when compared to other pinching treatments (30 and 40 DAT).
Among the growth regulators, GA3 200 ppm spray recorded significantly higher plant height at 90 DAT (60.10 cm), number of primary branches per plant (24.60), number of secondary branches per plant (61.45), number of flowers per plant (84.96), flower yield per plant (109.66 g), flower yield per hectare (16.58 t), seed yield per plant (9.98 g), seed yield per ha (1509.31kg) and 1000 seed weight (2.01g). GA3 200 ppm foliar spray was found to be on par with SA 200 ppm in respect of number of primary branches (23.86), flower yield per hectare (15.90 t),seed yield per plant (9.85 g) and seed yield per hectare (1489.65 kg). On the basis of present research findings it could be concluded that for obtaining higher flower and seed yield per hectare in China aster cv. Kamini planting at a closer spcacing of 30x15 cm and pinching at 20 DAT could be recommended.
Salicylic acid 200 ppm foliar spray at 20 and 35 DAT could be recommended for increased growth, flower and seed yield in China aster cv. Kamini as it is more cheaper than GA3.
214) “Studies on improvement of shelf life of custard apple (Annona

squamosa L.) cv. balanagar and hybrid x atemoya balanagar stored at

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