Subject curriculum in sami as a second language sami 2 and sami 3

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The objectives of the subject
The Sami are one people even if they live in different countries, and their language unifies the Sami across national borders. The Sami language is an important culture bearer and embeds common values, experiences and knowledge. Sami is an official language in Norway, Sweden and Finland, and it is a goal that the Sami language shall be preserved and developed for coming generations. Sami is also a minority language in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia, and the situation and conditions for the Sami language are not the same in the different areas of Sápmi/Sábme/Saepmie, the name of the Sami areas. In some Sami communities Sami is the majority language, in others it is a minority language.
Sami language education shall contribute to making children and young persons members of Sami culture and social life, where cultural understanding, communication, formal education and identity development are key elements of the teaching. Education that promotes positive attitudes to the Sami language, and which considers the linguistic and cultural diversity the pupils experience, will provide the pupils with multilingual and multicultural competence. Solid Sami language skills are an important requirement for participation in Sami social life and working life and provide opportunities when it comes to education and employment and lifelong learning.

Together with the Norwegian subject, Sami as a second language shall form the basis for developing the bilingual skills of the pupils, and contribute to giving each and every pupil knowledge, motivation and confidence to choose Sami as their language of communication. By preserving central values in Sami culture the subject may also help to show how Sami values can be developed and adapted to new situations in a time of continuous change. Knowledge about other indigenous peoples and cultures may contribute to increasing one's respect and understanding of others and also to a better understanding of one's own culture.

Language skills and language understanding are developed through active use of the language. Communication and personal interaction are thus key elements in the subject, and experiences and participation may develop the pupils' oral language. The subject shall stimulate the development of good learning strategies and the ability to think critically. The subject shall also motivate the development of enjoyment in reading and writing, and good reading and writing habits. Through the encounter with Sami literature and different Sami languages and dialects pupils may develop their understanding of the linguistic and cultural diversity of Sami communities.
Pupils with Sami as their second language come to school with different backgrounds. Some have Sami-speaking arenas in their local neighbourhood where Sami is heard, while others have little contact with the language outside their school situation. If the pupils are to develop their Sami competence optimally, it is important that they use different linguistic arenas. The Sami as a second language subject may also be useful as a tool in other subjects. The subjects Sami and Norwegian have many common elements, and it is thus important that there is close cooperation between them.

Main subject areas

The subject has been structured into main subject areas with competence aims. These main subject areas supplement each other and must be considered together. The subject curriculum is divided into 10 levels. Competence aims for each of the main subject areas are included on all 10 levels.

Overview of main subject areas:


Main subject areas

1- 10

Oral communication

Written communication

Awareness of language and culture

Oral communication

In the main subject area oral communication being able to listen and speak are key elements. Speaking Sami means communicating orally in active participation with others. This is developed through playing and games, experiences, learning, thinking, presentation and interaction. Exploring and developing the repertoire of linguistic roles and learning new words and terms, enables the pupil to formulate oral text and express his or her own opinions and assessments. When new and various media are taken into use, the linguistic repertoire increases across subjects and topics.

Written communication

This main subject area focuses on written communication, i.e. reading and writing in Sami. Reading and writing are parallel processes in each pupil's learning progress. This means developing the ability to understand and find meaning in texts written in Sami, and being able to create written texts in Sami. Encountering different texts gives insight and opens for in-depth studies that form the basis for developing new thoughts and the ability to reflect upon, interpret and assess the texts. Reading and writing skills are the key to new experiences, a bigger vocabulary and provide the basis for one's own production of texts.

Awareness of language and culture

This main subject area focuses on seeing the relationship between language and culture. The handing over of traditional knowledge from one generation to the next is a key element here. The Sami narrative tradition, joik (Sami chant), songs and hymns, diidat/dijda1 and sayings, fiction, pictures, film and theatre are cultural elements that present knowledge and values. The main subject area comprises knowledge about Sami language and literary history and knowledge about Sami languages and dialects. Cultural competence means having knowledge about and respect for cultural similarities and differences in and between Sami communities.

Competence aims by levels

The subject curriculum for Sami as a second language is designed with competence aims on 10 levels. These levels build on each other. The pupils may choose one of two alternatives, i.e. Sami 2 or Sami 3 to satisfy the competence aims in Year 10, in Vg3 for programmes for general studies and in Vg2 for vocational education programmes.

Sami 2

This is an alternative for pupils who know some Sami but do not master the language. In Sami 2 the pupils shall satisfy the competence aims for levels 1-7 after Year 10. After Vg3 in programmes for general studies pupils shall satisfy the competence aims for levels 1-10. The pupils who complete all the 10 levels can attain a linguistic competence that enables them to use the language orally and in writing, and they will have the option of continuing to take education on a higher level where the language of instruction is Sami.

Sami 3

This is an alternative for pupils who know no Sami when they start learning this language, and they will thus benefit from spending more time on each level. In Sami 3, the pupils shall have satisfied the competence aims for levels 1-4 after Year 10. After Vg3 in programmes for general studies, the pupils

shall have satisfied the competence aims for levels 1-7. The pupils may choose to be assessed in accordance with the competence aims for either Sami 2 or Sami 3. The school must inform the pupils of this opportunity so they will be motivated to sit for the final examination after Sami 2. The pupils must decide this at the latest at the start of Year 10.

13 years of school


Competence aims Sami 2

Competence aims Sami 3

Primary school

After Year 10

Levels 1-7

Levels 1-4

Programmes for general studies

After Vg1

Levels 1-8

Levels 1-5

After Vg2

Levels 1-9

Levels 1-6

After Vg3

Levels 1-10

Levels 1-7

Vocational education programmes

After Vg2

Levels 1-8-*

Levels 1-5

After supplementary studies qualifying for higher education

Levels 1-10

Levels 1-7

*In vocational education programmes the total number of teaching hours in Sami in Vg1 and Vg2 will be lower than in Vg1 programmes for general studies. Competence aims marked by an asterisk (*) on level 8 will not apply to pupils in vocational education programmes.

Teaching hours

Teaching hours are given in 60-minute units:


Years 1 to 7: 570 teaching hours


Years 8 to 10:

Alternative 1: 279 teaching hours, applies to pupils who do not choose a foreign language/in-depth language study

Alternative 2: 222 teaching hours, applies to pupils who choose a foreign language/in-depth language study


Vg1: 103 teaching hours

Vg2: 103 teaching hours

Vg3: 103 teaching hours


Vg1: 45 teaching hours

Vg2: 45 teaching hours

Vg3: 219 teaching hours

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated in the competence aims where they contribute to the development of competence in the subject, while also being part of this competence. In the subject curriculum for Sami as a second language, the basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally and in writing in Sami as a second language is a key element in the development of Sami language competence. These skills are important tools in the work to understand and use the language in increasingly varied and demanding contexts. Having oral skills means being able to listen, speak and assess the elements in a complex speech situation. Systematic training through various oral activities contributes to the development of oral skills. Writing is also a way of developing and structuring ideas and thoughts. Writing is a way of developing and structuring ideas and thoughts, but it is also a communication form and a method of learning.
Being able to read in Sami as a second language is part of the practical linguistic competence and means being able to read with understanding, and explore and reflect upon increasingly more demanding texts. Developing reading skills in Sami as a second language can also contribute to strengthening reading skills in general.
Having skills in mathematics in Sami as a second language means general concept development, reasoning and problem solving. Understanding quantities, amounts, calculations and measurements is also part of linguistic competence.
Being able to use digital tools in Sami as a second language is necessary to master new text forms and expressions. This opens for new learning arenas and allows new possibilities in the teaching of reading and writing, and for the production, composition and editing of texts. In this context it is vital to develop the ability to critically assess and use sources. Digital tools may support and develop the pupils' communication skills and presentations

Competence aims in the subject

Competence aims after level 1

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • listen to, play and experiment with Sami language sounds

  • explore and experiment with words, sounds, rhymes and nonsense verse

  • greet people, say thank you and present him-/herself in Sami

  • recognise simple words, names, concepts and brief sentences connected to day-to-day situations

  • combine simple words into short sentences

  • count from one to 20 in Sami, and use these figures in communication

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • use letters and experiment with Sami words

  • recognise Sami letters

  • read and recognise short words

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • discuss Sami language and situations where it might be useful to know Sami

  • experience and recognise the language through joik, songs, hymns, simple stories, fairytales, pictures, games, TV programmes and digital tools

Competence aims after level 2

Oral communication
The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • play and experiment with language sounds and work with pronunciation and intonation

  • listen to and understand simple conversations and simple stories

  • tell others something about him-/herself and others in Sami

  • participate in simple day-to-day dialogues using simple spoken phrases to understand and be understood

  • talk about texts and pictures with simple expressions

  • count in Sami from one to 100, and use the figures in communication

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • read and write words from daily conversations

  • recognise words and terms from texts

  • write messages, words and short sentences

  • use digital tools when writing

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • listen to and participate in presentations of joik, songs, hymns, rhymes, nonsense verse and poems

  • use terms for days of the week, months and the eight seasons

  • talk about which Sami words he or she already knows and in which situations he or she uses Sami

  • use Sami names for clothing and tell others about similarities and differences between Sami costumes from different areas in Sápmi/Sábme/Saepmie

Competence aims after level 3

Oral communication
The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • present him-/herself and tell about his/her family and relatives

  • understand and pass on simple messages, questions and information in Sami

  • listen to and understand conversations, stories and narratives

  • participate in conversations on everyday situations

  • express experiences and perceptions

  • use figures to indicate prices, amounts and quantities

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • reproduce the Sami alphabet and pronounce Sami language sounds

  • read and understand messages and short texts

  • write messages and texts about everyday situations

  • use dictionaries and other reference literature, digital tools and other aids in his or her own language learning

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • describe his or her own efforts to learn Sami and discuss how one learns new words

  • explore similarities and differences between Sami and other languages

  • talk about his or her own encounters with Sami literature for children and Sami TV shows

  • use terms about food, raw materials and food preparation and talk about Sami food

  • use terms about the directions of the compass and discuss the Sami constellations

Competence aims after level 4

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to
          • listen to, understand and conduct simple conversations

  • use a vocabulary that covers everyday situations

  • use figures to indicate time and dates

  • participate in conversations on practical work in and outside school

  • participate in conversations on his or her own experiences and perceptions

  • express him-/herself through drama, role play and improvisation

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • read texts from various genres and use experiences as inspiration in his or her own work

  • write texts that narrate, describe or present expressions

  • present his or her own texts to others

  • use digital tools to find information and as tools for composing texts

  • use printed and digital dictionaries and references works

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • participate in various activities where Sami is used and present stories based on these

  • experience and tell others about drama and theatrical performances

  • use terms about nature and Sami place names

  • use his or her own experiences and texts describing bilingualism and multilingualism as the basis for conversations

  • participate in conversations on Sami traditional industries

Competence aims after level 5

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • listen to the presentations of others, ask questions and express his or her own thoughts and opinions

  • use the language actively in different situations and contexts and activities

  • discuss current events and issues in the news

  • understand and use figures in practical situations

  • translate simple texts orally

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • read and write texts in different genres

  • write and present experiences from films and the literature he or she has read

  • compose stories by combining text and pictures and by using digital tools

  • use terms from grammar and text structuring as aids in his or her own work

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • use terms connected to traditional work and industries

  • discuss content and expression in Sami art

  • elaborate on Sami media

  • read texts by other indigenous peoples and cultures and tell others about his or her reading experiences

  • use terms that describe the weather, weather signs, snow and travelling conditions

Competence aims after level 6

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • listen to, understand and participate in spontaneous conversations

  • present interdisciplinary topics

  • tell others about events and stories

  • talk about familiar themes and current events

  • master a vocabulary that covers day-to-day situations

  • use terms from the Sami way of counting and doing mathematics

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • read a varied selection of texts

  • compose narrative and descriptive texts

  • assess his or her own texts and those of others

  • discuss and elaborate texts from different sources of information

  • use digital tools in his or her own language learning

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • talk about the concept of bilingualism and tell others about advantages of being multilingual

  • tell others about characteristics of the other Sami languages

  • elaborate on Sami institutions and organisations

  • read and present literature about and by other indigenous peoples and cultures

Competence aims after level 7

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • understand the content of stories and descriptions

  • listen to and understand the main content of long oral presentations

  • express his or her own experiences and argue for his or her own opinions

  • talk about literature and use central terms/concepts

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • produce his or her own texts for different purposes and apply different techniques when working with texts

  • apply the most important spelling rules

  • use basic terms from grammar and text structuring

  • read texts of different lengths and different genres, both in the original and translated versions

  • use digital tools when working with his or her own texts

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • describe how language varies according to situation, time and place

  • tell others about some special features of Sami dialects and sociolects

  • describe similarities and differences between Sami and other languages and use grammatical terms

  • talk about and express aesthetic experiences from art and duodji2

  • explain Sami literature and famous authors in the past and the present

Competence aims after level 8

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • assess appropriate strategies for learning new words and terms

  • master different oral presentation forms

  • use the language in more and more different situations and use new words and expressions

  • introduce and chair a discussion

  • conduct interviews and write minutes

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • read and present various specialised texts

  • write texts and use different sources and techniques

  • present information from different sources and media

  • use digital tools for presentation and publication of his or her own texts

  • read and comment upon a selection of texts, interpret and reflect upon content, form, purpose and theme *

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • elaborate on how the Sami language changes through internationalisation and influence from other languages

  • elaborate on how new terms come about or are made

  • talk about working life and vocations/trades

  • discuss news and relevant events

  • explore and elaborate on Sami narrative traditions

  • communicate about key events relating to the history of the language area *

  • elaborate on Sami literary history *

Competence aims after level 9

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • take initiatives to initiate, terminate and keep a conversation going and use different strategies so that the communication functions

  • discuss, argue and express his or her own opinions and points of view

  • describe and assess his or her own progress in learning Sami

  • identify linguistic similarities and differences between Sami and Norwegian

  • elaborate on how the spoken language deviates from the written language

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • read, interpret and reflect on the content, form and purpose of a sample of recent texts

  • produce and present his or her own texts

  • use different presentation forms for presenting his or her own work

  • compose fiction and factual texts

  • translate texts into Sami

  • communicate using digital media

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • discuss and elaborate on matters that influence language usage over time

  • elaborate on the place of the Sami language in Finno-Ugric languages

  • use media in his or her own work with the language

  • discuss news and events in Sápmi/Sábme/Saepmie

  • discuss the way young persons live, the way they socialise, their view on life and values in today's Sápmi/Sábme/Saepmie

Competence aims after level 10

Oral communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • master a broad vocabulary and express him-/herself according to the situation and in a nuanced way

  • elaborate on what influences communication and how knowledge about this can be used when working with language and text

  • assess and apply different listening strategies adapted to the purpose and situation

  • elaborate on linguistic similarities and differences between Sami and Norwegian

  • structure the language to suit different purposes

  • make notes from speeches and presentations

Written communication

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • select appropriate reading strategies to read different types of text

  • read, discuss, elaborate on and compare old and new Sami texts

  • present a written work based on in-depth literary studies

  • assess his or her own written work and development in written communication

  • use relevant terminology to describe the grammar and structure of the language

  • use administrative terms in communication with public institutions

  • use a selection of digital and other aids in an independent manner

Awareness of language and culture

The aims for the education are that the pupil shall be able to

  • present and compare a sample of Sami literature with literature from other cultures

  • elaborate on the main features of Sami language history

  • explain the interaction between language and culture in today's Sápmi/Sábme/Saepmie and how one's own language and culture are developed and changed in interaction with others

  • elaborate on the main features of Sami media history

  • discuss how various media function as information sources and how they influence our understanding of culture

  • discuss, elaborate on and present historic and current events in Sápmi/Sábme/Saepmie

Subject assessment

Provisions for final assessment

Overall achievement grade – Sami 2



Year 10

The pupils shall have two overall achievement grades, one for written Sami 2 and one for oral Sami 2.

Vg1 programmes for general studies

Vg2 programmes for general studies

Vg3 programmes for general studies

Vg2 vocational education programmes

Supplementary studies qualifying for higher education

The pupils shall have two overall achievement grades, one for written Sami 2 and one for oral Sami 2.

In subjects taught over a number of years only the overall achievement grade from the highest level in the subject taken by the pupil shall be entered on the competence certificate or diploma.

Overall achievement grade - Sami 3



Year 10

The pupils shall have two overall achievement grades, one for written Sami 3 and one for oral Sami 3.

Vg1 programmes for general studies

Vg2 programmes for general studies

Vg3 programmes for general studies

Vg2 vocational education programmes

Supplementary studies qualifying for higher education

The pupils shall have two overall achievement grades, one for written Sami 3 and one for oral Sami 3.

In subjects taught over a number of years only the overall achievement grade from the highest level in the subject taken by the pupil shall be entered on the competence certificate or diploma.

Examinations for pupils – Sami 2



Year 10

The pupils may be selected for a written examination in Sami 2. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The pupils may also be selected for an oral examination in Sami 2. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Vg2 vocational education programmes

The pupils may be selected for a written examination in Sami 2. The written examination is prepared and graded locally. The pupils may also be selected for an oral examination in Sami 2. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Vg3 programmes for general studies

Supplementary studies qualifying for higher education

The pupils may be selected for a written examination in Sami 2. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The pupils may also be selected for an oral examination in Sami 2. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Examinations for pupils – Sami 3



Year 10

The pupils may be selected for an oral examination in Sami 3. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Vg2 vocational education programmes

The pupils may be selected for a written examination in Sami 3. The written examination is prepared and graded locally. The pupils may also be selected for an oral examination in Sami 3. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Vg3 vocational education programmes

Supplementary studies qualifying for higher education

The pupils may be selected for a written examination in Sami 3. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. The pupils may also be selected for an oral examination in Sami 3. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Examinations for external candidates



Year 10

See the provision in force for primary school education for adults.

Vg2 vocational education programmes

External candidates shall sit for written and oral examinations in Sami 2 or Sami 3. The written examination is prepared and graded locally. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Vg3 programmes for general studies

Supplementary studies qualifying for higher education

External candidates shall sit for written examinations in Sami 2 or Sami 3. The written examination is prepared and graded centrally. External candidates shall also sit for an oral examination in Sami. The oral examination is prepared and graded locally.

Examinations for Sami 2 comprise levels 1-10. The examination for Sami 3 in Vg3 covers levels 1-7.

1 Diidat/dijda – popular belief (traditions, customs, maxims) about how to handle different situations and phenomena in day-to-day life.

2 Duodji is a term used to describe many types of Sami handicraft. It can be anything from silversmithing and knife-making, to sewing, embroidery and all of the fabric arts including fashion design, to woodworking including boat and sled making, and more.

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